* * Dis Dev Save Ste Sea Per Fi Bo * STR INT WIS DEX CON CHR HD XP/lvl Wa Ma Pr Ro Ra Pa Infra arm ice alth rch cep ght ws * Human 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 +0% Y Y Y Y Y Y None 0 0 0 0 0 10 0 0 * Half-Elf 0 +1 -1 +1 -1 +1 10 +10% Y Y Y Y Y Y 20 feet 2 3 3 1 6 11 -1 5 Sustain dex * Elf -1 +2 -1 +1 -2 +1 9 +20% Y Y N Y Y N 30 feet 5 6 6 1 8 12 -5 15 Sustain dex, resist light * Hobbit -2 +2 +1 +3 +2 +1 7 +10% Y N N Y Y N 40 feet 15 18 18 4 12 15 -10 20 Hold life * Gnome -1 +2 0 +2 +1 -2 8 +25% Y Y Y Y N N 40 feet 10 12 12 3 6 13 -8 12 FA * Dwarf +2 -3 +2 -2 +2 -3 11 +20% Y N Y N N Y 50 feet 2 9 9 -1 7 10 15 0 Resist blind * Half-Orc +2 -1 0 0 +1 -4 10 +10% Y N Y Y N N 30 feet -3 -3 -3 -1 0 7 12 -5 Resist dark * Half-Troll +4 -4 -2 -4 +3 -6 12 +20% Y N Y N N N 30 feet -5 -8 -8 -2 -1 5 20 -10 Sustain strength, regen, _fast_ digestion * Dunadan +1 +2 +2 +2 +3 +2 10 +80% Y Y Y N Y Y None 4 5 5 2 3 13 15 10 Sustain con * High-Elf +1 +3 -1 +3 +1 +5 10 +100% Y Y Y N Y N 40 feet 4 20 20 3 3 14 10 25 See invis, resist light * Kobold -1 -1 0 +2 +2 -2 8 +15% Y N Y Y Y N 50 feet 10 5 0 4 15 15 -5 10 Resist poison * HD = Hit Dice * * STR INT WIS DEX CON CHR HD XP/lvl Disarm Device Save Stealth Search Percep Fight Bows * Warrior +5 -2 -2 +2 +2 -1 9 +0% 25(+10) 18( +7) 18(+10) 1(+0) 14(+0) 7(+0) 70(+45) 55(+45) * Mage -5 +3 0 +1 -2 +1 0 +30% 30( +7) 36(+13) 30( +9) 2(+0) 16(+0) 20(+0) 34(+15) 20(+15) * Priest -1 -3 +3 -1 0 +2 2 +20% 25( +7) 30(+10) 32(+12) 2(+0) 16(+0) 8(+0) 48(+20) 35(+20) * Rogue +2 +1 -2 +3 +1 -1 6 +25% 45(+15) 32(+10) 28(+10) 5(+0) 32(+0) 24(+0) 60(+40) 66(+30) * Ranger +2 +2 0 +1 +1 +1 4 +30% 30( +8) 32(+10) 28(+10) 3(+0) 24(+0) 16(+0) 56(+30) 72(+45) * Paladin +3 -3 +1 0 +2 +2 6 +35% 20( +7) 25(+10) 25(+11) 1(+0) 12(+0) 2(+0) 68(+35) 40(+30) * The figure in parentheses is the bonus gained every ten levels * * * * Wa: Can get 6 attacks per turn (others have max 5), fearless at level ?? * Item-knowledge: terrible/worthless/cursed/average/good/excellent/special * Ma: Max 4 attacks per turn, * Mana depends on int & level * Mana penalty if armour weight(ac?) exceeds ?? * Mana penalty using gloves without Free Action or dex bonus * Item-knowledge: cursed/---/good * Pr: Max 4 attacks per turn, * Mana depends on wis & level * Can only choose book when gaining new spells * Penalty in Fight (-2,-2), Melee (-2,-2), Shoot (-2,-0) and spellcasting (+25% Fail) * when using non-blessed edged weapons * Item-knowledge: terrible/cursed/---/good/special * Ro: Mana depends on int & level * Might notice traps & hidden doors without searching * Item-knowledge: ??? * Ra: +1 shots at level ??, +2 shots at level ??, * Mana depends on int & level * Mana penalty if armour weight(ac?) exceeds ?? * Mana penalty using gloves without Free Action or dex bonus * Item-knowledge: cursed/---/good (good + indestructible => special) * Pa: Mana depends on wis & level * Item-knowledge: terrible/worthless/cursed/average/good/excellent/special * * Infravision: (-) Shows warm-blooded creatures * Fighting: (str/dex/lvl) Hitroll & damroll * Shooting: (lvl) Modifies distance, hit chance and damage on missiles and thrown items * Saving Throws: (wis/lvl) The ability to resist spell effects cast by others. * Stealth: (-) The ability to not be noticed by others * Disarming: (dex/int/lvl) Remove traps & pick locks * Magical Devices: (int/lvl) Using wand/staff * Searching: (-) Actively look for secret doors & traps * * STR DEX * stat dam ac STR/W: 9 18 67 107 117 118 128 138 148 158 168 more : DEX * 3 -2 -4 <2 { 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3}, * 4 -2 -3 <3 { 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 4}, * 5 -1 -2 <4 { 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 5}, * 6 -1 -1 <5 { 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 4, 4, 4, 5, 5, 5}, * 7 0 0 <7 { 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 4, 4, 4, 5, 5, 5, 5}, * 8 0 0 <9 { 1, 2, 2, 3, 4, 4, 4, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5}, * 9 0 0 <10 { 2, 2, 3, 3, 4, 4, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 6}, * 10 0 0 <11 { 2, 3, 3, 3, 4, 4, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 6}, * 11 0 0 <12 { 3, 3, 3, 4, 4, 4, 5, 5, 5, 5, 6, 6}, * 12 0 0 <13 { 3, 3, 3, 4, 4, 4, 5, 5, 5, 5, 6, 6}, * 13 0 0 >13 { 3, 3, 4, 4, 4, 4, 5, 5, 5, 6, 6, 6} * 14 0 0 * 15 0 1 Only fighters can get 6 attacks per turn. * 16 1 1 Mages & Priests can only get 4 attacks per turn. * 17 2 1 * 18 2 2 * 06-49 3 2 * 50-69 3 3 * 70-79 4 3 * 80-85 5 4 * 86-97 5 * * str improves hitroll, damroll, tunneling, weapon weight capacity & carry capacity * str WeaponW Slow-1 Slow-2 Slow-3 Slow-4 Mage-manatrouble * 13 >=20.0 <25.0 90.0 105.0 120.0 135.0 >30.5 <=31.5 * 14 96.0 112.0 128.0 144.0 >30.0 <=31.0 * 15 <25.0 102.0 119.0 136.0 153.0 >30.5 <=31.0 * 16 108.0 126.0 144.0 162.0 >30.5 <=31.0 * 17 <30.0 114.0 133.0 152.0 171.0 >30.5 <=31.0 * 18 >=30.0 120.0 140.0 160.0 180.0 >30.5 <=31.0 * Weight of inventory and equipped items causes slowness. * Weight of equipped armours causes mana trouble for mages * You are unencumbered when carrying below (str+2) * 6. * Every extra (str+2) carried makes you one step slower. * slowness = carry / (str+2) - 5, rounded down * * Int affects spellcasting ability, spell picks & spell points for mages * Int also affects your skill with using magic devices, picking locks & disarm traps * Mages get one spell per level. Int 18/50 gives 1.5 spells/lvl, rounded up). * Int 18/60 gives 1 more at lvl 14. Int 18/90 gives more. None with int 7 or lower * * Wis affects spellcasting ability, spell picks & spell points for priests * Wis also affects your magic resistance * * Dex affects skills in pick lock and disarm, affects your max number of hits per round, * hitroll, ac, thief protection (high enough dex will mean nobody can steal from you) * * Con affects hp and hpregen * Con 11->12: Nothing * Con 12->13: hp 103->104 (lvl 17 H-E Ma) * Con 13->14: hp 133->136 (lvl 22 H-E Ma) * Con 14->15: hp 136->142 (lvl 22 H-E Ma) * Con 15->16: hp 190->197 (lvl 29 H-E Ma) * Con 16->17: hp 197->205 (lvl 29 H-E Ma) * * Cha affects shop prices * * Stat potions have a chance to give double stat increase: 1 time in 7 * * Arm Hr Dr Artefacts Percent * Enchant to -7: 1/ 1 100 ? ? ? * Enchant to -6: 1/ 1 100 ? ? ? * Enchant to -5: 1/ 1 100 ? ? ? * Enchant to -4: 2/ 2 100 ? ? ? * Enchant to -3: 2/ 2 2/ 2 100 ? 100 ? * Enchant to -2: 2/ 2 2/ 2 100 ? 100 ? * Enchant to -1: 2/ 2 2/ 2 2/ 2 100 100 100 ? * Enchant to 0: 3/ 3 2/ 2 3/ 3 100 100 100 ? * Enchant to 1: 7/ 7 5/ 5 5/ 5 100 100 100 ? * Enchant to 2: 8/ 9 5/ 5 5/ 5 87 100 100 ? * Enchant to 3: 8/ 9 5/ 5 5/ 5 87 100 100 ? * Enchant to 4: 8/ 8 5/ 8 5/ 5 100 67 100 ? * Enchant to 5: 8/ 8 5/ 9 6/ 8 6/ 9 100 50 80 67 * Enchant to 6: 8/ 24 6/ 13 7/ 11 6/ 21 30 50 56 29 * Enchant to 7: 9/ 24 7/ 13 7/ 16 12/ 59 35 45 38 22 * Enchant to 8: 9/ 18 7/ 9 7/ 18 12/ 40 47 83 35 31 * Enchant to 9: 10/ 16 7/ 40 7/ 22 13/ 67 62 15 50 23 * Enchant to 10: 9/ 162 9/ 308 8/ 233 14/ 364 5.9 2.5 3.6 3.6 * Enchant to 11: 8/ 719 6/ 328 6/ 320 8/2896 2.7 1.3 2.5 0.3 * Enchant to 12: 7/1444 5/ 174 3/1251 5/ 944 .45 1.9 .18 .47 * Enchant to 13: 1/1130 4/1305 2/1356 6/1063 .09 .19 .08 .49 * Enchant to 14: 1/ 114 2/1969 1/1938 3/1959 .88 .05 .00 .10 * Enchant to 15: 1/1347 0/ 183 0/ 102 0/3543 * Enchant to 23: 0/1485 * Enchant to 26: 0/1485 * * Skills: Bad, Poor, Fair, Good, Very Good, Excellent, Superb, Heroic, Legendary * Wounds: Graze, Light cut, Bad cut, Nasty cut, Severe cut, Deep gash, Mortal wound * * Stun: Stun, Heavy stun, Knocked out * Food: Gorged, Full, ---, Hungry, Weak, Fainting, Losing hp * * Resist Acid : Damage reduced to 1/3 * Resist Lightning: Damage reduced to 1/3 * Resist Fire : Damage reduced to 1/3 * Resist Cold : Damage reduced to 1/3 * Immunity to acid: No damage. All worn items are acid proof * Immunity to cold: No damage. Potions can still shatter * Immunity to fire: No damage. Items can still burn? * Immunity to lightning: No damage * EQ resistance is cumulative with activated resistance (spell/potion/scroll/wand/...). Doubled resistance reduces damage to 1/9. * Breath attacks deals 1/3 of the breathing creature's current hitpoints (up to a certain max) in damage. * All special items are indestructible and element proof. Mobs can't pick them up. * Resistance = Resist Acid/Cold/Fire/Lightning * * Terrain: * ======== * Open floor * Pile of rubble * Magma vein [with treasure] * Quartz vein [with treasure] * Granite wall * Permanent wall * * Level descriptions: * =================== * Looks like any other level. Less than 100+speed*10 turns spent on the previous level * What a boring place... * This level can't be all bad... * You like the look of this place. * You feel your luck is turning... * You feel strangely lucky. * You have a good feeling. * You have a very good feeling. * You have an excellent feeling that your luck is turning... * You have a superb feeling about this level. * You feel there is something special about this level. * * A monster pit is a special feeling if random(dungeon level cubed) is * less than 25000. This means that between 0 and 1500ft, a pit will definitely * be a special feeling. At 2000ft, the chance of it being special are about 1 in * 2.5, at 3000ft about 1 in 8.5, at 4000ft about 1 in 20.5, and at 5000ft about * 1 in 40. * * 50 deadly speed ? * 40 lightning speed ? * 30 incredibly quickly incredibly fast * 20 very quickly very fast * 10 quickly fast * 0 normal speed * -10 slowly * * * Your Attributes: * You aggravate monsters. * * You are terrified. * You feel rightous. * You feel heroic. * You are in a battle rage. * You are protected from evil. * You are protected by a mystic shield. * Your hands are glowing dull red. * You can learn some spells/prayers. * You will soon be recalled. * * You are hard to find. * * You are perceptive. * Your eyes are sensitive to infrared light. * Your appetite is small. * You land gently. * * You are glowing with light. * You regenerate quickly. * You have ESP. * You can see invisible creatures. * You have free action. * You have a firm hold on your life force. * You are resistant to acid. * / resist acid exceptionally well. * / are completely immune to acid. * You are resistant to lightning. * / resist lightning exceptionally well. * / are completely immune to lightning. * You are resistant to fire. * / resist fire exceptionally well. * / are completely immune to fire. * You are resistant to cold * / resist cold exceptionally well. * / are completely immune to cold. * You are resistant to poison. * / resist poison exceptionally well. * You are completely fearless. * You are resistant to bright light. * You are resistant to darkness. * Your eyes are resistant to blindness. * You are resistant to confusion. * You are resistant to sonic attacks. * You are resistant to blasts of shards. * You are resistant to nexus attacks. * You are resistant to nether forces. * You are resistant to chaos. * You are resistant to disenchantment. * Your strength is sustained. * Your intelligence is sustained. * Your wisdom is sustained. * Your dexterity is sustained. * Your constitution is sustained. * Your charisma is sustained. * Your strength is affected by your equipment. * Your intelligence is affected by your equipment. * Your wisdom is affected by your equipment. * Your dexterity is affected by your equipment. * Your constitution is affected by your equipment. * Your charisma is affected by your equipment. * Your stealth is affected by your equipment. * Your searching ability is affected by your equipment. * Your infravision is affected by your equipment. * Your digging ability is affected by your equipment. * Your speed is affected by your equipment. * Your attack speed is affected by your equipment. * Your shooting speed is affected by your equipment. * Your shooting might is affected by your equipment. * Your weapon freezes your foes. * > Your