; Note: You _must_ stand on FS when you run this. ; Usage: shopsearch ; Example: shopsearch parang ; ; What is does: Goes through all shops, doing a "list " (in this ; example "list parang") and, once done, returns to FS and shows all hits. ; If I find that a shop has the item I am looking for, I go 4w2s (to the tower ; bottom) and then do "shopsearchx parang" (moves one step up and checks the 4 ; shops there) until I find the shop which had the item I was looking for. ; Remember to go for the cheapest item if it's something sold in several ; shops. Price can differ greatly! /alias shopsearch \ /def -F -ah -t'* in stock]' shopsearchtrig1 = \ /tfshow ============================================================%%; \ trigonnextline /tfshow ============================================================%; \ /def -F -ag -msimple -t"You don't seem to have a shopsearch." shopsearchtrig2 = \ /recall -mglob 0- *%{*}*%%; \ /purge shopsearchtrig*%; \ 4w2su%; \ n%;list %{*}%;se%;list %{*}%;ws%;list %{*}%;nw%;list %{*}%;eu%; \ n%;list %{*}%;se%;list %{*}%;ws%;list %{*}%;nw%;list %{*}%;eu%; \ n%;list %{*}%;se%;list %{*}%;ws%;list %{*}%;nw%;list %{*}%;eu%; \ n%;list %{*}%;se%;list %{*}%;ws%;list %{*}%;nw%;list %{*}%;eu%; \ n%;list %{*}%;se%;list %{*}%;ws%;list %{*}%;nw%;list %{*}%;eu%; \ n%;list %{*}%;se%;list %{*}%;ws%;list %{*}%;nw%;list %{*}%;eu%; \ n%;list %{*}%;se%;list %{*}%;ws%;list %{*}%;nw%;list %{*}%;eu%; \ n%;list %{*}%;se%;list %{*}%;ws%;list %{*}%;nw%;list %{*}%;eu%; \ n%;list %{*}%;se%;list %{*}%;ws%;list %{*}%;nw%;list %{*}%;eu%; \ n%;list %{*}%;se%;list %{*}%;ws%;list %{*}%;nw%;list %{*}%;eu%; \ n%;list %{*}%;se%;list %{*}%;ws%;list %{*}%;nw%;list %{*}%;eu%; \ n%;list %{*}%;se%;list %{*}%;ww%;list %{*}%;e12d2n4e%; \ drop shopsearch /alias shopsearchx \ un%;list %{*}%;se%;list %{*}%;ws%;list %{*}%;nw%;list %{*}%;e