Food Time Gold Food/h Gold/Food 6 30 s 30 720 5 Impruberries 20 3 m 120 400 6 Buffbeets 50 1 h 650 50 13 Firapples 225 5 h 3200 45 14 Pumpwings 325 8 h 5500 41 17 Eliteleeks 700 20 h 13k 35 19 Scalypears 100 10 m 8k 600 80 Upgrapes 300 1 h 26k 300 87 Rushrooms 800 5 h 75k 160 94 Diamondates 6 10 s 1500 2160 250 Abominapples 30 30 s 9000 3600 300 Blizzartichokes 130 2 m 41k 3900 315 Snowranges 300 1 h 100k 300 333 Spicicles 750 3 h 260k 250 347 Blucumbers 1000 5 h 380k 200 380 Sasquash Ice Area: Icecrown Diamond-kind + Abomi/Sasqua/Killerwh/Sabret/Yeti Snowangel Diamond-kind + Blizzard/Alpine/Penguin/Polar/Snowflake Untradable: Fire, Forest, Air, Water, Light, Gemstone, Ruby, Topaz, Emerald. Commons: Gives 1 small gem matching one of their colors Rare: Gives 2 small gems matching their colors, plus one random. If 3 colors, no random is given. Night & virtue don't give the random item. SRare: Gives large gems matching their colors, plus one random. If 3 colors, no random is given. Always ask for magic maps. If not possible, ask for lotus Current breedings: Gold + Spirit for EVERYTHING! (avg 14h common) ================= Diamond + Leo for the other star signs! Diamond + Diamond gives quite a nice range (avg 7h common) Diamond + Templar/Night/Magnetic Crusader + Quetzal for rare dino (3h common) Scarecrow + Lightning seems quite nice (fast commons) Scarecrow + Night: Loads of possible results Lightning + Aurora: Loads of possible results Forest + Fire: C 3 - R 6 - R 12 Dino S 6 - Angel: Diamond + Magnetic C 5/12 Mercury: Diamond + Night/Magnetic C 5/12 Dark Angel: Diamond + Night/... C 12/20/10 Helios: Needs mythic type Prism: Needs stone type Jaded Caretakers: Have 1 Jade dragon (Rare: troll + gemstone) Swan Song: Have 1 Black Swan dragon (SRARE: ...) Show your support:Have 1 Turquoise dragon Trickter proofing:Have 1 Night Elf dragon (SRARE: night + magic) Mostly Mossy Meal:Have 1 Mossrock dragon Digging up the P: Have 1 Dino dragon (Rare: gemstone + scarecrow) Have 1 Ancient Tarpit (500k) Paint the Town R.:Have 1 Red Queen dragon (?) Ships Ahoy!: Have 1 Hook dragon: (?) Like a Virgo: Have 1 Virgo dragon (Need Leo, Libra or Scorpio dragon) Gift that Keeps.: Have 1 Treasure dragon (Must be bought! 2000 gold) Lazy lizards: Have 1 Quartz dragon (SpellShop: 2LQuartz+2ND+2Sc) Diamond Dragons.: Have 1 Prism dragon (ULTRA: ...) Sweet Dreams: Have 1 Onyx Dragon (Rare: night + gemstone) Tons of Tails: Evolve Kitsune dragon to lvl 10 The Colors!: Evolve Rainbow dragon to lvl 10 Don't be Shellf.: Have 1 Shell dragin Master Prankster: Have 1 Hunter dragon (Rare: night + gemstone/aurora/poi) The Winged Crusa.:Have 1 Bat dragon (Rare: night + air/parakeet) Treasure Divers: Have 1 Deep dragon (Rare: night + gemstone/aurora) Dapper Days: