Master of Orion =============== Fastkeys: ========= F1: Online help F2: Next Planet (F3 Previous) F5: Next planet with new ship (F6 Previous) F7: Next planet under attack (F8 Previous) B: Scrap Planetary Missile Bases C: Report on spies caught Alt+C: Center on Current Planet Alt+M: Toggle Map Grid Alt-R: Change all RELOCation destinations to the selected planet Tech Screen: =: Equalize all research allocations. START: ====== Galaxy size sets the number of stars in the galaxy: Small: 24 Medium: 48 Large: 70 Huge: 108 Difficulty affects the research cost for technology and opponent toughness (maybe other things too): Simple: 50% Easy: 62.5% Average: 75% Hard: 87.5% Impossible: 100% It is also supposed to affect your initial fleet size. Opponents: 1-5 Race affects the research cost for technology and some other things: Comp Cons FoFi Plan Prop Weap AVG Human 0.6 0.8 0.8 0.87 Expert traders and magnificent diplomats Mrrshan 1.25 0.6 0.97 Superior gunners Silicoid 0.8 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.17 Immune to hostile planet environments Sakkra 0.6 0.93 Increased population growth Psilon 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.80 Superior research techniques Alkari 1.25 0.6 0.97 Superior pilots Klackon 0.6 1.25 0.97 Increased worker production Bulrathi 1.25 0.8 0.8 0.97 Terrific ground fighters Meklar 0.6 1.25 0.97 Enhanced factory controls Darlok 0.8 0.97 Supreme spies Clean = Keeping "Eco" on lowest value that doesn't cause waste Name Home Type Population MaxFactories MaxProd MaxTech MaxCleanTech TurnsToCleanMaxFactories TurnsToCleanMaxpop Human Strader,Alexander Sol Terran 40/100 200 240(253) 240 139 26 32 Mrrshan Prrsha, Mirana Fierias Terran 40/100 200 240(253) 240 139 26 32 Silicoid Granid, Geode Crysion Terran 40/100 200 240(253) 240 240 (!) 18 50 Sakkra Sauron, Tyranid Sssla Terran 40/100 200 240(253) 240 139 24 15 (!) Psilon Quark, Tachaon Mentar Terran 40/100 200 240(253) 360 (!) 208 26 32 Alkari Skylord,Highsoar Altair Terran 40/100 200 240(253) 240 139 26 32 Klackon Klaquan,Kaxal Kholdan Terran 40/100 200 305(318) 305 198 (!) 18 31 Bulrathi Bullux, Krungo Ursa Terran 40/100 200 240(253) 240 139 26 32 Meklar INT-986,TVC-15 Meklon Terran 40/100 400 (!) 439(453) 439 237 37 31 Darlok Morfane,Darquan Nazin Terran 40/100 200 240(253) 240 139 26 32 Human Mrrshan Silicoid Unaffected by waste (no production points needed on Ecology). No research for decreased pollution, waste reduction or controlled environments. Sakkra Psilon Each production point converts into 1.5 tech points. Alkari Klackon Population gives double production points (x 1.05) Bulrathi Meklar Each population can use two extra factories (so starting with 4/population, and Improved Robotic Controls IV means 4/population for others and 6/population for Meklar). Darlok Star types: Blue stars are relatively young stars with mineral rich lifeless planets. Green stars are moderately bright and have a wide range of planetary types. Neutron stars are rare and offer the greatest chance of finding rich planets. Red stars are old, dull stars that commonly have poor planets. White srats burn incredibly hot and generally have hostile planets. Yellow stars offer the best chance of discovering terran and sub-terran planets. Planet types: Type MaxPop Special Terran 95-100 --- Jungle 70 --- Steppe 40- 80 ---, Artifacts Arid 55 Mineral Poor Desert 35- 40 ---, Artifacts Minimal 30- 40 ---, Rich Barren 50- 65 Hostile + ---, Ultra Rich Needs Barren+ to colonize Tundra ? Hostile Needs Tundra+ to colonize Dead 25 Hostile Needs Dead+ to colonize Inferno 10- 40 Hostile + ---, Rich Needs Inferno+ to colonize Toxic 15- 25 Hostile Needs Toxic+ to colonize Radiated ? Hostile Needs Radiated+ to colonize? No Habitable Planets Cannot be colonized (?) Planet specials: Mineral Rich Resource points from industry are doubled. Ultra Rich Resource points from industry are tripled. Mineral Poor Resource points from industry are halved. Ultra Poor Resource points from industry are one-third Artifacts Technology points from research are doubled. Exploring it can give a technology 1/1 Hostile Environment Population growth is halved. Fertile Population growth +50%, population max +25% Gaia Population growth +100%, population max +50% Meklar discovered: Type Size Planet MaxPop Special Yellow Small Jungle 90 --- 3 parsec from start planet Blue Large Toxic 20 Hostile, Ultra Rich Green Large Tundra 35 Hostile Blue Small Minimal 30 --- Red Large Jungle 80 Poor Yellow Small Terran 85 --- Neutron Large Minimal 35 --- Red Small Ocean 80 Poor Neutron Large Toxic 15 Hostile, Rich Green Large Terran 85 --- Yellow Small Ocean 70 --- Green Large Steppe 50 --- Red Large No Habit -- --- Yellow Large Ocean 70 --- Red Large Terran 120 Artifacts ORION Yellow Large Ocean 75 --- Green Small Jungle 85 Ultra Poor Green Large Inferno 30 Hostile Blue Small No Habit -- --- Blue Small Radiated 30 Hostile, Rich Neutron Small Tundra 25 Hostile, Rich Green Large Terran 90 --- 3 parsec from start planet Red Large Arid 75 --- Yellow Large Arid 45 --- Neutron Small Radiated 15 Hostile, Rich Blue Large Dead 35 Hostile, Rich Green Large No Habit -- --- Red Large Steppe 50 --- Red Large Arid 60 --- Green Small Terran 100 --- Red Small Jungle 80 --- Red Large Steppe 50 --- Yellow Large Minimal 30 --- Green Large Dead 35 Hostile Neutron Large Inferno 30 Hostile Red Large Arid 60 --- White Small Minimal 50 --- Green Small Barren 40 Hostile Green Large Arid 60 Ultra Poor Green Large Ocean 80 --- Green Small Minimal 50 --- Green Large Desert 40 --- Blue Small No Habit -- --- White Large Inferno 20 Hostile White Small Dead 40 Hostile Red Small Desert 45 --- Red Large Inferno 10 Hostile Red Small Jungle 90 --- White Large Minimal 10 --- Yellow Large Terran 80 --- Green Large Radiated 10 Hostile Yellow Large Inferno 45 Hostile Blue Large Toxic 30 Hostile Blue Large Steppe 30 --- Green Small Terran 95 --- Red Small Tundra 20 Hostile Green Small Ocean 80 --- Red Small Jungle 75 --- Green Large Toxic 30 Rich Blue Large Inferno 10 Hostile Green Small No Habit -- --- Blue Small Barren 45 Hostile, Ultra Rich Red Small Tundra 35 Hostile Green Small Desert 35 --- Red Large Dead 50 Hostile Red Small Desert 50 --- Blue Small Tundra 30 Hostile, Rich White Large Steppe 10 --- Green Large Barren 30 Hostile Red Small Steppe 60 --- Red Large Tundra 35 Hostile