weapon shocks your foes. (before burns, but before or after freezes?) * Your weapon burns your foes. * > Your weapon melts your foes. * > Your weapon poisons your foes. * Your weapon strikes at animals with extra force. * Your weapon strikes at evil with extra force. * Your weapon strikes at undead with holy wrath. * / is a great bane of undead. * Your weapon is especially deadly against orcs. * Your weapon is especially deadly against trolls. * Your weapon strikes at demons with holy wrath. * / is a great bane of demons. * Your weapon is especially deadly against giants. * Your weapon is especially deadly against dragons. * / is a great bane of dragons. * Your weapon has been blessed by the gods. * * Your weapon can induce earthquakes. * * * m=money, i=item, g=good item, X=exceptional item Item Speed Special * * Lvl 0: h 375 Farmer Maggot 1g 0 Harmless * * Lvl 2: C 25 Fang, Farmer Maggot's dog - 10 * * Lvl 2: C 25 Grip, Farmer Maggot's dog - 10 * * Lvl 3: h 44 Smeagol 3m 20 Thief * * Lvl 5: h 64 Bullroarer the Hobbit 4g 10 Thief * * Lvl 7: k 144 Mughash the Kobol Lord 2g 0 * * Lvl 8: o 192 Lagduf, the Snaga 2g 0 * * Lvl 9: p 210 Brodda, the Easterling 2g 0 * * Lvl 10: p 250 Wormtongue, Agent of Saruman 2X 0 Nasty spells, create traps * * Lvl 10: o 225 Grishnakh, the Hill Orc 3g 0 * * Lvl 11: y 120 Orfax, Son of Boldor 1g 10 Summoner * * Lvl 12: o 240 Golfimbul, the Hill Orc Chief 4g 0 * * Lvl 13: y 180 Boldor, King of the Yeeks 3g 10 Summoner * * Lvl 13: p 340 Ulfast, Son of Ulfang 1g 0 * * Lvl 14: o 320 Ufthak of Cirith Ungol 2g 0 * * Lvl 17: h 450 Nar, the Dwarf 2g 0 Mind blaster (can be money instead of item?) * * Lvl 18: o 400 Shagrat, the Orc Captain 2g 0 * * Lvl 18: o 400 Gorbag, the Orc Captain 2g 0 * * Lvl 20: o 500 Bolg, Son of Azog 4g 10 * * Lvl 20: o 640 Ugluk, the Uruk 2g 0 * * Lvl 21: o 720 Lugdush, the Uruk-Hai 2g 0 * * Lvl 23: o 900 Azog, King of the Uruk-Hai 3g 10 * * Lvl 24: h 825 Khim, Son of Mim 2g 0 Disenchants * * Lvl 24: h 825 Ibun, Son of Mim 2g 0 Disenchants * * Lvl 24: p 800 Sangahyando of Umbar 3g 0 Mind blaster * * Lvl 24: p 800 Angamaite if Umbar 3g 0 Mind blaster * * Lvl 26: p 880 Ulwarth, Son of Ulfang 1g 0 Wimp * * Lvl 27: h 1100 Mim, Betrayer of Turin 4g 10 Disenchants * * Lvl 27: O 1440 Lokkak, the Ogre Chieftain 4g 10 * * Lvl 28: p 1000 Uldor the Accursed 2g 0 Wimp, Summoner * * Lvl 28: u 520 Draebor, the Imp 7g 10 Summoner, wimp * * Lvl 28: q Beorn, the Shape-Shanger 2g 10 * * Lvl 32: S 1200 Shelob, Spider of Darkness 6g 0 Summoner * * Lvl 33: T 1100 Bert the Stone Troll 2g 0 Wimp * * Lvl 33: T 1100 Bill the Stone Troll 2g 0 Wimp * * Lvl 33: T 1100 Tom the Stone Troll 2g 0 Wimp * * Lvl 34: p 1040 Ulfang the Black 4g 10 * * Lvl 36: T 1540 Rogrog the Black Troll 3g 10 * * Lvl 36: p 1750 Lorgan, Chief of the Easterlings 4g 10 Summoner * * Lvl 37: a 1440 The Queen Ant 4g 0 Summoner * * Lvl 38; p 880 Castamir the Usurper 4g 0 * * Lvl 38: E 1500 Vargo, Tyrant of Fire - 10 * * Lvl 39: E 2000 Waldern, King of Water - 10 * * Lvl 39: d 1300 Kavlax the Many-Headed 7g 10 * * Lvl 40: n 2400 Medusa, the Gorgon 6g 10 Summoner * * Lvl 40: W 1225 Uvatha the Horseman 4g 10 Wimp? * * Lvl 41: W 1225 Adunaphel the Quiet 7g 10 Summoner * * Lvl 41: W 1750 Akhorahil the Blind 6g 10 Summoner * * Lvl 41: W 1750 Ren the Unclean 7g 10 Summoner * * Lvl 41: p 1600 Gorlim, Betrayer of Barahir 4g 10 * * Lvl 43: E 1800 Quaker, Master of Earth - 0 Earthquaker * * Lvl 43: W 1750 Ji Indur Dawndeath 8g 10 Summoner * * Lvl 44: D 1600 Scatha the Worm 11g 10 * * Lvl 44: E 2700 Ariel, Queen of Air - 20 * * Lvl 44: W 2000 Dwar, Dog Lord of Waw 6g 10 Summoner * * Lvl 45: D 1950 Smaug the Golden 12g 10 * * Lvl 47: D 2250 Itangast the Fire Drake 10g 10 * * Lvl 49: h Eol, the Dark Elf 11g 20 Summoner * * Lvl 50: U 3000 The Balrog of Moria 13g 20 Summoner * * Lvl 52: p 2500 Harowen the Black Hand 7g 30 * * Lvl 52: W 2500 Hoarmurath of Dir 8g 10 * * Lvl 54: B 3600 The Phoenix 3g 10 * * Lvl 55: M 4300 The Lernean Hydra 12m 10 Summoner * * Lvl 55: p Ar-Pharazon the Golden 7X 20 Summoner * * Lvl 56: h 4800 Fundin Bluecloak 7g 20 Summoner * * Lvl 57: A 6000 Azriel, Angel of Death 10g 20 Summoner * * Lvl 58: D 7700 Ancalagon the Black 9g 10 Summoner * * Lvl 58: H 3500 Baphomet the Minotaur Lord 9g 20 * * Lvl 59: A 7700 Gabriel, the Messenger 11g 20 Summoner * * Lvl 60: p 5000 Saruman of Many Colours 16X 10 Summoner * * Lvl 61: A 5500 Uriel, Angel of Fire 9g 20 Summoner * * Lvl 64: f 4800 The Cat Lord 6g 20 Summoner * * Lvl 65: p 7000 The Mouth of Sauron 8g 20 * * Lvl 67: V ? Thuringwethil, the Vampire Messenger 16g 20 Summoner * * Lvl 68: G 6700 Tselakus, the Dreadlord 10g 20 Summoner (probe says 6500) * * Lvl 69: P Polyphemus, the Blind Cyclops 7g 20 Earthquaker * * Lvl 70: D Glaurung, Father of the Dragons 13X 20 Summoner * * Lvl 70: D 10000 Tiamat, Celestial Dragon of Evil 15X 20 Summoner * * Lvl 72: W 3500 Khamul the Easterling 11g 10 Summoner * * Lvl 73: e 6400 Omarax the Eye tyrant - 20 Summoner * * Lvl 75: S 13000 Ungoliant, the Unlight 6g 10 Summoner * * Lvl 76: P ? Atlas, the Titan 8g 10 * * Lvl 77: L 6000 Feagwath the Undead Sorcerer 9X 20 Disenchants * * Lvl 79: Q 5000 Qlzqqlzuup, the Emperor Quylthulg 5i 20 Summoner * * Lvl 80: W 6000 Murazor, the Witch-King of Angmar 10g 20 Summoner * * Lvl 81: h Maeglin, the Traitor of Gondolin 12X 20 Summoner * * Lvl 82: B 5500 Pazuzu, Lord of Air 6g 30 Summoner * * Lvl 84: R 8075 The Tarrasque 9g 20 Disenchants * Lvl 84: s ? Cantoras, the Skeletal Lord 18X 30 * * Lvl 85: & 7600 Lungorthin, the Balrog of White Fire 10g 20 Summoner * * Lvl 87: C 7000 Draugluin, Sire of All Werewolves 1g/m 20 * * Lvl 87: P Kronos, Lord of the Titans 8g 10 * * Lvl 90: C Huan, Wolfhound of the Valar 6g 20 * * Lvl 92: C 7500 Carcharoth, the Jaws of Thirst 1g 20 Summoner * * Lvl 92: L 4500 Vecna, the Emperor Lich 12X 20 Summoner * * Lvl 94: C 10000 Cerberus, Guardian of Hades 5g 20 * * Lvl 95: & 8000 Gothmog, the High Captain of Balrogs 14X 20 Summoner * * Lvl 99: p 10395 Sauron, the Sorcerer 11X 20 Summoner * * Lvl100: P 17100 Morgoth, Lord of Darkness 16X 30 Summoner * * * Book of Magic Spells: (all calculation values are rounded down) * ===================== * [Magic for Beginners] 25 Xp Mage Xp Ranger * a) Magic Missile 4 1 1 3 1 dam (lvl+14)/5 d4, beam chance * b) Detect Monsters 4 1 1 3 2 non-invis * c) Phase Door 4 1 2 3 2 range 10 * d) Light Area 4 1 2 5 3 dam 2d (lvl-1)/2 * e) --- ---- ---- * f) Cure Light Wounds 9 3 3 5 3 heal 2d8, remove bleeding(15) * g) --- ---- ---- * h) Find Hidden Traps/Doors 6 3 3 5 4 * i) Stinking Cloud 9 3 3 7 5 R2, dam lvl/2+10 * * [Conjurings and Tricks] 100 Xp Mage Xp Ranger * a) Confuse Monster 20 5 4 7 6 * b) Lightning Bolt 20 5 4 9 7 Beam: dam (lvl+13)/6 d6 * c) Trap/Door Destruction 30 5 5 9 8 * d) Cure Poison 20 5 5 11 9 * e) Sleep Monster 28 7 5 11 8 * f) Teleport Self 35 7 6 13 10 range lvl*5 * g) Spear of Light 35 7 6 52 13 11 dam 6d8 * h) Frost Bolt 42 7 6 60 15 12 dam (lvl+15)/4 d8, beam chance * i) Wonder 35 7 10 150 15 18 * * [Incantations and Illusions] 400 Xp Mage Xp Ranger * a) Satisfy Hunger 72 9 7 17 17 * b) Lesser Recharging 90 9 7 116 29 17 * c) Turn Stone to Mud 72 9 7 15 13 dam 20+1d30 * d) Fire Bolt 70 10 7 25 20 dam (lvl+19)/4 d8, beam chance * e) Polymorph Other 99 11 7 21 19 * f) Identify 66 11 7 23 25 * g) Detect Invisible 90 15 5 25 15 * h) Acid Bolt 120 15 9 20 16 dam (lvl+27)/4 d8, beam chance * i) Slow Monster 119 17 9 25 21 * * [Sorcery and Evocations] 800 Xp Mage Xp Ranger * a) Frost Ball 152 19 12 27 21 R2, dam lvl+30 * b) Teleport Other 184 23 12 93 31 25 Beam * c) Haste Self 250 25 12 132 33 25 dur lvl+d20 * d) Mass Sleep 150 25 7 23 20 * e) Fire Ball 312 26 18 306 34 28 R2, dam lvl+55 * f) Detect Enchantment 300 30 10 350 35 20 * * [Resistance of Scarabtarices] 10000 Xp Mage Xp Ranger * a) Resist Cold 100 10 5 8 15 dur 20+d20 * b) Resist Fire 100 10 5 8 15 dur 20+d20 * c) Resist Poison 500 25 10 26 25 dur 20+d20 * d) Resistance 840 28 20 2070 31 40 dur 20+d20 * e) Shield 960 32 24 2800 35 30 +50 ac, dur 30+1d20 * * [Raal's Tome of Destruction] 20000 Xp Mage Xp Ranger * a) Shock Wave 96 16 10 ----- Sound ball, R2, dam lvl+10 * b) Explosion 200 20 20 ----- Shard ball, R2, dam lvl*2+20 * c) Cloudkill 160 20 9 132 22 19 Poison ball, R3, dam (lvl+80)/2 * d) Acid Ball 400 20 15 180 30 24 Acid Ball, R2, dam lvl+40 * e) Ice Storm 648 27 22 350 35 35 Cold Ball, R3, dam lvl*2+50 * f) Meteor Swarm 1020 30 25 1260 36 45 Lvl 30-31: dam 45x3 * Lvl 32-33: Unresistable, R1, dam 46x3 * Lvl 34-35: Unresistable, R1, dam 47x3 * Lvl 36-37: Unresistable, R1, dam 48x3 * g) Rift 875 35 30 ----- Lvl 35: Beam, dam 40 + 35d7, might teleport away * * [Mordenkainen's Escapes] 30000 Xp Mage Xp Ranger * a) Door Creation 156 13 9 20 17 * b) Stair Creation 480 24 20 1280 32 32 * c) Teleport Level 560 28 17 510 34 27 * d) Word of Recall 450 30 25 560 35 35 Takes 14+1d20 turns * e) Rune of Protection 36 60 3200 40 75 * * * [Kelek's Grimoire of Power] 147600 Xp Mage Xp Ranger * * a) Detect Evil 5 5 10 15 * * b) Detect Enchantment 10 10 15 20 * * c) Recharge Item III 25 30 35 60 * * d) Genocide 30 50 ----- * * e) Mass Genocide 40 50 ----- * * [Tenser's Transformations] 246000? Xp Mage Xp Ranger * a) Heroism 5? 5 720 18 15 dur 25+d25: heal 10 hp, +12 to-hit, resist fear * b) Berserker 15?20 605 23 30 dur 25+d25: heal 30 hp, +12 to-hit, -10 ac, resist fear * c) Enchant Armor 15?20 1650 33 45 * d) Enchant Weapon 15?20 2040 34 50 * e) Greater Recharging 15?20 4025 35 50 * f) Elemental Brand 22?30 5580 31 60 random fire/cold/poison on ammo, plus enchant weapon * * Holy Book of Prayers: * ===================== * [Beginners Handbook] Xp Priest Xp Paladin * a) Detect Evil 4 1 1 4 1 1 * b) Cure Light Wounds (8) 4 1 2 2 2 heal 2d10 * c) Bless 4 1 2 3 3 dur 12+d12 * d) Remove Fear (20) 4 1 2 5 3 * e) Call Light (20) 3 2 5 4 lvl 50: dam 2d25 * f) Find Traps (21) 3 3 7 5 * g) Detect Doors/Stairs (21) 3 3 7 5 * h) Slow Poison (27) 3 3 9 7 * * [Words of Wisdom] Xp Priest Xp Paladin * a) Scare Monster (27) 15 5 4 9 7 * b) Portal (27) 5 4 9 8 range lvl*3 * c) Cure Serious Wounds (33) 20 5 4 11 9 heal 4d10 * d) Chant (33) 5 5 11 10 dur 24+d24 * e) Sanctuary (33) 20 7 5 11 10 * f) Satisfy Hunger (39) 28 7 5 13 10 * g) Remove Curse (52) 7 6 13 11 * h) Resist Heat and Cold (60) 35 7 7 15 13 dur 10+10d * * [Chants and Blessings] Xp Priest Xp Paladin * a) Neutralize Poison (60) 9 6 15 15 * b) Orb of Draining (68) 9 7 17 15 dam lvl+7+3d6 * c) Cure Critical Wounds (68) 9 7 17 15 heal 6d10 * d) Sense Invisible (64) 11 8 19 15 dur 24+d24 * e) Protection from Evil (66) 11 8 19 15 dur lvl*3 +d25 * f) Earthquake (63) 11 9 21 17 * g) Sense Surroundings (69) 13 10 23 17 * h) Cure Mortal Wounds (75) 13 11 25 20 heal 8d10 * i) Turn Undead (81) 15 12 27 21 * * [Exorcism and Dispelling] Xp Priest Xp Paladin * a) Prayer (87) 15 14 29 22 dur 48+d48 * b) Dispel Undead 17 14 31 24 lvl 50: dam d150 * c) Heal 21 16 33 28 lvl 50: heal 300 * d) Dispel Evil 25 20 35 32 lvl 50: dam d150 * e) Glyph of Warding 33 55 ----- * f) Holy Word 780 39 32 ----- * * [Ethereal Openings] Xp Priest Xp Paladin * a) Blink (14) 3 3 7 7 range 10 * b) Teleport Self (80) 10 10 20 20 range lvl*8 * c) Teleport Other (300) 20 20 25 25 * d) Teleport Level 30 40 35 50 * e) Word of Recall 35 50 40 60 * f) Alter Reality 10000 40 60 ----- * * [Godly Insights] Xp Priest Xp Paladin * a) Detect Monsters 6 3 3 5 5 * b) Detection 200 10 10 15 15 * c) Perception 400 20 20 25 25 * d) Probing 3750 25 10 30 15 * e) Clairvoyance 35 50 ----- * * [Purifications and Healing] Xp Priest Xp Paladin * a) Cure Serious Wounds (425) 15 5 17 15 heal 4d10 * b) Cure Mortal Wounds (805) 17 7 23 25 heal 8d10 * c) Healing 30 50 ----- * d) Restoration 35 70 45 80 * e) Remembrance 35 70 ----- * * [Holy Infusions] Xp Priest Xp Paladin * a) Unbarring Ways 200 5 6 10 16 * b) Recharging 375 15 20 25 30 * c) Dispel Curse 4000 25 40 ----- * d) Enchant Weapon 8050 35 50 40 70 * e) Enchant Armour 9250 37 60 42 80 * f) Elemental Brand 45 95 47 95 * * [Wrath of God] Xp Priest Xp Paladin * a) Dispel Undead 375 15 7 20 13 lvl 50: dam d200 * b) Dispel Evil 1200 20 10 ----- * c) Banish Evil 6150 25 25 30 35 * d) Word of Destruction 11250 35 35 40 40 * e) Annihilation 4050 45 60 ----- * * All prices are optimal (sell price = buy price). * Level is a list of the level it's found on or, if followed by !, the level when it starts showing up regularly. * Generic values are substituted by # * * Random resistance = One of poison, light, dark, blindness, confusion, nexus, fear, nether, chaos, disenchant, sound, shards * * MONEY ($): * ---------- * lvl Floor Mob Magma Quartz Chest * 0 ------- 13.. 