Jurassic World Alive ==================== Pikasaur: ========= Magnapyritor: Dimetrodon Need DNA Pyrritator Need DNA Thoradolosaur: Tarbosaurus Need DNA Allosinosaurus Need Sinoceratops DNA Ardontosaurus lvl 19 -> 20: Argentinosaurus Need DNA Secodontosaurus Need DNA Bajatonodon: Bajadasaurus Need DNA Campaign: 14 Ask for Scolosaurus Dimetrodon Bajadasaurus Epic Erlikosaurus Arcy: ===== Ask for Erlikosaurus Gen 2 Epic Spinosaurus Gen 2 PappaTom: ========= Ask for: Epic: Brachiosaurus (Maxi) Titanoboa Gen 2 Troodoboa (Argentinosaurus) (evolve Ardentismaxima) (Dimetrodon) (evolve Magnapyritor) (Irritator) (evolve Magnapyritor) Sanctua: Erlikosaurus (evolve Erlidominus) Woolly Rhino (Baby) Secodontosaurus (Pika) Tyrannosaurus Rex (evolve Erlidominus) Brachiosaurus (evolve Ardentismaxima) Pyroraptor (evolve Magnapyritor) Indominus Rex G2 (Lvl 20 For Indotaurus) Anurognathus Antarctopelta Albertosaurus Lv Spd Dinosaur Hp Dam Speed Needed for other RELU Used for fusing Note 30 U 105 Thoradolosaur Evolve --- 10 20 Fuse --- 30 U 129 Erlidominus Evolve Yes 20 10 Fuse --- 28 U 128 Magnapyritor Evolve Yes 18/20 10 Fuse Yes <-- Evolve 200k 26 U 108 Ardentismaxima Evolve Yes 10 4/20 Fuse Yes <-- Evolve 120k 26 L 125 Monolometrodon Evolve Yes /20 10 Fuse Yes U Monolorhino <-- Evolve 120k 26 U 108 Diorajasaur Evolve Yes 10 /20 Fuse Yes Apex Ankylos Lux <-- Evolve 120k 29 U 117 Dracoceratosaurus Evolve Yes /20 10 Fuse --- <-- Evolve 250k 29 U 128 Indoraptor Evolve Yes /20 10 Fuse --- <-- Evolve 250k 29 U 127 Tuoramoloch Evolve Yes 10 8/20 Fuse Yes <-- Raids Need DNA 25 U 106 Grypolyth Evolve (Yes) 10 1/20 Fuse Yes 25 U 127 Testacornibus Evolve No Fuse Yes Apex Arctovasilas 25 U 108 Trykosaurus Evolve (Yes) /10 /20 Fuse No (T-Rex) 25 L 125 Tryostronix Evolve (Yes) 10 /20 Fuse Yes U Giganyx 24 U 110 Geminititan Evolve Yes /10 /20 Fuse Yes <-- Raids Need 90k 24 U 130 Quetzorion Evolve (Yes) /20 10 Fuse Yes 24 U 109 Tenontorex Evolve (Yes) /10 /20 Fuse Yes 24 L 118 Ankylomoloch Evolve Yes 25 Fuse Yes Apex Ankylos Lux <--- Need DNA 23 U 109 Parasauthops Evolve Yes 6/10 /20 Fuse Yes <-- Raids Need DNA 23 L 106 Bajatonodon Evolve (Yes) /10 /20 Fuse Yes 23 E 117 Thylacotator Evolve (Yes) /10 /20 Fuse Yes 22 U 130 Poukandactylus Evolve No Fuse Yes 22 U 122 Spinoconstrictor Evolve (Yes) /20 /10 Fuse Yes 21 U 121 Albertocevia Evolve No Fuse No (Albertosaurus) 21 U 126 Andrewtops Evolve No Fuse Yes 21 U 110 Antarctovenator Evolve No Fuse Yes 21 U 123 Ardontognathus Evolve No Fuse Yes 21 U 124 Diloracheirus Evolve No /10 /20 Fuse Yes 21 U 104 Entelolania Evolve No Fuse Yes 21 U 128 Erlikospyx Evolve No Fuse Yes 21 U 125 Giganyx Evolve No Fuse Yes 21 U 106 Indotaurus Evolve No 2/10 /20 Fuse Yes 21 U 115 Mammolania Evolve No Fuse Yes 21 U 116 Monolorhino Evolve No /10 /20 Fuse Yes 21 U 128 Phorurex Evolve (Yes) /20 9/10 Fuse Yes 21 U 129 Pterovexus Evolve No Fuse Yes 21 U 119 Scorpios Rex Gen 3 Evolve (Yes) Fuse Yes 21 U 108 Skoonasaurus Evolve (Yes) Fuse Yes 21 U 127 Smilonemys Evolve No Fuse Yes 21 U 128 Stygidaryx Evolve No Fuse Yes 21 U 117 Troodoboa Evolve (Yes) Fuse Yes 21 U 128 Utarinex Evolve No Fuse Yes 21 L 110 Carnotarkus Evolve (Yes) /10 /20 Fuse Yes 21 L 130 Phorusaura Evolve No /10 2/20 Fuse Yes U Phorurex 21 E 107 Edmontoguanodon Evolve No /10 /20 Fuse Yes L Bajatonodon 20 L 112 Acrocanthops Evolve No Fuse Yes U Parasauthops 20 L 126 Alloraptor Evolve No Fuse Yes U Allodrigues 20 L 106 Allosinosaurus Evolve No Fuse Yes U Thoradolosaur 20 L 115 Ankyntrosaurus Evolve No Fuse Yes U Trykosaurus 20 L 113 Arctales Evolve Yes 25 Fuse Yes Apex Arctovasilas <--- need DNA 20 L 108 Ardontosaurus Evolve No /10 /20 Fuse Yes U Ardentismaxima / U Ardontognathus 20 L 104 Carbotoceratops Evolve No Fuse Yes U Testacornibus 20 L 127 Darwezopteryx Evolve No Fuse No (Darwinopterus) U Stygidaryx 20 L 117 Dilophoboa Evolve No Fuse Yes U Spinoconstrictor 20 L 126 Diloranosaurus Evolve No Fuse Yes U Diloracheirus 20 L 110 Diplovenator Evolve No Fuse Yes U Antarctovenator 20 L 109 Dracoceratops Evolve No Fuse No (Dracorex Gen 2) U Dracoceratosaurus 20 L 127 Edaphocevia Evolve No Fuse Yes U Albertocevia 20 L 120 Entelomoth Evolve No Fuse Yes U Entelolania 20 L 107 Indominus Rex Evolve No Fuse Yes U Indoraptor / U Erlidominus 20 L 128 Indoraptor Gen 2 Evolve No Fuse Yes 20 L 110 Keratoporcus Evolve No Fuse No (Woolly Rhino) 20 L 115 Koolabourgiana Evolve No Fuse Yes U Geminititan 20 L 115 Mammotherium Evolve No Fuse No (Woolly Mammoth) U Mammolania 20 L 127 Monomimus Evolve No Fuse Yes U Pterovexus 20 L 126 Paramoloch Evolve No Fuse Yes U Tuoramoloch 20 L 106 Parasauroloph. Lux Evolve No Fuse --- U Parasauthops 20 L 131 Poukaidei Evolve No Fuse Yes U Poukandactylus 20 L 122 Pteraquetzal Evolve No Fuse Yes U Quetzorion 20 L 129 Pyrritator Evolve No Fuse Yes U Magnapyritor 20 L 104 Rajakylosaurus Evolve No Fuse No (Ankylosaurus) U Diorajasaur 20 L 117 Skoolasaurus Evolve No Fuse Yes U Skoonasaurus 20 L 127 Smilocephalosaurus Evolve No Fuse Yes U Smilonemys 20 L 124 Spinonyx Evolve No Fuse Yes U Erlikospyx 20 L 129 Spinotasuchus Evolve No Fuse Yes U Albertospinos 20 L 108 Tyrannolophosaur Evolve No Fuse Yes U Tenontorex 20 L 127 Utasinoraptor Evolve No Fuse No (Sinoceratops) U Utarinex 20 E 112 Andrewtodon Evolve No Fuse Yes U Andrewtops 20 E 108 Ankylodicurus Evolve No Fuse Yes L Ankylodactylus 20 E 111 Antarctopelta Evolve No Fuse --- U Antarctovenator 20 E 131 Anurognathus Evolve No Fuse --- U Ardontognathus 20 E 111 Brachiosaurus Evolve No Fuse --- U Ardentismaxima 20 E 104 Carbonemys Evolve No Fuse --- L Carbotoceratops/ U Smilonemys 20 E 129 Darwinopterus Evolve No Fuse --- L Darwezopteryx / U Pterovexus 20 E 104 Diplodocus Evolve No Fuse --- U Geminititan 20 E 129 Erlikosaurus Evolve No Fuse --- U Erlidominus 20 E 128 Eucladoceros Evolve No Fuse --- L Eremoceros / U Testacornibus 20 E 102 Giganotosaurus Evolve No Fuse --- U Giganyx 20 E 116 Gryposuchus Evolve No Fuse --- L Grylenken / U Grypolyth 20 E 108 Indominus Rex G2 Evolve No Fuse Yes L Indoraptor Gen 2 / U Indotaurus 20 E 110 Majundaboa Evolve No Fuse Yes U Troodoboa 20 E 131 Procerathomimus Evolve No Fuse Yes 20 E 118 Scorpios Rex Gen 2 Evolve No Fuse Yes U Scorpios Rex Gen 3 20 E 105 Sonorasaurus Evolve No Fuse --- U Skoonasaurus 20 E 130 Troodon Evolve No Fuse --- U Troodoboa 20 E 102 Tyrannosaurus Rex Evolve No - /10 1/20 Fuse --- L Indominus Rex / U Trykosaurus 20 E 106 Woolly Rhino Evolve No Fuse --- L Keratoporcus / U Monolorhino 20 R 106 Albertosaurus Evolve No Fuse --- U Albertospinos / U Albertocevia 20 R 131 Arctops Evolve No Fuse --- L Acrocanthops / U Andrewtops 20 R 104 Carnotaurus Evolve No Fuse --- E Purutaurus / E Scorpios Rex Gen 2 / U Indotaurus 20 R 113 Dimetrodon Evolve No Fuse --- E Postimetrodon / U Magnapyritor 20 R 125 Diplocaulus Gen 2 Evolve No Fuse --- L Diplovenator / U Compsocaulus 20 R 124 Dracorex Evolve No Fuse --- U Utarinex 20 R 129 Erlikosaurus Gen 2 Evolve No Fuse --- E Erlikogamma / U Erlikospyx 20 R 102 Gorgosaurus Evolve No Fuse --- E Gorgosuchus / U Scorpios Rex Gen 3 20 R 123 Irritator Evolve No /20 /10 - Fuse --- L Pyrritator 20 R 104 Meiolania Evolve No Fuse --- U Mammolania / U Entelolania 20 R 125 Proceratosaurus Evolve No Fuse --- E Procerathomimus / U Dracoceratosaurus 20 R 105 Purrolyth Evolve No Fuse Yes U Grypolyth 20 R 122 Spinosaurus Evolve No Fuse --- E Spinotahraptor / U Spinoconstrictor 20 R 116 Suchotator Evolve No /10 /20 - Fuse Yes E Thylacotator 20 R 109 Tenontosaurus Evolve No Fuse --- U Tenontorex 20 R 112 Tuojiangosaurus Evolve No Fuse --- U Tuoramoloch / U Diorajasaur 20 R 126 Tupandactylus Evolve No Fuse --- U Poukandactylus / E Dimodactylus 20 C 131 Deinocheirus Evolve No Fuse --- U Diloracheirus 20 C 108 Dracorex Gen 2 Evolve No Fuse --- L Dracoceratops / U Phorurex 20 C 128 Stygimoloch Gen 2 Evolve No Fuse --- L Ovilophomoloch / U Stygidaryx 20 C 130 Tanycolagreus Evolve No Fuse --- U Quetzorion 20 C 104 Tarbosaurus Evolve No Fuse --- U Thoradolosaur 20 C 132 Velociraptor Evolve No Fuse --- L Indominus Rex / U Indoraptor 19 E 128 Compsognathus Evolve Yes 20 Fuse --- U Compsocaulus <--- Need DNA 18 L 124 Tragodistis Evolve No Fuse Yes 18 R 128 Rodrigues Solita. Evolve Yes 20 Fuse --- U Allodrigues <--- need DNA 17 L 115 Megistocurus Evolve No Fuse Yes 17 L 117 Monostegotops Evolve No Fuse No (Monolophosaurus) 16 L 114 Alankylosaurus Evolve No Fuse Yes 16 L 126 Ankylodactylus Evolve No Fuse Yes 16 L 130 Coelhaast Evolve No Fuse Yes 16 L 131 Dakotanops Evolve No Fuse Yes 16 L 126 Dodocevia Evolve No Fuse Yes 16 L 112 Dreadactylus Evolve No Fuse Yes 16 L 125 Dsungaia Evolve No Fuse Yes 16 L 126 Enteloceros Evolve No Fuse Yes 16 L 126 Eremoceros Evolve No Fuse Yes 16 L 121 Fukuimimus Evolve No Fuse Yes 16 L 109 Gigaspikasaur Evolve No Fuse No (Nodopatosaurus) 16 