Blue Small Toxic 30 Hostile, Ultra Rich Green Small No Habit -- --- Green Large Minimal 30 --- Red Large Arid 55 --- Red Large Radiated 30 Hostile Red Small Arid 60 --- White Small No Habit -- --- White Large Inferno 15 Hostile nebula Red Small Ocean 75 --- Yellow Large Terran 100 --- Blue Large No Habit -- --- Red Small No Habit -- --- Green Small Terran 90 --- Green Large Ocean 80 Ultra Poor Red Small Inferno 15 Hostile Yellow Large Arid 70 Poor Blue Small Dead 45 Hostile Green Large Terran 120 Artifacts ORION Green Large Desert 50 --- Blue Large Minimal 30 Ultra Rich Green Small Toxic 10 Hostile, Ultra Rich Yellow Large Barren 35 Hostile, Rich Yellow Large Terran 65 --- Red Large Toxic 15 Hostile Yellow Large Desert 45 --- Red Small No Habit -- --- Red Small Arid 60 Poor Red Large Toxic 30 Hostile, Rich Green Large Inferno 35 Hostile Red Large Arid 80 --- Red Large Desert 50 --- Blue Large Minimal 40 --- Blue Large Tundra 60 Hostile, Rich Yellow Small Terran 95 --- Red Large Arid 55 --- Yellow Large Terran 115 --- Red Small Inferno 25 Hostile Blue Small Minimal 45 --- Blue Large Inferno 10 Hostile, Ultra Rich Yellow Small Desert 50 --- Red Small Toxic 15 Hostile Green Large Ocean 80 Ultra Poor Red Large Steppe 45 --- Red Small Ocean 80 --- Red Small Dead 70 Hostile Red Small Steppe 50 Poor Blue Small Arid 85 --- Orion: ====== One of the planets is always called Orion. It is always Terran(?), 120M max population(?), always gives 4x research points and is protected by a guardian that must be defeated before colonization. Guardian has: Hits: 8000 Shield: 8 Beam Def: 7 Misl Def: 7 Att. Lvl: 10 Speed: 2 It has: High Energy Focus +3 weapons range Advanced Damage Control Repair 30% each turn (2400 hp) Lightning Shield Destroy 100% incoming missiles, -1% per technology level of the missile Weapons: 65 Scatter Pack X Missiles 5 shots, Dam 15, Splits into ten warheads. (approx 10000 damage) 1 Death Ray Dam 200-1000 (approx 600 damage) 35 Stellar Converter Dam 10-35, Hits all four shields. (approx 800 damage) 15 Plasma Torpedos Dam 150 (-15 per space). 1 shot / 2 turns (approx 1000 damage) Most likely the shields will be of major importance, to withstand those Scatter Pack missiles. You also need high damage to get past his shields and a lot of it to do more than he heals. Missiles will do low damage. Defeating guardian gives discoveries: Death Ray An ancient weapon of unbelievably destructive power that inflicts 200-1000 points of damage with a 1 space range. 3 more, random techs that you don't have. Ex: Hercular Missiles, Industrial Waste Elimination, Ion Drives Ionic Pulsar, Tri-Focus Plasma Cannon, Thorium Cells Anti-Matter Torpedoes, Plasma Cannon, Class X Planetary Shield Anti-Matter Torpedoes, Improved Industrial Tech 5, Ion Drives Class XX Planetary Shield, Class XI Deflector Shields, Thorium Cells Armored Exoskeleton, Hellfire Torpedoes, Auto Blaster Auto Blaster, Plasma Cannon, Sub Space Teleporter Auto Blaster, ECM Jammer Mark X, Hellfire Torpedoes Phasor, Scatter Pack VII Missiles Improved Robotic Controls VI Personal Absorption Shield, Oracle Interface, Plasma Cannon Improved Industrial Tech V, Armored Exoskeleton, Improved Robotic Controls VI Zyro Shield, Tritanium Armor, Neutronium Bomb Adamantium Armor, Zyro Shield, Hellfire Torpedoes Anti-Matter Torpedoes, Zyro Shield, Advanced Eco Restoration Class IX Deflector Shields, Proton Torpedoes, Personal Absorption Shield Thorium Cells, Zyro Shield, Sub Space Teleporter ECM Jammer Mark X, Plasma Rifle, Ion Drives Proton Torpedoes, Advanced Eco Restoration, Thorium Cells Improved Robotic Controls VI, Personal Absorption Shield, Stasis Field Improved Robotic Controls VI, Anti-Matter Torpedoes, Battle Computer Mark IX Ionic Pulsar, Battle Computer Mark IX, Ion Drives Hellfire Torpedoes, Complete Eco Restoration, Plasma Cannon Ionic Pulsar, ECM Jammer Mark X, Stellar Converter Guardian power equals: 21.5 huge ships with: Hp 1500, Att 9, Shield 7, BeamDef 7, MislDef 15, Speed 5 23 Heavy Fusion Beam (dam 4-30) With attack 8: 23.5 With attack 6: 32 With attack 3: 95 With attack 1: 140 With Shield 0: 24.5 With ECM 8->0: 24.5 With Mvr 8->2: 28 With Mvr 8->1: 50 With 600 HP: 28.5 With Fusion Beam (69 x dam 4-16): 32 With Mauler Device (11 x dam 20-100): 15 With Hercular Missile (2 shots) (6 x dam 25): 140 With Hercular Missile (5 shots) (4 x dam 25): 125 With Plasma Torpedo (12 x dam 150): 11 Any special equipment of use... maybe High Energy Focus. Conclusion: It is important to have a bit of speed, but the main thing is damage - high damage and lots of it. So High attack, and many beam weapons doing big damage. Diplomatic relations: ===================== If no special actions are taken, relations move (slightly erratically) toward a value determined by a lot of factors, including race bias, power, inhabited planets, trade, earlier actions etc. Neutral is the starting point, and it has a (approx 3 times) wider range. There are 15 levels of relations: 15 Harmony 14 Unity 13 Friendly 12 Peaceful 11 Affable 10 Calm 9 Amiable 8 Relaxed 7 -> Neutral <- 6 Unease 5 Restless 4 Tense ("SA") 3 Troubled ("ES" 2 Hate ("H") 1 Feud When negotiating (Audience) with another race, you normally have 3 actions before the diplomat tires and leaves. If he does, he will be gone for 1-3 rounds, which might depend a bit on current relation. Proposing a treaty (Non-Aggression / Alliance) can be done any number of times, but will yield the same result each time. ...and Threatening might cause him to leave directly after responding. Non-Aggression pact can be accepted with a Neutral relation (I believe). Alliance can be accepted at Affable relation (1/10 towards Peaceful). Requirements for pact acceptance might also depend on other things. Events: ======= An insidious computer virus struck the main research network destroying research points. It may take years to recover from the loss. ...? A major industrial accident on has irridated the entire planet. The intense radiation levels threaten to kill millions unless cleaned up. Planet becomes Radiated and needs Terraforming to clean up. has rebelled and refuses to contribute to the empire. At least 125 million rebels control the colony. Troops must be sent to quell the uprising. No income and no control. Ships will not help - normal troops must be sent to battle the planet troops. Expect to meet half