50 ------- ------- ------- * 1 12.. 50 12.. 43 12.. 47 13.. 44 ?.. ? * 2 16.. 53 14.. 54 13.. 42 19.. 42 ?.. ? * 3 12.. 49 12.. 52 13.. 50 21.. 43 ?.. ? * 4 13.. 65 13.. 55 13.. 49 16.. 85 ?.. ? * 5 12.. 77 12.. 63 13.. 89 15.. 55 33.. 60 * 6 14.. 66 12.. 89 14.. 95 12.. 67 18..402 * 7 15..110 12.. 78 13..107 16.. 91 18..197 * 8 14.. 70 13..144 13.. 59 14..164 26.. 52 * 9 14..159 12..214 15.. 73 13.. 80 16.. 82 * 10 13..368 12..678 14.. 69 13.. 79 16.. 76 * 11 15..189 14..112 12..110 21..455 16.. 94 * 12 14..259 13..343 26.. 85 14.. 69 22.. 71 * 13 13..112 13..368 22.. 80 24.. 75 19.. 42 * 14 18.. 94 13..351 15.. 95 17.. 66 14.. 55 * 15 13.. 98 12..267 14.. 98 13..221 13.. 85 * 16 13..516 12..419 19..580 15..262 16.. 84 * 17 14..225 13..309 14..122 20..302 23.. 66 * 18 24..675 15..609 48..112 18.. 70 19.. 80 * 19 22..418 13..292 41.. 96 15.. 89 33.. 77 * 20 15..453 15..512 15..270 25.. 87 21.. 66 * 21 32..241 14..624 35..141 27..157 46..353 * 22 15..511 12..619 21..614 12..359 21.. 87 * 23 12..489 12..684 17..494 18..167 29..696 * 24 24..438 13..438 18..189 24..630 34.. 54 * 25 13..627 12..720 17..160 18..220 13..271 * 26 22..214 12..504 24.. 93 13..162 13.. 89 * 27 16..189 13..520 16.. 45 49..154 16..186 * 28 18..218 14..571 16..286 24..556 21..439 * 29 33..453 19..692 34..167 21..112 18..457 * lvl Floor Mob Magma Quartz Chest * 30 16..202 13..723 14..234 18..669 16..124 * --> Stun info, self knowledge info (+shots) * All chests, lantern, everburning lights, lights of brightness, Slime Mold (price) * Mushrooms: Restoring * Potions: Restore lifelevels, Self knowledge, con/int, *Enlightenment*, Experience, *Healing*, Life, Detonations * Scrolls: Protection from Evil, *Enchant Armor*, *Enchant Weapon*, Recharging, *Destruction*, Curse Armor, Curse Weapon, * Acquirement, Rune of Protection, Banishment, Mass Banishment * Books: Incantations and Illusions, Sorcery and Evocations, Exorcism and Dispelling, plus all exceptional books * Wands: Scare Monster, Fire Bolts, Acid Bolts, Lightning Balls, Fire Balls, Acid Balls, Drain Life, Annihilation, * Dragon's Flame * Staves: Remove Curse, *Destruction*, the Magi, Holiness, Dispel Evil, Power, Speed, Earthquakes, Healing, Slowness * Rods: Disarming, Perception, Polymorph, Acid Bolts, Fire Bolts, Recall, Detection, Healing, Probing, Enlightenment, * Teleport Other, Drain Life, Fire Balls, Acid Balls, Lightning Balls, Cold Balls * Rings: con/dex/int, woe, slaying, acid, ice, flames, lightning, resist poison, speed, see invis * Amulets: Cha, Regeneration, Weaponsmastery, DOOM, ESP, of the Magi * Shadow Cloak, Set of Cesti, Shield of Deflection * Helmet: Steel Helm, Iron Crown, Golden Crown, Jewel Encrusted Crown, * Armour: Double Chain Mail, Bar Chain Mail, Metal Brigandine Armour, Ribbed Plate Armour, Partial Plate Armour, * Metal Lamellar Armour, Full Plate Armour, Mithril Chain Mail, Mithril Plate Mail, Adamantite Plate Mail, * Dragon mails * Dig: (Gnomish Shovel !=+2), Dwarven Shovel, Orcish Pick , Dwarven Pick * Heavy Crossbow, Mithril Shots, Mithril Bolts, Seeker Arrows, Seeker Bolts * Weapons: Scythe, Lochaber Axe, Two-Handed Sword, Two-Handed Flail, Great axe, Scythe of Slicing, Mace of Disruption, * Blade of Chaos * * * Approximate value for nasty shopkeepers: (BuyPrice-SellPrice)/3.75 + SellPrice * Approximate value for nice shopkeepers: (BuyPrice-SellPrice)/2 + SellPrice * * MISC: weight price lvl * ----- * ~ an Iron Spike 1.0 lb 1 1! * Used to nail doors shut (each spike up to 7 improves its resistance to bashing) * ~ Small wooden chest 25.0 lb 5! * Might be trapped (Poison Needle, Gas Trap), can be opened * 51 times: 2 money * 26 times: 1 money & 1 items * 3 times: 2 items * ~ Large wooden chest 50.0 lb ~60 16! * Might be trapped (Multiple Traps, Poison Needle, Gas Trap, Summoning Runes), can be opened * 100%: 2 items * ~ Small iron chest 30.0 lb ~95 25! * Might be trapped (Multiple Traps, Poison Needle, Gas Trap, ...), can be opened * 11 times: 4 money * 10 times: 3 money & 1 items * 8 times: 2 money & 2 items * 3 times: 1 money & 3 items * ~ Large iron chest 100.0 lb ~150 * Might be trapped (Gas Trap, ???), can be opened * 1 times: 4 items * ~ Small steel chest 50.0 lb ~190 7,6,21,23,28 * Might be trapped (Multiple Traps, Poison Needle, Explosion Device, ???), can be opened * 2 times: 6 money * 5 times: 5 money & 1 items * 3 times: 4 money & 2 items * ~ Large steel chest 100.0 lb 20, * Might be trapped (Multiple Traps, ???), can be opened * 1 times: 6 items * * LIGHT: weight price lvl * ------ * Price is not affected by turns of light left * ~ a Wooden Torch (0..6000 turns) 3.0 lb 2 1! * Light R2 * ~ a Lantern (0..15000 turns) 5.0 lb ~35 4! * Light R2, fireproof * ~ a Wooden Torch of Brightness (0..6000 turns) 3.0 lb ~2000 30, * Light R3 * ~ a Lantern of Brightness (0..15000 turns) 5.0 lb ~1950 21,23 * Light R3, fireproof * ~ a Lantern (Everburning) 5.0 lb ~2400 30, * Light R2, fireproof * ~ The Phial of Galadriel 1.0 lb ~9500 4,2,5,10,5 * PermLight R3 * A = Illumination every 10+d10 turns * ~ The Star of Elendil 0.5 lb 46,40,41,45,30,53,30 * PermLight R3, see invis * A = Magic Mapping every 50+d50 turns * ~ The Arkenstone of Thrain 0.5 lb 65,4,60,60,59 * PermLight R3, see invis, resist light/dark/life drain * A = Detection every 30+d30 turns * ~ The Palantir of Westernesse 20.0 lb 75,75,79 * +2 int/wis, +2 search, +2 infravision, resist blind/chaos, permLight R3, ESP, see invis, Aggravate, drain xp (avg 95/1000 turns) * A = Clairvoyance every 50+d50 turns * * FOOD: weight price lvl * ----- * , Hard Biscuit 0.2 lb 1 Shop only! * +250 food (1250/lb) * , Pint of Fine Wine 1.0 lb 2 Shop only! * +500 food (500/lb) * , Strip of Beef Jerky 0.2 lb 2 Shop only! * +750 food (3750/lb) * , Slime Mold 0.5 lb 1! * +1500 food (3000/lb) * , Ration of Food 1.0 lb 3 1! * +2500 food (2500/lb) * , Piece of Elvish Waybread 0.3 lb ~10 5! * +3750 food (12500/lb), heal 4d8, remove poison * * MUSHROOMS: weight price lvl * ---------- * All mushrooms give +250 food * , Mushroom of Confusion 0.1 lb --- 5! * Confusion for 9+1d10 turns * , Mushroom of Poison 0.1 lb --- 5! * Add 9+1d10 poison counter points * , Mushroom of Blindness 0.1 lb --- 5! * Blindness for 199+1d200 turns * , Mushroom of Paranoia 0.1 lb --- 5! * Fear for 9+1d10 * , Mushroom of Hallucination 0.1 lb --- 10! * Hallucination for 249+1d250 turns * , Mushroom of Cure Poison 0.1 lb ~60 10! * Remove poison * , Mushroom of Sickness 0.1 lb --- 10! * dam 6d6, -con * , Mushroom of Cure Paranoia 0.1 lb ~25 11! * Remove fear * , Mushroom of Cure Blindness 0.1 lb ~50 11! * Cure blindness * , Mushroom of Cure Confusion 0.1 lb ~50 11! * Cure confusiond * , Mushroom of Weakness 0.1 lb --- 11! * Dam 6d6, -str * , Mushroom of Stupidity 0.1 lb --- 13! * Dam 8d8, reduce int * , Mushroom of Cure Serious Wounds 0.1 lb ~75 15! * Heal 4d8 hp * , Mushroom of Naivety 0.1 lb --- 15! * Dam 8d8, -wis * , Mushroom of Unhealth 0.1 lb ~50 20! * Dam 10d10, reduce con, throw to do 10d10 dam * , Mushroom of Disease 0.1 lb ~50 22! * Dam 10d10, reduce str, thow to do 10d10 dam * , Mushroom of Restore Constitution 0.1 lb ~350 22! * Restore con * , Mushroom of Restore Strength 0.1 lb ~330 23! * Restore str * , Mushroom of Paralysis 0.1 lb --- 24! * Paralysis 9+1d10 turns * , Mushroom of Restoring 0.1 lb ~950 26, * Restore all stats * * POTIONS: weight price lvl * -------- * ! Potion of Slowness 0.4 lb --- 1! * SPEED -10 for 15+1d25 turns, +25 food * ! Potion of Confusion 0.4 lb --- 1! * Confusion for 14+1d20 turns, +25 food * ! Potion of Blindness 0.4 lb --- 1! * Blindness for 99+1d100 turns * ! Potion of Sleep 0.4 lb --- 1! * Paralyze 3+1d4 turns, +50 food * ! Potion of Salt Water 0.4 lb --- 1! * Weak from hunger, remove poison, paralyze 4 turns * ! Potion of Water 0.4 lb 1 1! * +100 food (always Clear Potion) * ! Potion of Slime Mold Juice 0.4 lb 2 1! * +200 food (always Icky Green Potion) * ! Potion of Cure Light Wounds 0.4 lb 15 1! * Heal 2d8 damage, remove bleeding(10)/blindness, +25 food * ! Potion of Heroism 0.4 lb 35 1! * Heal 10 damage, remove fear, heroism (resist fear, +12 hr) for 25+1d25 turns * ! Potion of Speed 0.4 lb 75 1! * +10 speed for 15+1d25 turns (or +5 turns) * ! Potion of Boldness 0.4 lb 10 1! * Remove fear * ! Potion of Resist Heat 0.4 lb 30 1! * Resist fire for 10+1d10 turns * ! Potion of Resist Cold 0.4 lb 30 1! * Resist cold for 10+1d10 turns * ! Potion of Slow Poison 0.4 lb 25 1! * Halves the severity of current poisoning * ! Flask of oil 1.0 lb 3 2! * +7500 fuel, extra throw damage * ! Potion of Apple Juice 0.4 lb 1 2! * +125 food (always Light Brown Potion) * ! Potion of Weakness 0.4 lb --- 3! * Reduce str * ! Potion of Poison 0.4 lb --- 3! * Add 9+1d15 poison counter points * ! Potion of Detect Invisible 0.4 lb 50 3! * See Invis for 12+1d12 turns * ! Potion of Infravision 0.4 lb 20 3! * +5 infravision for 100+1d100 turns * ! Potion of Berserk Strength 0.4 lb 100 4! * Heal 30, remove fear, berserk strength (resist fear, +12 hr, -10 av) for 25+1d25 turns * ! Potion of Neutralize Poison 0.4 lb 75 5! * Remove poison * ! Potion of Cure Serious Wounds 0.4 lb 40 5! * Heal 4d8 hp, remove half+50 bleeding, remove blindness/confusion, +50 food * ! Potion of Clumsiness 0.4 lb --- 5! * Reduce dex * ! Potion of Cure Critical Wounds 0.4 lb 100 6! * Heal 6d8 hp, remove bleeding/stun/poison/blindness/confusion/amnesia, +50 food * ! Potion of Lose Memories 0.4 lb --- 10! * Drain 25% of total xp * ! Potion of Sickliness 0.4 lb --- 10! * Reduce con * ! Potion of Healing 0.4 lb 300 15! * Heal 300 hp, remove bleeding/stun/poison/blindness/confusion/amnesia, +100 food * ! Potion of Restore Charisma 0.4 lb 300 20! * Restore cha * ! Potion of Charisma 0.4 lb 1000 22! * Restore cha, +1..+2 cha * ! Potion of Stupidity 0.4 lb --- 23! * Reduce int * ! Potion of Naivety 0.4 lb --- 24! * Reduce wis * ! Potion of Ugliness 0.4 lb --- 25! * Reduce cha * ! Potion of Restore Mana 0.4 lb 350 25! * Restore mana to max * ! Potion of Restore Dexterity 0.4 lb 300 25! * Restore dex * ! Potion of Restore Strength 0.4 lb 300 25! * Restore str * ! Potion of Restore Constitution 0.4 lb 300 25! * Restore con * ! Potion of Restore Intelligence 0.4 lb 300 25! * Restore int * ! Potion of Restore Wisdom 0.4 lb 300 25! * Restore wis * ! Potion of Enlightenment 0.4 lb 800 25! * Light up and map the whole level * ! Potion of Dexterity 0.4 lb 8000 30! * Restore dex, +1..+2 dex * ! Potion of Wisdom 0.4 lb 8000 30! * Restore wis, +1..+2 wis * ! Potion of Strength 0.4 lb 8000 30! * Restore str, +1..+2 str * ! Potion of Constitution 0.4 lb 8000 17,20 * Restore con, +1..+2 con * ! Potion of Intelligence 0.4 lb 8000 8,20,25 * Restore int, +1..+2 int * ! Potion of Restore Life Levels 0.4 lb 400 14,23,25,28 * Restore exp * ! Potion of *Enlightenment* 0.4 lb 80000 25, * Map the whole level, +1..2 int, +1..2 wis, self knowledge, identify all carried objects, detect treasure/objects/doors/stairs/traps * ! Potion of *Healing* 0.4 lb 1500 26, * Heal 1200 hp, remove bleeding/stun/poison/blind/confusion/amnesia * ! Potion of Life 0.4 lb 5000 * Heal 5000 hp, restore life levels, restore all stats, remove bleeding/stun/poison/hallucination/blind/confusion/amnesia * * ! Potion of Experience 0.4 lb 14, * * ! Potion of Detonations 0.4 lb * * Throw damage ???, If quaffed deals ~600 hp damage, heavy stun and mortal wound * ! Potion of Self Knowledge 0.4 lb 2000 30, * Self knowledge * ! Potion of Augmentation 0.4 lb * Restore all stats, +1..