L 109 Glyptoceras Evolve No Fuse Yes 16 L 126 Grylenken Evolve No Fuse No (Gryposuchus) 16 L 123 Lystrosuchus Evolve No Fuse Yes 16 L 115 Megalosuchus Evolve No Fuse Yes 16 L 108 Nodopatotitan Evolve No Fuse No (Nodopatosaurus) 16 L 129 Ovilophomoloch Evolve No Fuse Yes 16 L 106 Rexy Evolve No Fuse --- 16 L 129 Rinchicyon Evolve No Fuse Yes 16 L 117 Scorpios Rex Evolve No Fuse Yes 16 L 118 Scutophicyon Evolve No Fuse Yes 16 L 128 Sinokotaraptor Evolve No Fuse Yes 16 L 107 Stegodeus Evolve No Fuse No (Nodopatosaurus) 16 L 123 Tarbognathus Evolve No Fuse Yes 16 L 122 Thylaconyx Evolve No Fuse Yes 16 L 113 Tsintamoth Evolve No Fuse Yes 16 E 116 Ankylosaurus Evolve No Fuse --- L Ankyntrosaurus / L Rajakylosaurus 16 E 129 Pyroraptor Evolve No Fuse --- L Pyrritator 16 E 129 Stygimoloch Evolve No Fuse --- L Paramoloch / L Ankylomoloch 16 E 108 Tsintaosaurus Evolve No Fuse --- L Tsintamoth 15 E 103 Acrocanthosaurus Evolve No Fuse --- L Acrocanthops 15 E 106 Ailurarctos Evolve No Fuse --- 15 E 124 Alanqa Evolve No Fuse --- L Alankylosaurus 15 E 105 Allosaurus Gen 2 Evolve No Fuse --- L Alloraptor 15 E 104 Amargocephalus Evolve No Fuse Yes L Tragodistis 15 E 119 Andrewtherium Evolve No Fuse Yes 15 E 130 Aquilamimus Evolve No Fuse Yes 15 E 127 Argenteryx Evolve No Fuse Yes 15 E 124 Baryonyx Evolve No Fuse --- L Tryostronix 15 E 131 Blue Evolve No Fuse --- L Indoraptor Gen 2 15 E 115 Brontolasmus Evolve No Fuse No (Elasmotherium) 15 E 113 Bumpy Evolve No Fuse --- L Ankylomoloch 15 E 106 Concavenator Evolve No Fuse --- L Diplovenator 15 E 129 Dakotaraptor Evolve No Fuse --- L Dakotanops / L Sinokotaraptor 15 E 126 Dimodactylus Evolve No Fuse Yes 15 E 123 Dodo Evolve No Fuse --- L Dodocevia 15 E 115 Edaphosaurus Evolve No Fuse --- L Edaphocevia 15 E 126 Entelochops Evolve No Fuse Yes L Enteloceros 15 E 130 Erlikogamma Evolve No Fuse No (Erlikosaurus Gen 2) 15 E 120 Gorgosuchus Evolve No Fuse Yes L Megalosuchus 15 E 132 Haast Eagle Evolve No Fuse --- L Poukaidei / L Coelhaast 15 E 120 Kentrosaurus Evolve No Fuse --- L Ankyntrosaurus 15 E 127 Koolasuchus Evolve No Fuse --- L Skoolasaurus 15 E 125 Lystrosaurus Evolve No Fuse --- L Lystrosuchus 15 E 117 Maiasaura Evolve No Fuse --- L Phorusaura 15 E 122 Megalogaia Evolve No Fuse Yes 15 E 108 Megalotops Evolve No Fuse Yes 15 E 120 Megistotherium Evolve No Fuse --- L Megistocurus 15 E 127 Monolophosaurus Evolve No Fuse --- L Monostegotops / L Monomimus / L Scorpios Rex 15 E 106 Nodopatosaurus Evolve No Fuse Yes L Gigaspikasaur / L Stegodeus / L Nodopatotitan 15 E 114 Ouranosaurus Evolve No Fuse --- L Diloranosaurus 15 E 125 Ovilophosaurus Evolve No Fuse Yes L Ovilophomoloch 15 E 121 Pachycephalosaurus Evolve No Fuse --- L Smilocephalosaurus 15 E 124 Postimetrodon Evolve No Fuse No (Dimetrodon) L Tryostronix 15 E 127 Pteranodon Evolve No Fuse --- L Pteraquetzal 15 E 110 Purutaurus Evolve No Fuse Yes L Carnotarkus / L Scorpios Rex 15 E 104 Rajasaurus Evolve No Fuse --- L Rajakylosaurus 15 E 129 Rinchenia Evolve No Fuse --- L Rinchcyon 15 E 118 Sarcorixis Evolve No Fuse Yes 15 E 127 Scaphotator Evolve No Fuse Yes 15 E 116 Scutosaurus Evolve No Fuse --- L Scutophicyon 15 E 114 Secodontosaurus Evolve No Fuse --- L Ardontosaurus 15 E 111 Sinoceratops Evolve No Fuse --- L Allosinosaurus / L Utasinoraptor 15 E 129 Smilodon Evolve No Fuse --- L Smilocephalosaurus 15 E 122 Spinosaurus Gen 2 Evolve No Fuse --- L Spinonyx 15 E 126 Spinotahraptor Evolve No Fuse No (Utahraptor) L Spinotasuchus 15 E 112 Stegoceratops Evolve No Fuse Yes L Monostegotops 15 E 126 Struthomimus Evolve No Fuse --- L Fukuimimus 15 E 112 Titanoboa Evolve No Fuse --- L Dilophoboa 15 E 130 Velosrhacos Evolve No Fuse Yes 15 E 115 Woolly Mammoth Evolve No Fuse --- L Entelomoth / L Mammotherium / L Tsintamoth 15 R 103 Amargasaurus Evolve No Fuse --- E Amargocephalus / L Gigaspikasaur 15 R 125 Andrewsarchus Evolve No Fuse --- E Andrewtodon / E Andrewtherium 15 R 107 Ankylocodon Evolve No Fuse No (Ankylosaurus Gen 2) E Ankylodicurus 15 R 115 Arambourgiania Evolve No Fuse --- L Koolabourgiana 15 R 127 Archaeopteryx Evolve No Fuse --- E Argenteryx 15 R 107 Arctodus Evolve No Fuse --- L Arctales 15 R 128 Argentavis Evolve No Fuse --- E Argenteryx 15 R 102 Argentinosaurus Evolve No Fuse --- L Ardontosaurus 15 R 110 Bajadasaurus Evolve No Fuse --- L Bajatonodon 15 R 123 Baryonyx Gen 2 Evolve No Fuse --- L Spinonyx / Thylaconyx 15 R 128 Cervalces Evolve No Fuse --- L Arctales 15 R 129 Charlie Evolve No Fuse --- E Erlikogamma 15 R 129 Compsognathus G2 Evolve No Fuse --- 15 R 115 Deinotherium Evolve No Fuse --- E Andrewtherium 15 R 131 Delta Evolve No Fuse --- E Velosrhacos / L Alloraptor 15 R 124 Dilophosaurus Evolve No Fuse --- E Ovilophosaurus / L Diloranosaurus 15 R 127 Diplotator Evolve No Fuse Yes E Scaphotator 15 R 111 Doedicurus Evolve No Fuse --- E Ankylodicurus / L Megistocurus 15 R 107 Dreadnouhgtus Evolve No Fuse --- L Dreadactylus 15 R 125 Dsungaripterus Evolve No Fuse --- L Dsungaia 15 R 129 Echo Evolve No Fuse --- E Indominus Rex Gen 2 15 R 107 Edmontosaurus Evolve No Fuse --- E Edmontoguanodon 15 R 115 Einiasuchus Evolve No Fuse Yes E Sarcorixis / L Lystrosuchus 15 R 108 Elasmotherium Evolve No Fuse --- E Brontolasmus / L Mammotherium 15 R 122 Entelodon Evolve No Fuse --- E Entelochops / L Entelomoth 15 R 115 Fukuisaurus Evolve No Fuse --- E Fukuimimus 15 R 107 Giraffatitan Evolve No Fuse --- L Nodopatotitan 15 R 132 Gorgonops Evolve No Fuse --- L Dakotanops 15 R 131 Haast Eagle Gen 2 Evolve No Fuse --- E Aquilamimus 15 R 131 Inostherium Evolve No Fuse Yes 15 R 123 Kaprosuchus Evolve No Fuse --- E Gorgosuchus / L Spinotasuchus 15 R 131 Kelenken Evolve No Fuse --- L Grylenken 15 R 126 Koolasuchus Gen 2 Evolve No Fuse --- L Koolabougiana 15 R 108 Majundasuchus Evolve No Fuse Yes E Majundaboa 15 R 117 Marsupial Lion Evolve No Fuse --- E Thylacotator / L Thylaconyx 15 R 127 Megaloceros Evolve No Fuse --- E Megalogaia / L Enteloceros 15 R 103 Megalonyx Evolve No Fuse --- E Megalotops 15 R 105 Megalosaurus Evolve No Fuse --- L Megalosuchus 15 R 113 Moschops Evolve No Fuse --- E Entelochops 15 R 109 Nasutoceratops Evolve No Fuse --- E Megalotops / L Carbotoceratops 15 R 115 Nodosaurus Evolve No Fuse --- E Nodopatosaurus 15 R 131 Ornithomimus Evolve No Fuse --- E Procerathomimus 15 R 129 Oviraptor Evolve No Fuse --- E Ovilophosaurus 15 R 126 Postosuchus Evolve No Fuse --- E Postimetrodon 15 R 133 Preondactylus Evolve No Fuse --- L Ankylodactylus / L Dreadactylus 15 R 112 Purussaurus Evolve No Fuse --- E Purutaurus 15 R 117 Quetzalcoatlus Evolve No Fuse --- L Pteraquetzal 15 R 128 Scaphognathus Evolve No Fuse --- E Scaphotator 15 R 130 Therizinosaurus Evolve No Fuse --- 15 R 110 Titanoboa Gen 2 Evolve No Fuse --- E Majundaboa 15 R 111 Triceratops Evolve No Fuse --- E Stegoceratops 15 R 104 Tyranno. Rex Gen 2 Evolve No Fuse --- E Indominus Rex Gen 2 / L Tyrannolophosaur 15 R 128 Utahraptor Evolve No Fuse --- E Spinotahraptor / L Utasinoraptor 15 R 115 Wuerhosaurus Evolve No Fuse --- L Carnotarkus 15 C 104 Allosaurus Evolve No Fuse --- L Allosinosaurus 15 C 122 Amphicyon Evolve No Fuse --- L Scutophicyon / L Rinchicyon 15 C 112 Ankylosaurus Gen 2 Evolve No Fuse --- R Ankylocodon / L Alankylosaurus 15 C 101 Apatosaurus Evolve No Fuse --- E Nodopatosaurus 15 C 121 Archaeotherium Evolve No Fuse --- R Inostherium / L Keratoporcus 15 C 107 Brontotherium Evolve No Fuse --- E Brontolasmus 15 C 126 Coelurosauravus Evolve No Fuse --- L Coelhaast 15 C 132 Deinonychus Evolve No Fuse --- L Poukaidei 15 C 121 Dilophosaurus G2 Evolve No Fuse --- L Dilophoboa / L Tyrannolophosaur 15 C 112 Dimetrodon Gen 2 Evolve No Fuse --- L Monolometrodon 15 C 128 Dimorphodon Evolve No Fuse --- E Dimodactylus 15 C 124 Diplocaulus Evolve No Fuse --- R Diplotator 15 C 111 Einiosaurus Evolve No Fuse --- R Einiasuchus 15 C 102 Eremotherium Evolve No Fuse --- L Eremoceros 15 C 112 Euoplocephalus Evolve No Fuse --- E Amargocephalus 15 C 130 Gallimimus Evolve No Fuse --- E Aquilamimus / L Monomimus 15 C 103 Glyptodon Evolve No Fuse --- E Andrewtodon / L Glyptoceras 15 C 114 Hatzegopteryx Evolve No Fuse --- L Darwezopteryx 15 C 112 Iguanodon Evolve No Fuse --- E Edmontoguanodon 15 C 130 Inostrancevia Evolve No Fuse --- R Inostherium / L Dodocevia / L Edaphocevia 15 C 122 Irritator Gen 2 Evolve No Fuse --- R Suchotator / R Diplotator 15 C 104 Lythronax Evolve No Fuse --- R Purrolyth 15 C 105 Majungasaurus Evolve No Fuse --- R Majundasuchus 15 C 117 Miragaia Evolve No Fuse --- E Megalogaia / L Dsungaia 15 C 126 Monolophosaurus G2 Evolve No Fuse --- E Scorpios Rex G2/ L Monolometrodon 15 C 128 Nundasuchus Evolve No Fuse --- R Einiasuchus / R Majundasuchus 15 C 107 Ophiacodon Evolve No Fuse --- R Ankylocodon 15 C 113 Parasaurolophus Evolve No Fuse --- L Tragodistis / L Paramoloch 15 C 130 Phorusrhacos