the population as rebels. They have same armor so it's pretty much an equal fight. If you fail, you only have the surviving rebels to defeat. Once you win, the planet is back to normal, minus a few population (Either it's approx 10%, or it's approx 20% but your surviving troops are added). A violent quake hit the colony on killing million colonists and destroying factories. Shit happens. Rebuild and move on. Star going nova: The planet in _that_ star system has to produce a certain amount of tech points to avoid the nova. If nova, Planet becomes Radiated and lose some factories and population and max population?... which you can terraform back(?) Amoebic life form: An Amoeba can be found somewhere near the edge. It moves slowly towards a nearby star, reaching it after 5 rounds, and attacks. If winning (no ships/bases left), the planet is immediately destroyed (all factories and inhabitants gone, as well as terraform. Gaia stays Gaia). After 3 rounds it starts moving again, towards a new planet. Disappears by itself after attacking a few places. Space Amoeba has: Hits: 4000 Shield: 0 Beam Def: 4 Misl Def: 4 Att. Lvl: 10 Speed: 2 It has: Advanced Damage Control Repair 30% each turn (1200 hp) Weapons: 1 Ameoba Stream Dam 205-470 (through lvl 15 shields + lvl 15 deflectors, 235-500), range 2, one shot/round ...? SHIPS: ====== Ship Size Cost Total Space Available Def MissileDef Small 6 40 38 3 3 Medium 39 204 189 2 2 Large 220 1020 920 1 1 Huge 1340 5100 4400 0 0 Cost, Size and Space decreases as your tech level increases. Different tech affects different things. The numbers shown are the ones you have just as the technology gets discovered (ie the worst values available). Applied on "clear" ship (no other things added). Computer Attack & Power are fixed. SMALL MEDIUM LARGE HUGE Computer Attack Cost Size Power Space Cost Size Power Space Cost Size Power Space Cost Size Power Space None 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Mark I 1 5 5 5 10 22 10 10 20 104 20 20 40 520 100 100 200 Mark II 2 5 6 7 12 21 13 15 28 97 26 30 53 486 133 150 268 Mark III 3 10 20 40 200 A lot of research 2 5 7 8 11 15 40 23 31 199 116 156 Mark IV 4 12 25 50 250 A lot of research 3 8 10 13 16 21 63 33 43 709 235 335 Mark V 5 15 30 60 300 A lot of research 5 11 14 21 23 29 100 46 58 744 276 336 Mark VI 6 7 14 17 21 28 29 35 43 136 58 70 86 678 294 350 434 Mark VII 7 8 17 20 25 33 34 40 50 160 69 80 101 801 348 400 508 Mark VIII 8 8 18 22 25 32 36 45 50 153 73 90 100 767 369 450 504 Mark IX 9 25 50 100 500 A lot of research Mark X 10 27 55 110 550 A lot of research 3 11 16 10 23 34 42 47 69 210 236 346 Mark XI 11 8 21 30 27 29 42 60 54 138 85 120 109 690 426 600 546 Shield Absorb & Power are fixed. Shield Absorbs Cost Size Power Space Cost Size Power Space Cost Size Power Space Cost Size Power Space None 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Class I 1 4 5 5 10 23 20 20 40 132 60 60 120 800 250 250 500 Class II 2 6 10 10 19 28 35 35 67 155 90 90 171 939 375 375 712 Class III 3 5 13 15 23 24 44 50 79 132 106 120 190 805 445 500 795 Class IV 4 6 20 20 24 34 65 65 111 194 150 150 255 1186 675 675 1147 Class V 5 6 25 25 37 35 80 80 120 209 180 180 209 1288 750 750 1125 Class VI 6 7 30 30 45 39 95 95 143 231 210 210 315 1419 875 875 1312 Class VII 7 8 35 35 49 42 110 110 154 252 240 240 336 1550 1000 1000 1400 Class IX 9 40 125 270 1125 A lot of research 3 19 27 13 61 86 60 132 186 349 551 776 Class XI Class XIII 13 10 48 50 58 50 150 155 181 296 320 330 386 1812 1333 1375 1608 Class XV 15 10 50 55 61 47 147 160 179 277 331 360 403 1695 1380 1500 1680 Ecm Missile Def & Power are fixed. Ecm Missile Def Cost Size Power Space Cost Size Power Space Cost Size Power Space Cost Size Power Space None 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Jammer I +1 5 10 10 20 19 20 20 40 108 40 40 80 659 170 170 340 Jammer II +2 15 30 60 250 A lot of research 1 3 6 2 7 13 5 14 26 33 60 110 Jammer III +3 5 18 20 32 20 37 40 65 112 75 80 131 682 310 330 541 Jammer IV +4 4 23 25 38 18 46 50 76 110 92 100 152 679 377 410 623 Jammer V +5 5 28 30 43 21 56 60 86 128 112 120 172 786 460 490 705 Jammer VI +6 4 31 35 38 21 62 70 76 121 124 140 152 741 507 570 621 Jammer VII +7 5 34 40 50 21 69 80 101 122 139 160 203 743 565 650 825 Jammer VIII +8 5 36 45 50 20 73 90 100 114 147 180 201 695 598 730 817 Jammer IX +9 5 41 50 51 21 82 100 102 122 164 200 204 738 664 810 826 Jammer X +10 Armor HitPoints is fixed. Armor Cost Size HitPoints Cost Size HitPoints Cost Size HitPoints Cost Size HitPoints Titanium 0 1 3 0 1 18 0 1 100 0 1 600 Titanium II 2 20 4 10 80 27 50 400 150 250 2000 900 Duralloy 4 27 150 900 A lot of research 1 1 1 2 2 14 9 72 Duralloy II 6 40 225 1350 A lot of research 1 6 1 20 3 102 14 504 Zortium 4 4 6 20 20 36 100 100 200 500 500 1200 Zortium II 6 30 9 30 100 54 150 500 300 750 2500 1800 Andrium 6 6 7 30 30 45 150 150 250 750 750 1500 Andrium II 9 35 11 45 115 67 225 575 375 1125 2875 2250 Tritanium Tritanium II Adamantium Adamantium II Neutronium 11 11 12 56 58 72 279 291 400 1395 1455 2400 Neutronium II 17 48 18 84 169 108 419 848 600 2325 4243 3600 Engine Warp and Number of Engines is fixed. Ship size doesn't affect Cost or Size - just number of engines needed, which in turn affects the total Space needed. The engine affects cost/size/space for other ship designs, weapons and specials. Some increase and a few decrease. Engine Warp Cost Size NumE Space NumE Space NumE Space NumE Space Retros 1 2 10 0.2 2 1.5 15 10.0 100 70.0 700 Nuclear 2 4 18 0.1 1 0.7 12 5.0 90 35.0 630 Sub-Light 3 6 26 0.1 2 0.5 13 3.3 85 23.3 605 Fusion 4 0.1 0.3 2.5 17.5 A lot of research 4 24 2 7 60 434 Impulse 5 9 34 0.1 3 0.3 10 2.0 68 14.0 476 Ion 6 0.1 0.3 1.6 11.6 A lot of research 1 13 1 2 20 150 Anti-Matter 7 11 39 0.1 3 0.2 7 1.4 54 10.0 390 Interphased 8 12 41 0.1 4 0.1 4 1.2 48 8.7 356 Hyperthrust 9 11 41 0.1 4 0.1 4 1.1 45 7.7 315 Maneuver You must have an Engine with at least the same warp speed as your maneuver class. Better engine lowers the cost/power/space (Hyperthrust increases cost slightly). Each class Combat speed is fixed. Defense is fixed, and applied to both normal and missile defense. Power is fixed, except engine-dependent. Maneuver CbtSpeed Defense Cost Power Space Cost Power Space Cost Power Space Cost Power Space Engine Class I 1 0 1 2 2 3 15 15 20 100 100 140 700 700 Retros