+2 all stats * * SCROLLS: weight price lvl * -------- * ? Scroll of Summon Monster 0.5 lb --- 1! * Summon 1d3 monsters/groups * ? Scroll of Darkness 0.5 lb --- 1! * Darkness R3/Room, blindness for 3+1d5 turns * ? Scroll of Detect Invisible 0.5 lb 15 1! * Detect invisible monsters * ? Scroll of Tresure Detection 0.5 lb 15 1! * Detect treasure * ? Scroll of Object Detection 0.5 lb 15 1! * Detect objects * ? Scroll of Blessing 0.5 lb 15 1! * Bless (+5 ac, +10 hr) for 6+1d12 turns * ? Scroll of Phase Door 0.5 lb 15 1! * Random teleport up to 10 squares * ? Scroll of Identify 0.5 lb 50 1! * Reveal non-hidden powers of one object * ? Scroll of Light 0.5 lb 15 1! * Light Area, dam 2d8 * ? Scroll of Magic Mapping 0.5 lb 40 5! * Map * ? Scroll of Door/Stair location 0.5 lb 35 5! * Detect doors/stairs * ? Scroll of Trap Detection 0.5 lb 35 5! * Detect traps * ? Scroll of Monster Confusion 0.5 lb 30 5! * Next hit will try to confuse monster * ? Scroll of Satisfy Hunger 0.5 lb 10 5! * Makes you full, removes gorged * ? Scroll of Aggravate Monster 0.5 lb --- 5! * Wake all monsters within 40 squares, haste all non-hasted monsters within sight * ? Scroll of Word of Recall 0.5 lb 150 6! * Teleport to max level / town * ? Scroll of Monster Confusion 0.5 lb 30 8! * Next hit confuses the monster * ? Scroll of Remove Curse 0.5 lb 100 10! * Remove all ordinary curses from all equipped items * ? Scroll of Trap Creation 0.5 lb --- 10! * Create traps R1 * ? Scroll of Holy Chant 0.5 lb 40 10! * Bless (+5 ac, +10 hr) for 12+1d24 turns * ? Scroll of Trap/Door Destruction 0.5 lb 50 10! * Destroys all traps/doors within R1 * ? Scroll of Teleportation 0.5 lb 40 10! * Random teleport up to 100 squares * ? Scroll of Enchant Armor 0.5 lb 125 15! * Increase ac on a piece of armor * ? Scroll of Enchant Weapon To-Dam 0.5 lb 125 15! * Increase damroll on a weapon * ? Scroll of Enchant Weapon To-Hit 0.5 lb 125 15! * Increase hitroll on a weapon * ? Scroll of Summon Undead 0.5 lb --- 16! * Summon 1d3 non-unique undead monsters/groups * ? Scroll of Teleport Level 0.5 lb 50 21! * Teleport one level up or down * ? Scroll of Holy Prayer 0.5 lb 80 25! * Bless (+5 ac, +10 hr) for 24+1d48 turns * ? Scroll of *Identify* 0.5 lb 1000 25! * Reveals hidden powers of one object. Not forgotten by memory loss. * ? Scroll of Protection from Evil 0.5 lb 50 11,5,16,11,13,16,28,30 * Protection from Evil for 1d25 + 3*lvl turns * ? Scroll of *Enchant Armor* 0.5 lb 5,14,10,14,15,21,30 * Enchant Armor 2+1d3 times * ? Scroll of *Enchant Weapon* 0.5 lb 500 10,27 * Enchant Weapon to-hit 1d3 times, enchant Weapon to-dam 1d3 times, * ? Scroll of Recharging 0.5 lb 200 12,29 * Recharge wand/staff with 2+1d(1+60/(itemlvl+2)) charges. Failure 1 in (160-itemlvl-(10*charges))/15 * * ? Scroll of *Destruction* 0.5 lb 13 * * ? Scroll of Curse Armor 0.5 lb 61,13 * ? Scroll of Curse Weapon 0.5 lb --- 21,29 * Remove all special powers and set hr & dr to -2d5 * ? Scroll of Dispel Undead 0.5 lb 20, * Dam 60 on all undead creatures within sight * ? Scroll of Acquirement 0.5 lb 8, * Creates one good object * ? Scroll of Rune of Protection 0.5 lb 500 9,21,30 * Glyph monsters can't move onto (lvl/550 chance of breaking it) * ? Scroll of Banishment 0.5 lb 750 * Remove all monsters of chosen symbol from the level. 1d4 damage for each one removed. * ? Scroll of Mass Banishment 0.5 lb 1000 16,25 * Remove all monsters within 20 squares. 1d3 damage for each one removed. * * BOOKS: weight price lvl * ------ * ? a Holy Book of Prayers [Beginners Handbook] 3.0 lb 25 5! * ? a Book of Magic Spells [Magic for Beginners] 3.0 lb 25 5! * ? a Holy Book of Prayers [Words of Wisdom] 3.0 lb 100 10! * ? a Book of Magic Spells [Conjurings and Tricks] 3.0 lb 100 10! * ? a Holy Book of Prayers [Chants and Blessings] 3.0 lb 300 25! * ? a Book of Magic Spells [Incantations and Illusions] 3.0 lb 400 27, * ? a Holy Book of Prayers [Exorcism and Dispelling] 3.0 lb 900 30, * ? a Book of Magic Spells [Sorcery and Evocations] 3.0 lb 800 30, * ? a Holy Book of Prayers [Ethereal Openings] 3.0 lb 5000 1,4,15,13,20 * Element proof * ? a Holy Book of Prayers [Godly Insights] 3.0 lb 10000 8,20,22 * Element proof * ? a Book of Magic Spells [Resistance of Scarabtarices] 3.0 lb 10000 6,25,26 * Element proof * ? a Book of Magic Spells [Raal's Tome of Destruction] 3.0 lb 20000 23, * Element proof * ? a Book of Magic Spells [Mordenkainen's Escapes] 3.0 lb 30000 25,30 * Element proof * ? a Holy Book of Prayers [Purifications and Healing] 3.0 lb 30000 10,23,23,25 * Element proof * * WANDS: weight price lvl * ------ * Prices are with 0 charges. X charges increases this price by X/20 * - Wand of Light (7..16 charges) 1.0 lb 200 1! * Spear of Light, dam 6d8 * - Wand of Wonder (9..23 charges) 1.0 lb 250 3! * Random wand effect, excluding Dragon's Flame/Frost/Breath and Annihilation * - Wand of Heal Monster (11..28 charges) 1.0 lb --- 3! * Heal monster 4d6 hp * - Wand of Magic Missile (7..16 charges) 1.0 lb 200 3! * Dam 3d4, 20% beam chance * - Wand of Haste Monster (10..28 charges) 1.0 lb --- 4! * Haste Monster * - Wand of Stinking Cloud (7..13 charges) 1.0 lb 400 5! * Dam 12, R2 * - Wand of Slow Monster (7..16 charges) 1.0 lb 500 5! * Slow Monster * - Wand of Confuse Monster (7..18 charges) 1.0 lb 500 5! * Confusion * - Wand of Sleep Monster (10..23 charges) 1.0 lb 500 5! * Sleep monster * - Wand of Trap/Door Destruction (7..13 charges) 1.0 lb 100 10! * Destroys all traps/door in a line * - Wand of Stone to Mud (4..7 charges) 1.0 lb 300 10! * Remove one rock section, dam 20+1d30 * - Wand of Lightning Bolts (8..14 charges) 1.0 lb 600 16! * Dam 6d6, 20% beam chance * - Wand of Clone Monster (4..8 charges) 1.0 lb --- 18! * Haste and fully heal target monster, then create a copy * - Wand of Frost Bolts (7..11 charges) 1.0 lb 800 22! * Dam 6d8, 20% beam chance * - Wand of Teleport Other (7..10 charges) 1.0 lb 350 23! * Teleport all monsters in a line up to 100 squares * - Wand of Polymorph (7..13 charges) 1.0 lb 400 25! * Polymorph a monster * - Wand of Acid Bolts (12 charges) 1.0 lb 21, * Dam 10d8, 20% beam chance * - Wand of Scare Monster (4..8 charges) 1.0 lb 10,11,11,13,14,18,21,24,28,30,30 * Scare one monster * - Wand of Fire Bolts (7..11 charges) 1.0 lb 1000 16,23,25 * Dam 12d8, 20% beam chance * - Wand of Lightning Balls (5..10 charges) 1.0 lb 1200 9,10,21,24 * Lightning Ball, dam 64, R2, lightning proof * - Wand of Fire Balls (3..6 charges) 1.0 lb 1800 5,22,30 * Fire Ball, dam 144, R2, fire proof * - Wand of Cold Balls (3..4 charges) 1.0 lb 16,25 * Frost Ball, dam 96, R2, cold proof * - Wand of Acid Balls (3..4 charges) 1.0 lb 1650 10,23 * Acid Ball, dam 120, R2, acid proof * - Wand of Disarming (7 charges) 1.0 lb * Destroys all traps/doors, unlocks all locked doors and reveals all secret doors in a line * - Wand of Drain Life (4..5 charges) 1.0 lb 1200 17, * Dam 150 (does not work on undead/demon/elemental/golem/vortex) * - Wand of Annihilation (2..3 charges) 1.0 lb 3000 75,25,25 * Dam 250 (does not work on undead/demon/elemental/golem/vortex), element proof * - Wand of Dragon's Flame (4 charges) 1.0 lb 2400 30, * Dam 200, R3, element proof * * STAVES: weight price lvl * ------- * Prices are with 0 charges. X charges increases this price by X/20 * _ Staff of Cure Light Wounds (7..17 charges) 5.0 lb 350 5! * Heal 1d8 hp * _ Staff of Light (10..28 charges) 5.0 lb 250 5! * Light Area, dam 6d8 * _ Staff of Darkness (9..16 charges) 5.0 lb --- 5! * Darkness R3/Room, blindness for 3+1d5 turns * _ Staff of Treasure Location (9..28 charges) 5.0 lb 200 5! * Detect treasure * _ Staff of Object Location (7..21 charges) 5.0 lb 200 5! * Detect objects * _ Staff of Detect Invisible (7..21 charges) 5.0 lb 200 6! * Detect invisible monsters * _ Staff of Haste Monsters (11..16 charges) 5.0 lb --- 8! * Haste all monsters in line of sight * _ Staff of Sleep Monsters (7..11 charges) 5.0 lb 700 10! * Sleep all monsters in line of sight * _ Staff of Slow Monsters (7..11 charges) 5.0 lb 800 10! * Slow all monsters in line of sight * _ Staff of Perception (7..19 charges) 5.0 lb 400 10! * Identify * _ Staff of Door/Stair Location (7..13 charges) 5.0 lb 350 10! * Detect doors and stars * _ Staff of Summoning (2..4 charges) 5.0 lb --- 10! * Summon 1d4 monsters/monster groups * _ Staff of Trap Location (8..11 charges) 5.0 lb 350 10! * Detect traps * _ Staff of Starlight (8..11 charges) 5.0 lb 800 20! * Spear of Light in all 8 cardinal directions, dam 6d8 * _ Staff of Detect Evil (10..22 charges) 5.0 lb 350 22! * Detect evil monsters * - Staff of Teleportation (6..9 charges) 5.0 lb 2000 22! * Random teleport up to 100 squares * _ Staff of Curing (5..7 charges) 5.0 lb 1000 25! * Remove bleeding/stun/poison/blindness/confusion * _ Staff of Enlightenment (6..10 charges) 5.0 lb 750 25! * Map * _ Staff of Remove Curse (7 charges) 5.0 lb 12, * Remove all ordinary curses from all equipped items * _ Staff of *Destruction* (2..4 charges) 5.0 lb 2500 12,16,22,25 * R15, randomize wall/floor (not stairs), remove all monsters & objects (not artifacts), blindness 10+1d10 turns * _ Staff of the Magi (3 charges) 5.0 lb 4500 * Restore mana, Restore int * _ Staff of Holiness (3..4 charges) 5.0 lb 55,75 * Dam 120 on evil creatures, Protection from evil for 1d25+lvl*3 turns, Heal 50 hp, Remove bleeding/stun/poison/fear * _ Staff of Dispel Evil (5..6 charges) 5.0 lb 11, * Dam 60 on evil creatures * * _ Staff of Speed (6..7 charges) 5.0 lb 15,8 * * Haste self * _ Staff of Power (4 charges) 5.0 lb * Dam 120 on evil creatures * _ Staff of Earthquakes (7 charges) 5.0 lb 350 7, * Cause 10-square radius earthquake * _ Staff of Banishment (2 charges) 5.0 lb 55, * _ Staff of Probing (3..6 charges) 5.0 lb 2000 20, * Probe all monsters in line of sight (show hp, characteristics & abilities) * _ Staff of Slowness (15 charges) 5.0 lb --- 25, * -10 SPEED for 15+1d30 turns * _ Staff of Healing (2 charges) 5.0 lb 5000 20, * Heal 300 hp, remove stun/bleeding * * RODS: weight price lvl * ----- * - Rod of Trap Location 1.5 lb 100 5! * A = Detect traps * - Rod of Light 1.5 lb 500 10! * A = Spear of Light, dam 6d8 * - Rod of Door/Stair Location 1.5 lb 1000 15! * A = Detect doors/stairs * - Rod of Illumination 1.5 lb 1000 20! * A = Light Area, dam 2d8 * - Rod of Sleep Monster 1.5 lb 1500 21! * Sleep monster * - Rod of Lightning Bolts 1.5 lb 2000 23! * A = Lightning bolt, dam 6d6, 10% beam chance * - Rod of Frost Bolts 1.5 lb 2500 25! * A = Frost Bolt, dam 10d8, 10% beam chance * - Rod of Slow Monster 1.5 lb 1500 30! * Slow Monster * - Rod of Perception 1.5 lb 13000 6, * Lightning proof * A = Identify * - Rod of Polymorph 1.5 lb 1200 7,14,15,22,30 * A = Polymorph * - Rod of Acid Bolts 1.5 lb 3500 14,14,12,22,26 * A = Acid Bolt, dam 12d8, 10% beam chance * - Rod of Fire Bolts 1.5 lb 3000 7,30 * A = Fire Bolt, dam 16d8, 10% beam chance * - Rod of Disarming 1.5 lb 2100 16,14 * A = Disarm all traps, unlocks all locked doors and reveals all secret doors in a line * - Rod of Recall 1.5 lb 4000 10, * A = Recall * - Rod of Detection 1.5 lb 5000 30,30 * Lightning proof * A = Detect treasure/objects/doors/stairs/traps/monsters * - Rod of Healing 1.5 lb 20000 * Lightning proof * A = Heal 500 hp, remove bleeding/stun * - Rod of Probing 1.5 lb 4000 * A = Probe monsters in line of sight * * - Rod of Teleport Other * * A = Teleport Other * - Rod of Drain Life 1.5 lb 3600 30, * A = Drain Life, dam 150 (does not work on undead/demon/elemental/golem/vortex) * * - Rod of Fire Balls * * A = Fire Ball * - Rod of Acid Balls 1.5 lb 5500 6,21,23 * A = Acid Ball, dam 120, R2 * - Rod of Lightning Balls 1.5 lb 4000 13, * A = Lightning Ball, dam 64, R2 * - Rod of Enlightenment 1.5 lb 10000 16,30 * A = Magic Mapping * - Rod of Cold Balls 1.5 lb 4500 23,25,30 * A = Frost Ball, dam 96, R2 * _ Rod of Curing 1.5 lb 15000 * A = Remove bleeding/stun/poison/blindness/confusion * _ Rod of Restoration 1.5 lb 25000 127, * Restore xp and all stats to max, lightning proof * * RINGS: weight price lvl * ------ * = Ring of Teleportation 0.2 lb --- 3! * Cursed, induces random teleportation * = Ring of Slow Digestion 0.2 lb 250 5! * Slow digest * = Ring of Stupidity 0.2 lb --- 5! * Cursed, -2..