; Adds resist information to the resist items I use and gives me the command ; resist" which takes the argument "ice", "dark", "unlife" or "off". ; Typing "resist ice" will make me put on my resist-ice item. Then a "resist ; unlife" will remove the ice-resist item and put on my unlife-resist item. ; resist off" will bring me back to standard no-resistance mode again. ; Needs to be modified to work for you. /set resisting OFF /set bag holding /alias gb get %* %{bag} /alias pb put %* %{bag} /def -F -p55 -mregexp -t"^Cloak of the seventh star" ebasubst1 = \ /substitute -a -p Resist DARK: Cloak of the seventh star%{PR} /def -F -p55 -mregexp -t"^an adamantine reinforced leather vest" ebasubst2 = \ /substitute -a -p Resist UNLIFE: an adamantine reinforced leather vest%{PR} /def -F -p55 -mregexp -t"^some midnight velvet robes..It seems to absorb light!" ebasubst3 = \ /substitute -a -p Resist ICE: some midnight velvet robes..It seems to absorb light!%{PR} /alias resist \ /if ({*} =~ '') \ /echo TF: Usage: resist [ice|dark|unlife|off] Curently: %{resisting}%; \ /elseif ({*} =~ 'off') \ noresist%; \ /echo TF: Resisting: %{resisting}%; \ /elseif ({*} =~ 'dark') \ noresist%; \ gb cloak%; \ rem robe%; \ wear cloak%; \ pb robe%; \ /set resisting DARK%; \ /echo TF: Resisting: %{resisting}%; \ /elseif ({*} =~ 'unlife') \ noresist%; \ gb reinforced%; \ rem blackened%; \ wear reinforced%; \ pb blackened%; \ /set resisting UNLIFE%; \ /echo TF: Resisting: %{resisting}%; \ /elseif ({*} =~ 'ice') \ noresist%; \ gb midnight%; \ rem blood%; \ wear midnight%; \ pb blood%; \ /set resisting ICE%; \ /echo TF: Resisting: %{resisting}%; \ /else \ /echo TF: Unknown resist: %{resisting}%; \ /endif /alias noresist \ /if (resisting =~ 'DARK') \ gb robe%; \ rem cloak%; \ wear robe%; \ pb cloak%; \ /set resisting OFF%; \ /elseif (resisting =~ 'UNLIFE') \ gb blackened%; \ rem reinforced%; \ wear blackened%; \ pb reinforced%; \ /set resisting OFF%; \ /elseif (resisting =~ 'ICE') \ gb blood%; \ rem midnight%; \ wear blood%; \ pb midnight%; \ /set resisting OFF%; \ /elseif (resisting =~ 'OFF') \ donothing%; \ /else \ /echo TF: Unknown current resist: %{resisting}%; \ /endif