A lot of research 35 700 140 Retros A lot of research 9 350 70 Nuclear A lot of research 4 233 46 Sub-Light A lot of research 2 175 30 Fusion A lot of research 1 116 24 Ion A lot of research 4 77 22 Hyperthrust Class II 2 +1 1 2 2 4 15 18 30 100 135 210 700 945 Nuclear Class III 2 +2 1 2 3 7 15 29 47 100 203 326 700 1415 Sub-Light Class IV 3 +3 2 15 100 700 Fusion A lot of research 1 1 1 8 4 57 28 700 398 Fusion Class V 3 +4 1 2 3 11 15 41 78 100 286 547 700 2000 Impulse Class VI 4 +5 2 15 100 700 Ion A lot of research 1 1 1 17 7 112 48 784 Ion Class VII 4 +6 1 2 4 14 15 51 93 100 344 651 700 2395 Anti-Matter Class VIII 5 +7 1 2 4 17 15 57 108 100 365 754 700 2555 Interphased Class IX 5 +8 1 2 4 16 15 57 100 100 369 700 700 2588 Hyperthrust WEAPONS: Ship size does not affect anything. Power and Damage are fixed. Cost, Size and Space decreases as your tech level increases. Different tech affects different things. Beam weapons: Lvl Shots Damage Cost Size Power Space Range Notes Laser 1 - 1- 4 3 10 25 1 Worse than manual 8 35 Heavy Laser 1 - 1- 7 9 30 75 2 Worse than manual 24 105 Gatling Laser 5 - 1- 4 9 20 70 1 Neutron Pellet Gun 7 - 2- 5 3 15 25 1 Halves enemy shields Ion Cannon 10 - 3- 8 4 15 35 1 Heavy Ion Cannon 10 - 3-15 11 45 105 2 Mass Driver 13 - 5- 8 13 55 50 80 1 Halves enemy shields Neutron Blaster 15 - 3-12 8 15 60 45 1 Heavy Blast Cannon 15 - 3-24 23 45 180 135 2 Graviton Beam 17 - 1-15 7 15 50 40 1 Streaming attack Hard Beam 19 - 8-12 12 50 100 1 Halves shields str Fusion Beam 20 - 4-16 7 9 75 39 1 Heavy Fusion Beam 20 - 4-30 21 28 225 118 2 Megabolt Cannon 25 - 2-20 8 17 65 43 1 +3 levels to hit Phasor 26 - 5-20 9 20 90 1 Heavy Phasor 26 - 5-40 26 60 270 2 Auto Blaster 28 - 4-16 14 30 90 1 Fires 3 times/turn Tachyon Beam 30 - 1-25 8 16 70 37 1 Streaming attack Gauss Autocanon 32 - 7-10 28 105 105 1 1/2 shields, fires 4x Particle Beam 33 - 10-20 11 45 75 60 1 Halves shields str Plasma Cannon 35 - 6-30 12 30 110 1 Disruptor 37 - 10-40 17 30 160 62 2 Pulse Phasor 38 - 5-20 16 16 120 40 1 Fires 3 times/turn Tri-Focus Plasma 45 - 20-50 25 70 180 1 Stellar Converter 46 - 10-35 50 200 300 3 Hits all four shields Mauler Device 48 - 20-100 36 57 300 117 1 Cruel brutal damage Bombs (ground attacks only): Lvl Bombs Damage Cost Size Power Space Range Notes Nuclear Bomb 1 10 3-12 3 40 10 50 1 Worse than manual 5 Fusion Bomb 8 10 5-20 4 50 10 55 1 Worse than manual 5 Death Spores 10 5 1 pop 10 100 10 67 1 Biological weapon Anti-Matter Bomb 16 10 10-40 5 75 10 1 Omega-V Bomb 22 10 20-50 8 140 10 96 1 Doom Virus 27 5 2 pop 7 82 10 84 1 Biological weapon Neutronium Bomb 39 10 40-70 10 200 10 1 Bio Terminator 40 5 3 pop 20 300 10 1? Biological weapon 5 shot missiles have 50% higher cost/size/power/space that 2 shot. 2 shot missiles have +1 speed and +2 range. Missiles: Lvl Shots Damage Cost Size Power Space Range +ToHit Speed Notes Nuclear Missile 1 2 4 7 50 20 6? 0 3? Worse than manual 11 70 Nuclear Missile 1 5 4 75 30 4? 0 2? Worse than manual 17 105 Hyper-V Rocket 4 2 6 9 70 20 7 0 3.5? Hyper-V Rocket 4 5 6 14? 105 30 5 0 2.5? Hyper-X Rocket 7 2 8 12 100 20 7 +1 3.5? Hyper-X Rocket 7 5 8 18? 150? 30 5 +1 2.5? Scatter Pack V Rockets 11 ? 6x5 18 115 50 5? 0 2.5? Splits into five warheads. Scatter Pack V Rockets 11 5? 6x5 Merculite Missiles 14 ? 10 ? 13 105 20 6? +2 3? Stinger Missiles 18 2 15 19 155 39 125 9 +3 4.5? Stinger Missiles 18 5 15 19 155 39 186 7 +3 3.5? Anti-Matter Torpedo 23 --- 30 30 75 300 8 +4 4? Fires one per 2 turns Scatter Pack VII 27 2 10x7 28 170 50 8 +2 3? 2 shots, mirvs to 7 Scatter Pack VII 27 5 10x7 6 5 shots, mirvs to 7 Pulson Missile 29 2 20 14 92 40 108 10 +4 5? Pulson Missile 29 5 20 21 139 60 163 8 +4 4? Hercular Missile 34 2 25 14 103 40 111 10 +5 5.5? Hercular Missile 34 5 25 22 155 60 167 9 +5 4.5? Hellfire Torpedo 40 --- 25 50 150 350 10 +6 5? Hits all four shields, Fires one per 2 turns Zeon Missile 41 2 30 30 250 50 9 +6 6? Best missile for missile bases Zeon Missile 41 5 30 45? 375? 75 7 +6 5? Best missile for missile bases Proton Torpedo 43 --- 75 50 100 400 10 +6 8? Fires one per 2 turns Scatter Pack X 44 2 15x10 15 102 50 112 10 +3 3.5? 2 shots, mirvs to 10 Scatter Pack X 44 5 15x10 23 172 80 188 10 +3 2.5? 5 shots, mirvs to 10 Plasma Torpedo 50 --- 150 44 52 450 142 10 +7 6? Loses 15 damage/hex, Fires one per 2 turns SPECIAL DEVICES: Ship size often matters, but not always. Power is fixed. Cost, Size and Space decreases as your tech level increases. Different tech affects different things. SMALL MEDIUM LARGE HUGE Cost Size Power Space Cost Size Power Space Cost Size Power Space Cost Size Power Space Reserve Fuel Tanks Extends ship range by 3 parsecs 2 20 0 20 10 100 0 100 50 500 0 500 250 2500 0 2500 Standard Colony Base Allows normal planet landings 350 700 0 700 --- Barren Colony Base Allows barren planet landings 248 588 0 588 --- Tundra Colony Base Allows tundra planet landings 304 623 0 623 --- Dead Colony Base Allows dead planet landings 425 700 0 700 --- Inferno Colony Base Allows inferno planet landings 418 679 0 679 --- Toxic Colony Base Allows toxic planet landings 0 A lot of research 224 511 511 --- Battle Scanner Displays enemy ship stats 40 50 50 100 --- Anti-Missile Rockets 40% chance missiles destroyed 7 1 8 7 10 7 40 35 24 39 200 179 96 197 1000 897 Repulsor Beam Moves enemy ships back 1 space 200 A lot of research 61 97 137 --- Warp Dissipator Reduces speed of enemy ships 50 77 300 197 --- Energy Pulsar Expands to inflict 1-5 hits 250 A lot of research 15 36 86 --- Inertial Stabilizer Adds +2 maneuverability 2 3 8 7 5 15 40 35 35 75 200 175 185 375 1000 875 Zyro Shield 75% chance missiles destroyed. 