-1 int * = Ring of Feather Falling 0.2 lb 200 5! * FFall * = Ring of Aggravate Monster 0.2 lb --- 5! * Cursed, aggravate * = Ring of Weakness 0.2 lb --- 5! * Cursed, -4..-1 str * = Ring of Searching 0.2 lb 250 5! * -20..+5 searching * Price = 250 + bonus*100 * = Ring of Protection [-16..+17] 0.2 lb 500 10! * Price = 500 + bonus*100 * = Ring of Resist Cold 0.2 lb 250 12! * Resist cold, cold proof * = Ring of Resist Fire 0.2 lb 250 12! * Resist fire, fire proof * = Ring of Sustain Wisdom 0.2 lb 400 20! * Sustain wis * = Ring of Sustain Charisma 0.2 lb 400 21! * Sustain cha * = Ring of Sustain Constitition 0.2 lb 400 21! * Sustain con * = Ring of Sustain Intelligence 0.2 lb 400 21! * Sustain int * = Ring of Free Action 0.2 lb 1500 21! * FA * = Ring of Damage (-19..+20) 0.2 lb 500 22! * Price = 500 + bonus*100 * = Ring of Sustain Strength 0.2 lb 400 23! * Sustain str * = Ring of Sustain Dexterity 0.2 lb 400 23! * Sustain dex * = Ring of Accuracy (-15..+15) 0.2 lb 500 25! * Price = 500 + bonus*100 * = Ring of Strength 0.2 lb 30! * +2..+3 str, sustain str * Price = 500 + bonus*200 * = Ring of See Invisible 0.2 lb 340 * See invis * = Ring of Resist Poison 0.2 lb * Resist poison * = Ring of Lightning [+10..+13] 0.2 lb 60,24,30 * Resist lightning, lightning proof * A = resist lightning (20+d20 turns) & electricity ball (85) every 50+d50 turns * +12=6200 * = Ring of Constitution 0.2 lb 9,25,30,30 * -3..+4 con, sustain con * Price = 500 + bonus*200 * = Ring of Dexterity 0.2 lb 6,6,25 * +2..+3 dex, sustain dex * +2=900 * = Ring of Intelligence 0.2 lb 9,17,27 * +1..+5 int * Price = 500 + bonus*200 * * = Ring of Woe [-13..-3] (-5..-3) 0.2 lb 48,61 * * Cursed, ? * = Ring of Slaying (-5..+13,-5..+15) 0.2 lb 7,23, * Price = 1000 + (hr+dr)*100 * = Ring of Speed 0.2 lb 12,21 * -56..+22 SPEED Statistics: 3: 11 * 4: 11111111 * 5: 11 * 6: 1111111111 * 7: 1111111111111 * 8: 1111111111 * 9: 111111 * 10: 11111111 * 11: 1 * 12: 1 * 13: 1 * Price = 100000 + bonus*30000 * * = Ring of Acid [+11..15] 0.2 lb 16, * * +ac, resist acid, acid proof * = Ring of Ice [+8..+12] 0.2 lb 10,21 * resist cold, cold proof * A = Resist Cold (20+d20 turns) & Cold Ball (75) every 50+d50 turns * Price = 3000 + bonus*100 * = Ring of Flames [+10] 0.2 lb 22, * resist fire, fire proof * A = Resist Fire (20+d20 turns) & Fire Ball (80) every 50+d50 turns * +10=4000 * = The Ring of Barahir (+1) 0.2 lb 64,49,55,58,53,59 * +1 all Stats, +1 stealth, resist poison/dark * = The Ring of Tulkas 0.2 lb 97,70,75 * +4 str/dex/con, resist fear * A = Haste Self (75+d75 turns) every 150+d150 turns * = The Ring of Power (Narya) (+6,+6) 0.2 lb 132400 74,80,90,70,70 * +1 all stats, +1 SPEED, IMMUNE fire, resist fear/nether, sustain str/wis/con/cha, FA, regen, see invis, slow digest * A = Large Fire Ball (120) every 20+d20 turns * = The Ring of Power (Nenya) (+8,+8) 0.2 lb 264000 90,100,81,79 * +2 all stats, +2 SPEED, IMMUNE cold, sustain int/wis/cha, resist blind/life drain, FA, regen, see invis, Ffall,ESP * A = Large Frost Ball (200) every 20+d20 turns * = The Ring of Power 'Vilya' (+10,+10) 0.2 lb 395600 110, * +3 all stats, +3 SPEED, IMMUNE lightning, resist poison/disenchant/life drain, sustain str/dex/con, FA, regen, see invis, slow digest, Ffall * A = Large Lightning Ball (250) every 20+d20 turns * = The Ring of Power 'The One Ring' (+15,+15) 0.2 lb 100, * +5 all stats, +5 SPEED, IMMUNE acid/lightning/fire/cold, resist poison/fear/blind/nether/disenchant, sustain all stats, regen, ESP, see invis, aggravate, drain xp, PERM cursed * A = bizarre things every 30+d30 turns * * AMULETS: weight price lvl * -------- * " Amulet of Resist Lightning 0.3 lb 300 14! * Resist lightning, lightning proof * " Amulet of Teleportation 0.3 lb --- 15! * Cursed, induces random teleportation * " Amulet of Searching 0.3 lb 600 15! * -20..+35 search * Price = 600 + bonus*100 * " Amulet of Adornment 0.3 lb 20 16! * " Amulet of Slow Digestion 0.3 lb 200 16! * Slow digest * " Amulet of Resist Acid 0.3 lb 300 18! * Resist acid, acid proof * " Amulet of Infravision 0.3 lb 200 20! * -3..-1 infravision * Price = 200 + bonus*50 * " Amulet of Wisdom 0.3 lb 500 30! * -3..+3 wis, sustain wis * Price = 500 + bonus*200 * " Amulet of Charisma 0.3 lb 500 14,14 * -2..+1 cha, sustain cha * Price = 500 + bonus*200 * " Amulet of Regeneration 0.3 lb 600 30, * Regen * " Amulet of Weaponsmastery (+2..+5,+2..+4) 0.3 lb 60, * +1..+3 str, resist fear/disenchant, sustain str/con, FA * " Amulet of Devotion 0.3 lb 55, * +3 wis/cha, resist fire/light/dark/life drain, sustain wis/cha, permLight R1 * " Amulet of Trickery 0.3 lb 60, * +3 dex, +3 stealth/search/infravision/speed, resist poison/nexus, sustain dex * " Amulet of Resistance 0.3 lb 55,60 * Resistance, element proof * " Amulet of Sustenance 0.3 lb * Resist life drain, sustain all stats, slow digest, element proof * * " Amulet of DOOM [-7..-2] 0.3 lb 13, * * -12..-4 all stats, cursed * " Amulet of ESP 0.3 lb 55, * +4..+6 search, ESP, element proof * " Amulet of the Magi [+4..+9] 0.3 lb * +2..+8 search & int, resist confusion, sustain int, FA, see invis, element proof * " The Jewel 'Evenstar' 0.3 lb 40,46,53 * Resist cold/dark/lifedrain, sustain int/wis/con * A = Restore life levels every 150 turns * " The Amulet of Carlammas 0.3 lb 61,49,55,55,53 * +2 con, resist fire * A = Protection from Evil every 225+d225 turns * " The Necklace of the Dwarves 0.3 lb 74,70,70,75 * +3 str/con, +3 infravision, resist fear, FA, regen, see invis, permLight R4 * " Amulet of Ingwe 0.3 lb 91950 64,70,81,65,60,70 * +3 int/wis/chr, +3 infravision, resist cold/acid/lightning, FA, see invis * A = Dispel Evil (x5) every 50+d50 turns * " The Elfstone 'Elessar' (+7,+7) [+10] 0.3 lb 60,60,64,70,78 * +2 str/wis/cha, +2 SPEED, resist fire/poison/fear * A = Heal (500) every 200 turns * * CLOAKS: weight price lvl * ------- * ( a Cloak [1,-3..+7] 1.0 lb 3 1! * * ( Shadow Cloak [6,+11..+12] 0.5 lb * * of Enveloping (-8..-5,-8..-6) [#,-8..-2] # lb 8, * * Cursed * ( of Irritation (-13..-1,-13..-1) [#,-11..-2] # lb 22,25 * Cursed, aggravate * of Vulnerability [#,-44..-15] # lb * * Cursed, aggravates * of Stealth [#,+4..+18] # lb 3,25 * +1..+3 Stealth * of Protection [#,+15..+30] # lb * Element proof, +1 random resistance ? (resist shards) * * of Aman [#,+18..+30] # lb * * +1..3 stealth, +1 random resistance, element proof * of the Magi [#,+8..+17] # lb * +1..2 int & stealth, sustain int, acid proof, +1 random power (resist life drain, see invis, FA, ...) * ( The Cloak of Thorongil [1,+10] 1.0 lb 9000 35,55,46,29,40,30,35,39 * resist acid/fear, FA, see invis * ( a Cloak named Colannon [1,+15] 1.0 lb 111800 41,70,40,30 * +3 SPEED, +3 stealth, resist nexus * A = Teleport Self every 45 turns * ( a Shadow Cloak of Tuor [6,+12] 0.5 lb 37400 60,105,63 * +4 stealth & dex, IMMUNE acid, FA, see invis * ( The Cloak 'Holcolleth' [1,+4] 1.0 lb 79400 48,40,91,96,45,75,105,19 * +2 int/wis, +2 stealth, +2 SPEED, resist acid * A = Sleep II every 55 turns * ( The Shadow Cloak of Luthien [6,+20] 0.5 lb 108400 84,50,95 * +2 int/wis/cha, +2 stealth, +2 SPEED, resist fire/cold/acid * A = Restore Life Levels every 250 turns * ( The Cloak 'Colluin' [1,+15] 1.0 lb 51500 40,33,59,70,70 * Resistance, resist poison * A = Resistance (20+d20 turns) every 111 turns * ( The Cloak of Thingol [1,+18] 1.0 lb 38000 53,75 * +3 dex/cha, resist acid/fire/cold, FA * A = Recharge Item every 70 turns * * BOOTS: weight price lvl * ------ * ] a Pair of Soft Leather Boots [2,-4..+6] 2.0 lb 7 3! * ] a Pair of Hard Leather Boots [3,-3..+8] 4.0 lb 12 3! * ] a Pair of Metal Shod Boots [6,+0..+5] 8.0 lb 50 24! * ] The Pair of Soft Leather Boots of Wormtongue (-8,-8) [2,+0] 2.0 lb 106900 27,64 * +3 int/dex, +3 SPEED, +3 stealth, FFall, cursed, element proof * A = Phase Door every 20 turns * of Slowness [#,-13..-2] 23, * Cursed, -5..-1 to speed * * of Noise [#,-13..-4] 15,10,11 * * Cursed, aggravate * * of Annoyance [#,-11..-9] 15, * * Cursed, -9..-1 SPEED, aggravate * * of Great Mass [#,-11..-2] ??? lb * * Cursed * * increased weight: Soft Leather Boots 52.0 lb * * Hard Leather Boots 20.0 lb * * Metal Shod Boots 40.0 lb * of Slow Descent [#,+3..+15] 16, * Ffall * ] of Elvenkind [#,+11..+14] 75, * +1..+4 stealth and SPEED, acid proof, fire proof, feather fall * ] of Stability [#,+4..+9] 7,30 * Resist to nexus, Ffall * * of Stealth,[#,+8..+17] * * +1..+3 stealth * * of Free Action [#,+10..+18] * * FA * of Speed [#,+8..+15] 95,61 * +1..+9 SPEED (+1d10) Drops: +4,+9,+7,+6,+1,+4 * ] The Pair of Metal Shod Boots of Thror [6,+20] 8.0 lb 55,34,49,80,65,39 * +3 str/con, +3 SPEED, resist fear * ] The Pair of Soft Leather Boots 'Dal-i-thalion' [2,+15] 2.0 lb 42500 75,70 * +5 dex, resist confusion/nether/chaos, sustain con, FA * A = Remove fear and Cure poison every 5 turns * ] The Pair of Hard Leather Boots of Feanor [3,+20] 4.0 lb 752000 45, * +15 SPEED, resist nexus * A = Haste Self (20+d20 turns) every 200 turns * * GLOVES: weight price lvl * ------- * * Gloves of agility and gloves giving free action can be used without mana penalty. * ] a Set of Leather Gloves [1,-6..+5] 0,5 lb 3 1! * ] a Set of Gauntlets [2,-4..+4] 2.5 lb 35 15! * ] a Set of Cesti [5,+0] 4.0 lb 15,14,25 * ] The Set of Gauntlets 'Camlost' (-12,-12) [2,+0] 2.5 lb --- 93,67,45,127 * *CURSED*, -3 str/dex, resist fire/disenchantment, FA, aggravate, drain exp * * of Sickliness [#,-4] (-10) # lb * * -10 str/dex/con ?? * of Weakness [#,-13..-2] # lb 23, * cursed, -7..-2 str * * of Clumsiness [#,-12..-5] 15 * * Cursed, -10..-3 dex * * of Free Action [#,+12..+16] * * FA * of Combat (+1,+6) [#,+2] # lb 60, * +1 str/con, aggravate * of Slaying (+1..+5,+1..+5) [#,+10..+15] * * of Agility [#,+10..+16] * * +1..+5 dex * * of Power (+3..+5,+5) [#,+6..+9] # lb 6, * * +3..+4 str * ] The Set of Leather Gloves 'Cammithrim' [1,+10] 0.5 lb 64,9,40,45,39 * resist light, permLight R4, sustain con, FA * A = Magic Missile (2d6) every 2 turns * ] The Set of Gauntlets of Eol (-5,-5) [2,+15] 2.5 lb 55,70,75,72 * +3 int, resist lightning/poison/dark, Ffall, FA, aggravate * A = Mana Bolt (12d8) every 30+d30 turns * ] a Set of Gauntlets 'Pauraegen' [2,+15] 2.5 lb 12500 80,39,80,28,70,64 * Resist lightning, permLight R4 * A = Lightning Bolt (4d8) every 6+d6 turns * ] The Set of Gauntlets 'Paurnen' [2,+15] 2.5 lb 13500 84,12,20,40,60,53 * resist acid, Ffall * A = Acid Bolt (5d8) every 5+d5 turns * ] The Set of Gauntlets 'Paurnimmen' [2,+15] 2.5 lb 14500 44,46,40,60,50 * Resist cold, slow digest * A = Frost Bolt (6d8) every 7+d7 turns * ] The Set of Gauntlets 'Paurhach' [2,+15] 2.5 lb 16500 27,39,40,24,11,27,53,9,40 * resist fire, regen * A = Fire Bolt (9d8) every 8+d8 turns * ] The Set of Leather Gloves 'Cambeleg' (+8,+8) [1,+15] 0.5 lb 50,60,55,45,55,75,53,75,35,6 * +2 str/con, FA * ] The Set of Cesti of Fingolfin (+10,+10) [5,+20] 4.0 lb 114800 73,40,59 * +4 dex, resist acid, FA * A = Magical Arrow (150) every 30+d30 turns * * SHIELDS: weight price lvl * -------- * ) Small Leather Shield [2,+0..+5] 5.0 lb 30 2! * ) Small Metal Shield [3,-4..+4] 6.5 lb 50 12! * ) Large Leather Shield [4,-5..+5] 10.0 lb 120 15! * ) Large Metal Shield [5,+0..+4] 12.0 lb 200 30! * [ Shield of Deflection [10,+13..+20] 10.0 lb 55, * Acid proof * of Vulnerability [#,-26..-11] 25, * Cursed, aggravate * of Resist Acid [#,+9..+13] 25, * Resist acid, acid proof * of Resist Lightning [#,+4..+26] 16,18,25 * Resist lightning, lightning proof * of Resist Fire [#,+2..+13] 11,3,25,26,27,30 * Resist fire, fire proof * of Resist Cold [#,+3..+28] 4,17,13,21,27 * Resist cold, cold proof * of Resistance [#,+12..