Era of Magic Wars ================= Speed (4): Speed +1 Savage (4): Ignore 33% of Target's defense Retaliation (4): Always retaliates Spell Resistance (4): Spell damage taken is 50% Debuff Protection (4): 75% chance to resist debuff spells Poison (4): Poison target 30% for 3 turns Morale (4): Morale +5 Luck (4): Luck +5 Lifesteal (4): Lifesteal 10% Undying Will (6): Health +20%, Lifesteal 15% Initiative (2): Initiative +5 Hardened Scales (6): 60% Magic Resist, Defense +20 Unbreakable Scales (6): Health +10%, Defense +10, Spell Resistance 50%, Debuff protection 90% Health (2): Health +15% Fury (4): Below half hp = +50% damage Excalibur (1): Morale +20 Dragon's Breath (6): Burn target 40% for 3 turns Divine Morale (4): Morale +5, Defense +15% Divine Fatal (4): Luck +5, Damage +15% Divine Initiation (2): Initiative +5, Attack +15 Divine Health (2): Health +30% Divine Damage (2): Damage +15%, Health +15% Divine Attack (2): Attack +15, Health +15% Diablo (6): +30 Attack, +2 Speed, Fire Shield Defense (2): Defense +15 Damage (2): Damage +15% Catherine (4): Bless self Bash (4): 15% chance to stun target 2 turns Baldur (4): Baldur 95% chance to resist debuff spells Attack (2): Attack +15 Best sets: Divine Damage, Divine Attack, Undying Will, Retaliation Arena Iron Completing chest: 100% chance for shard Ancient. Up to 50 diamonds Arena Bronze Completing chest: 200% chance for shard Ancient. Up to 100 diamonds Arena Silver Completing chest: 300% chance for shard Ancient. Up to 150 diamonds 3-10 round chest: 20% chance for shard Ancient. Up to 5000 gold (Old) Arena Gold Completing chest: 10% chance for shard Sacred. Up to 200 diamonds 3-10 round chest: 30% chance for shard Ancient. Up to 7000 gold Arena Platinum Completing chest: 20% chance for shard Sacred. Up to 250 diamonds 3-10 round chest: 50% chance for shard Void. Up to 10000 gold Arena Diamond Completing chest: 30% chance for shard Sacred. Up to 300 diamonds 3-10 round chest: 100% chance for shard Void. Up to 20000 gold Arena Master Completing chest: 40% chance for shard Sacred. Up to 400 diamonds 3-10 round chest: 150% chance for shard Void. Up to 30000 gold Arena Grand Master Completing chest: 50% chance for shard Sacred. Up to 500 diamonds 3-10 round chest: 200% chance for shard Void. Up to 50000 gold Arena Challenger Completing chest: 100% chance for shard Sacred. Up to 1000 diamonds 3-10 round chest: 250% chance for shard Void. Up to 100000 gold Win reward: Always 5 Battle points. Arena points 25-250 depending on how easily you defeat them (barely = +25, cake = +100) Rank Needed to Rank up Total 10: Done! 684 9: Need 4 rank 5 of the same unit 540 8: Need 1 rank 7 of the same group 360 7: Need 1 rank 7 of the same group 180 6: Need 2 rank 5 of the same unit 108 5: Need 2 rank 5 of the same group 36 Careful here! (check rank 9-6 units first) 4: Need 1 rank 4 of the same unit 18 3: Need 2 rank 3 of the same group 6 2: Need 2 rank 2 of the same unit 2 1: Need 1 rank 1 of the same unit 1 Best method of ranking up is probably: Rank up all lvl 1. Only one way to do it Rank up all lvl 2. Only one way to do it Rank up all lvl 3. For each group, rank up the ones you prefer Rank up all lvl 4. Only one way to do it Rank up all lvl 9. Only one way to do it Rank up lvl 8. If the sacrifices are worth it. Rank up lvl 7. If the sacrifices are worth it. Rank up lvl 6. If the sacrifices are worth it. Rank up lvl 5. Careful! Only rank up the ones you need! And only sacrifice the ones you don't have use for. Maxed: Angel, Angel 2, Arch Demon, Archer, Beholder, Black knight, Bone Dragon, Cavalier, Centaur, Cerberus, Crusader, Demon, Druid, Dwarf, Elf, Ent, Fenix, Fire