12 60 300 1500 A lot of research 5 3 5 11 18 30 33 94 154 101 470 770 Automated Repair Heals 15% of ship's hits a turn 3 10 50 300 A lot of research 1 2 3 1 14 16 7 94 104 41 564 624 Stasis Field Enemy frozen for 1 round 275 A lot of research 69 106 161 --- Cloaking device Renders ships nearly invisible 10 50 250 1250 A lot of research 3 4 6 12 21 31 62 100 150 310 504 754 Ion Stream Projector Reduces enemy armor by 20% 500 A lot of research 87 205 305 --- High Energy Focus Increases weapon ranges by 3 6 31 65 51 20 89 200 149 65 133 350 238 316 445 1000 745 Ionic Pulsar Expands to inflict 2-10 hits 750 A lot of research 59 180 330 --- Black Hole Generator Kills 25%-100% of enemy ships 313 750 750 975 --- Sup Space Teleporter Teleports ship in combat 16 80 400 2000 A lot of research 2 2 5 7 12 28 35 63 143 174 315 715 Lightning Shield 100% chance missiles destroyed 18 5 15 8 29 28 70 42 52 141 350 211 131 705 1750 1055 Adv. Damage Control Heals 30% of ship's hits a turn 9 30 150 450 A lot of research 1 4 6 4 21 27 24 141 171 103 846 936 Neutron Stream Projector Reduces enemy armor by 40% 145 345 1250 595 --- Technology Nullifier Destroys enemy computers 191 547 1000 747 --- Inertial Nullifier Adds +4 to maneuverability 5 5 12 7 16 25 60 37 114 126 300 186 405 630 1500 930 Oracle Interface Concentrates beam attacks 12 60 300 1500 A lot of research 1 3 5 5 18 30 23 90 150 114 450 750 Displacement Device 1/3 of all enemy attacks miss 2 7 10 9 11 39 50 49 29 177 225 222 222 987 1250 1237 TECHNOLOGY: =========== Map size and number of opponents does not affect research cost, but difficulty and race does. Each year you invest in a tech, you get a bonus interest equal to 15% of total, or this years investment, whichever is lowest. Once the RP needed has been reached you have a 1% chance for a breakthrough. This chance is increased by 1% for each 2% of the base cost you add (so once you have invested double the needed RP, you have a 50% chance of discovery. No research means no chance of discovery, plus a loss of 10% of invested RP each turn. In short - it is important to spend some RP on each tech at each turn. Fairly evenly yields the best result. The tech level for each field starts at 1 and equals 80% of max discovered tech level plus 1 for each tech discovered. The listed costs are for Impossible difficulty, unmodified by race. It is tech level squared, times 40. Hard: Tech level squared, times 35. After lvl 50, you can research Advanced Tech I, II, III, IV, etc, which are considered to be at level 55, 60, 65, 70, etc. Once your tech level reaches lvl 99, you cannot research further. This usually happens after researching Advanced Tech IX-X. COMPUTERS Initial: Scanner range 3, Robot controls 2/col 0 --- Battle Computer Mark I Gives level 1 weapon accuracy. 1 --- Battle Scanner Reveals technical specifications of enemy spacecraft in combat. (also gives +1 attack) 2 y 160 Ecm Jammer Mark I Adds 1 level to defense against enemy missile attacks. 4 x 640 Deep Space Scanner Detects enemy ships up to 5 parsecs away from your colonies and 1 parsec away from your ships. 5 y 1000 Battle Computer Mark II Increases weapon accuracy to level 2. 7 1960 Ecm Jammer Mark II Adds 2 levels to defense against enemy missile attacks. 8 xy 2560 Improved Robotic Controls III Allows up to three factories to be operated per population. The refit cost to upgrade to Robotic Controls III is half the standard cost of each factory. 10 x 4000 Battle Computer Mark III Increases weapon accuracy to level 3. 12 x 5760 Ecm Jammer Mark III Adds 3 levels to defense against enemy missile attacks. 13 y 6760 Improved Space Scanner Detects enemy ships up to 7 parsecs away from your colonies and 2 parsecs away from your ships. Enemy destinations and ETA can also be accurately determined. 15 x 9000 Battle Computer Mark IV Increases weapon accuracy to level 4. 17 y 11560 Ecm Jammer Mark IV Adds 4 levels to defense against enemy missile attacks. 18 xy 12960 Improved Robotic Controls IV Allows up to four factories to be operated per population. The refit cost to upgrade to Robotic Controls IV is the standard cost of each factory. 20 x 16000 Battle Computer Mark V Increases weapon accuracy to level 5. 22 y 19360 Ecm Jammer Mark V Adds 5 levels to defense against enemy missile attacks. 23 xy 21160 Advanced Space Scanner Allows eploration of planets from colony bases up to 9 parsecs away and detects enemy ships up to 3 parsecs away from your ships. 25 xy 25000 Battle Computer Mark VI Increases weapon accuracy to level 6. 27 x 29160 Ecm Jammer Mark VI Adds 6 levels to defense against enemy missile attacks. 28 y 31360 Improved Robotic Controls V Allows up to five factories to be operated per population. The refit cost to upgrade to Robotic Controls V is one and a half times the standard cost of each factory. 30 xy 36000 Battle Computer Mark VII Increases weapon accuracy to level 7. 32 y 40960 Ecm Jammer Mark VII Adds 7 levels to defense against enemy missile attacks. 34 xy 46240 Hyperspace Communications Allows you to communicate with ships and transports in hyperspace, and change their destinations while in route. 35 xy 49000 Battle Computer Mark VIII Increases weapon accuracy to level 8. 37 y 54760 Ecm Jammer Mark VIII Adds 8 levels to defense against enemy missile attacks. 38 x 57760 Improved Robotic Controls VI Allows up to six factories to be operated per population. The refit cost to upgrade to Robotic Controls VI is twice the standard cost of each factory. 40 64000 Battle Computer Mark IX Increases weapon accuracy to level 9. 42 xy 70560 Ecm Jammer Mark IX Adds 9 levels to defense against enemy missile attacks. 45 x 81000 Battle Computer Mark X Increases weapon accuracy to level 10. 46 84640 Oracle Interface Coordinates all beam weapon attacks into one simultaneous burst of concentrated fire, halving the enemy's shield strength. 47 88360 Ecm Jammer Mark X Adds 10 levels to defense against enemy missile attacks. 48 y 92160 Improved Robotic Controls VII Allows up to seven factories to be operated per population. The refit cost to upgrade to Robotic Controls VII is 2.5 times the standard cost of each factory. 49 y 96040 Technology Nullifier Scrambles enemy battle computers, reducing the level of the computers up to 2-6 levels each time the nullifier is fired. The weapon has a 4 space range. 50 xy 100000 Battle Computer Mark XI Increases weapon accuracy to level 11. 55 x 121000 Advanced Computer Tech I General improvements of existing Computer technology. 60 x 144000 Advanced Computer Tech II General improvements of existing Computer technology. 65 x 169000 Advanced Computer Tech III General improvements of existing Computer technology. CONSTRUCTION Initial: Factory waste 100, Ground combat +0% 0 --- Titanium Armor 1 --- Reserve Fuel Tanks Extends the range of a ship by an additional 3 parsecs. 3 y 360 Improved Industrial Tech 9 Reduces factory construction costs to 9 BC each. 5 x 1000 Reduced Industrial Waste 80% Decreases factory pollution levels to 80% of the normal rate. 8 xy 2560 Improved Industrial Tech 8 Reduces factory construction costs to 8 BC each. 10 4000 Duralloy Armor Increases the hit points of ships and transports by 50%. Personal combat armor is also enhanced, adding 5 to all ground attacks. 