Evolve No Fuse --- E Velosrhacos / L Phorusaura 15 C 111 Purussaurus Gen 2 Evolve No Fuse --- R Purrolyth 15 C 110 Sarcosuchus Evolve No Fuse --- E Sarcorixis 15 C 110 Scolosaurus Evolve No Fuse --- L Skoolasaurus 15 C 128 Sinosauropteryx Evolve No Fuse --- L Sinokotaraptor 15 C 116 Stegosaurus Evolve No Fuse --- E Stegoceratops / L Stegodeus 15 C 112 Suchomimus Evolve No Fuse --- R Suchotator 15 C 110 Triceratops Gen 2 Evolve No Fuse --- L Dracoceratops 14 E 115 Stegoceras Evolve No Fuse --- L Glyptoceras -160 U Albertospinos -195 A Mortem Rex -225 U Compsocaulus -230 A Ceramagnus -240 A Hadros Lux -260 A Gorgotrebax -270 A Hydra Boa -285 A Haast Maximus -285 A Refrenantem -290 A Arctovasilas -250 U Allodrigues -300 A Ankylos Lux -300 A Imperatosuchus Sanctuaries: ============ Room for 3 creatures, plus 1 per sanctuary level (final level 20 gets 2 spots, resulting in 24 total) DNA reward is affected by sanctuary level and differs between creatures (mainly between creature rarity) Sanctuary boost is affected by creature level (with slight variations between creatures) Player level does not affect anything Interacting will lower the DNA reward for that interact-type, but not the sanctuary boost. Other players are not affected by this reduction. Reduction is removed after 3 hours. Reduction: Always half, rounded up. So, eg 11 -> 6 -> 3 -> 2 -> 1 -> 1... Level requirements to handle a creature: Lvl Dino 20 Pachycephalosaurus 17 Maiasaura 13 Woolly Mammoth 12 Tyrannosaurus Rex 10 Most epics 6 Most rares <5 Iguanodon <5 Dimorphodon ... ... Xp needed for sanctuary level: 1: 0 2: 60 3: 300 4: 1500 5: 4500 6: 8640 7: 20880 8: 38760 9: 58500 Sanctuary boost: Dino Level Dino 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 C Allosaurus 44 46 C Dimetrodon Gen 2 23 C Euoplocephalus 23 28 C Iguanodon 24 C Lythronax 24 C Parasaurolophus 23 24 C Phorusrhacos 27 C Tarbosaurus 59 C Velociraptor 65 R Argentinosaurus 49 R Delta 37 R Dracorex 37 R Echo 35 47 R Edmontosaurus 37 R Erlikosaurus Gen 2 63 R Irritator 49 R Ornithomimus 37 R Proceratosaurus 39 R Triceratops 38 R Titanboa Gen 2 41 R Tuojiangosaurus 30 58 E Baryonyx 40 49 E Blue 56 71 E Erlikosaurus 40 57 63 E Gryposuchus 63 E Kentrosaurus 40 49 E Koolasuchus 42 E Monolophosaurus 50 E Rajasaurus 40 E Sinoceratops 51 57 E Smilodon 42 R Tyran. Rex Gen 2 37 E Pachycephalosaurus 51 E Troodon 43 E Tyrannosaurus Rex 63 E Woolly Rhino 68 E Woolly Mammoth 52 DNA Reward: Sanctuary Level =========== 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Dino Fe In Pl Fe In Pl Fe In Pl Fe In Pl Fe In Pl Fe In Pl Fe In Pl Fe In Pl Fe In Pl C Allosaurus 34 18 30 35 19 32 39 22 35 C Dimetrodon Gen 2 30 18 34 C Euoplocephalus 25 19 36 30 23 42 C Iguanodon 30 18 34 C Lythronax 26 33 26 C Phorusrhacos 26 33 26 28 35 28 C Parasaurolophus 32 19 35 35 22 39 C Tarbosaurus 43 16 25 44 17 26 C Velociraptor 34 16 34 37 19 37 39 21 39 R Argentinosaurus 14 8 14 R Delta 13 6 11 R Dracorex 13 6 11 R Echo 12 6 10 12 7 11 13 7 11 14 8 13 E Blue 4 3 5 R Edmontosaurus 12 6 12 R Entelodon 11 6 13 R Erlikosaurus Gen 2 13 8 15 R Irritator 8 3 11 9 5 12 10 5 12 10 6 13 11 7 14 12 7 14 13 8 15 R Koolasuchus Gen 2 13 7 13 R Marsupial Lion 10 10 10 R Ornithomimus 12 6 10 R Proceratosaurus 13 7 9 14 8 10 14 8 10 R Tenontosaurus 13 7 13 R Titanboa Gen 2 12 6 10 R Triceratops 10 7 16 R Tuojiangosaurus 15 6 9 15 6 9 16 7 10 R Tyran. Rex Gen 2 11 7 12 R Utahraptor 12 7 14 R Quetzalcoatlus 12 7 11 E Allosaurus Gen 2 3 1 4 3 2 4 4 2 4 4 2 5 4 2 5 4 3 5 E Baryonyx 5 2 3 5 2 3 6 3 4 E Blue 3 2 4 4 2 4 4 2 5 4 3 5 4 3 5 E Carbonemys 2 1 4 3 2 5 3 2 5 3 2 5 4 3 6 4 3 6 E Darwinopterus 3 1 4 3 2 4 4 2 4 4 2 5 4 2 5 4 3 5 4 3 5 5 3 5 E Erlikosaurus 4 1 3 4 2 3 4 2 4 5 2 4 5 2 4 5 3 4 5 3 4 5 3 5 E Gryposuchus 4 1 3 4 2 3 4 2 4 5 2 4 5 2 4 5 3 4 5 3 4 E Kentrosaurus 4 2 4 4 3 4 E Koolasuchus 4 2 5 E Maiasaura 5 3 4 5 3 4 E Monolophosaurus 4 3 5 5 3 5 E Ouranosaurus 4 1 3 4 2 3 4 2 4 5 2 4 5 2 4 5 3 4 E Pachycephalosaurus 3 1 4 3 2 4 4 2 4 4 2 5 E Pyroraptor 4 3 5 E Rajasaurus 4 3 4 4 3 5 E Secodontosaurus 5 3 4 E Sinoceratops 3 2 5 3 2 5 3 2 5 3 2 5 4 3 6 4 3 6 E Smilodon 2 1 4 3 2 5 3 2 5 3 2 5 4 3 6 4 3 6 E Titanoboa 4 3 4 5 3 4 E Troodon 5 3 5 E Tyrannosaurus Rex 4 2 3 4 2 4 5 2 4 5 2 4 5 3 4 5 3 4 E Woolly Mammoth 3 1 4 3 2 4 4 2 4 4 2 5 4 3 5 E Woolly Rhino 3 2 3 4 2 3 4 2 4 4 2 4 4 3 4 5 3 4 Alliance Missions: ================== The order of the tasks are random, but the tasks are normally the same, as are the rewards. Defense: Rank 0: 1. Take down ?? creatures 5 cash 1/1 2. Open ?? Daily Battle Incubators 50 gold 1/1 3. Open ?? Incubators 50 gold 1/1 4. Interact ?? times in Sanctuaries 50 gold 1/1 5. Play ?? battles 50 gold 1/1 Rank 1: 1. Open 4 Daily Battle Incubators 50 gold 2/2 2. Open 50 Incubators 50 gold 2/2 3. Play 25 battles 50 gold 2/2 4. Take down ?? creatures 5 cash 2/2 5. Interact 25 times in Sanctuaries 50 gold 2/2 Rank 2: 1. Play 50 battles 100 gold 2/2 2. Interact 30 times in Sanctuaries 100 gold 2/2 3. Open 8 Daily Battle Incubators 100 gold 2/2 4. Take down 100 creatures 100 gold 2/2 5. Open 100 Incubators 5 cash 2/2 Rank 3: 1. Take down 250 creatures 250 gold 2/2 2. Open 12 Daily Battle Incubators 250 gold 2/2 3. Play 100 battles 250 gold 2/2 4. Open 150 Incubators 5 cash 2/2 5. Interact 35 times in Sanctuaries 250 gold 2/2 Rank 4: 1. Interact 40 times in Sanctuaries 350 gold 2/2 2. Take down 500 creatures 350 gold 2/2 3. Open 200 Incubators 350 gold 2/2 4. Play 250 battles 10 cash 2/2 5. Open 16 Daily Battle Incubators 350 gold 2/2 Rank 5: 1. Open 20 Daily Battle Incubators 500 gold 2/2 2. Interact 45 times in Sanctuaries 500 gold 2/2 3. Play 500 battles 10 cash 2/2 4. Take down 750 creatures 500 gold 2/2 5. Open 300 Incubators 500 gold 2/2 Rank 6: 1. Open 400 Incubators 500 gold 3/3 2. Take down 1000 creatures 500 gold 3/3 3. Open 24 Daily Battle Incubators 500 gold 3/3 4. Interact 50 times in Sanctuaries 10 cash 3/3 5. Play 750 battles 500 gold 3/3 Rank 7: Exploration: Rank 0: 1. Get ?? Direct Hits 5 cash 2/2 2. Fire ??? Darts 50 gold 2/2 3. Open ?? Supply Drops 50 gold 2/2 4. Collect ??? Common DNA 50 gold 2/2 5. Collect ??? DNA 50 gold 2/2 Rank 1: 1. Fire 1000 Darts 50 gold 2/2 2. Collect ??? DNA 50 gold 2/2 3. Collect ??? Coins 5 cash 2/2 4. Open ??? Supply Drops 50 gold 2/2 5. Collect ??? Common DNA 50 gold 2/2 Rank 2: 1. Collect ??? Coins 5 cash 2/2 2. Get 1500 Direct Hits 100 gold 2/2 3. Open 400 Supply Drops 100 gold 2/2 4. Collect ??? Rare DNA 100 gold 2/2 5. Collect ??? DNA 100 gold 2/2 Rank 3: 1. Fire 3500 Darts 250 gold 2/2 2. Collect 2100 Epic DNA 250 gold 2/2 3. Get 2000 Direct Hits 250 gold 2/2 4. Collect 60k DNA 250 gold 2/2 5. Collect 12k Coins 5 cash 2/2 Rank 4: 1. Open 900 Supply Drops 350 gold 2/2 2. Fire 4200 Darts 350 gold 2/2 3. Get 2250 Direct Hits 350 gold Get 2250 Direct Hits 10 cash 4. Collect 100k DNA 350 gold 2/2 5. Collect ??? Common DNA ? Collect 125k Coins 350 gold Rank 5: 1. Collect 40k Rare DNA 500 gold 2/2 2. Fire 5300 Darts 500 gold 2/2 3. Open 1000 Supply Drops 500 gold 2/2 4. Collect 200k DNA 500 gold 2/2 5. Collect ??? Coins 10 cash 2/2 Rank 6: 1. Collect ??? coins 10 cash 3/3 2. Collect 300k DNA 500 gold 3/3 3. 2750 Direct Hits 500 gold 3/3 4. Open 1100 Supply Drops 500 gold 3/3 5. Collect 6500 Epic DNA 500 gold 3/3 Rank 7: 1. Collect 300k Common DNA 500 gold 2/2 2. Collect 192k coins 10 cash 2/2 3. Get 6000 Direct Hits 500 gold 2/2 4. Collect 400k DNA 500 gold 2/2 5. Fire 8000 Darts 500 gold 2/2 Rank 8: 1. Fire 10k Darts 750 gold 1/1 2. Get 10k Direct Hits 25 cash 1/1 3. Collect 150k Rare DNA 750 gold 1/1 4. Collect 500k DNA 750 gold 1/1 5. Open 2000 Supply Drops 750 gold 1/1 Boosters: ========= Boost 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 ... 