spirit, Genie, Ghoul, Gremlin, Grifin, Harpy, Hydra, Ifrit, Lich, Mage, Manticore, Medusa, Minotaur, Monk, Shade, Storm Naga, Succubus, Thunderbird, Titan, Unicorn, Valkyrie, Vampire, Werewolf Golem Need 4x rank-5: Black Dragon 3/4 Fairy 0/4 Imp 2/4 Scorpion 1/4 Pikeman 0/4 Skeleton 1/4 Need 1 rank 7 of the same group: Gargoyle Need 1 rank 7 of the same group: Need 2x rank-5: Balrog 0/2 Fire Servant 0/2 Air Servant 0/2 Need to bring up: Water Servant Earth Servant Titan 2 Fenix 2 At lvl 5 you need 3 of the same unit, plus 2 of same group, to bring to lvl 7 Get to lvl 5, for boost: 1 Succubus 4 Thunderbird 2 Medusa 1 Beholder 6 Gremlin Nightmare: Chapter 1, Ep 1: Done Chapter 1, Ep 2: Done Chapter 2, Ep 1: Done Chapter 2, Ep 2: Done Chapter 2, Ep 3: Done Chapter 3, Ep 1: Done Chapter 3, Ep 2: Done Chapter 3, Ep 3: Done Chapter 4, Ep 1: Done Chapter 4, Ep 2: ... Chapter 5, Ep 1: Need ? diamonds, and lots more to clear up Chapter 5, Ep 2: Need ? diamonds, and lots more to clear up Chapter 5, Ep 3: Need ? diamonds, and lots more to clear up Chapter 6, Ep 1: Need ? diamonds, and lots more to clear up Chapter 6, Ep 2: Need ? diamonds, and lots more to clear up Chapter 6, Ep 3: Utopia 114M, ... Artefact towers, rematch final boss: Towers Dragon 1: 10k gold + 7% chance for rare 6-star item (Attack, Damage, Luck, Morale ) 2: 50k gold + 5% chance for epic 6-star item (Poison, Lifesteal, Fury, Savage ) 3: ...? chance for leg. 6-star item (Divine Damage, Divine Attack, Divine Morale, Divine Fatal) Angel, Black Knight, Ifrit, Cavalier, Unicorn (Start with Great Haste and waiting with Angel, Second round Bless) Towers Hydra 1: 12k gold + 7% chance for rare 6-star item (Defense, Health, Speed, Initiative ) Air, Earth, Fire, Water 2: 60k gold + 5% chance for epic 6-star item (Retaliation, Bash, Debuff Prot, Spell Res. ) Air, Earth, Fire, Water, Poison 3: ...? chance for leg. 6-star item (Divine Health, Divine Defense,Divine Swift, Divine Init.) Air, Earth, Fire, Water, Electro, Poison Angel, Black Knight, Ifrit, Black Dragon, Unicorn Towers Lich 1: 14k gold + 7% chance for rare 6-star item (Damage, Health, Initiative, Morale ) 2: 70k gold + 5% chance for epic 6-star item (Lifesteal, Retaliation, Fury, Debuff Prot.) 3: ...? chance for leg. 6-star item (Divine Damage, Divine Health, Divine Init., Divine Morale) Angel, Black Knight, Ifrit, Black Dragon, Unicorn Map battle: Winning - perhaps 45 xp per unit? (check) Close to winning - 40 xp per unit Minor damage done - 7 xp per unit Arena: Winning: 5 xp Losing: 4 xp Losing with 1 unit: 9-24 xp Losing with 2 units: 9-12 xp Guess: If 30 xp for winning (killing all opponents), it is distributed evenly to your team. If losing, you get xp for the part you killed (up to 29), distributed evenly to your team. Conclusion: No real xp-loss for defeating an opponent on the map with several tries. Fighting and losing against an opponent that stays undamaged on the map is a good way of gaining xp. Better that arena. Using fewer units can be more efficient for leveling a unit up, provided you do some damage with it. No xp for damaging a creature that manages to regen back to full at end of battle. 