Have 1 Dapper dragon Better than One: Have 1 Gemini dragon Finding Balance: Have 1 Libra dragon (Need Leo, Scorpio or Virgo dragon) Stubborn Scorpios:Have 1 Scorpio dragon (Need Leo, Libra or Virgo dragon) Age of Aquarius: Have 1 Aquarius dragon (?) One Fish, Two F.: Have 1 Pisces dragon (?) Follow the leader:Have 1 Aries Dragon (?) Castles in the A.:Have 1 Castle dragon (?) Next in Line: Have 1 Crownprince dragon (?) Game of Kings: Have 1 Chess dragon (?) Give a Hoot: Have 1 Owl dragon (Rare: lightning + scarecrow) A Bump in the Nig:Have 1 Skeleton dragon (SRARE: air + spirit) An Unusual Ingot: Have 1 Metal dragon (Rare: light + water/night/gemst.) Shadow and Flame: Have 1 Darksteel dragon (SRARE: metal + night) Rumble on the Is.:Have 1 Mech dragon (SRARE: metal + life/ruby/scarecrow) Resistance if Fu.:Have 1 Cyber dragon (metal+green+purple?) Status Symbols: Have 1 Chrome dragon (metal + blue + yellow) The Roof over Our:Have 1 Armor dragon (metal + green?) One Dragon's Tras:Have 1 Gadget dragon (?) A Glimpse of the.:Have 1 Oracle dragon (?) Which Witch?: Have 1 Goodwitch dragon (?) Earth, Water, Fi.:Have 1 Elements dragon (?) Knitting Lace: Have 1 Lacewing dragon (?) A New Spring: Have 1 Cherry Blossom dr.(?) Flame On!: Have 1 Firemane dragon (red + yellow) Up with the Sun: Have 1 Melody dragon (pink + white) A Bunch of Daisi.:Have 1 Daisy dragon Pensive Pansies: Have 1 Pansy dragon Caution: Fragile!:Have 1 Porcelain dragon Gold All Over: Have 1 Goldwing dragon (Must be bought! 1800 gold) Diamond of Light: Have 1 Angel dragon (ULTRA: white + diamond) Festival o/t Dawn:Have 1 Hypnotic dragon (white + purple?) Across the Sky: Have 1 Double Rainbow dragon Save us, ...: Have 1 Super Dragon (Rare: charm + water) Evolve to lvl 4 Beat poachers Greedy Goblins: Have 1 Goblin dragon (SRARE: night + ...) Audience Needed: Have 1 Illusion dragon (Rare: night + poison) Adversarial Angel:Have 1 Dark Angel dragon (ULTRA: ...) Belle of the Ball:Have 1 Mask dragon (Rare: ...) Troll Toll: Have 1 Troll dragon (SRARE: night + gemstone/poison) Myth of Mystery: Have 1 Mythic dragon (Rare: titan + parakeet) The Emperor Appr.:Have 1 Caesar dragon (Rare: diam + frui) Growing Pains: Have 1 Flower dragon (pink + green?) Unfold the Myst.: Have 1 Origami dragon (pink + purple?) --- Came and went: --- Arachnofilia: Have 1 Spider dragon (Rare: night + titan) A Midnight dreary:Have 1 Raven dragon (SRARE: magic + night) Mark of the Vamp.:Have 1 Vampire dragon (SRARE: magic + night/water) Coming to Town: Have 1 Santa dragon (red + yellow + white?) Festival of Light:Have 1 Hanukkah Dragon How Sweet it is: Have 1 White Chocolate d.