20 Speed 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 40 Dam 2.5% 5.0% 50.0% Hp 2.5% 5.0% 50.0% Cost 100 100 Up to lvl 23 can use X tiers total, where X = level Speed list: =========== 136 MY Indoraptor 135 MY Erlidominus 132 MY Magnapyritor 132 Velociraptor 131 Procerathomimus, Ornithomimus, Kelenken, Delta, Deinocheirus, Blue 130 Tanycolagreus, Phorusrhacos, Inostrancevia, Gallimimus, Erlikogamma 129 Stygimoloch, Spinotasuchus, Smilodon, Pyrritator, Pyroraptor, Erlikosaurus, Erlikosaurus, Erlidominus, Echo, Darwinopterus, Charlie 128 Utahraptor, Stygimoloch, Scaphognathus, Nundasuchus, Indoraptor, Eucladoceros, Dimorphodon 127 Utasinoraptor, Scaphotator, Pteranodon, Monomimus, Monolophosaurus, Koolasuchus, Diplotator, Darwezopteryx 126 Tupandactylus, Tuoramoloch, Spinotahraptor, Postosuchus, Paramoloch, Monolophosaurus, Koolasuchus, Dimodactylus, Diloranosaurus 125 Proceratosaurus, Monolometrodon, Dsungaripterus, Dsungaia, Diplocaulus 124 Tryostroni, 124 Tragodistis, Spinonyx, Postimetrodon, Dracorex, Diplocaulus, Dilophosaurus, Baryonyx, Alanqa 123 Kaprosuchus, Irritator, Baryonyx, Spinosaurus 122 Spinosaurus, Irritator, Entelodon, Pachycephalosaurus 121 Dilophosaurus, Archaeotherium 120 Kentrosaurus, Gorgosuchus 119 118 Sarcorixis 117 Skoolasaurus, Quetzalcoatlus, Monostegotops, Miragaia, Marsupial Lion, Maiasaura, Dilophoboa 116 Suchotator, Stegosaurus, Gryposuchus, Ankylosaurus 115 Wuerhosaurus, Nodosaurus, Megalosuchus, Koolabourgiana, Einiasuchus, Arambourgiania, Ankyntrosaurus 114 Secodontosaurus, Ouranosaurus, Hatzegopteryx, Alankylosaurus 113 Parasaurolophus, Moschops, Dimetrodon 112 Tuojiangosaurus, Titanoboa, Suchomimus, Stegoceratops, Purussaurus, Iguanodon, Euoplocephalus, Dimetrodon, Ankylosaurus 111 Triceratops, Sinoceratops, Purussaurus, Einiosaurus, Brachiosaurus 110 Triceratops, Titanoboa, Scolosaurus, Sarcosuchus, Purutaurus, Majundaboa, Diplovenator, Bajadasaurus 109 Tenontosaurus, Nasutoceratops, Gigaspikasaur, Dracoceratops 108 Tyrannolophosaur, Trykosaurus, Nodopatotitan, Majundasuchus, Indominus Rex Gen 2, Elasmotherium, Dracorex, Diorajasaur, Ardontosaurus 107 Stegodeus, Ophiacodon, Indominus Rex, Giraffatitan, Edmontosaurus, Edmontoguanodon, Brontotherium, Ankylocodon 106 Woolly Rhino, Nodopatosaurus, Concavenator, Allosinosaurus 105 Thoradolosaur, Purrolyth, Megalosaurus, Majungasaurus 104 Tyrannosaurus Rex Gen 2, Tarbosaurus, Rajasaurus, Rajakylosaurus, Meiolania, Lythronax, Diplodocus, Carnotaurus, Carbonemys, Amargocephalus, Allosaurus 103 Amargasaurus 102 Tyrannosaurus Rex, Gorgosaurus, Argentinosaurus 101 Apatosaurus Donations: ========== You can always donate 5 times to each request. Donation limit depends on requester level, as does ammount per donation. For commons you get (lvl x 4) per donation, with a maximum of (lvl x 100). Reward = 1 coin/dna For rares you get (lvl x 1) per donation, with a maximum of (lvl x 25). Reward = 3 coins/dna Darts: ====== Max darts is always 140 Max DNA per dart: Common: Lvl + 10 Rare: Lvl + 6 Epic: Lvl + 5 Legendary: Lvl + 3 Unique: Lvl + 1 Catch result: (these numbers change as your level increase. This is for lvl 20) Good Great Excellent Outstanding Direct hit Common 0 1-89 90-202 203-267 268-341 30 x3 for great, x6.767 for excellent, x8.9333 for outstanding Rare 0 1-77 78-174 177-232 234-286 26 x3 for great, x6... Epic 1-51 96-167 169-218 224-257 25 Legendary 130 156 23 Unique 63-124 142-178 21 Evolve costs, money: (Same for all rarities. The creation step is always free) Lvl 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Cost 0 5 10 25 50 100 200 400 600 800 1000 2000 4000 6000 8000 10k 15k 20k 30k 40k 50k 60k 70k 80k 90k 100k 120k 150k 200k 250k Evolve costs, dna: Lvl 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Common 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 500 750 1000 1250 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 5000 7500 10000 Rare 100 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 500 750 1000 1250 1500 2000 2500 3000 Epic 150 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 500 750 1000 Legendary 200 100 150 200 250 300 500 Unique 250 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 500 750 Xp received for evolving dinos: Lvl 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 Common 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 500 750 1000 1250 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 5000 7500 Rare 300 300 450 600 750 900 1050 1600 2000 2250 3000 3750 4500 6000 7500 Epic 1500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 5000 7500 Legendary 6000 3000 4500 6000 7500 Unique 25000 10000 15000 20000 Xp needed for level Lvl 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Xp 0 51000 74300 186400 223900 264500 308300 355300 405500 458800 515100 646600 Evolving from 15 to 20 costs 115k gold and 23000/8250/2300/700 DNA (com/rar/epic/leg) You get xp for: Evolving: 5 gold = 100 xp ( 20 xp/gold) 10 gold = 150 xp ( 15 xp/gold) 25 gold = 200 xp ( 8 xp/gold) 50 gold = 250 xp ( 5 xp/gold) 100 gold = 300 xp ( 3 xp/gold) 400 gold = 400 xp ( 1 xp/gold) 2000 gold = 1000 xp ( 0.5 xp/gold) ... Fusing: 20 gold = 100 xp ( 5 xp/gold) 100 gold = 350 xp ( 3.5 xp/gold) 200 gold = 1000 xp ( 5 xp/gold) 1000 gold = 3500 xp ( 3.5 xp/gold) No xp for: Winning battles / Getting dino DNA / Finding new dinos / Opening incubators / Spinning boxes Just looking at a Legendary that could be fused for the first time gave 3450 xp. Looking at another that had level-rec fulfilled but not enough dna for fusing gave 2000 xp. Lvl Incubator Cost Coins DNA Rare Epic Lege 2 Rare 400 2158 2016 333 2 Epic 2000 6474 3259 286 159 4 Rare 470 2474 2311 382 4 Epic 2340 7421 3736 327 185 5 Rare 500 2632 2459 406 5 Epic 2500 7895 3975 348 199 6 Rare 540 2789 2606 431 6 Epic 2670 8368 4213 369 212 6 Lege. 5000 15000 200 200 7 Rare 570 2947 2754 455 7 Epic 2840 8842 4452 390 225 8 Rare 600 3105 2902 480 8 Epic 3000 9316 4690 411 238 Epic box gives the same reward as 24h box Standard box can be opened every 6 hours. Lvl 7-8 gives 2-3 cash, 20 darts and dna (common, rare or epic) times Cash: 2 3 3 7 Dna: common 6 rare 2 epic 1 (seen first time at lvl 8) Fusing: The base dinos need to have a certain minlevel and have enough (50, 200, 500, 2000) dna available. The dna cost depends on the difference between the base and the result. Gold cost depends on the result. 20 gold for Rare, 100 for Epic, 200 for Legendary and 1000 for Unique Rare Einiasuchus: Each fuse costs 20 gold and 50 dna drawn from Einiosaurus & Nundasuchus. The Einiasuchus gain was +20, +40, +10, +20, +10 At lvl 6, the gain was: 20, 30, 50 Lvl 7: 10, 20, 10, 10, 10, 20, 40, 50 Lvl 8: 10, 30, 10, 10, 10, 30, 50, 10 Lvl 9: 40, 20, 30, 10, 10, 20, 40, 20, 30, 50 Lvl 10: 10, 30, 30, 20, 40, 30, 10, Rare Majundasuchus: Each fuse costs 20 gold and 50 dna drawn from Majungasaurus & Nundasuchus. The Majundasuchus gain was +40, 20, 10, 30 Lvl 6: 30, 30, 20, 30 Lvl 7: 10, 10, 30, 10, 20, 20, 20, 50 Lvl 8: 20, 10, 30, 30, 60, 20 Lvl 9: 50, 10, 10, 30, 10, 10, 10, 30, 20, 40, 10, 20 Lvl 10: 30, 10, 20, 20, 20, 20 Rare Suchotator: Each fuse costs 20 gold and 50 dna drawn from Suchomimus & Irritator Gen 2 The Suchotator gain was +10, 10, 30, 10, 10, 30 Lvl 6: 10, 20, 30 Epic Stegoceratops: Each fuse costs 100 gold and 100 ? dna drawn from Triceratops & Stegosaurus Lvl 11: 40, 10 Unique Indoraptor: Each fuse costs 1000 gold and... Battles: Losing a battle will cost you approx 20 stars (more if you have many stars) Winning a battle will give you approx 30 stars (less if you have many stars), some coins and an incubator (if you have room for one) Better arena and higher level gives better rewards. The loss/gain of xp/money does not seem to be affected by how well/poorly you battle (ie how many kills/deaths you have). 0: Training grounds Stars needed: 0 Lose: Stars -20 ? Win: Stars 30 100% Coins ? Incubator ? 1: Fallen Kingdom Stars needed: 60 Dino rewards: X-R Proceratosaurus C Euoplocephalus, C Velociraptor, R Dimetrodon, E Tyrannosaurus Rex Lose: Stars -20 100% Win: Stars 30 100% Coins 15/36 50%/50% (10 tries) Incubator 15m 17% (2/12) 3h 67% (8/12) 8h 8% (1/12) 12h 8% (1/12) Lvl Incubator Coins Darts DNA RareDNA EpicDNA 3 15 min 31 5 18 2 3 3 hours 78 10 45 4 3 8 hours 208 15 119 11 3 4 15 min 38 5 21 2 4 3 hours 94 10 54 5 4 12 hours 1474 2311 382 2: Mt. Sibo Stars needed: 500 Dino rewards: X-C Irritator Gen 2 C Allosaurus, R Utahraptor, E Ankylosaurus Lose: Stars -21..-23 avg -22 Win: Stars 29.. 31 avg 30 Coins 30/72 40%/60% (20 tries) Incubator 15m 27% ( 4/15) 3h 53% ( 8/15) 8h 20% ( 3/15) Lvl Incubator Coins Darts DNA RareDNA EpicDNA 4 15 min 50 5 29 3 4 3 hours 125 10 71 6 4 8 hours 333 15 190 17 5 5 15 min 56 5 32 3 5 3 hours 141 10 80 7 5 8 hours 375 15 214 19 5 3: S.S. Arcadia Stars needed: 1000 Dino rewards: C Stegosaurus, R Amargasaurus, E Kentrosaurus Lose: Stars -23..-25 avg -24 Win: Stars 28.. 32 avg 30 Coins 45/108 16%/84% (19 tries) Incubator 15m 16% ( 3/19) 3h 63% (12/19) 8h 21% ( 4/19) Lvl Incubator Coins Darts DNA RareDNA EpicDNA 5 15 min 69 5 39 4 5 3 hours 172 10 98 9 5 8 hours 458 15 262 24 5 6 15 min 75 5 43 4 6 3 hours 188 10 107 10 6 8 hours 500 15 286 26 8 6 12 hours 2789 2606 431 4: Nublar Jungle Stars needed: 1500 Dino rewards: X-R Purussaurus C Apatosaurus, R Triceratops, E Rajasaurus Lose: Stars -26..-29 avg -27 Win: Stars 27.. 34 avg 30 Coins 60/144 28%/72% (36 tries) Incubator 15m ?% ( 8/ ) 3h ?% (19/ ) 8h ?% ( 6/ ) 12h ?% ( 1/ ) Lvl Incubator Coins Darts DNA RareDNA EpicDNA 6 15 min 88 5 50 5 6 3 hours 219 10 125 11 6 8 hours 583 15 333 30 8 6 12 hours 6 24 hours 8368 4213 369 212 7 15 min 94 5 54 5 7 3 hours 234 10 134 12 7 8 hours 625 15 357 32 8 7 12 hours 2947 2754 455 7 24 hours 8368+ 4213+ 369+ 212+ 5: Badlands Stars needed: 2000 Reach this to be able to join tournament Dino rewards: X-R Irritator C Suchomimus, R Nodosaurus, E Monolophosaurus Lose: Stars -26..