11 x 4840 Battle Suits Armor that not only protects but also boosts strength. Adds 10 to all ground combat rolls. 13 x 6760 Improved Industrial Tech 7 Reduces factory construction costs to 7 BC each. 14 x 7840 Automated Repair System Undestroyed ships can repair up to 15% of their total hit points at the end of each turn. 15 y 9000 Reduced Industrial Waste 60% Decreases factory pollution levels to 60% of the normal rate. 17 xy 11560 Zortium Armor Increases the hit points of ships and transports by 100%. Personal combat armor is also enhanced, adding 10 to all ground attacks. 18 12960 Improved Industrial Tech 6 Reduces factory construction costs to 6 BC each. 23 21160 Improved Industrial Tech 5 Reduces factory construction costs to 5 BC each. 24 23040 Armored Exoskeleton Advanced mobile suits that not only boost power and increase defenses but also offer limited flight to ground troops. Adds 20 to all ground combat rolls. 25 xy 25000 Reduced Industrial Waste 40% Decreases factory pollution levels to 40% of the normal rate. 26 xy 27040 Andrium Armor Increases the hit points of ships and transports by 150%. Personal combat armor is also enhanced, adding 15 to all ground attacks. 28 30250 Improved Industrial Tech 4 Reduces factory construction costs to 4 BC each. 33 x 43560 Improved Industrial Tech 3 Reduces factory construction costs to 3 BC each. 34 46240 Tritanium Armor Increases the hit points of ships and transports by 200%. Personal combat armor is also enhanced, adding 20 to all ground attacks. 35 y 49000 Reduced Industrial Waste 20% Decreases factory pollution levels to 20% of the normal rate. 36 x 51840 Advanced Damage Control Undestroyed ships can repair up to 30% of their total hit points at the end of each turn. 38 x 57760 Improved Industrial Tech 2 Reduces factory construction costs to 2 BC each. 40 xy 64000 Powered Armor Combines high mobility, anti-grav flight, and heavy armored plating to form the most advanced armor available for ground troops. Adds 30 to all ground combat rolls. 42 70560 Adamantium Armor Increases the hit points of ships and transports by 250%. Personal combat armor is also enhanced, adding 25 to all ground attacks. 45 xy 81000 Industrial Waste Elimination Factories cease to pollute. 50 xy 100000 Neutronium Armor Provides the best internal protection of any armor and increases the hit points of a ship by 300%. Personal combat armor is also enhanced, adding 30 to all ground attacks. 55 xy 121000 Advanced Construction Tech I General improvements of existing Construction technology. 60 x 144000 Advanced Construction Tech II General improvements of existing Construction technology. FORCE FIELDS Initial: Ground combat +0% 1 --- Class I Deflector Shields Absorbs 1 point of damage from all attacks. 4 xy 640 Class II Deflector Shields Absorbs 2 points of damage from all attacks. 8 xy 2560 Personal Deflector Shield Protects individual ground troops with a directional force field. Adds +10 to all ground combat battles. 10 x 4000 Class III Deflector Shields Absorbs 3 points of damage from all attacks. 12 x 5760 Class V Planetary Shield Absorbs 5 points of damage from attacks against planet surfaces, and is cumulative with missile base deflector shields. 14 y 7840 Class IV Deflector Shields Absorbs 4 points of damage from all attacks. 16 x 10240 Repulsor Beam Repels enemy ships back one space away from the attacking ship. The special weapon has a 1 space range. 20 xy 16000 Class V Deflector Shields Absorbs 5 points of damage from all attacks. 21 17640 Personal Absorption Shield Absorbs damage from all hand weapons. Adds 20 to all ground combat battles. 22 x 19360 Class X Planetary Shield Absorbs 10 points of damage from attacks against planet surfaces, and is cumulative with missile base deflector shields. 24 y 23040 Class VI Deflector Shields Absorbs 6 points of damage from all attacks. 27 x 29160 Cloaking Device Renders ships nearly invisible until they attack. While cloaked ships receive a +5 to their missile and beam defenses. 30 xy 36000 Class VII Deflector Shields Absorbs 7 points of damage from all attacks. 31 38440 Zyro Shield An energy field that destroys incoming missiles and torpedoes 75% of the time, -1% per technology level of the missile. 32 y 40960 Class XV Planetary Shield Absorbs 15 points of damage from attacks against planet surfaces, and is cumulative with missile base deflector shields. 34 x 46240 Class IX Deflector Shields Absorbs 9 points of damage from all attacks. 37 x 54760 Stasis Field Freezes one group of enemy ships up to one space away, for one turn. Frozen ships cannot attack or be attacked. 38 y 57760 Personal Barrier Shield Completely encases the soldier in an nearly impenetrable force field. Adds +30 to all ground combat rolls. 40 64000 Class XI Deflector Shields Absorbs 11 points of damage from all attacks. 42 70560 Class XX Planetary Shield Absorbs 20 points of damage from attacks against planet surfaces, and is cumulative with missile base deflector shields. 43 xy 73960 Black Hole Generator Creates a sub-space field that warps normal space creating an instantaneous black hole, destroying 25%-100% of enemy ships, -2% per shield class. 44 y 77440 Class XIII Deflector Shields Absorbs 13 points of damage from all attacks. 46 xy 84640 Lightning Shield An energy field that destroys incoming enemy missiles and torpedoes 100% of the time, -1% per technology level of the missile. 50 y 100000 Class XV Deflector Shields Absorbs 15 points of damage from all attacks. 55 xy 121000 Advanced Force Field Tech I General improvements of existing Force Field technology. 60 x 144000 Advanced Force Field Tech II General improvements of existing Force Field technology. PLANETOLOGY Initial: Terraform +0, Waste elimination 2/bc 1 --- Ecological Restoration Eliminates 2 units of industrial waste for a cost of 1 BC. 2 x 160 Improved Terraforming +10 Increases the population capacity of planets by 10M for a cost of 5 BC per million. 2 x 360 Controlled Barren Environment Permits the colonization of barren planets. 5 xy 1000 Improved Eco Restoration Eliminates 3 units of industrial waste for a cost of 1 BC. 6 y 1440 Controlled Tundra Environment Permits the colonization of tundra planets. 