+23] * Resistance, element proof * of Preservation [#,+12] * Resist disenchant/life drain, sustain str/dex/con, element proof, +1 random resistance (fear/shards/...) * of Elvenkind [#,+16] 12, * Resistance, +1..+3 stealth, +1 random resistance, element proof * ) The Large Metal Shield of Anarion [5,+20] 12.0 lb 162000 64,40,55,40,46,40,45,34 * Resistance, sustain all stats * ) The Large Leather Shield of Celegorm [4,+20] 6.0 lb 14000 41,40,40,70,40,55,64,24,59,50 * Resistance, resist light/dark * * a Large Leather Shield of Celefarn [4,+21..+22] 10.0 lb * * Resistance, resist light/dark * ) The Small Metal Shield of Thorin [3,+25] 6.5 lb 64100 41,55,53,41,60 * +4 str/con, IMMUNE acid, resist fear/sound/chaos, FA * ) The Large Leather Shield of the Haradrim [4,+15] 12.0 lb 27300 55,60,53 * +2 str/con, resist poison/fear/blind, sustain str/con, aggravate * A = Berserk every 50+d50 turns * ) The shield of Deflection of Gil-galad [10,+20] 8.0 lb 75,75,75,59 * +5 wis/cha, resist acid/lightning/dark/disenchant, sustain wis/dex/cha, permLight R4 * A = Starlight (10d8) every 100 turns * * HELMETS: weight price lvl * -------- * ] Hard Leather Cap [2,-7..+4] 1.5 lb 12 5! * ] Metal Cap [3,-6..+5] 2.0 lb 30 20! * ] Iron Helm [5,+0..+6] 7.5 lb 75 21! * ] Steel Helm [6,+6] 6.0 lb 23, * * ] Iron Crown [0,+0] 2.0 lb 6, * * ] Golden Crown [0,-3..+5] 3.0 lb 15, * * Acid proof * * ] Jewel Encrusted Crown [0,+4] 4.0 lb * * Acid proof * ] The Iron Helm of Gorlim (+8,+8) [5,+10] 7.5 lb 42,40,49,30,24 * *CURSED*, -5 int/wis, -5 search, resist fear, FA, see invis, aggravate * ] The Iron Crown of Beruthiel [0,+20] 2.0 lb 48,40,45,60,59 * *CURSED*, -5 str/dex/con, FA, ESP, see invis * of Dullness [#,-6..-8] 22, * Cursed, -1..-4 int/wis/cha * * of Sickliness [#,-9] * * cursed, -1 str/dex/con, acid proof * * of Naivety [#,-14..-3] * * Cursed, -5..-3 wis * * of Stupidity [#,-10..-4] * * Cursed, -5..-1 int * * of Ugliness [#,-9] * * Cursed, -4 cha * of Might [0,+2..+15] * +1..+3 str/dex/con, sustain str/dex/con, FA, element proof * of Seeing [#,+5..+12] 25, * +1..+5 search, see invis, resist blind * of the Magi [0,+0..+16] * +1..+3 int, resistance, sustain int, element proof, +1 random power (permLight,FA,ESP,slow digest,regen,resist life drain,...) * * of Intelligence [#,+12] * * +1..+2 int, sustain int * of Wisdom [#,+6..+14] 17, * +1..+2 wis, sustain wis * of Beauty [#,+8..+15] * +2..+4 cha, sustain cha * of Lordliness [0,+4..+14] * +2..+3 wis/cha, sustain wis/cha, resist fear, resist life drain (hidden), element proof * of Serenity [0,+14] 70, * Resist fear/confusion/sound * of Infravision [#,+4..+18] 16, * +1..+5 infravision * of Light [#,+5..+13] 10,25 * PermLight R1, resist light * of Telepathy [#,+5..+14] * ESP * of Regeneration [#,+9..+15] * Regen * * of Teleportation * * cursed, randomly activates for Teleport Self every ??? turns * ] of Night and Day [0,+12] 45, * Resist light/dark/blind, permLight R1, see invis, acid proof * ] The Metal Cap of Thengel [3,+12] 2.0 lb 24500 20,13,28,15 * +3 wis/chr, resist confusion * ] The Iron Helm 'Holhenneth' [5,+10] 7.5 lb 102000 80,39,26,60,35 * +2 int/wis, +2 search, resist blind/confusion, see invis * A = Detection every 55+d55 turns * ] The Golden Crown of Gondor [0,+15] 3.0 lb 84,40 * +3 str/con/wis, resist fire/cold/light/blind/confusion/sound/chaos, regen, see invis, permLight R4 * A = Heal (500 hp) every 500 turns * ] The Steel Helm of Hammerhand [6,+20] 6.0 lb 48800 60,38,40,60,30,50,30,34 * +3 str/dex/con, sustain str/dex/con, resist acid/cold/dark/nexus * ] The Hard Leather Cap of Thranduil [2,+10] 1.5 lb 52200 51,40,22,64,30 * +2 int/wis, resist blind, ESP * ] The Iron Helm of Dor-Lomin [5,+20] 7.5 lb 304400 62,40,46,40,105 * +4 str/dex/con, resistance, resist fear, see invis, permLight R4, ESP * ] The Jewel Encrusted Crown of Numenor [0,+18] 4.0 lb 45,70,75 * +3 int/dex/cha, +3 SPEED, +3 search, resist cold/light/dark/blind/sound/shards, permLight R4, FA, see invis * ] The Massive Iron Crown of Morgoth [0,+0] 2.0 lb 100! * PERM cursed, +125 all stats, +125 infravision, resistance, resist poison/fear/light/dark/confusion/nexus/nether, see invis, permLight R4, ESP * ] The Metal Cap of Celebrimbor [3,+18] 2.0 lb 48900 70,60,64 * +3 int/dex/cha, +3 search, resist acid/fire/shards/disenchant * * ARMOURS: weight price lvl * -------- * ( a Filthy Rag [1,-1..+4] 2.0 lb 1 1! * Average [1,-1] * ( a Robe [2,-6..+6] 2.0 lb 4 1! * ( Soft Leather Armour [4,+0] 8.0 lb 18 3! * ( Soft Studded Leather [5,-5..+5] 9.0 lb 35 3! * ( Hard Leather Armour (-1) [6,-1..+7] 10.0 lb 150 5! * ( Hard Studded Leather (-1) [7,+0..+7] 11.0 lb 200 12! * ( Leather Scale Mail (-1) [11,-8..+2] 14.0 lb 450 22! * [ Chain Mail (-2) [14,+0..+7] 22.0 lb 750 24! * [ Metal Scale Mail (-2) [13,-5..+3] 25.0 lb 550 25! * [ Rusty Chain Mail (-5) [14,-12..-8] 20.0 lb 550 25! * [ Augmented Chain Mail (-2) [16,+0] 27.0 lb 900 30! * [ Double Chain Mail (-2) [16,-4..+6] 25.0 lb 850 15,25,26,30 * [ Bar Chain Mail 8-2) [18,+3] 28.0 lb 950 * [ Metal Brigandine Armour (-3) [19,+0] 29.0 lb 1100 * [ Ribbed Plate Armour (-3) [28,+3..+7] 38.0 lb 12,15,16 * [ Partial Plate Armour (-3) [22,+0] 26.0 lb 1200 14,24,28 * [ Metal Lamellar Armour (-3) [23,+0] 34.0 lb 16, * * [ Full Plate Armour (-3) [25,+0] 38.0 lb 12, * [ Mithril Chain Mail (-1) [28,+0..+10] 15.0 lb 12, * Acid proof * * [ Mithril Plate Mail (-3) [35,+4..+16] 30.0 lb * * Acid proof * [ Adamantite Plate Mail (-4) [40,+4..+5] 42.0 lb * Acid proof * of Vulnerability (#) [#,-61..-46] 22, * Cursed, aggravate * of Resist Acid (#) [#,-3..+18] 10,7,25,30 * Resist acid, acid proof * of Resist Lightning (#) [#,+3..+16] 11,17,13,22,30 * Resist lightning, lightning proof * of Resist Fire (#) [#,+3..+16] 7,7,18,25,30 * Resist fire, fire proof * of Resist Cold (#) [#,-1..+15] 20,25,27 * Resist cold, cold proof * of Resistance (#) [#,+5..+26] 11, * Resistance, element proof * (Dwarven) (-3) [23,+9..+15] 17,26 * +1 str/con, +1 infravision, FA, acid proof, fire proof * of Elvenkind (#) [#,+10..+19] 15,9,12 * Resistance, +1..+3 stealth, +1 random resistance, element proof * * Robe of the Magi * * Resistance?, sustain all stats, hold life, +1 random resistance? (light/...) * * ( Robe of Permanence [2,+3..+20] 2.0 lb 3,16 * * Resistance, sustain all stats, hold life, +1 random resistance * [ Blue Dragon Scale Mail (-2) [30,+5..+25] 20.0 lb * Resist lightning, element proof * A = Breathe lightning (100) every 450+d450 turns * [ White Dragon Scale Mail (-2) [30,+3..+28] 20.0 lb * Resist cold, element proof * A = Breathe frost (110) every 450+d450 turns * Price = 40000 + bonus*100 * [ Pseudo-Dragon Scale Mail (-2) [30,+4..+15] 20.0 lb * Resist light/dark, element proof * A = Breathe light/darkness (200) every 300+d300 turns * Price = 60000 + bonus*100 * [ Bronze Dragon Scale Mail (-2) [30,-6..+23] 20.0 lb 40000 * Resist confusion, element proof * A = Breathe confusion (120) every 450+d450 turns * Price = 40000 + bonus*100 * [ Black Dragon Scale Mail (-2) [30,+13..+28] 20.0 lb 40000 * Resist acid, element proof * A = Breathe acid (130) every 450+d450 turns * Price = 40000 + bonus*100 * [ Gold Dragon Scale Mail (-2) [30,+10..+27] 20.0 lb 40000 * Resist sound, element proof * A = Breathe sound (130) every 450+d450 turns * Price = 40000 + bonus*100 * [ Red Dragon Scale Mail (-2) [30,+0..+28] 20.0 lb 40000 15,23 * Resist fire, element proof * A = Breathe fire (200) every 450+d450 turns * Price = 40000 + bonus*100 * [ Green Dragon Scale Mail (-2) [30,-1..+24] 20.0 lb * Resist poison, element proof * A = Breathe poison gas (150) every 450+d450 turns * Price = 60000 + bonus*100 * * [ Shining Dragon Scale Mail (-2) [30,+6..+24] 20.0 lb * * Resist light/dark, element proof * * A = Breathe light/darkness (200) every 300+d300 turns * [ Law Dragon Scale Mail (-2) [30,+15..+25] 20.0 lb * Resist sound/shards, element proof * A = Breathe sound/shards (230) every 300+d300 turns * [ Chaos Dragon Scale Mail (-2) [30,+5..+26] 20.0 lb * Resist disenchant/chaos, element proof * A = Breathe chaos/disenchant (220) every 300+d300 turns * Price = 80000 + bonus*100 * [ Balance Dragon Scale Mail (-2) [30,+6..+28] 20.0 lb * Resist sound/disenchant/chaos/shards, element proof * A = Breathe balance (250) every 300+d300 turns * Price = 100000 + bonus*100 * [ Multi-Hued Dragon Scale Mail (-2) [30,+15..+27] 20.0 lb * Resistance, resist poison, element proof * A = Breathe multi-hued (lightning/...) (250) every 225+d225 turns * [ Power Dragon Scale Mail (-3) [40,+12..+19] 20.0 lb 71, * Resistance, resist poison/light/dark/blind/confusion/sound/disenchant/chaos/shards/nexus/nether * A = Breathe elements (300) every 300+d300 turns * +12=301200 * ( The Leather Scale Mail 'Thalkettoth' (-1) [11,+25] 6.0 lb 73,40,60,19 * +3 dex, +3 SPEED, resist acid/shards * ( The Soft Leather Armour 'Hithlomir' [4,+20] 8.0 lb 23,40,26,53,70,35 * +4 stealth, resistance, resist dark * [ The Augmented Chain Mail of Caspanion (-2) [16,+20] 27.0 lb 43800 84,40,45,60,25,55,24,80 * +3 con/wis/int, resist acid/poison/confusion * A = Trap/Door Destruction every 10 turns * [ The Full Plate Armour of Isildur [25,+25] 30.0 lb 67,35,55,35,40 * +1 con, resistance, resist confusion/sound/nexus * [ The Mithril Chain Mail 'Belegennon' (-1) [28,+20] 15.0 lb 74,69,46,53,75 * +4 stealth, resistance, resist poison * A = Phase Door every 2 turns * [ The Chain Mail of Arvedui (-2) [14,+15] 22.0 lb 34100 51,55,40,30 * +2 str/cha, resistance, resist shards/nexus * [ The Metal Brigandine Armour of the Rohirrim [19,+15] 20.0 lb 46,40,40,45,46,40 * +2 str/dex, resistance, resist confusion/sound * [ The Mithril Plate Mail of Celeborn (-3) [35,+25] 25.0 lb 154100 71,55,73,45,39 * +4 str/chr, resistance, resist dark/disenchant * A = Banishment every 500 turns * ( The Hard Leather Armour of Himring [6,+15] 10.0 lb 36600 120,75,127 * Resist poison/nether/chaos * A = Protection from Evil every 100+d100 turns * [ The Adamantite Plate Mail 'Soulkeeper' (-4) [40,+20] 42.0 lb 302400 96,75,75,127 * +2 con, sustain con, resist acid/cold/fear/dark/confusion/nexus/nether/chaos/life drain * A = Heal (1000) every 444 turns * [ The Multi-Hued Dragon Scale Mail 'Razorback' (-4) [30,+25] 50.0 lb 96,127 * Resistance, IMMUNE lightning, resist poison/light/dark, permLight R4, see invis, FA, Aggravate * A = Star Ball (150) * * The Power Dragon Scale Mail 'Bladeturner' (-4) [50,+62] 50.0 lb * * -3 dex, -3 search???, resistance, resist poison/light/dark/confusion/sound/chaos/disenchant/shards/blind/nexus/nether, hold life, regen, * * A = Heroism, Bless, Berserk (50+d50 turns) and Resistance every 400 turns * * DIGGING TOOLS: weight price lvl * -------------- * of Digging (#) (+4..+17,+3..+18) (+2..+7) 14,22,23 * Improved tunneling, acid brand * \ A Dwarven Pick of Earthquakes (1d4) (+17,+19) 20.0 lb 46, * +4 str/tunneling, acid brand, creates earthquakes on impact * \ Shovel (1d2) (-6..+7,-6..+8) 6.0 lb 60 22! * -1..+1 tunneling * \ Pick (1d3) (+0,+0) 15.0 lb 100 23! * +1 tunneling * \ Gnomish Shovel (1d2) (-3..+4,-4..+6) 6.0 lb 25! * -6..+4 tunneling * tunneling +2=200 * * \ Dwarven Shovel (1d3) (-7..+9,-8..+9) (-3..+3) 12.0 lb 4,16,18,10 * * Improved tunneling * * \ Orcish Pick (1d3) (+0..+8,+0..+7) (-3..+6) 15.0 lb * * Improved tunneling * * \ Dwarven Pick (1d4) (+0..+8,+0..+8) (-3..+9) 20.0 lb * * Improved tunneling * \ a Mattock of Digging (1d8) (+8,+5) 25.0 lb * +4 tunneling, acid brand * \ The Dwarven Pick of Erebor (3d4) (+5,+20) 20.0 lb 55,70 * +5 str/con, +5 tunneling, slay orc/troll/demon, acid brand, resist light/dark/chaos, sustain str, PermLight R4 * \ The Mattock of Nain (2d8) (+12,+18) 25.0 lb 70,64,75 * +6 str, +6 search, +6 tunneling, +6 infravision, slay orc/troll/giant/dragon, resist dark/disenchant * A = Stone to Mud every 2 turns * * LAUNCHERS: weight price lvl * ---------- * Launcher multipliers affect *everything* on launcher + ammo + slays * } Sling (x2) (-5..+9,-5..+9) 0.5 lb 5 1! * } Short Bow (x2) (-5..+8,-4..+8) 3.0 lb 50 3! * } Long Bow (x3) (+0..+8,+0..