-33 avg -30 Win: Stars 25.. 35 avg 30 Coins 75/180 18%/82% (57 tries) Incubator 15m ?% ( 9/ ) 3h ?% (32/ ) 8h ?% (12/ ) 12h ?% ( 1/ ) 24h ?% ( 1/ ) Lvl Incubator Coins Darts DNA RareDNA EpicDNA 7 15 min 106 5 61 5 7 3 hours 266 10 152 14 7 8 hours 708 15 405 36 10 7 12 hours 2947 2754 455 7 24 hours 8842 4452 390 225 8 15 min 113 5 64 6 8 3 hours 281 10 161 14 8 8 hours 750 15 428 39 10 8 12 hours 2947+ 2754+ 455+ 8 24 hours 9316 4690 411 238 6: Lockdown Stars needed: 2500 Dino rewards: X-C Stygimoloc Gen 2 C Tanycolagreus, R Megalosaurus, ? Gryposuchus Lose: Stars -26..-34 avg -30 Win: Stars 28.. 34 avg 30 Coins 90/216 36%/64% (14 tries) Incubator 15m ?% ( 5/ ) 3h ?% ( 6/ ) 8h ?% ( 2/ ) 12h ?% ( 1/ ) 24h ?% ( / ) Lvl Incubator Coins Darts DNA RareDNA EpicDNA 8 15 min 125 5 72 6 8 3 hours 313 10 179 16 8 8 hours 833 15 476 43 10 8 12 hours 3105 2902 480 8 24 hours 9316+ 4690 411 238 15 3 hours 422 10 241+22 22 7: Sorna Marshes Stars needed: 3000 Dino rewards: X-R Baryonyx Gen 2 C Velociraptor, R Giraffatitan, R Spinosaurus, R Tenontosaurus, E Tyrannosaurus Rex Lose: Stars -??..-?? avg -?? Win: Stars 28.. 35 avg ?? Coins ??/252 ??%/??% ( 0/ 2) Incubator 15m ?% ( / ) 3h ?% ( 1/ ) 8h ?% ( 1/ ) 12h ?% ( / ) 24h ?% ( / ) Lvl Incubator Coins Darts DNA RareDNA EpicDNA 13 15 min 13 3 hours 422 10 241+22 22 13 8 hours 1125 15 643 58 30 13 12 hours 13 24 hours 15 15 min 181 5 104 32 15 3 hours 453 10 259+23 23 15 8 hours 1208 15 690 62 30 16 15 min 16 3 hours 469 10 268+24 24 16 8 hours 1250 15 714 64 30 16 12 hours 4368 17 15 min 194 5 111 35 17 3 hours 484 10 277+25 25 30 17 8 hours 1292 15 738 66 36 80 17 12 hours 17 24 hours 13579 6837 599 357 Incubator money bucks money/buck buy 25000 500 50 1/4 h 194 3 65 (watch commercial) 3 h 484 30 16 8 h 1292 80 16 12 h ? 24 h 13579 240? 57? 8: Jurassic Ruins Stars needed: 3500 Dino rewards: X-C Gallimimus C Allosaurus, R Dracorex, R Quetzalcoatlus, R Tuojiangosaurus, E Baryonyx, E Sinoceratops Lose: Stars -??..-?? avg -?? Win: Stars ??.. ?? avg ?? Coins ??/288 ??%/??% ( ?/ ?) Incubator 15m ?% ( / ) 3h ?% ( / ) 8h ?% ( / ) 12h ?% ( / ) 24h ?% ( / ) Lvl Incubator Coins Darts DNA RareDNA EpicDNA 16 15 min 16 3 hours 500 10 286+26 26 16 8 hours 16 12 hours 16 24 hours 13105 6598 578 344 Epic Ankylosaurus Can make hybrids: 15:Ankyntrosaurus, 15:Rajakylosaurus Vulnerability Strike, Long Protection, Instant Invincibility lvl 11 lvl 12 lvl 13 lvl 14 lvl 15 lvl 16 lvl 17 lvl 18 lvl 19 lvl 20 ...Max Speed 116 Health 2237 2349 4650 Crit 5% Damage 501 526 1040 Armor 30 Epic Tyrannosaurus Rex Can make hybrids: 15:Indominus Rex, 20:Trykosaurus Armor Piercing Strike, Defense Shattering Impact, Defense Shattering Rampage lvl 11 lvl 12 lvl 13 lvl 14 lvl 15 lvl 16 lvl 17 lvl 18 lvl 19 lvl 20 ...Max Speed 102 Health 2021 2122 2228 2339 4200 Crit 30% Damage 828 869 913 958 1720 Armor 0 Epic Baryonyx Can make hybrids: 15:Tryostronix Armor Piercing Strike, Ready to Crush, Defense Shattering Rampage lvl 11 lvl 12 lvl 13 lvl 14 lvl 15 lvl 16 lvl 17 lvl 18 lvl 19 lvl 20 ...Max Speed 121 Health 1804 1895 1989 Crit 20% Damage 635 667 700 Armor 0 Epic Postimetrodon Can make hybrids: 15:Tryostronix Hybrid from lvl 10 Postosuchus + lvl 10 Dimetrodon + 100 gold Armor Piercing Strike, Ferocious Strike, Armor Piercing Impact, Adrenaline Surge, Passive: Immunity lvl 11 lvl 12 lvl 13 lvl 14 lvl 15 lvl 16 lvl 17 lvl 18 lvl 19 lvl 20 ...Max Speed 119 Health 1443 1516 Crit 5% Damage 607 637 Armor 0 Epic Concavenator Can make hybrids: 15:Tryostronix Hybrid from lvl 10 Postosuchus + lvl 10 Dimetrodon + 100 gold Pinning Strike, Short Defense, Armor Piercing Impact, Passive: Counter-attack lvl 11 lvl 12 lvl 13 lvl 14 lvl 15 lvl 16 lvl 17 lvl 18 lvl 19 lvl 20 ...Max Speed 106 Health 1775 1864 Crit 5% Damage 506 531 Armor 0 Epic Kentrosaurus Can make hybrids: 15:Ankyntrosaurus Strike, Thagomizer, Instant Cripple lvl 11 lvl 12 lvl 13 lvl 14 lvl 15 lvl 16 lvl 17 lvl 18 lvl 19 lvl 20 ...Max Speed 115 Health 1732 1819 Crit 5% Damage 650 682 Armor 0 Epic Stygimoloch Can make hybrids: ?:Paramoloch Minor Stunning Strike, Impact and Run, Instant Charge lvl 11 lvl 12 lvl 13 lvl 14 lvl 15 lvl 16 lvl 17 lvl 18 lvl 19 lvl 20 ...Max Speed 129 Health 1775 1864 Crit 5% Damage 597 627 Armor 0 Common Velociraptor Can make hybrids: 15:Indominus Rex, 20:Indoraptor Strike, Pounce lvl 1 lvl 2 lvl 3 lvl 4 lvl 5 lvl 6 lvl 7 lvl 8 lvl 9 lvl 10 lvl 11 lvl 12 lvl 13 lvl 14 lvl 15 lvl 16 ...Max Speed 132 Health 576 605 635 667 700 735 772 811 851 894 938 985 1035 1086 1141 1950 Crit 5% Damage 443 466 489 513 539 566 594 624 655 688 722 758 796 836 878 1500 Armor 0 --- Rare Utahraptor Can make hybrids: 10:Spinotahraptor, 15:Utasinoraptor Strike, Pounce, High Counter-Attack lvl 6 lvl 7 lvl 8 lvl 9 lvl 10 lvl 11 lvl 12 lvl 13 lvl 14 lvl 15 lvl 16 lvl 17 lvl 18 lvl 19 lvl 20 ...Max Speed 128 Health 905 950 998 1048 1100 1155 2400 Crit 5% Damage 566 594 624 655 688 722 1500 Armor 0 Rare Erlikosaurus Gen 2 Minimal Speedup Strike, Rampage, Debilitating Distraction lvl 6 lvl 7 lvl 8 lvl 9 lvl 10 lvl 11 lvl 12 lvl 13 lvl 14 lvl 15 lvl 16 lvl 17 lvl 18 lvl 19 lvl 20 ...Max Speed 129 Health 1097 1152 1210 1270 1334 1400 Crit 5% Damage 483 507 532 559 587 616 Armor 0 Rare Proceratosaurus Nullifying Strike, Distracting Impact, Slowing Impact lvl 6 lvl 7 lvl 8 lvl 9 lvl 10 lvl 11 lvl 12 lvl 13 lvl 14 lvl 15 lvl 16 lvl 17 lvl 18 lvl 19 lvl 20 ...Max Speed 125 Health 1165 1223 1284 1349 1416 1487 Crit 5% Damage 479 503 528 555 582 611 Armor 0 Rare Dimetrodon Can make hybrids: 10:Postimetrodon, 20:Magnapyritor Armor Piercing Strike, Defense Shattering Impact, High Counter-Attack, Passive: Immunity lvl 6 lvl 7 lvl 8 lvl 9 lvl 10 lvl 11 lvl 12 lvl 13 lvl 14 lvl 15 lvl 16 lvl 17 lvl 18 lvl 19 lvl 20 ...Max Speed 113 Health 1357 1425 1496 1571 1650 1732 1819 3600 Crit 5% Damage 449 471 495 520 546 573 602 1190 Armor 0 Rare Majundasuchus Hybrid from lvl 5 Majungasaurus + lvl 5 Nundasuchus + 20 gold Pinning Strike, Short Defense, Ferocious Strike, Cleansing Impact, Passive: Counter-attack lvl 6 lvl 7 lvl 8 lvl 9 lvl 10 lvl 11 lvl 12 lvl 13 lvl 14 lvl 15 lvl 16 lvl 17 lvl 18 lvl 19 lvl 20 ...Max Speed 108 Health 1267 1330 1397 1466 1540 1617 Crit 5% Damage 340 357 374 393 413 433 Armor 0 Rare Echo Strike, Slowing Impact, Nullifying Strike, Passive: Immunity lvl 6 lvl 7 lvl 8 lvl 9 lvl 10 lvl 11 lvl 12 lvl 13 lvl 14 lvl 15 lvl 16 lvl 17 lvl 18 lvl 19 lvl 20 ...Max Speed 126 Health 962 1010 1060 Crit 5% Damage 566 594 624 Armor 0 Rare Charlie Strike, Pounce, High Counter-Attack lvl 6 lvl 7 lvl 8 lvl 9 lvl 10 lvl 11 lvl 12 lvl 13 lvl 14 lvl 15 lvl 16 lvl 17 lvl 18 lvl 19 lvl 20 ...Max Speed 129 Health 792 831 Crit 5% Damage 585 614 Armor 0 Rare Delta Strike, Pounce, Adrenaline Surge lvl 6 lvl 7 lvl 8 lvl 9 lvl 10 lvl 11 lvl 12 lvl 13 lvl 14 lvl 15 lvl 16 lvl 17 lvl 18 lvl 19 lvl 20 ...Max Speed 131 Health 905 950 Crit 5% Damage 566 594 Armor 0 Rare Triceratops Can make hybrids: 10:Stegoceratops Minor Stunning Strike, Stunning Impact, Greater Stunning Strike lvl 6 lvl 7 lvl 8 lvl 9 lvl 10 lvl 11 lvl 12 lvl 13 lvl 14 lvl 15 lvl 16 lvl 17 lvl 18 lvl 19 lvl 20 ...Max Speed 116 Health 1482 1556 1633 1715 1801 1891 Crit 5% Damage 460 483 507 533 559 587 Armor 20 Rare Tenontosaurus Strike, Greater Stunning Strike, Distracting Strike lvl 6 lvl 7 lvl 8 lvl 9 lvl 10 lvl 11 lvl 12 lvl 13 lvl 14 lvl 15 lvl 16 lvl 17 lvl 18 lvl 19 lvl 20 ...Max Speed 126 Health 1470 1544 1621 Crit 5% Damage 502 527 553 Armor 0 Rare Purussaurus Pinning Strike, Expose Weak Spot, Strengthening Strike lvl 6 lvl 7 lvl 8 lvl 9 lvl 10 lvl 11 lvl 12 lvl 13 lvl 14 lvl 15 lvl 16 lvl 17 lvl 18 lvl 19 lvl 20 ...Max Speed 114 Health 1527 1603 1683 1768 1856 1949 2046 Crit 20% Damage 377 396 416 437 459 481 506 Armor 15 Rare Carnotaurus Pinning Strike, Short Defense, Expose Weak Spot, Passive: Counter-attack lvl 6 lvl 7 lvl 8 lvl 9 lvl 10 lvl 11 lvl 12 lvl 13 lvl 14 lvl 15 lvl 16 lvl 17 lvl 18 lvl 19 lvl 20 ...Max Speed 104 Health 1301 1366 1434 1506 Crit 5% Damage 351 369 387 406 Armor 0 Rare Dilophosaurus Nullifying Strike, Distracting Strike, Impact lvl 6 lvl 7 lvl 8 lvl 9 lvl 10 lvl 11 lvl 12 lvl 13 lvl 14 lvl 15 lvl 16 lvl 17 lvl 18 lvl 19 lvl 20 ...Max Speed 124 Health 1323 1389 1459 Crit 5% Damage 524 551 578 Armor 0 Rare Gorgosaurus Can make hybrids: 10:Gorgosuchus Armor Piercing Strike, Defense Shattering Impact, Ferocious Strike lvl 6 lvl 7 lvl 8 lvl 9 lvl 10 lvl 11 lvl 12 lvl 13 lvl 14 lvl 15 lvl 16 lvl 17 lvl 18 lvl 19 lvl 20 ...Max Speed 102 Health 1493 1567 1646 1728 1815 1905 Crit 20% Damage 596 626 657 690 724 760 Armor 0 Rare Edmontosaurus Strike, Greater Stunning Strike, Strike and Run lvl 6 lvl 7 lvl 8 lvl 9 lvl 10 lvl 11 lvl 