(?) By Any Other Name:Have 1 Black Rose dragon (?) Dressed for a Pa.:Have 1 Carnival dragon (?) All Dressed Up...:Have 1 Mardi Gras dragon (?) The Emerald Isles:Have 1 Celtic dragon (?) Green Energy: Have 1 Earth Day dragon (green + yellow) ---------------------- Ti: Breed/evolve time in hours R: Rarity. C(ommon), (R)are, S(uper Rare), U(ltra Rare) Col: Colours: R(ed), Y(ellow), G(reen), B(lue), P(urple), W(hite), #(black), D(amond), Pi(nk), Ge(mstone), Zo(diac), St(one), Co(smic), Ro(yal), Me(tal), Tr(opic), Fa(irytale), Di(no), My(thic), Va(lentine), Ra(inbow), Go(ld), Ch(ampion), Eg(ypt), ... Ti Rar Col Name =============== 7 4 S Ic Bedrock 1200 7 4 S Ic Cave 1200 7 4 R Ic Fossil 960 * 9 4 C Ic Meteor 2000 * *** 4 C Ic Ice Age 7 8 U IcD Icicle 1800 ------------------------------------- 8 4 S Ab Killerwhale 2500 7 4 S Ab Sabretooth 960 * 7 4 S Ab Yeti 1200 7 4 R Ab Sasquatch 960 * 9 4 C Ab Abominable 2000 * 7 8 U AbD Icecrown 1800 ------------------------------------- 7 4 S Bl Penguin 1200 7 4 S Bl Polar 960 * 7 4 S Bl Alpine 1200 7 4 S Bl Snowflake 960 * *** 4 R Bl Blizzard 7 8 U BlD Snowangel 1800 Ti Rar Col Name =============== 3 8 S Ro Jester 7 8 R Ro Royal 3000 14 R Ro Castle royal: 1 (3000) ------------------------------------- 8 R Me Metal metal: 1 (3000) ------------------------------------- 5 R Tr Shell 7 11 R Tr Tropic 3000 20 R Tr Turtle tropic: 1 (3000) ------------------------------------- 7 10 R Fa Fairytale 3000 6 12 R Fa Cheshire 6 14 S Fa Big Bad fairyt: 1 (3000) ------------------------------------- 12 S Di Rex 12 R Di Pterodactyl 12 S Di Triceratops dino 12 R Di Dino dino: 2 (3000) ------------------------------------- 16 S Va Passion valent: 1 (3200) ------------------------------------- *** 0 C R Fire 12 R BRVa RightHeart 12 R BRVa LeftHeart RED: 1 (12000) ------------------------------------- *** 2 C Y Air 3 S YR Phoenix *** 7 S YR Pumpkin *** 10 S YR Honeybee YELLOW (12000) 12 S YR Easter *** 12 C YR Firestorm 13 S YR Clockwork yellow *** 13 S YR Scorpion *** 14 R YR Eagle 7 15 S YMe Steampunk yellow 3000 6 16 R YR Comet 1250 7 22 S YR Gladiator yellow: 4 (3480) 3000 ------------------------------------- *** 0 C G Forest *** 3 C GR Life 5 R GY Four-Leaf green 9 5 R GY Jewelry *** 5 S GY Parakeet *** 6 S GR Landworm green *** 6 R GR Wild 7 S GR Forestfire 8 R GR Rose green *** 8 R GY Fairy 9 8 R GY Cornucopia 5000 9 8 R GYR Red Lantern green 5000 3 9 R GY Wisp 9 R GYR Turkey *** 10 C GY Fruitful green *** 13 R GYR Scarecrow 14 S GY Elf 21 S GR Snowman green 26 S GYR Falling Leaf 26 S G Dawntree 28 S GRMe Mech green 6 30 S GY Rune green: 8 (3840) ------------------------------------- *** 12 C B Water 7 S BY Clown 9 R BY Seabreeze blue *** 11 R BYR Mirage *** 11 R BR Athletic 12 R BG Mermaid blue *** 14 C BY Mist *** 15 S BG Atlantis 9 16 R BG Serpent blue 6 18 S BGY Bluebell 20 S BGY Summer 20 R BR Knight blue 20 S B