+8) 4.0 lb 120 10! * } Light Crossbow (x3) (-5..+8,-2..+7) 11.0 lb 140 16! * } Heavy Crossbow (x4) (-3..+10,-5..+8) 20.0 lb ~280 5,16,3,17,20,30 * of Accuracy (#) (+9..+27,+7..+17) 8,9,8,9,28,29 * of Power (#) (+5..+8,+14..+17) 3,25 * * of Velocity (#) (+4..+18,+5..+33) 6,14 * of Extra Shots (#) (+6..+25,+4..+19) 9,20,22,28 * +1..+2 shots per round * of Extra Might (#) (+2..+20,+7..+25) 16,8,20,25,30 * +1..+2 increased base multiplier * } A Light Crossbow of the Nazgul (x3) (-14,-14) 11.0 lb 23, * Cursed, see invis, drain xp * } a Long Bow of Lothlorien (x3) (+5,+20) 4.0 lb * +2 dex, +2 shooting power, slow digest, FA, acid proof, fire proof * } The Short Bow of Amras (x2) (+12,+15) 3.0 lb 35,45,53 * +1 SPEED, +1 int/wis/dex, +1 shooting power, resist lightning/fire/cold, slow digest * } The Short Bow of Amrod (x2) (+12,+15) 3.0 lb 60,70,64,30,31 * +2 str/con, +2 shooting power, resist lightning/fire/cold, regen * } The Long Bow of Bard (x3) (+17,+19) 4.0 lb 84,55,60,65,53,64,45 * +2 dex, +2 SPEED, FA, +2 shooting power * * a Long Bow of Beleg Cuthalion (x3) (+20,+22) 4.0 lb * * +3 dex, +3 stealth * } The Long Bow 'Belthronding' (x3) (+20,+22) 4.0 lb 81,42,40,50 * +1 SPEED, +1 dex, +1 stealth, +1 shot, resist disenchant * } The Light Crossbow 'Cubragol' (x3) (+10,+14) 11.0 lb 40,55,53 * +10 SPEED, resist fire * A = Fire brand bolts every 999 turns * } The Heavy Crossbow of Umbar (x4) (+18,+18) (+2) 20.0 lb 39400 70,60,70 * +2 str/con, +2 shooting power, resist lightning/light/dark/blind, aggravate * A = Magic Arrow (150) every 20.d20 turns * * AMMO: weight price lvl * ----- * * of Elemental Brand / Slay : Same bonus as melee, but with the magical bonus included * { Rounded Pebbles (1d2) (0..+4,0..+6) 0.4 lb 1! * { Iron Shots (1d3) (-4..+8,-5..+6) 0.5 lb 2 3! * { Mithril Shots (2d4) (+9,+7) 0.4 lb * Acid proof * { Arrows (1d4) (-4..+7,-6..+7) 0.2 lb 1 3! * { Mithril Arrows (3d4) (?,?) 0.2 lb * { Bolts (1d5) (-5..+7,-6..+8) 0.3 lb 2 3! * { Mithril Bolts (3d5) (+0,+0) 0.2 lb 12, * Acid proof, fire proof * { Seeker Arrows (4d4) (+0..+5,+0..+8) 0.2 lb 3, * * { Seeker Bolts (4d5) (+3..+8,+2..+8) 0.3 lb * of Backbiting (-52..-8,-59..-17) 25, * Cursed * of Wounding (#) (+5..+18,+4..+19) 5,14,17,9,8,27 * * of Flame (#) (+7..+18,+5..+20) * * Flaming, fire proof * of Frost (#) (+5..+14,+2..+15) 22, * Frost brand, cold proof * of Lightning (#) (+3,+6) * Lightning brand, lightning proof * of Acid (#) (+5,+2) 8, * Acid brand, acid proof * of Venom (#) (+2..+6,+3..+9) 25,30 * Poison brand * * of Hurt Orc (#) (+8,+6..+10) * * Slay orc * * of Hurt Troll (#) (+6..+11,+8..+14) * * Slay troll * of Slay Animal (#) (+3..+12,+1..+19) 4,,27 * Slay animal * * of Hurt Giant (#) (+3..+15..+3..+14) * * Slay giant * * of Hurt Dragon (#) (+2..+14,+3..+13) 4, * * Slay dragon * of Slay Evil (#) (+5..+16,+4..+14) * Slay evil * of Slay Undead (#) (+6..+9,+6..+14) 18,25 * Slay undead * of Slay Demon (#) (+6..+12,+6..+10) 17,30 * Slay demon * of Holy Might (#) (+17,+15) * Slay demon/undead/evil, fire proof, acid proof * * WEAPONS: weight price avg lvl * -------- * On rare occations a weapon can have a higher dam-dice than normal. Then it also has slay or brand. * Fire brand: Base*3 (unless resistant to fire) * ID: "It is branded with fire." * Self: "Your weapon burns your foes." * Frost brand: Base*3 (unless resistant to cold) * ID: "It is branded with frost." * Self: "Your weapon freezes your foes." * Lightning brand: Base*3 (if not resistant to lightning) * ID: "It is branded with electricity." * Self: "Your weapon shocks your foes." * Acid brand: Base*3 (if not resistant to acid) * ID: "It is branded with acid." * Self: "Your weapon melts your foes." * Poison brand: Base*3 (if not resistant to poison) * ID: "It is branded with poison." * Self: "Your weapon poisons your foes." * Slay evil: Base*2, --- * ID: "It slays all evil creatures." --- * Self: "Your weapon strikes at evil with extra force." --- * Slay troll: Base*3, --- * ID: "It slays trolls." --- * Self: "Your weapon is especially deadly against trolls." --- * Slay animal: Base*2, --- * ID: "It slays animals." --- * Self: "Your weapon strikes at animals with extra force." --- * Slay orc: Base*3, --- * ID: "It slays orcs." --- * Self: "Your weapon is especially deadly against orcs." --- * Slay giant: Base*3, --- * ID: "It slays giants." --- * Self: "Your weapon is especially deadly against giants." --- * Slay undead: Base*3, Base*5? * ID: "It slays undead." "It is especially deadly against undead." * Self: "Your weapon strikes at undead with holy wrath." "Your weapon is a great bane of undead." * Slay demon: Base*3, Base*5? * ID: "It slays demons." "It is especially deadly against demons." * Self: "Your weapon strikes at demons with holy wrath." "Your weapon is a great bane of demons." * Slay dragon: Base*3, Base*5 * ID: "It slays dragons." "It is especially deadly against dragons." * Self: "Your weapon is especially deadly against dragons." "Your weapon is a great bane of dragons." * | Broken Dagger (1d1) (-7..+3,-10..+2) 0.5 lb 1 1.0 1! * Average: (-2,-4), Rare: (2d1) * | Dagger (1d4) (-2..+6,-5..+8) 1.2 lb 10 2.5 1! * Rare: (2d4) * | Broken Sword (1d2) (-10..+3,-9..+2) 3.0 lb 2 1.5 1! * Average: (-2,-4) * \ Whip (1d3) (+0,+0) 3.0 lb 30 2.0 3! * | Main Gauche (1d5) (-6..+3,-5..+4) 3.0 lb 25 3.0 4! * Rare: (2d5) * | Rapier (1d6) (-6..+4,-3..+5) 4.0 lb 42 3.5 5! * / Spear (1d6) (-4..+2,-5..+5) 5.0 lb 36 3.5 5! * | Sabre (1d7) (-9..+5,-7..+5) 5.0 lb 50 4.0 5! * Rare: (2d7) * / Trident (1d8) (-4..+5,-5..+5) 7.0 lb 120 4.5 5! * | Small sword (1d6) (-3..+4,-4..+3) 7.5 lb 48 3.5 5! * | Short Sword (1d7) (+0..+5,+0..+5) 8.0 lb 90 4.0 5! * Rare: (2d7) * | Tulwar (2d4) (-4..+6,-7..+6) 10.0 lb 200 5.0 5! * | Cutlass (1d7) (-4..+6,-5..+7) 11.0 lb 85 4.0 5! * \ Mace (2d4) (+0..+5,+0..+5) 12.0 lb 130 5.0 5! * \ War Hammer (3d3) (-6..+4,-1..+4) 12.0 lb 225 6.0 5! * Rare: (4d3) * | Scimitar (2d5) (-4..+6,-5..+6) 13.0 lb 250 6.0 10! * \ Morning Star (2d6) (-5..+7,-4..+8) 15.0 lb 396 7.0 10! * \ Flail (2d6) (-5..+5,-5..+3) 15.0 lb 353 7.0 10! * / Awl-Pike (1d8) (-1..+5,-5..+5) 16.0 lb 340 4.5 10! * \ Quarterstaff (1d9) (+0..+3,+0..+2) 15.0 lb 200 5.0 11! * Rare: (2d9) * | Broad Sword (2d5) (-6..+6,-5..+6) 15.0 lb 255 6.0 11! * \ Lucerne Hammer (2d5) (-5..+7,-4..+5) 12.0 lb 376 6.0 12! * | Long Sword (2d5) (-5..+3,-4..+9) 13.0 lb 300 6.0 12! * Rare: (3d5) * / Lance (2d8) (-2..+5,-7..+5) 30.0 lb 230 9.0 16! * / Pike (2d5) (-7..+7,-6..+3) 16.0 lb 358 6.0 16! * / Battle Axe (2d8) (-4..+5,-5..+4) 17.0 lb 334 9.0 16! * / Beaked Axe (2d6) (+0..+5,+0..+5) 18.0 lb 408 7.0 16! * | Bastard Sword (3d4) (-4..+7,-3..+5) 14.0 lb 350 7.5 16! * / Broad Axe (2d6) (-4..+2,-2..+4) 16.0 lb 404 7.0 17! * \ Lead-filled Mace (3d4) (-5..+0,-6..+0) 18.0 lb 502 7.5 18! * / Glaive (2d6) (+0..+2,+0..+4) 19.0 lb 363 7.0 22! * Rare: (3d6) * \ Ball-and-Chain (2d4) (+0..+5,+0..+5) 15.0 lb 200 5.0 30! * | Katana (3d4) (-5..+5,-2..+5) 12.0 lb 400 7.5 30! * / Halberd (3d5) (+0,+0) 19.0 lb 430 9.0 30! * Rare: (4d5) * | Two-Handed Sword (3d6) (+0..+5,+0..+6) 20.0 lb 10.5 12,10,16,21 * Rare: (4d6) * / Great axe (4d4) (+0..+6,+0..+5) 23.0 lb 500 10.0 8, * \ Two-Handed Flail (3d6) (+0..+6,+0..+4) 28.0 lb 590 10.5 21,27 * / Scythe (5d3) 25.0 lb 10.0 15, * Rare: (6d3) * / Lochaber Axe (3d8) (+3,+3) 25.0 lb 13.5 11,16 * / Scythe of Slicing (8d4) (-8..+7,-7..+7) 25.0 lb 20.0 23, * * \ Mace of Disruption (5d8) (+3..+9,+3..+5) 40.0 lb * * Slay undead * | Blade of Chaos (6d5) (+3..+7,+4..+8) 18.0 lb 18.0 * Resist chaos * (Defender) (#) (+6..+19,+5..+17) [+1..+8] 14,16,18,11,15,15,17,19,23,25,25,30 * +1..+4 stealth, resistance, Ffall, regen, see invis, FA, sustain 1 random stat, element proof * (Holy Avenger) (#) (+9..+18,+3..+18) 20,13,20,20,28 * +1..+4 wis, +1..+4 ac, slay evil/demon/undead, see invis, blessed, resist fear, sustain 1 random stat * (Blessed) (#) (+3..+16,+3..+18) 25! * +1..+3 wis, no penalty for priests, +1 random power (slow digest/ESP/Ffall/permLight/hold life/regen/see invis/...) * of Westernesse (#) (+7..+14,+7..+15) 12,16,18,18,16,16,24 * +1..+2 str/dex/con, slay orc/troll/giants, see invis, FA * of Extra Attacks (#) (+2..+13,+0..+13) 16,13,19,25 * +1..+2 attacks per round * of Fury (#) (+18..+19,+13..+14) 70, * +1 str, +1 attack, resist fear, aggravate, acid proof, fire proof * of Gondolin (#) (+3..12,+8..+15) 20, * Slay orc/troll/dragon/demon, resist dark, permLight R1, FA, see invis, acid proof, fire proof, +0..+1 random power (ESP/Ffall/hold life/...?) * of Flame (#) (+2..+14,+2..+14) 18,15,18,22,22,28,30 * Resist fire, fire brand, fire proof * of Frost (#) (+2..+17,+3..+15) 5,12,9,16,24,28,28,30 * Resist cold, frost brand, cold proof * of Lightning (#) (+1..+15,+2..+13) 6,8,9,17,25,29 * Resist lightning, electricity brand, lightning proof * of Acid (#) (+5..+17,+0..+16) 25! * Resist acid, acid brand, acid proof * of Venom (#) (+1..+8,+3..+7) 14,24,30 * Poison brand * of Slay Evil (#) (+1..+15,+1..+16) 9,11,14,8,8,16,18,23,24,25 * Slay evil * of Slay Animal (#) (+2..+17,+4..+17) 25! * Slay animal * of Slay Orc (#) (+2..+17,+4..+16) 9,18,12,14,19,21,24 * Slay orc * of Slay Troll (#) (+1..+18,+2..+18) 4,9,15,20,23,23,25,26,29 * Slay troll * of Slay Giant (#) (+2..+16,+2..+18) 5,7,7,16,17,18,11,15,19,23,23,25,29 * Slay giant * of Slay Dragon (#) (+4..+17,+3..+19) 6,8,8,16,17,20,20,25,28 * Slay dragon * of Slay Demon (#) (+3..+17,+5..+19) 11,16,21,25,30 * Slay demon * of Slay Undead (#) (+4..+17,+3..+17) 25! * Slay undead * of *Slay* Dragon (#) (+5..+16,+5..+12) 16,26 * +1..+2 con, resist fear, *SLAY* dragon * of *Slay* Demon (#) (+2..+12,+2..+17) 7,17,21 * +1..+2 int, slay demon, resist fire * of *Slay* Orc (#) (+4..+15,+2..+14) 17, * +1..+2 dex, slay orc, sustain dex * of *Slay* Undead (#) (+1..+16,-1..+11) 9,8,20,13,22,22,23,23,25,27,30,30 * +1..+2 wis, see invis, slay undead * of *Slay* Animal (#) (+4..+15,+6..+10) 15, * +1..+2 int, slay animal, slow digest * of *Slay* Troll (#) (+5..+14,+3..+16) 16,10,30,30 * +1..+2 str, slay troll, regen * * of *Slay* Evil (#) (+3..+14,+7..+15) 16, * * +1..+2 wis, slay evil, blessed * of *Slay* Giant (#) (+2..+12,+1..+11) 18,15,25,30 * +1..+2 str, slay giant, sustain str * of Morgul (xdy) (-39..-3,-29..