8 1960 Improved Terraforming +20 Increases the population capacity of planets by 20M for a cost of 5 BC per million. 9 y 3240 Controlled Dead Environment Permits the colonization of dead planets. 10 xy 4000 Death Spores Horrible biological weapons capable of reducing the maximum planetary population by 1 million per attack. 12 xy 5760 Controlled Inferno Environment Permits the colonization of inferno planets. 13 y 6760 Enhanced Eco Restoration Eliminates 5 units of industrial waste for a cost of 1 BC. 14 x 7840 Improved Terraforming +30 Increases the population capacity of planets by 30M for a cost of 4 BC per million. 15 x 9000 Controlled Toxic Environment Permits the colonization of toxic planets. 16 x 10240 Soil Enrichment Converts standard planets to fertile environments, increasing population growth by 50% and raising base planetary size by +25% for a one time cost of 150 BC. 17 11560 Bio Toxin Antidote Reduces casualties taken from biological weapons by 1 million per attack. 18 12960 Controlled Radiated Environment Permits the colonization of radiated planets. 20 y 16000 Improved Terraforming +40 Increases the population capacity of planets by 40M for a cost of 4 BC per million. 21 xy 17640 Cloning Allows bio engineered colonists to be grown at a rate of 1M per 10 BC. 22 y 19360 Atmospheric Terraforming Converts hostile planets to standard minimal environments, normalizing population growth for a one time cost of 200 BC. 24 23040 Advanced Eco Restoration Eliminates 10 units of industrial waste for a cost of 1 BC. 26 y 27040 Improved Terraforming +50 Increases the population capacity of planets by 50M for a cost of 3 BC per million. 27 xy 29160 Doom Virus Dreadful biological weapons capable of reducing planetary populations by 2 million per attack. 30 xy 36000 Advanced Soil Enrichment Converts standard and fertile planets to gaias, doubling the population growth and increasing the planet's base size by +50% for the one time cost of 300 BC. 32 xy 40960 Improved Terraforming +60 Increases the population capacity of planets by 60M for a cost of 3 BC per million. 34 46240 Complete Eco Restoration Eliminates 20 units of industrial waste for a cost of 1 BC. 36 51840 Universal Antidote 38 xy 57760 Improved Terraforming +80 Increases the population capacity of planets by 80M for a cost of 2 BC per million. 40 64000 Bio Terminator 32 xy 70560 Advanced Cloning Allows bio engineered colonists to be grown at a rate of 1M per 5 BC. 44 y 77440 Improved Terraforming +100 Increases the population capacity of planets by 100M for a cost of 2 BC per million. 50 xy 100000 Complete Terraforming Increases the population capacity of planets by 120M for a cost of 2 BC per million. 55 x 121000 Advanced Planetology Tech I General improvements of existing Planetology technology. PROPULSION Initial: Ship range 3 parsec 1 --- Retro Engines Moves ships at warp one (1 parsec per turn), and allows a maximum maneuverability of class I in combat. 3 xy 360 Hydrogen Fuel Cells (Range 4) Fuel reserves allow ships to move up to 4 parsecs away from colony planets. 5 1000 Deuterium Fuel Cells (Range 5) Fuel reserves allow ships to move up to 5 parsecs away from colony planets. 6 y 1440 Nuclear Engines Moves ships at warp two (2 parsec per turn), and allows a maximum maneuverability of class II in combat. 9 3240 Irridium Fuel Cells (Range 6) Fuel reserves allow ships to move up to 6 parsecs away from colony planets. 10 xy 4000 Inertial Stabilizer Generates a field that reduces the inertia of ships, and adds 2 classes of maneuverability in combat (+2 defense and +1 combat speed). 12 xy 5760 Sub-Light Drives Moves ships at warp three (3 parsecs per turn), and allows a maximum maneuverability of class III in combat. 14 x 7840 Dotomite Crystals (Range 7) Fuel reserves allow ships to move up to 7 parsecs away from colony planets. 16 10240 Energy Pulsar A potent engine modification which generates a sudden spherical burst of energy striking all adjacent ships for up to 5 points of damage plus 1 per two ships. 18 x 12960 Fusion Drives Moves ships at warp four (4 parsec per turn), and allows a maximum maneuverability of class IV in combat. 19 xy 14440 Uridium Fuel Cells (Range 8) Fuel reserves allow ships to move up to 8 parsecs away from colony planets. 20 xy 16000 Warp Dissipator Specialized weapon that disrupts the warp fields surrounding enemy ships, reducing their speed by 0-1 each turn the weapon is fired. 23 xy 21160 Reajax II Fuel Cells (Range 9) Fuel reserves allow ships to move up to 9 parsecs away from colony planets. 24 y 23040 Impulse Drives Moves ships at warp five (5 parsecs per turn), and allows a maximum manueverability of class V in combat. 26 xy 29160 Intergalactic Star Gates Allows your ships to move between any two planets equipped with star gates in only one turn. Costs 3000 BC to build. 29 y 33640 Trilithium Crystals (Range 10) Fuel reserves allow ships to move up to 10 parsecs away from colony planets. 30 36000 Ion Drives Moves ships at warp six (6 parsec per turn), and allows a maximum maneuverability of class VI in combat. 34 xy 46240 High Energy Focus Increases the firing range of all energy weapons by three. 36 y 51840 Anti-Matter Drives Moves ships at warp seven (7 parsecs per turn), and allows a maximum manueverability of class VII in combat. 38 x 57760 Sub space Teleporter Teleports ships to any space on the combat map and gives first initiative to the teleporting ship. 40 64000 Ionic Pulsar A powerful engine modification capable of generating a spherical burst of phased energy striking all adjacent ships for up to 10 points of damage plus one per ship. 41 x 67240 Thorium Cells Self-replenishing fuel that allows ships to move any distance from colony planets. 42 y 70560 Inter-Phased Drive Moves ships at warp eight (8 parsecs per turn), and allows a maximum manueverability of class VIII in combat. 43 xy 73960 Sub Space Interdictor Surrounds colony planets with an intense gravity well, rendering sub space teleporters useless and halving combat transporter effectiveness. The device is automatically placed in all missile bases. 45 xy 81000 Combat Transporters Transports equipped with these devices have a 50% chance of beaming down onto enemy surfaces before the transports can be attacked by enemy ships and bases. 