Hammerhead 9 20 R BR Illusionist 5000 20 R BYR Fireworks blue *** 20 R BY Storm *** 20 C BG Island 7 21 S BY Social blue 3000 22 S BR Leviathan *** 22 R BY Mindvolt blue: 7 (4320) ------------------------------------- 7 14 R Ra Rainbow rainb: 1 (5000) 3000 quest ------------------------------------- 8 S St Mossrock 6 8 R St Stone 7 20 R St Golem stone 3000 20 S St Turquoise stone: 2 (5000) ------------------------------------- 8 R Co Cosmic 14 S Co Eclipse 6 16 R Co Saturn cosmic: 1 (5000) ------------------------------------- 12 R My Mythic 17 S My Atlas 17 R MyPG Medusa mythic: 1 (5000) ------------------------------------- *** 11 S Ch Razorback 15 R Ch Paladin *** 15 S Ch Amazon champ 8 20 S Ch Emerald Knight 5600 *** 24 S Ch Black knight 24 S Ch Valkyrie champ 27 R Ch Ninja *** 29 R Ch Templar *** 36 S Ch Dynasty champ: 3 (5000) ------------------------------------- *** 8 C PY Genie 9 S PB Vampire 9 S PG Witch purple *** 10 C PB Coral 9 12 S PB Mistmoth 4000 14 S PBG Hibiscus purple *** 15 R PBG Aurora 16 S PB Aether *** 16 C PR Charm purple 6 16 S PBY Venetian 17 R PBR Super 8 18 S P Peacock purple 5600 18 R PR Cupid 9 18 R PY Trickster 4000 18 R PG Familiar purple 3 18 R PG Underworld 9 18 R PYR Fortune 4000 19 R PBG Equinox purple 6 19 S PR Planet 7 20 S PY Headless 3000 *** 20 C P Magic purple *** 21 C PG Poison *** 22 R PB Wizard 24 S PYR Nightmare purple 25 R PYR Samurai 28 S PG Zombie *** 32 R PR Titan purple: 9 (6000) ------------------------------------- 7 5 S Pi Kitsune 3000 quest 8 R PiP Origami 9 S Pi Naga pink 8 10 R PiMe Magnetic 5600 9 10 R PiP Marshmallow 5000 11 R PiY Kite pink 14 R PiG Flower 6 15 S PiBY Easter Egg 17 S Pi Black Swan pink 9 22 S PiY Lightning 5000 6 22 D PiBG Cirque 1000 3 24 R PiYR Acrobat pink 9 25 R PiR Justice 5000 26 S PiY Kaleido 26 R PiB Bubble pink 6 28 S PiGY Spring 9 33 R Pi Virtue pink: 6 (7500) 3000 ------------------------------------- 9 S #R Goblin 9 R #Y Bat 11 R #Pi Mask black 14 S # Night Elf 14 R #P Illusion 15 R #B Deep black 16 S # Raven 18 S #MyY Cerberus 19 R #G Hunter black 20 S #Me Darksteel 20 S #G Troll *** 23 R # Lotus black 8 23 R # Night 5600 28 R #PR Spider 6 36 S #YR Amber black: 5 (7800) ------------------------------------- 8 S Zo Virgo 10 R Zo Aquarius 10 S Zo Pisces zodiac 12 S Zo Scorpio 12 R Zo Capricorn 6 12 R Zo Taurus zodiac 6 20 S Zo Sagittarius 6 21 R Zo Leo 24 R Zo Aries zodiac 27 S Zo Libra zodiac: 4 (7800) ------------------------------------- 8 R Ge#G Jade (2 ony + 2 eme + 2 dust) 9 8 R GeG Emerald 5000 6 12 R Ge Gemstone gemst 9 12 R GeR Ruby 5000 7 14 R Ge#Y Tiger's Eye 3000 16 R GeP Amethyst gemst (2 ame + 3 dust + 1 scroll) 9 20 R GeB Sapphire 5000 21 R Ge# Onyx (2 ony + 2 dust + 3 scroll) 22 R GePi Quartz gemst (2 qrt + 2 dust + 2 scroll) 