12 lvl 13 lvl 14 lvl 15 lvl 16 lvl 17 lvl 18 lvl 19 lvl 20 ...Max Speed 125 Health 1753 1841 1933 2029 Crit 5% Damage 453 475 499 524 Armor 0 Rare Nodosaurus Can make hybrids: 10:Nodopatosaurus Vulnerability Strike, Armor Piercing Impact, Short Defense lvl 6 lvl 7 lvl 8 lvl 9 lvl 10 lvl 11 lvl 12 lvl 13 lvl 14 lvl 15 lvl 16 lvl 17 lvl 18 lvl 19 lvl 20 ...Max Speed 113 Health 1640 1722 1808 1898 Crit 5% Damage 434 456 478 502 Armor 25 Rare Einiasuchus Hybrid from lvl 5 Einiosaurus + lvl 5 Nundasuchus + 20 gold Minimal Stunning Strike, Stunning Impact, Adrenaline Pulse, Ferocious Strike lvl 6 lvl 7 lvl 8 lvl 9 lvl 10 lvl 11 lvl 12 lvl 13 lvl 14 lvl 15 lvl 16 lvl 17 lvl 18 lvl 19 lvl 20 ...Max Speed 117 Health 1301 1366 1434 1506 1581 1660 Crit 5% Damage 528 554 582 611 642 674 Armor 20 Rare Koolasuchus Gen 2 Nullifying Strike, Distracting Strike, Impairing Strike lvl 6 lvl 7 lvl 8 lvl 9 lvl 10 lvl 11 lvl 12 lvl 13 lvl 14 lvl 15 lvl 16 lvl 17 lvl 18 lvl 19 lvl 20 ...Max Speed 120 Health 1335 1401 1471 1545 1622 1703 Crit 5% Damage 570 598 628 659 692 727 Armor 0 Rare Argentinosaurus Strike, Decelerating Impact, Rampage lvl 6 lvl 7 lvl 8 lvl 9 lvl 10 lvl 11 lvl 12 lvl 13 lvl 14 lvl 15 lvl 16 lvl 17 lvl 18 lvl 19 lvl 20 ...Max Speed 102 Health 1979 2078 2182 2291 2406 Crit 40% Damage 377 396 416 437 459 Armor 0 Rare Amargasaurus Can make hybrids: 10:Amargocephalus, 15:Gigaspikasaur Strike, Decelerating Impact, Slowing Impact lvl 6 lvl 7 lvl 8 lvl 9 lvl 10 lvl 11 lvl 12 lvl 13 lvl 14 lvl 15 lvl 16 lvl 17 lvl 18 lvl 19 lvl 20 ...Max Speed 103 Health 1979 2078 2182 2291 2406 Crit 5% Damage 472 495 520 546 573 Armor 0 Rare Spinosaurus Can make hybrids: 10:Spinotahraptor Strike, Wounding Strike, Expose Weak Spot lvl 6 lvl 7 lvl 8 lvl 9 lvl 10 lvl 11 lvl 12 lvl 13 lvl 14 lvl 15 lvl 16 lvl 17 lvl 18 lvl 19 lvl 20 ...Max Speed 123 Health 1436 1508 Crit 5% Damage 460 483 Armor 0 Rare Postosuchus Can make hybrids: 10:Postimetrodon Strike, Ferocious Impact, Adrenaline Pulse lvl 6 lvl 7 lvl 8 lvl 9 lvl 10 lvl 11 lvl 12 lvl 13 lvl 14 lvl 15 lvl 16 lvl 17 lvl 18 lvl 19 lvl 20 ...Max Speed 126 Health 1267 1330 1397 1466 Crit 5% Damage 585 614 645 677 Armor 0 Rare Kaprosuchus Can make hybrids: 10:Gorgosuchus, 15:Spinotasuchus Strike, Ferocious Strike, Adrenaline Surge lvl 6 lvl 7 lvl 8 lvl 9 lvl 10 lvl 11 lvl 12 lvl 13 lvl 14 lvl 15 lvl 16 lvl 17 lvl 18 lvl 19 lvl 20 ...Max Speed 125 Health 1188 1247 1309 Crit 5% Damage 566 594 624 Armor 0 Rare Irritator Can make hybrids: 15:Pyrritator Armor Piercing Strike, Ready To Crush, Armor Piercing Impact lvl 6 lvl 7 lvl 8 lvl 9 lvl 10 lvl 11 lvl 12 lvl 13 lvl 14 lvl 15 lvl 16 lvl 17 lvl 18 lvl 19 lvl 20 ...Max Speed 123 Health 1516 1591 1671 1754 1842 1934 2031 2132 Crit 20% Damage 487 511 536 563 591 621 652 685 Armor 0 Rare Tuojiangosaurus Can make hybrids: 20:Diorajasaur Strike, Thagomizer, Distracting Strike lvl 6 lvl 7 lvl 8 lvl 9 lvl 10 lvl 11 lvl 12 lvl 13 lvl 14 lvl 15 lvl 16 lvl 17 lvl 18 lvl 19 lvl 20 ...Max Speed 112 Health 1323 1389 1459 Crit 5% Damage 502 527 553 Armor 0 Rare Dracorex Can make hybrids: 20:Utarinex Minor Stunning Strike, Strike and Run, Instant Charge lvl 6 lvl 7 lvl 8 lvl 9 lvl 10 lvl 11 lvl 12 lvl 13 lvl 14 lvl 15 lvl 16 lvl 17 lvl 18 lvl 19 lvl 20 ...Max Speed 124 Health 1403 1473 1546 Crit 5% Damage 502 527 553 Armor 0 Rare Suchotator Hybrid from lvl 5 Suchomimus - lvl 5 Irritator Gen 2 + 20 gold Armor Piercing Strike, Wounding Strike, Expose Weak Spot, Lockdown Strike, Passive: Immunity lvl 6 lvl 7 lvl 8 lvl 9 lvl 10 lvl 11 lvl 12 lvl 13 lvl 14 lvl 15 lvl 16 lvl 17 lvl 18 lvl 19 lvl 20 ...Max Speed 115 Health 1131 1188 Crit 5% Damage 392 412 Armor 0 Rare Tyrannosaurus Rex Gen 2 Armor Piercing Strike, Armor Piercing Impact, Armor Piercing Rampage lvl 6 lvl 7 lvl 8 lvl 9 lvl 10 lvl 11 lvl 12 lvl 13 lvl 14 lvl 15 lvl 16 lvl 17 lvl 18 lvl 19 lvl 20 ...Max Speed 104 Health 1583 1662 1746 Crit 20% Damage 641 673 707 Armor 0 Rare Megalosaurus Can make hybrids: 15:Megalosuchus Pinning Strike, Short Defense, Impact, Passive: Immunity lvl 6 lvl 7 lvl 8 lvl 9 lvl 10 lvl 11 lvl 12 lvl 13 lvl 14 lvl 15 lvl 16 lvl 17 lvl 18 lvl 19 lvl 20 ...Max Speed 105 Health 1244 1306 1372 Crit 5% Damage 408 428 449 Armor 0 Common Euoplocephalus Can make hybrids: 10:Amargocephalus Vulnerability Strike, Impact lvl 1 lvl 2 lvl 3 lvl 4 lvl 5 lvl 6 lvl 7 lvl 8 lvl 9 lvl 10 lvl 11 lvl 12 lvl 13 lvl 14 lvl 15 lvl 16 ...Max Speed 112 Health 1374 1442 1515 1590 1669 1753 1841 1933 2029 2131 2237 2349 2466 2590 2719 2855 4650 Crit 5% Damage 246 258 271 284 298 313 329 345 363 381 400 420 441 463 486 510 830 Armor 40 Common Tarbosaurus Armor Piercing Strike, Armor Piercing Impact lvl 1 lvl 2 lvl 3 lvl 4 lvl 5 lvl 6 lvl 7 lvl 8 lvl 9 lvl 10 lvl 11 lvl 12 lvl 13 lvl 14 lvl 15 lvl 16 ...Max Speed 104 Health 1303 1368 1436 1508 1583 1663 1746 1833 1925 2021 Crit 40% Damage 473 497 521 547 575 604 634 665 699 733 Armor 0 Common Iguanodon Strike, Greater Stunning Strike lvl 1 lvl 2 lvl 3 lvl 4 lvl 5 lvl 6 lvl 7 lvl 8 lvl 9 lvl 10 lvl 11 lvl 12 lvl 13 lvl 14 lvl 15 lvl 16 ...Max Speed 126 Health 1167 1225 1287 1351 1418 1489 1564 1642 1724 Crit 5% Damage 349 366 385 404 424 445 467 491 515 Armor 0 Common Ankylosaurus Gen 2 Vulnerability Strike, Long Protection lvl 1 lvl 2 lvl 3 lvl 4 lvl 5 lvl 6 lvl 7 lvl 8 lvl 9 lvl 10 lvl 11 lvl 12 lvl 13 lvl 14 lvl 15 lvl 16 ...Max Speed 111 Health 1241 1303 1368 1436 1508 1583 1662 1746 1833 1925 2021 2122 2228 Crit 5% Damage 355 373 391 411 431 453 475 499 524 550 578 607 637 Armor 25% Common Sarcosuchus Pinning Strike, Expose Weak Spot lvl 1 lvl 2 lvl 3 lvl 4 lvl 5 lvl 6 lvl 7 lvl 8 lvl 9 lvl 10 lvl 11 lvl 12 lvl 13 lvl 14 lvl 15 lvl 16 ...Max Speed 110 Health 1241 1303 1368 1436 1508 1583 1662 1746 1833 1925 2021 2122 2228 Crit 20% Damage 322 339 355 373 392 411 432 453 476 500 525 551 579 Armor 10 Common Nundasuchus Can make hybrids: 5:Einiasuchus, 5:Majundasuchus Strike, Ferocious Strike lvl 1 lvl 2 lvl 3 lvl 4 lvl 5 lvl 6 lvl 7 lvl 8 lvl 9 lvl 10 lvl 11 lvl 12 lvl 13 lvl 14 lvl 15 lvl 16 ...Max Speed 128 Health 886 931 977 1026 1077 1131 1188 1247 1309 1375 1443 Crit 5% Damage 426 447 469 493 517 543 570 599 629 660 693 Armor 0 Common Ophiacopdon Armor Piercing Strike, Armor Piercing Rampage, Passive: Immunity lvl 1 lvl 2 lvl 3 lvl 4 lvl 5 lvl 6 lvl 7 lvl 8 lvl 9 lvl 10 lvl 11 lvl 12 lvl 13 lvl 14 lvl 15 lvl 16 ...Max Speed 110 Health 1019 1070 1124 1180 1239 1301 1366 1434 1506 1581 1660 1743 1830 Crit 40% Damage 328 345 362 380 399 419 440 462 485 509 534 561 589 Armor 0 Common Einiosaurus Can make hybrids: 5:Einiasuchus Minimal Stunning Strike, Stunning Impact lvl 1 lvl 2 lvl 3 lvl 4 lvl 5 lvl 6 lvl 7 lvl 8 lvl 9 lvl 10 lvl 11 lvl 12 lvl 13 lvl 14 lvl 15 lvl 16 ...Max Speed 114 Health 1258 1322 1388 1457 1529 1606 1686 1771 1859 1952 2050 2152 Crit 5% Damage 384 404 424 445 467 490 515 541 568 596 626 657 Armor 15 Common Majungasaurus Can make hybrids: 5:Majundasuchus Pinning Strike, Short Defense, Passive: Counter-attack lvl 1 lvl 2 lvl 3 lvl 4 lvl 5 lvl 6 lvl 7 lvl 8 lvl 9 lvl 10 lvl 11 lvl 12 lvl 13 lvl 14 lvl 15 lvl 16 ...Max Speed 105 Health 1161 1219 1280 1344 1411 1482 1556 1633 Crit 5% Damage 254 267 281 294 309 325 341 358 Armor 0 Common Stegosaurus Can make hybrids: 10:Stegoceratops, 15:Stegodeus Strike, Thagomizer lvl 1 lvl 2 lvl 3 lvl 4 lvl 5 lvl 6 lvl 7 lvl 8 lvl 9 lvl 10 lvl 11 lvl 12 lvl 13 lvl 14 lvl 15 lvl 16 ...Max Speed 116 Health 1267 1331 1397 1467 1540 1617 1698 1783 1872 1966 2064 216? 2275 2389 Crit 5% Damage 384 404 424 445 467 490 515 541 568 596 626 65? 