1000 diamonds gives: 0.87 Chest of mystery: 55k gold, 30k people, 2100 mana, 250 blue diamond, 550 ruby, 1200 iron, 2200 stone, 2300 wood, 4 beer, 0 mystery shard, 10 ancient shard, 1 void shard, 1 3-star chicken, 1 4-star chicken, 0.2 5-star chicken (sum of 10 chests, divided by 11.5) Sum: 10 3.33 Chest of secret: 111k gold, 35k people, 1000 mana, 500 blue diamond, 600 ruby, 300 iron, 1000 stone, 1000 wood, 9 beer, 25 mystery shard, 15 ancient shard, 2 void shard, 4 3-star chicken (sum of 10 chests, divided by 3) 1.5M gold: Regardless of gold batch 2.0M gold: For the limited batch (2/day) 1000 blue diamond, 1000 ruby, 2500 iron, 3500 stone, 3500 wood (small resource pack) 1000 blue diamond, 1000 ruby, 2500 iron, 4000 stone, 4000 wood (resource pack) 1000 blue diamond, 1000 ruby, 2500 iron, 4500 stone, 4500 wood (big resource pack) 1100 blue diamond, 1100 ruby, 2500 iron, 5000 stone, 5000 wood (huge resource pack) 11.1 Ancient shard, 222k gold (small shard pack) 12.2 Ancient shard, 244k gold (big shard pack) 50 x 4 lvl 1 runes (small runes pack) 12 x 4 lvl 2 runes (runes pack) 4 x 4 lvl 3 runes (big runes pack) Attack & Defense: Att Def Diff Damage DamDone Percent 196 31 +165 11679 15780 + 35% 196 40 +156 11679 17179 + 47% 196 90 +106 11679 26865 +130% 196 140 + 56 11679 19918 + 71% 33 31 + 2 11812 12048 + 2% 75 80 - 5 8346 7944 - 5% 33 65 - 32 11812 8661 - 27% 33 90 - 57 11812 6864 - 42% 75 140 - 65 8346 4512 - 46% 33 140 -107 11812 4462 - 62% So when attack and defense are close, +1 attack equals +1% damage, but the further apart they are, the less the effect is. Ie, +X% damage is better that +X attack. Xp received from battle depends on enemy strength and how big part you manage to kill. It's divided among your team. Xp for maxed units are just lost. If your morale grants you an extra action, and you chose to delay that second action, you may be granted one more, giving a total of 3 actions that turn. Items: Rarity: Common: Starts with 1 ability (the main one) Uncommon: Starts with 2 abilities (main + 1 secondary) Rare: Starts with 3 abilities (main + 2) Epic: Starts with 4 abilities (main + 3) Legendary: Starts with 5 abilities (main + 4) Stars: 1: Starts with statbonus ?, secondary abilities get 1 2: Starts with statbonus 2, secondary abilities get 1 3: Starts with statbonus 3, secondary abilities get 2 4: Starts with statbonus 4, secondary abilities get 2 5: Starts with statbonus 6, secondary abilities get 3 6: Starts with statbonus 8, secondary abilities get 3 Abilities: Attack Damage (%) Defense Health (%) Initiative Luck Morale Main ability is restricted depending on type. The numbers look fairly evenly spread. Att Dam Def Hea Weapon 41 31 Helmet 26 19 16 29 Shield 43 50 Gloves 43 39 Chest 14 17 25 21 Boots 34 38 Secondary abilities is not restricted. Except that they can't be same as the main ability Level: Main ability depends on level and number of stars: Level: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 15 17 21 2 2 3 4 5 7 8 9 10 11 12 14 15 16 25 Stars: 3 3 4 6 7 8 10 11 12 14 15 16 18 19 22 25 30 4 4 6 7 9 10 12 14 15 17 18 20 22 23 26 30 36 5 6 8 10 11 13 15 17 19 20 22 24 26 28 31 35 42 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 21 23 25 27 29 31 33 37 42 50 New abilities are given at lvl 4, 8, 12, 16, with the same boost as other secondary abilities Upgrade chance depends only on level: Upgrade cost depends on level and number of stars: Level: Chance C C C H H M M M L L L L Mi L Mi 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 1 200 350 500 800 1100 1500 2000 2600 3200 4000 4800 6000 7000 8000 9500 2 300 600 900 1400 1900 2500 3200 4000 4900 6000 7000 8500 Stars: 3 450 900 1400 2100 2800 3700 4600 5500 6500 8000 9500 11000 13000 14500 16500 4 700 1400 2100 3000 3900 4900 6000 7500 9000 10500 12000 14000 16000 18500 20500 5 1000 1900 2800 3800 4900 6500 8000 9500 11000 13000 15000 17500 20000 23000 26000 6 1500 2900 4400 6000 8000 9500 11500 14000 16000 18500 21000 24000 26500 29500 32500 Main ability: Dam, Att, Def, Hp Secondary abilities: Dam, Att, Def, Hp, Mor, Luck, Init (never same as the main attribute, but secondary attributes can stack) So at low levels, rarity