6 24 R GeY Topaz gemst: 4 (7900) ------------------------------------- *** 5 C WR Love 9 8 C WG Fuzzy 5000 *** 9 C W Light white *** 10 R WY Griffin 8 10 S WMe Platinum 5600 12 S WBR Independence white 12 S WP Boo 8 12 S WY Teddy 5600 *** 12 C WB Winter white 13 R WP Hypnotic *** 14 S WY Leopard 8 14 S WG White Rose white 5600 9 15 R WR Laserlight 5000 6 16 S WB Blue Moon 7 16 R W#B Spirit white 3000 *** 16 R WPi Tiny 17 S WB Dream *** 17 C WP Luck white *** 18 S WP Wraith 8 18 R WGe Pearl 5600 19 R WYR Owl white 19 R WB Ice Cream 20 R WPi Chocolate 21 S WR Tusker white 23 R WGY Caesar *** 24 C WY Sunrise 25 S WPY Skeleton white 26 S WB Ethereal *** 26 R WG Pegasus 8 31 R WB Moon white 5600 31 S WB Yin Yang 36 S WYMe Nano 14 S WYR Santa white: 11 (8640) ------------------------------------- 6 6 R Eg Pyramid 6 24 R EgP Mummy 6 26 S EgB Sphinx 9 28 S EgPR Cleopatra egypt: 1 (10000) 12500 ------------------------------------- *** 1 U DB Mercury diam 8 U DSt Prism diam 12 U DMy Helios diam 23 U D# Dark Angel diam *** 32 U DG Quetzal diam 9 36 U DPi Unicorn diam 9 40 U DP Anubis diam *** 40 U D Infinity diam 44 U DW Angel diam *** 44 U DY Gold diam 9 44 U DR Crusader diam *** 44 U D Diamond diam: 12 (20000 - 2x2) ------------------------------------- 19 S Go Treasure 26 S Go Stainglass gold 27 S Go Goldwing *** 30 S Go Gilded gold 36 S Go Midas gold: 4 (5 gold - 3x3) According to some help text: Always same chance for common/rare/srare C: 64 R: 26 S: 9 U: 1 guess: Always same chance for common/rare/srare C: 75 R: 20 S: 3 U: 2 Reality C: 70 67 51 70 62 64 61 62 48 R: 23 20 95 39 20 19 26 28 24 41 S: 8 11 5 10 12 20 10 12 15 8 U: 2 2 2 2 New guess: Each common/rare/srare/... has a certain "range". Add together and roll a dice of that size. C: 70 each R: 20 each S: 3 each U: 1 each wizard + fairy: b + p + g + y: c = 10/20/21/14/8/10 (s83/6) wizard + firestorm: b + p + r + y: c = 20/12/16/14/8/10 (s80/6) island + firestorm: g + b + r + y: c = 20/3/12/10/20/14 (s79/6) water + scarecrow: b + g + y + r: c = 20/3/12/10/20/14 (s79/6) magic + scarecrow: p + g + y + r: c = 3/12/16/10/21/8 (s70/6) mirage + forest: b + y + r + g: c = 3/12/10/20/14 (s59/5) mirage + magic: b + y + r + p: c = 12/16/14/8/10 (s60/5) Result for breeding b + g + r + y: C: 79+71+77+103+73 = 403 R: 19+7+23+25+6+9+2+7+1+134+27+33+2+4+11+1+23+12+6+16 = 368 S: 16+7+2+1+1+5+12+9+3+12+5+13+6+2+4+5 = 103 U: 54 (diamond) For trading: Nr Time Ra Col 4 3 C GR Life 8 5 C WR Love 5 8 C WG Fuzzy 1 8 C PY Genie 3 10 C PB Coral 8 10 C GY Fruitful 2 12 C YR Firestorm 5 14 C BY Mist 1 16 C PR Charm 2 17 C WP Luck 3 20 C P Magic 8 20 C BG Island 2 21 C PG Poison 3 24 C WY Sunrise 1 6 R GR Wild 1 14 R YR Eagle 1 22 R BY Mindvolt 7: Fairytale, green, red, yellow 8: Gr Pi red whi