690 724 Armor 15 Common Apatosaurus Can make hybrids: 10:Nodopatosaurus Strike, Decelerating Impact lvl 1 lvl 2 lvl 3 lvl 4 lvl 5 lvl 6 lvl 7 lvl 8 lvl 9 lvl 10 lvl 11 lvl 12 lvl 13 lvl 14 lvl 15 lvl 16 ...Max Speed 101 Health 1861 1954 2052 2154 2262 2375 2493 2618 2749 2887 3031 3183 3341 Crit 5% Damage 266 280 294 308 324 340 357 374 393 413 433 455 478 Armor 0 Common Dimetrodon Gen 2 Armor Piercing Strike, Armor Piercing Rampage, Passive: Immunity lvl 1 lvl 2 lvl 3 lvl 4 lvl 5 lvl 6 lvl 7 lvl 8 lvl 9 lvl 10 lvl 11 lvl 12 lvl 13 lvl 14 lvl 15 lvl 16 ...Max Speed 112 Health 1064 1117 1173 1231 Crit 5% Damage 364 382 401 421 Armor 0 Common Deinocheirus Strike, Rampage lvl 1 lvl 2 lvl 3 lvl 4 lvl 5 lvl 6 lvl 7 lvl 8 lvl 9 lvl 10 lvl 11 lvl 12 lvl 13 lvl 14 lvl 15 lvl 16 ...Max Speed 130 Health 886 931 977 1026 Crit 5% Damage 384 404 424 445 Armor 0 Common Monolophosaurus Gen 2 Nullifying Strike, Distracting Impact lvl 1 lvl 2 lvl 3 lvl 4 lvl 5 lvl 6 lvl 7 lvl 8 lvl 9 lvl 10 lvl 11 lvl 12 lvl 13 lvl 14 lvl 15 lvl 16 ...Max Speed 127 Health 842 884 928 975 1023 1075 1128 1185 1244 1306 1371 1440 Crit 5% Damage 358 376 394 414 435 457 479 503 528 555 583 612 Armor 0 Common Triceratops Gen 2 Low Stunning Strike, Rampage lvl 1 lvl 2 lvl 3 lvl 4 lvl 5 lvl 6 lvl 7 lvl 8 lvl 9 lvl 10 lvl 11 lvl 12 lvl 13 lvl 14 lvl 15 lvl 16 ...Max Speed 113 Health 1064 1117 1173 1231 1293 1357 1425 1496 1571 1650 1732 1819 Crit 5% Damage 373 391 411 431 453 475 499 524 550 578 607 637 Armor 10 Common Lythronax Pinning Strike, Long Protection, Passive: Counter-attack lvl 1 lvl 2 lvl 3 lvl 4 lvl 5 lvl 6 lvl 7 lvl 8 lvl 9 lvl 10 lvl 11 lvl 12 lvl 13 lvl 14 lvl 15 lvl 16 ...Max Speed 104 Health 1196 1256 1319 1385 1454 1527 1603 1683 1768 1856 1949 Crit 5% Damage 263 276 290 305 320 336 353 370 389 408 429 Armor 0 Common Allosaurus Can make hybrids: 15:Allosinosaurus Armor Piercing Strike, Armor Piercing Impact lvl 1 lvl 2 lvl 3 lvl 4 lvl 5 lvl 6 lvl 7 lvl 8 lvl 9 lvl 10 lvl 11 lvl 12 lvl 13 lvl 14 lvl 15 lvl 16 ...Max Speed 104 Health 1400 1470 1544 1621 1702 1787 1876 1970 2069 2172 2280 2395 2514 4740 Crit 20% Damage 488 512 538 564 593 622 653 686 720 756 794 834 875 1650 Armor 0 Common Suchomimus Can make hybrids: 5:Suchotator Strike, Wounding Strike lvl 1 lvl 2 lvl 3 lvl 4 lvl 5 lvl 6 lvl 7 lvl 8 lvl 9 lvl 10 lvl 11 lvl 12 lvl 13 lvl 14 lvl 15 lvl 16 ...Max Speed 124 Health 1179 1238 1300 1364 1433 1504 1579 Crit 5% Damage 340 357 375 394 413 434 456 Armor 0 Common Dracorex Gen 2 Strike, Strike and Run lvl 1 lvl 2 lvl 3 lvl 4 lvl 5 lvl 6 lvl 7 lvl 8 lvl 9 lvl 10 lvl 11 lvl 12 lvl 13 lvl 14 lvl 15 lvl 16 ...Max Speed 119 Health 1179 1238 1300 1364 Crit 5% Damage 443 466 489 513 Armor 0 Common Irritator Gen 2 Can make hybrids: 5:Suchotator Armor Piercing Strike, Ready to Crush lvl 1 lvl 2 lvl 3 lvl 4 lvl 5 lvl 6 lvl 7 lvl 8 lvl 9 lvl 10 lvl 11 lvl 12 lvl 13 lvl 14 lvl 15 lvl 16 ...Max Speed 122 Health 1152 1210 1270 1334 1400 1470 1544 1621 1702 1787 1876 1970 2069 Crit 20% Damage 378 397 417 438 460 483 507 532 559 587 616 647 679 Armor 0 Common Parasaurolophus Can make hybrids: 15:Tragodistis, 15:Paramoloch Strike, Greater Stunning Impact lvl 1 lvl 2 lvl 3 lvl 4 lvl 5 lvl 6 lvl 7 lvl 8 lvl 9 lvl 10 lvl 11 lvl 12 lvl 13 lvl 14 lvl 15 lvl 16 ...Max Speed 128 Health 1152 1210 1270 1334 1400 1470 1544 Crit 20% Damage 376 394 414 435 456 479 503 Armor 0 Common Purussaurus Gen 2 Pinning Strike, Expose Weak Spot lvl 1 lvl 2 lvl 3 lvl 4 lvl 5 lvl 6 lvl 7 lvl 8 lvl 9 lvl 10 lvl 11 lvl 12 lvl 13 lvl 14 lvl 15 lvl 16 ...Max Speed 114 Health 1152 1210 1270 1334 1400 Crit 20% Damage 334 351 368 387 406 Armor 10 Common Dilophosaurus Gen 2 Nullifying Strike, Distracting Strike lvl 1 lvl 2 lvl 3 lvl 4 lvl 5 lvl 6 lvl 7 lvl 8 lvl 9 lvl 10 lvl 11 lvl 12 lvl 13 lvl 14 lvl 15 lvl 16 ...Max Speed 124 Health 966 1015 1065 1118 1174 Crit 5% Damage 402 422 442 465 489 Armor 0 Common Stygimoloch Gen 2 Strike, Impact and Run lvl 1 lvl 2 lvl 3 lvl 4 lvl 5 lvl 6 lvl 7 lvl 8 lvl 9 lvl 10 lvl 11 lvl 12 lvl 13 lvl 14 lvl 15 lvl 16 ...Max Speed 124 Health 1196 1256 1319 1385 1454 1527 1603 1683 1768 1856 1949 2046 Crit 5% Damage 355 373 391 411 431 453 475 499 524 550 578 607 Armor 0 Common Tanycolagreus Armor Piercing Strike, Nullifying Impact lvl 1 lvl 2 lvl 3 lvl 4 lvl 5 lvl 6 lvl 7 lvl 8 lvl 9 lvl 10 lvl 11 lvl 12 lvl 13 lvl 14 lvl 15 lvl 16 ...Max Speed 130 Health 948 996 1046 1098 1153 Crit 5% Damage 443 466 489 513 539 Armor 0 Epic Pyroraptor Can make hybrids: ?:Pyrritator Rare Diplocaulus Gen 2 Epic Blue Epic Monolophosaurus Can make hybrids: ?:Unknown Legendary Indominus Rex Can make hybrids: Unknown Hybrid from lvl 15 Tyrannosaurus Rex + lvl 15 Velociraptor + 200 gold Epic Nodopatosaurus Can make hybrids: Unknown, Stegodeus Hybrid from lvl 10 Apatosaurus + lvl 10 Nodosaurus + 100 gold Epic Stegoceratops Can make hybrids: Unknown Hybrid from lvl 10 Triceratops + lvl 10 Stegosaurus + 100 gold Legendary Stegodeus Hybrid from lvl 15 Stegosaurus + lvl 15 Nodopatosaurus + 200 gold Epic Amargocephalus Can make hybrids: Unknown Hybrid from lvl 10 Amargasaurus + lvl 10 Euoplocephalus + 100 gold Unique Magnapyritor Hybrid from lvl 20 Dimetrodon + lvl ? ? + 1000 gold Legendary Ankyntrosaurus Legendary Rajakylosaurus Unique Indoraptor Legendary Tryostronix Epic Spinotahraptor Legendary Utasinoraptor Legendary Allosinosaurus Epic Gorgosuchus Legendary Gigaspikasaur Unique Diorajasaur Legendary Pyrritator Legendary Spinotasuchus Legendary Tragodistis Legendary Paramoloch Adrenaline Pulse Act first, Cleanse, regenerate 25% hp cooldown 3 Adrenaline Surge Act first, Cleanse, regenerate 25% hp, your damage +25% for 4 turns cooldown 3 Armor Piercing Impact dam x 1.5 bypassing armor cooldown 2 Armor Piercing Rampage dam x 2 bypassing armor delay 1 cooldown 1 Armor Piercing Strike dam x 1 bypassing armor Cleansing Impact dam x 1.5 cleanse cooldown 2 Debilitating Distraction dam x 1 opponent damage at 25% for 2 turns delay 1 cooldown 2 Decelerating Impact dam x 1.5 opponent speed at 10% for 2 turns cooldown 3 Defense Shattering Impact dam x 1.5 bypassing armor, destroying shields cooldown 2 Defense Shattering Rampage dam x 2 bypassing armor, destroying shields delay 1 cooldown 2 Distracting Impact dam x 1.5 opponent damage at 50% for 2 turns cooldown 2 Distracting Strike dam x 1 opponent damage at 50% for 2 turns cooldown 2 Expose Weak Spot dam x 1 opponent vulnerable for next 3 turns cooldown 3 Ferocious Impact dam x 1.5 your damage +50% for 3 turns cooldown 3 Ferocious Strike dam x 1 your damage +50% for 3 turns cooldown 3 Greater Stunning Impact dam x 1.5 75% chance stun for 1 turn delay 1 cooldown 3 Greater Stunning Strike dam x 1 75% chance stun for 1 turn delay 2 cooldown 3 High Counter-Attack dam x 1.5 critical chance +40% cooldown 2 Impact dam x 1.5 cooldown 2 Impact and Run dam x 1.5 Automatic swap delay 1 cooldown 1 Impairing Strike dam x 1 opponent no crit chance for 3 turns cooldown 2 Instant Invincibility 100% shield for 1 turn, act first cooldown 3 Instant Charge dam x 1 act first, 75% chance stun for 1 turn delay 2 cooldown 2 Instant Cripple Act first, opponent damage at 10% for a turn cooldown 1 Lockdown Strike dam x 1 opponent cannot swap for 2 turns cooldown 1 Long Protection dam x 1 50% shield for 4 turns delay 1 cooldown 4 Low Stunning Strike dam x 1 20% chance stun for 1 turn Minimal Speedup Strike dam x 1 speed +10% for 3 turns Minimal Stunning Strike dam x 1 10% chance stun for 1 turn Minor Stunning Strike dam x 1 15% chance stun for 1 turn Nullifying Impact dam x 1.5 remove positive effects cooldown 2 Nullifying Strike dam x 1 remove positive effects Pinning Strike dam x 1 opponent cannot swap for 1 turn Pounce dam x 2 opponent damage at 50% for 1 turn cooldown 1 Rampage dam x 2 cooldown 1 Ready to Crush dam +50%, critical chance +30% for 3 turns cooldown 2 Short Defense dam x 1 50% shield for 2 turns cooldown 2 Slowing Impact dam x 1.5 opponent speed at 50% for 3 turns cooldown 4 Strengthening Strike dam x 1 your damage +50% for 2 turns cooldown 3 Strike dam x 1 Strike and Run dam x 1 Automatic swap delay 1 cooldown 1 Stunning Impact dam x 1.5 33% chance stun for 1 turn delay 1 cooldown 2 Thagomizer dam x 1.5 opponent speed at 50% for 3 turns cooldown 3 Vulnerability Strike dam x 1 opponent vulnerable for 1 turn Wounding Strike dam x 1 inflict 0.5 damage per turn for 2 turns cooldown 1 Passive: Counter-attack dam x 1 after receiving but surviving damage Passive: Immunity All negative effects are deflected Tapjoy: ======= Mafia City: Skip! State of Survival Skip! (breaks) RockNCash: Skip! Evermerge: Done! Huuuge Casino: Skip! King of Avalon: Done! Bingo: Skip! Rock'n Cash: Skip! Lucky Spade: Skip! Big Farm: Skip! Klondike: Done! Grand Mafia: Done! Billionaire Casino: Skip! Ark of War: Skip! Honkai Impact: Skip! House of Fun: Skip! Immersive Story Exper.: Done! West Game: Done! War and Magic: Skip! Manifacture Inc: Skip! Super Miner: Skip! Scatter Slots: Done! Stars Casino Slots: Done! Popslots: Skip! Magic Puzzle: Done! Racing Salon: Skip! Rise of Kings: Done! Guns of Glory: Skip! (breaks) Club Vegas Slots Games: Done! Chief Almighty: Done! Heroes Charge: Skip! Delta i undersokningen (yuno): Up to 264: Works so-so Dela din asikt och tjana beloningar (theorem): Up to 264: ? Gor en undersokning for att fa din beloning (researchonmobile): Up to 158: ? Take a survey with TapResearch: Up to 158: ? Dinosaur Breaker Friends: Honza FutileEndeavor4 Arcy Vampiria Roy69420 Shadow KloeyT Bomba Raid requirements: ================== Common: Campaign chapter 5 completed Rare: ? Epic: ? Unique: Lvl 16 Apex: Lvl 18 RAID BOSSES: ============ Old: L Indominus Rex: Lvl 19 L Phorusaura TA P 2 4 3 2 3 4 2 3 Needed tries: 3 1 1 Lvl 19 L Phorusaura TA P 2 4 3 2 3 4 2 3 Lvl 6 R Suchotator TAVP 4 3 4 1 4 2 3 4 Lvl 6 R Suchotator TAVP 4 2 4 3 4 2 3 4 Monday: R Bajadasaurus: Lvl 10 R Suchotator T 3 2 1 Needed tries: Nope! needs 5 rounds Lvl 10 R Suchotator A 3 2 1 Lvl 10 R Suchotator V 3 2 1 Lvl 10 R Suchotator