-2) 25! * *CURSED*, slay undead, poison brand, resist life drain, see invis, aggravate, drain xp * | The Two-Handed Sword 'Mormegil' (3d6) (-15,-15) [-10] 25.0 lb -4.5 84,39,49,40,44,57,45,60 * *CURSED*, -10 SPEED, slay undead, *slay* dragon, poison brand, resist life drain, see invis, drain xp, aggravate * | The Dagger of Rilia (2d4) (+4,+3) 1.2 lb 16100 8.0 61,40,64,53 * resist disenchant/poison, slay orc, poison brand * A = Stinking Cloud (12) every 4+d4 turns * | The Long Sword 'Anguirel' (2d5) (+8,+12) 13.0 lb 102800 18.0 50,48,27,34 * +2 str/con, +2 SPEED, slay evil/demon, poison brand, resist lightning/light/dark, FA, see invis, permLight R4, aggravate * \ The Dagger 'Dethanc' (2d4) (+4,+6) 1.2 lb 14400 11.0 10,20,35 * shocking, resist lightning * A = Lightning Bolt (4d8) every 6+d6 turns * | The Dagger 'Nimthanc' (2d4) (+4,+6) 1.2 lb 11.0 64,16,6,31 * Frost brand, resist cold * A = Frost Bolt (6d8) every 7+d7 turns * \ The Dagger 'Narthanc' (2d4) (+4,+6) 1.2 lb 11.0 29,35,40,4,5,40,35 * Fire brand, resist fire * A = Fire Bolt (9d8) every 8+d8 turns * * | The Short Sword 'Gilettar' (1d7) (+3,+7) 8.0 lb 11.0 84,96 * * +2 attacks, slay animal, regen, slow digest * | The Small Sword 'Sting' (1d6) (+7,+8) 7.5 lb 11.5 70,96,70,53,31 * +2 SPEED, +2 attacks, +2 str/dex/con, slay animal/orc/undead/evil, resist fear/light, FA, see invis, permLight R4 * | The Sabre 'Careth Asdriag' (1d7) (+6,+8) 5.0 lb 12.0 50,33,70,75,35 * +1 attack, slay animal/orc/troll/giant/dragon * \ The Lucerne Hammer 'Turmil' (2d5) (+10,+6) [+8] 12.0 lb 33400 12.0 84,40,45,75,25,53,30,34 * +4 wis, +4 infravision, frost brand, slay orc, resist cold/light, regen, permLight R4 * A = Drain Life (90) every 40 turns * | The Long Sword 'Elvagil' (2d5) (+2,+7) 13.0 lb 31900 13.0 39,32,25,53,24,39 * +2 dex/cha, +2 stealth, slay troll/orc, see invis, Ffall * | The Dagger 'Belangil' (2d4) (+6,+9) 1.2 lb 14.0 90,99,46,45,55,28,70,39 * +2 dex, frost brand, resist cold, regen, see invis, slow digest * A = Frost Ball (48) every 5+d5 turns * \ The Morning Star 'Firestar' (2d6) (+5,+7) [+2] 15.0 lb 14.0 80,55,25,70,75 * Fire brand, resist fire * A = Fire Ball (72) every 20 turns * | The Cutlass 'Gondricam' (1d7) (+10,+11) 11.0 lb 15.0 37,80,99,40,65,64,30 * +3 dex, +3 stealth, resistance, Ffall, regen, see invis * ] The Halberd 'Osondir' (3d5) (+6,+9) 19.0 lb 18.0 40,45,35,59 * +3 cha, fire brand, slay giant/undead, resist fire/sound, Ffall, see invis * / The Spear 'Nimloth' (1d6) (+11,+13) 5.0 lb 16.5 84,70,75,64,75,45 * +3 SPEED, +3 stealth, slay undead, frost brand, resist cold, blessed, see invis * | The Scimitar 'Haradekket' (2d5) (+9,+11) 13.0 lb 17.0 80,40,90,44,70,34 * +2 attacks, +2 dex, slay animal/evil/undead, see invis * / The Beaked Axe of Theoden (2d6) (+8,+10) 18.0 lb 17.0 84,91,99,33,75 * +3 wis/con, slay dragon, slow digest, ESP * A = Drain life (120) every 40 turns * \ The Flail 'Totila' (3d6) (+6,+8) 15.0 lb 18.5 43,39,50,45,23,53,72 * +2 stealth, slay evil, fire brand, resist fire/confusion * A = Confuse Monster every 15 turns * / The Scythe 'Avavir' (5d3) (+8,+8) [+10] 25.0 lb 18.0 61,40,45,55,45,55,60,41 * +3 dex/cha, fire brand, frost brand, resist fire/cold/light, permLight R4, see invis, FA * A = Word of Recall every 200 turns * / The Pike 'Til-i-arc' (2d5) (+10,+12) [+10] 16.0 lb 18.0 36,40,40,64 * +2 int, slay demon/troll/giant, fire brand, frost brand, sustain int, resist fire/cold, slow digest * | The Broadsword 'Arunruth' (3d5) (+20,+12) 15.0 lb 54500 20.5 71,70,60,53,75 * +4 dex, slay demon/orc, resist cold, slow digest, Ffall, FA * A = Frost Bolt (12d8) every 50 turns * / The Battle Axe 'Lotharang' (2d8) (+4,+3) 17.0 lb 21.0 71,75,40,59,45,55,64,35 * +1 str/dex, slay orc/troll * A = Cure Wounds (4d8) every 3+d3 turns * | The Dagger 'Angrist' (2d4) (+10,+15) [+5] 1.2 lb 224300 20.0 41,44,90,20,64 * +4 SPEED, +4 dex, slay evil/orc/troll, acid brand, sustain dex, resist acid/dark, FA * | The Broadsword 'Glamdring' (2d5) (+10,+15) 15.0 lb 21.0 84,40,25 * +1 search, fire brand, slay evil/orc/demon, resist fire/light, blessed, slow digest, permLight R4 * / The Battle Axe of Balli Stonehand (3d8) (+8,+11) [+5] 17.0 lb 24.5 42,60,40,53,75 * +3 str/con, +3 stealth, slay demon/orc/troll, resistance, resist blind, Ffall, regen, see invis, FA * | The Broadsword 'Aeglin' (2d5) (+12,+16) 15.0 47900 22.0 70,20,55,75 * +1 search, lightning brand, slay orc/troll/giant, resist lightning/blindness, slow digest, blessed, permLight R4 * | The Main Gauche of Maedhros (2d5) (+12,+15) 3.0 lb 21.0 48,35 * +3 int/dex, +3 SPEED, slay troll/giant, see invis, FA * | The Rapier 'Forasgil' (1d6) (+12,+19) 4.0 lb 18100 22.5 17,18,67,28,20,67,45 * Slay animal, frost brand, resist cold/light, permLight R4 * \ The Quarterstaff 'Nar-i-vagil' (1d9) (+10,+20) 15.0 lb 25.0 90,55,53,30 * +3 int, fire brand, slay animal, resist fire * / The Broad Axe 'Barukkheled' (2d6) (+13,+19) 16.0 lb 26.0 70,60,53 * +3 con, slay evil/orc/troll/giant, see invis * | The Katana 'Aglarang' (8d4) (+0,+0) 5.0 lb 27.0 71,91,55,70,70 * +5 dex, +5 SPEED, sustain dex * | The Two-Handed Sword 'Gurthang' (3d6) (+13,+17) 20.0 lb 27.5 48,55,70,30,59 * +2 str, *SLAY* dragon, fire brand, poison brand, resist fire/poison, slow digest, regen, FA * / The Great Axe of Eonwe (5d4) (+15, +18) [+8] 23.0 lb 30.5 41,46 * +2 all stats, slay evil/undead/orc, *SLAY* demon, frost brand, IMMUNE cold, resist fear, see invis, FA, blessed * A = Mass Banishment every 1000 turns * \ The Two-Handed Flail 'Thunderfist' (4d6) (+5,+18) 30.0 lb 164500 32.0 50,60,67,70,75 * +4 str/con, slay animal/orc/troll, fire brand, lightning brand, resist lightning/fire/dark/fear * \ The Morning Star 'Bloodspike' (2d6) (+8,+22) 15.0 lb 33800 29.0 49,10,65,26,55,64 * +4 str, slay animal/orc/troll, poison brand, resist nexus, see invis * / The Great Axe of Durin (4d4) (+10,+20) [+15] 23.0 lb 30.0 74,70,35 * +3 con/str, +3 tunnel, acid brand, fire brand, resist acid/fire/fear/light/dark/confusion/chaos, slay demon/orc/troll, *SLAY* dragon * / The Lochaber Axe 'Mundwine' (3d8) (+12,+17) 25.0 lb 30.5 75,40,55,55,53,35,39 * Slay animal/demon/evil, resistance * | The Executioner's Sword 'Crisdurian' (4d5) (+18,+19) 26.0 lb 31.0 84,55,60,68 * slay evil/undead/orc/troll/giant/dragon, see invis * / The Trident of Wrath (3d8) (+16,+18) 30.0 lb 31.5 49,16,75 * +2 str/dex, slay evil, *SLAY* undead, poison brand, resist light/dark, see invis, blessed * | The Bastard Sword 'Calris' (5d4) (-20,+20) 14.0 lb 32.5 74,40,99,45,70,53 * *CURSED*, aggravate, +5 con, slay evil/demon/troll, *SLAY* dragon, resist disenchant * / The Lance of Eorlingas (3d8) (+13,+21) 36.0 lb 120000 34.5 48,45,70,75 * +2 str/dex, +2 SPEED, slay evil/orc/troll, see invis, resist fear * | The Two-Handed Sword 'Zarcuthra' (4d6) (+19,+21) 25.0 lb 35.0 60,51,40 * +4 str/cha, +4 infravision, slay animal/orc/troll/evil/undead/demon/giant, *SLAY* dragon, fire brand, resist fire/chaos, see invis, FA, aggravate * / The Spear 'Aeglos' (3d6) (+15,+25) [+5] 5.0 lb 35.5 76,64 * +4 wis/dex, frost brand, slay orc/troll/evil, *SLAY* undead, resist cold/fear, slow digest, FA, blessed * A = Frost Ball (100) every 35 turns * \ The War Hammer of Aule (9d3) (+19,+21) [+5] 12.0 lb 36.0 99,90,55,81 * +4 wis, +4 tunneling, slay evil/undead/demon, *SLAY* dragon, acid brand, resistance, resist nexus/fear, FA, see invis * | The Longsword 'Ringil' (4d5) (+22,+25) 13.0 lb 605700 37.0 40,23,64,72 * +10 SPEED, frost brand, slay undead/evil/troll, *SLAY* demon, resist cold/light/fear, blessed, regen, FA, see invis, slow digest, permLight R4 * A = Frost Ball (100) every 40 turns * | The Blade of Chaos 'Doomcaller' (6d5) (+18,+28) [-50] 18.0 lb 46.0 75,127 * Frost brand, *SLAY* dragon, slay animal/evil/troll/demon, resistance, resist chaos, FA, see invis, aggravate, ESP * \ Broad Sword 'Orcrist' (2d5) (+10,+15) 15.0 lb 21.0 29,40,55,64,30,59 * +3 search, slay evil/orc/dragon, frost brand, resist cold/dark, slow digest, blessed, permLight R4 * | The Longsword 'Anduril' (3d5) (+10,+15) [+10] 13.0 lb 85600 24.0 80,90,99,45,25,60,64,35,59 * +4 str/dex, fire brand, slay orc/troll/evil/undead, resist fire/fear/disenchant, sustain str/dex, blessed, FA, see invis * A = Fire Ball (72) every 40 turns * / The Spear of Orome (4d6) (+15,+15) 5.0 lb 29.0 75,110,75 * +4 int, +4 SPEED, +4 infravision, fire brand, slay animal/giant, resist fire/light, see invis, blessed, Ffall, permLight R4 * A = Stone to Mud every 5 turns * / The Trident of Ulmo (4d8) (+15,+19) 7.0 lb 126600 35.0 70,127 * +4 dex, slay dragon/animal, IMMUNE acid, resist nether/life drain, FA, see invis, slow digest, regen, blessed * A = Teleport Other every 50 turns * \ The Glaive of Pain (9d6) (0,+30) 30.0 lb 61.5 40,46,45,55,75,59 * Resist fear * \ The Quarterstaff of Olorin (2d9) (+10,+13) 15.0 lb 135600 23.0 84,75,65 * +4 int/wis/cha, slay orc/troll/evil, *SLAY* demon, fire brand, resist fire/nether/life drain, see invis * A = Probing every 20 turns * \ The Quarterstaff 'Eriril' (1d9) (+3,+5) 15.0 lb 9.5 50,45,55,53,24,39 * +4 int/wis, slay evil, resist light, permLight R4, see invis * A = Identify every 10 turns * \ The Mighty Hammer 'Grond' (9d9) (+5,+25) [+10] 100.0 lb 509400 70.0 100! * Can cause Earthquake, slay animal/orc/troll/evil, *SLAY* demon/undead/dragon, see invis, ESP, aggravate * / The Beaked Axe of Hurin (3d6) (+12,+15) 18.0 lb 25.5 40,53 * +2 str/con, slay troll/dragon/demon, acid brand, resist acid/fire/dark, permLight R4 * A = Berserk (50+d50 turns) every 80+d80 turns * | The Short Sword 'Dagmor' (1d7) (+3,+7) 8.0 lb 20000 11.0 40,45,60,26,65,53,60 * +2 attacks, slay animal, poison brand, slow digest, regen * | The Bastard Sword of Eowyn (4d4) (+12,+16) 14.0 lb 26.0 70,40,50 * +4 str/cha, +4 SPEED, +4 stealth, slay animal/giant/evil, *SLAY* undead, resist cold/fear/dark/nether * | The Broken Sword 'Narsil' (3d2) (+6,+10) 3.0 lb 8800 14.5 75,25 * +2 str/dex, +2 attacks, slay orc/troll, resist fire, blessed * | The Main Gauche of Azaghal (2d5) (+12,+14) 3.0 lb 20.0 120, * *SLAY* dragon, IMMUNE fire, resist acid/fear * \ The Mace 'Taratol' (3d4) (+12,+12). 20.0 lb 52800 19.5 84,90,99,59,5,20,55,85,68,64,75 * *Slay* dragon, lightning brand, IMMUNE lightning * A = Haste Self (20+d20 turns) every 100+d100 turns * \ The Whip of Gothmog (6d3) (+13,+15) (-3) {cursed} 9.0 lb --- 27.0 65,75,75 * -3 int/wis/dex, slay animal/troll/giant, *SLAY* dragon, fire brand, IMMUNE fire, resist lightning/dark, permLight R4, aggravate, *CURSED* * A = Large Fire Ball (120) every 15 turns * \ The Mace of Disruption 'Deathwreaker' (7d8) (+18,+18) 40.0 lb 49.5 74, * +6 str, +6 tunneling, fire brand, slay evil/dragon/animal, *SLAY* undead, IMMUNE fire, resist dark/chaos/disenchant, aggravate * \ The Ball-and-Chain of Fundin Bluecloak (4d4) (+13,+17) 13.0 lb 27.0 65,81 * +4 str/wis, +4 SPEED, +10 AC, slay undead/evil, resist lightning/fire/nether/life drain, permLight R4 * A = Dispel Evil (x5) every 100+d100 turns * / The Spear of Melkor (4d6) (-12,+20) 20.0 lb 34.0 76, * *CURSED*, -4 wis, -4 stealth, poison brand, resist light/dark/blind/nether, aggravate, drain xp a: a) Use sound no b) Rogue-like commands no c) Use old target by default no d) Always pickup items no => yes e) Always pickup irems matching inventory yes f) Be verbose when picking things up yes g) Hide items set as squelchable no h) Automatically squelch worthless items no i) Open/Disarm doors/traps on movement no => yes j) Open/Disarm/Close without direction no k) Always show lists yes l) Allow mouse clicks to move player no m) Show mouse status line buttons no b: a) Player color indicates low hit points no b) Hilite the player with the cursor no c) Center map continuously no d) Show stacks using special attr/char no e) Show flavors in object descriptions yes f) Show labels in equipment listings yes g) Use special colors for torch lite no h) Use special colors for field of view yes i) Use special colors for wall grids no => yes j) Use special colors for floor grids yes k) Map remembers all perma-lit grids yes l) Map remembers all torch-lit grids yes e: a) Disturb whenever any monster moves no b) Disturb whenever viewable monster moves yes c) Disturb whenever leaving trap detected area yes d) Disturb whenever player state changes yes e) Activate quick messages yes f) Automatically clear '-more-' prompts no g) Audible bell (on errors, etc) yes => no h) Flush input on various failures yes j) Flush input whenever disturbed no f: These must be set before creating the character! a) Maximize effect on race/class bonuses yes b) Randomize some of the artifacts (alpha) no c) Start with more money instead of equipment no d) Monsters chase current location yes e) Monsters chase recent locations yes f) Monsters act smarter in groups yes g) Monsters learn from their mistakes no => yes h) Monsters exploit player's weaknesses no => yes i) Monsters behave more intelligently (broken) no j) Restrict the use of stairs/recall no k) Restrict the use of stores/home no l) Restrict creation of artifacts no m) Don't stack objects on the floor no o) Lose artifacts when leaving level no p) Don't generate connected stairs no q) Don't show level feelings no g: a) Cheat: Peek into object creation no b) Cheat: Peek into monster creation no c) Cheat: Peek into dungeon creation no d) Cheat: Peek into something else no e) Cheat: Know complete monster info no f) Cheat: Allow player to avoid death no w: ... s: Squelch... Q) Quality squelching options { Autoinscription setup d: Set base delay factor 0 => 4 h: Set hitpoint warning 0% => 30% i) Ser movement delay 0 => 4 l) Load a user pref file o) Dump options m) Interact with macros (advanced) v) Interact with visuals (advanced) c) Interact with colours (advanced)