might be more important, but at higher levels the number of stars become a lot more interesting than rarity. Example: At lvl 16... Legendary 6-star will have main boost at +50 and 8 secondaries at +3. Total 50 + 24 = 74 Epic 6-star will have main boost at +50 and 7 secondaries at +3. Total 50 + 21 = 71 Rare 6-star will have main boost at +50 and 6 secondaries at +3. Total 50 + 18 = 68 Legendary 5-star will have main boost at +42 and 8 secondaries at +3. Total 42 + 24 = 66 Uncommon 6-star will have main boost at +50 and 5 secondaries at +3. Total 50 + 15 = 65 Epic 5-star will have main boost at +42 and 7 secondaries at +3. Total 42 + 21 = 63 Common 6-star will have main boost at +50 and 4 secondaries at +3. Total 50 + 12 = 62 Rare 5-star will have main boost at +42 and 6 secondaries at +3. Total 42 + 18 = 60 Uncommon 5-star will have main boost at +42 and 5 secondaries at +3. Total 42 + 15 = 57 Common 5-star will have main boost at +42 and 4 secondaries at +3. Total 42 + 12 = 54 Legendary 4-star will have main boost at +36 and 8 secondaries at +2. Total 36 + 16 = 52 Epic 4-star will have main boost at +36 and 7 secondaries at +2. Total 36 + 14 = 50 Rare 4-star will have main boost at +36 and 6 secondaries at +2. Total 36 + 12 = 48 Legendary 3-star will have main boost at +30 and 8 secondaries at +2. Total 30 + 16 = 46 Uncommon 4-star will have main boost at +36 and 5 secondaries at +2. Total 36 + 10 = 46 Epic 3-star will have main boost at +30 and 7 secondaries at +2. Total 30 + 14 = 44 Common 4-star will have main boost at +36 and 4 secondaries at +2. Total 36 + 8 = 44 Rare 3-star will have main boost at +30 and 6 secondaries at +2. Total 30 + 12 = 42 Uncommon 3-star will have main boost at +30 and 5 secondaries at +2. Total 30 + 10 = 40 Common 3-star will have main boost at +30 and 4 secondaries at +2. Total 30 + 8 = 38 So: Aim for 5-6 star items with damage (boots should have attack and shields no matter). Max them out! Then try to mix them in the best suitable way. Units: Since Health, Dam, Att & Def changes with level, these are noted down as a range (lvl 1 at lowest nr of stars ... lvl 60 at 6 stars). Battle academy boosts are removed from Health, Dam, Att & Def (game rounds the result... down? up? To nearest?) Fountain of Fortune boosts are removed from Ini, Luc & Mor Rarity Size Name Type Group Health Dam Att Def Spd Ini Luc Mor Abilities Common 1 Gremlin Ranged 120...??? 16-26?...??? 20...?? 0...?? 2 15 0 0 100% Mischief 50% Cheeky Shot Common 1 Scorpion Melee Common 1 Fairy Flying Common 1 Skeleton Melee Necropolis Common 1 Pikeman Melee Castle Common 1 Imp Melee Uncommon 2 Beholder Ranged Uncommon 2 Centaur Ranged Uncommon 2 Fire Spirit Ranged Uncommon 2 Dwarf Melee Uncommon 2 Shade Flying Uncommon 2 Ghoul Melee Uncommon 2 Crusader Melee Uncommon 2 Gargoyle Flying Uncommon 2 Golem Melee Uncommon 2 Archer Ranged Uncommon 2 Demon Melee Uncommon 2 Harpy Flying Rare 5 Mage Ranged Rare 5 Minotaur Melee Rare 5 Ent Melee Rare 5 Vampire Flying Rare 5 Werewolf Melee Rare 5 Medusa Ranged Rare 5 Elf Ranged Rare 5 Monk Ranged Rare 5 Grifin Flying Rare 5 Succubus Melee Epic 10 Genie Flying Epic 10 Druid Ranged Epic 10 Lich Ranged Epic 10 Arch Demon Flying Epic 10 Ifrit Flying Epic 10 Cavalier Melee Epic 10 Black Knight Melee Epic 10 Unicorn Melee Epic 10 Hydra Melee Epic 10 Storm Naga Melee Legendary 50 Angel Flying Legendary 50 Bone Dragon Flying Legendary 50 Fenix Flying Legendary 50 Black Dragon Flying XP, divided by 5 units, depending on creatures killed: Before After Xp Black Bone Phoenix (all 5-star lvl 15) 431 469 38 11 16 4 469 490 21 1 1 4 490 511 21 5 0 1 511 543 32 0 9 12 1 42 41 7 20 12 42 58 16 0 4 0