P 3 2 1 E Postimetrodon: Lvl 15 E Gorgosuchus T 2 3 Needed tries: 1 1 Lvl 15 E Gorgosuchus A 2 3 Lvl 15 E Tyrannosaurus Rex V 2 3 Lvl 15 E Tyrannosaurus Rex P 2 3 L Fukuimimus Lvl 16 L Skoolasaurus T P 2 4 2 3 1 2 4 Needed tries: ? Lvl 16 L Bajatonodon T VP 1 1 4 3 2 4 1 Lvl 17 L Rexy TAVP 1 4 3 1 4 1 3 (Need 3 turns 1:st round?) Lvl 17 L Rexy TAVP 3 1 1 4 2 3 4 U Andrewtops Lvl 25 U Tuoramoloch Spd 126 1 t--- dmg 1800 Lvl 20 R Irritator Spd 126 2 TaVp ? Lvl 24 U Monolorhino Spd 116 3/4 t--- Lvl 25 U Thoradolosaur Spd 105 3/4 -a-- dmg 2000-2125 U Andrewtops Lvl 28 U Tenontorex (Spd 123) Spd 109+14 ---- Lvl 30 U Thoradolosaur (Spd 123) Spd 105+18 ---- Lvl 30 U Tuoramoloch (Spd 126) Spd 126 ---- Lvl 30 U Monolorhino (Spd 128) Spd 116+12 ---- U Andrewtops Lvl 27 U Diorajasaur t--- Lvl 25 U Skoonasaurus t--- Lvl 30 U Thoradolosaur Ta-p Lvl 25 U Tuoramoloch T--- U Andrewtops Lvl 28 U Tuoramoloch -- - Lvl 19 L Skoolasaurus T P Lvl 30 U Thoradolosaur (Spd 109) Spd 105+4 ---- Lvl 21 U Parasauthops T- - A Gorgotrebax Lvl 26 U Tuoramoloch T- - Lvl 30 U Thoradolosaur T--- Lvl 16 L Skoolasaurus T P Lvl 26 U Geminititan -- - A Gorgotrebax Lvl A Gorgotrebax (Spd fastest) ---- Lvl 21 L Indoraptor Gen 2 - - Lvl 30 U Thoradolosaur T--- Lvl 21 U Geminititan T- - A Gorgotrebax Lvl 17 L Indoraptor Gen 2 (Spd >Thor) T P Lvl 30 U Thoradolosaur (Spd >3&4) ---- Lvl A Gorgotrebax (Spd fastest) ---- Lvl 16 L Bajatonodon T P A Gorgotrebax Lvl 22 U Diorajasaur T- - Lvl 30 U Tuoramoloch (Spd >Mort) -- - Lvl 30 U Geminititan (Spd >Dior) -- - Lvl 26 A Mortem Rex (Spd >Gemi) ---- A Gorgotrebax Lvl 21 U Tuoramoloch TAVP Lvl 21 L Indoraptor Gen 2 - - Lvl 30 U Thoradolosaur (Spd >121) ---- Lvl 21 U Parasauthops T- - A Gorgotrebax Lvl 21 L Indoraptor Gen 2 - - Lvl 30 U Thoradolosaur (Spd >117) ---- Lvl 26 A Ceramagnus ---- Lvl 21 U Parasauthops T- - Tuesday: R Carnotaurus Lvl 10 R Carnotaurus TAVP 1 3 Needed tries: 1 1 1 1... Lvl 10 R Carnotaurus TAVP 1 3 Lvl 10 R Carnotaurus TAVP 1 3 Lvl 10 R Carnotaurus TAVP 1 3 E Blue Lvl 15 R Irritator TAVP 2 3 Needed tries: 1 1 Lvl 15 E Ankylodicurus T 1 3 Lvl 15 E Tyrannosaurus Rex TAVP 2 3 Lvl 15 E Tyrannosaurus Rex TAVP 2 3 L Glyptoceras: Lvl 20 L Tryostronix (Spd 127) Spd 125+2 - P 2 1 3 2 1 3 2 3 1 Needed tries: 3 3 1 2 1 1 3 1 Lvl 20 L Ardontosaurus T p 2 1 3 2 1 3 2 1 3 Lvl 16 L Ankyntrosaurus TA P 1 4 2 1 2 3 1 4 1 Bad if minion does nasty group damage first round. Lvl 16 L Bajatonodon T VP 1 3 4 1 2 1 1 3 4 Ardontosaurus (Tom) could use some steps on Hp. U Parasauthops Lvl 24 U Tuoramoloch A Lvl 20 L Tryostronix P Lvl 20 L Tryostronix v (need more Baryonyx-DNA) Lvl 23 U Geminititan T U Parasauthops Lvl 13 E Entelochops T p Lvl 29 U Thoradolosaur (Spd 114) Spd 105+10 ---- Lvl 16 L Diloranosaurus T - Lvl 27 U Geminititan -- - U Parasauthops Lvl 28 U Tuoramoloch ---- Lvl 19 R Irritator T-V- Lvl 29 U Thoradolosaur (Spd 125) Spd 105+20 ---- Lvl 25 U Geminititan -- - U Parasauthops Lvl 21 U Tuoramoloch TAVP Lvl 14 R Irritator TAVP Lvl 30 U Thoradolosaur (Spd 121) Spd 105+16 ---- Lvl 21 U Diorajasaur T- - U Parasauthops Lvl 20 L Bajatonodon T 2 . Tries: 3 Lvl 16 L Enteloceros V 2 . Lvl 20 E Thylacotator P 4 . Lvl 25 U Thoradolosaur A 2 . Para starts with a random hit and if Thyla/Entelo/Bajato, they get killed by minion (Thor uncertain). Arcy could use more Thoradol-damage. Me maybe bring up Bajatonodon a bit? Or Health? A Hadros Lux Lvl 25 U Tuoramoloch (Spd >Tryo) Spd 126 T--- Lvl 22 L Tryostronix (Spd >Thor) Spd 125 T - Lvl 30 U Thoradolosaur (Spd >Gemi) Spd 105+6 ---- Lvl 21 U Geminititan T- - A Hadros Lux Lvl 26 U Tuoramoloch (Spd >Irri) Spd 126 T--- Lvl 15 R Irritator (Spd >Thor) Spd 126 TAVP Lvl 28 U Thoradolosaur (Spd >Lion) Spd 105+14 ---- Lvl 10 R Marsupial Lion Spd 117 T P A Hadros Lux Lvl 26 U Tuoramoloch (Spd fastest) T--- Lvl 16 L Tryostronix T P Lvl 21 U Thoradolosaur TAV- Lvl 21 U Geminititan T- - A Hadros Lux Lvl 12 R Arctops T P Lvl 30 U Thoradolosaur (Spd 121) ---- Lvl 30 U Thoradolosaur ---- Lvl 18 L Tragodistis T p A Hadros Lux Lvl 23 L Indoraptor Gen 2 (Spd 128+) - - Lvl 30 U Tuoramoloch ---- Lvl 30 U Thoradolosaur (Spd 121) ---- Lvl 30 U Thoradolosaur T--- A Hadros Lux Lvl 30 U Tuoramoloch ---- Lvl 16 L Enteloceros T - Lvl 30 U Thoradolosaur (Spd 121) ---- Lvl 30 U Thoradolosaur T--- A Hadros Lux Thor, Thor, Tuora and Parasauthops seems to work well Wednesday: R Meiolania E Megalotops L Rinchicyon Lvl 20 L Tryostronix T P 1 2 3 1 Needed tries: 2 6 2 1 Lvl 20 R Irritator T-V- 2 1 3 2 Lvl 15 E Allosaurus Gen 2 TA-P 2 3 2 3 Lvl 20 E Ankylodicurus T - 2 3 2 3 Ankylo Hp U Albertospinos Lvl 30 U Tuoramoloch (Spd > Troo) Spd 126 ---- Lvl 21 U Troodoboa (Spd >Thor) Spd 117+8 - - Lvl 30 U Thoradolosaur (Spd >Fuku) Spd 105+18 ---- Lvl 16 U Fukuimimus Spd 121 - - U Albertospinos Lvl 30 U Tuoramoloch (Spd > Troo) Spd 126 ---- Lvl 21 U Troodoboa (Spd >Thor) Spd 117 - - Lvl 30 U Thoradolosaur (Spd >Tsin) Spd 105+4 ---- Lvl 16 E Tsintaosaurus Spd 108 T - U Albertospinos Lvl 24 L Indoraptor Gen 2 (Spd >Skoo) Spd 128 - - Lvl 20 L Skoolasaurus (Spd >Thor) Spd 124 T P Lvl 30 U Thoradolosaur (Spd >Para) Spd 105+6 ---- Lvl 23 U Parasauthops Spd 109 t - U Albertospinos Lvl 24 L Indoraptor Gen 2 (Spd >Tuor) Spd 128 - - Lvl 21 U Tuoramoloch (Spd >Thor) Spd 126 TAVP Lvl 30 U Thoradolosaur (Spd >Para) Spd 105+6 ---- Lvl 23 U Parasauthops Spd 109 t - A Imperatosuchus Lvl 30 U Tuoramoloch ---- Lvl A Mortem Rex ---- Lvl A Refrenantem ---- Lvl 30 U Parasauthops - - A Imperatosuchus Lvl 30 U Tuoramoloch ---- Lvl A Refrenantem ---- Lvl A Mortem Rex ---- Lvl 24 U Parasauthops - - A Imperatosuchus Lvl A Refrenantem ---- Lvl A Refrenantem ---- Lvl A Refrenantem ---- Lvl 25 U Parasauthops - - Thursday: R Megalonyx E Tyrannosaurus Rex L Scorpios Rex Lvl 20 L Skoolasaurus T 4 3 2 4 2 Needed tries: 2 1 2 1 1 1 3 Lvl 15 E Gorgosuchus (Spd >Thyl) Spd 120 V 1 2 1 1 3 Lvl 20 E Thylacotator Spd 117 a 4 2 3 4 3 Lvl 20 E Thylacotator Spd 117 P 4 2 3 4 3 U Phorurex Lvl 17 R Inostherium V 2 1 2 1 2 1 Needed tries: 1 2 Lvl 26 U Thoradolosaur T 2 3 2 3 2 3 Lvl 21 U Thoradolosaur P 2 3 2 3 2 3 Perhaps bring Inostherium up a bit, for more Hp (2132), Need 30k. Lvl 24 U Tuoramoloch A 3 4 3 2 4 3 A Ceramagnus Lvl 21 U Poukandactylus T - Lvl 6 R Irritator TAVP Lvl 21 U Ardentismaxima (dam X) T - Lvl 21 U Geminititan (dam + X > 3000) T - A Ceramagnus Lvl 30 U Tuoramoloch ---- Lvl 16 L Skoolasaurus T P Lvl 21 U Thoradolosaur (dam X) Spd 105+8 ---- Lvl 21 U Thoradolosaur (dam+X > 5210) Spd 105+8 ---- A Ceramagnus Lvl 28 U Tuoramoloch ---- Lvl 30 U Ardentismaxima (spd 109+6) - - Lvl 28 U Geminititan (spd 110+4) - - Lvl 20 L Tryostronix T P Tuoramoloch Speed Gheal/heal Smooth! 2 turns per round. Thoradolosaur Group dam Big dam Geminititan Group decel Shield? Indoraptor Gen 2 Group boost distract? Friday: E Brachiosaurus Lvl 15 E Thylacotator T 4 2 3 4 3 Needed tries: 1 Lvl 15 E Thylacotator A 4 2 3 4 3 Lvl 15 E Thylacotator V 4 2 3 4 3 Lvl 15 E Thylacotator P 4 2 3 4 3 A Refrenantem Lvl 14 R Irritator TAVP Lvl 30 U Tuoramoloch ---- Lvl 30 U Thoradolosaur T--- Lvl 30 U Thoradolosaur T--- A Refrenantem Lvl 30 U Tuoramoloch ---- Lvl 30 U Tenontorex - - Lvl 30 U Thoradolosaur T--- Lvl 23 U Diorajasaur T - A Refrenantem Lvl 30 U Tuoramoloch ---- Lvl 30 U Thoradolosaur T--- Lvl 23 U Diorajasaur T - Lvl 26 U Geminititan - - Saturday: E Woolly Mammoth (not standard?) A Haast Maximus Lvl 26 U Tuoramoloch T--- Lvl 30 U Thoradolosaur (Spd >Gemi) Spd 105+6 ---- Lvl 30 U Geminititan Spd 110 - - Lvl 16 L Ankyntrosaurus TA P A Haast Maximus Lvl 28 U Tuoramoloch ---- Lvl 30 U Thoradolosaur T--- Lvl 30 U Thoradolosaur T--- Lvl 16 L Ankyntrosaurus TA P Sunday: A Hydra Boa Lvl 30 U Tuoramoloch ---- Lvl 21 R Irritator --v- Lvl 30 U Thoradolosaur T--- Lvl 21 U Diorajasaur T - A Hydra Boa Lvl 30 U Tuoramoloch (Spd >Mono) ---- Lvl 24 U Monolorhino (Spd > Thor) - - Lvl 30 U Thoradolosaur (Spd >Gemi) ---- Lvl 21 U Geminititan T - A Hydra Boa Lvl 30 U Tuoramoloch ---- Lvl 20 L Skoolasaurus T P Lvl 30 U Thoradolosaur T--- Lvl 21 U Geminititan T - A Hydra Boa Lvl 30 U Tuoramoloch ---- Lvl 20 L Skoolasaurus T P Lvl 30 U Geminititan - - Lvl 30 U Ardentismaxima - - A Mortem Rex Lvl 30 U Tuoramoloch ---- Lvl 20 R Irritator T-V- Lvl 20 E Thylacotator Ta - Lvl 30 U Ardentismaxima - - A Mortem Rex Lvl 30 U Tuoramoloch ---- Lvl 25 R Irritator ---- Lvl 30 U Thoradolosaur T--- Lvl 30 U Indotaurus - - A Mortem Rex Lvl A ---- Lvl A ---- Lvl A ---- Lvl 30 U Tuoramoloch ---- A Mortem Rex Lvl 30 U Tuoramoloch ---- Lvl 28 L Tryostronix - - Lvl 30 U Tenontorex - - Lvl 30 U Thoradolosaur T--- A Mortem Rex Lvl 30 U Tuoramoloch ---- Lvl 30 L Indoraptor Gen 2 - - Lvl A ---- Lvl 30 U Thoradolosaur T--- A Mortem Rex Lvl 21 U Poukandactylus T - Lvl 21 U Poukandactylus T - Lvl 30 U Thoradolosaur T--- Lvl 30 U Tuoramoloch ----