46 xy 84640 Inertial Nullifier Generates a field that negates the inertia of ships and adds 2 classes of maneuverability in combat (+4 defense and +2 combat speed). 48 xy 92160 Hyper Drives Moves ships at warp nine (9 parsecs per turn), and allows a maximum maneuverability of class IX in combat. 50 y 100000 Displacement Device Randomly shifts the equipped ship in and out of normal space, allowing the ship to avoid one third of all non-area attacks. 55 x 121000 Advanced Propulsion Tech I General improvements of existing Propulsion technology. 60 x 144000 Advanced Propulsion Tech II General improvements of existing Propulsion technology. WEAPONS Initial: Ground combat +0% 0 --- Lasers and Nukes 1 --- Nuclear Missile Missiles tipped with nuclear warheads that explode for 4 points of damage and move at a speed of 2. 1 --- Nuclear Bomb Bombs that explode for 3-12 points of damage on ground targets only. 1 --- Lasers Direct-fire beam weapon that inflicts 1-4 points of damage. Heavy lasers have a two space range and do 1-7 points of damage. 2 y 160 Hand Lasers Personal lasers that add 5 to your ground combat rolls. 4 x 640 Hyper-V Rockets Swift missiles that explode for 6 points of damage and move at a speed of 2.5 5 y 1000 Gatling Laser An advanced laser that fires up to four times per turn for 1-4 points of damage with each hit. 6 x 1440 Anti-Missile Rockets Trans-light rockets capable of destroying incoming enemy missiles 40% of the time. -1% per technology level of the missile. 7 x 1960 Neutron Pellet Gun Heavy particle stream weapon that halves the effectiveness of enemy deflector shields and inflicts 2-5 points of damage. 8 2560 Hyper-X Rockets Missiles equipped with high energy warheads that explode for 8 points of damage, move at a speed of 2.5, and are controlled by a +1 level targeting computer. 9 xy 3240 Fusion Bomb Bombs that explode for 5-20 points of damage on planetary targets only. 10 4000 Ion Cannon High intensity beam weapons capable of inflicting 3-8 points of damage. Heavy ion cannons strike for 3-15 and have a 2 space range. 11 4840 Scatter Pack V Rockets 12 xy 5760 Ion Rifle Personal beam weapons that add 10 to your ground attacks. 13 xy 6760 Mass Driver A linear accelerator that halves the effectiveness of enemy deflector shields and inflicts 5-8 points of damage. 14 7840 Merculite Missiles Hard-hitting, swift missiles that explode for 10 points of damage, move at a speed of 3, and are controlled by a +2 level targeting computer. 15 xy 9000 Neutron Blaster High powered beam weapons capable of inflicting 3-12 points of damage. Heavy neutron blasters strike for 3-24 points and have a 2 space range. 16 x 10240 Anti-Matter Bomb Bombs that explode for 10-40 points of damage on planetary targets only. 17 y 11560 Graviton Beam Tractor-repulsor beam capable of rending ships to pieces. The beam strikes for 1-15, and the continuous streaming effect of the ray allows damage to carry over from one ship to another. 18 y 12960 Stinger Missiles Slow, hyper-accurate missiles that do 15 points of damage, move at a speed of 3.5, and are controlled by a sophisticated +3 level targeting computer. 19 14440 Hard Beam 20 xy 16000 Fusion Beam High intensity beam weapon capable of doing 4-16 points of damage. Heavy fusion beams strike for 4-30 points and have a 2 space range. 21 x 17640 Ion Stream Projector Fires an intense ionic blast reducing an opponents armor by 20% plus 1% per two firing ships. The projector has a range of 2 spaces. 22 y 19360 Omega-V Bomb High yield bombs that explode for 20-50 points of damage on planetary targets only. 23 21160 Anti-Matter Torpedoes High energy tracking torpedoes that deliver 30 points of damage but may only be fired every other turn. Each torpedo is equipped with a +4 level targeting computer. 24 xy 23040 Fusion Rifle Innacurate but incredibly powerful beam weapons that add 20 to your ground combat rolls. 25 y 25000 Megabolt Cannon Releases multiple bolts of pure energy in a wide field. It has a +30% bonus chance to hit and strikes for 2-20 points of damage. 26 27040 Phasor 27 29160 Scatter Pack VII Missiles Mirv versions of Hyper-X Rockets, splitting into seven separate warheads that each explode for 10 points of damage, move at a speed of 3, and are guided by a +2 level targeting computer. 28 x 31360 Auto Blaster An advanced neutron blaster that fires up to three times per turn for 4-16 points of damage with each hit. 29 xy 33640 Pulson Missiles Powerful missiles equipped with anti-matter warheads that explode for 20 points of damage, move at speed 4, and are controlled by a +4 level targeting computer. 30 xy 36000 Tachyon Beam Fires an intense stream of tachyon particles that strike enemy ships for 1-25 hits. The continuous streaming effect of the ray allows it to carry damage over from one ship to another. 31 xy 38440 Hand Phasor Potent hand held energy weapons capable of reducing an opponent to his component atoms. Adds 25 to your ground combat rolls. 32 40960 Gauss Auto Cannon An advanced linear accelerator capable of firing four explosive rounds per turn that inflict 7-10 points of damage each. The projectile rounds half the effectiveness of enemy shields. 33 y 43560 Particle Beam High intensity particle accelerators capable of striking enemy ships for 10-20 points of damage and halving the effectiveness of deflector shields. 34 y 46240 Hercular Missiles Highly advanced missile that explodes for 25 points of damage. The hercular missile moves at speed 4.5 and is controlled by a +5 level targeting computer. 35 49000 Plasma Cannon Fires intense bolts of energy that inflict 6-30 points of damage. 37 xy 54760 Disruptor Unleashes tremendous bolts of pure energy that can strike enemy targets up to 2 spaces away for 10-40 points of damage. 38 xy 57760 Pulse Phasor An advanced phasor capable of firing three bursts per turn for 5-20 points of damage with each hit. 39 60840 Neutronium Bomb Devastating bombs that explode for 40-70 points of damage on planets only. 40 64000 Hellfire Torpedoes Enveloping energy torpedoes that simultaneously strike all shields, delivering damage equivalent to four 25 point attacks. They may only be fired once every other turn. 41 67240 Zeon Missiles Most advanced missile available. Capable of striking enemy ships for 30 points of damage and moving at a speed of 5. The zeon missile is guided by a +6 level targeting computer. 42 x 70560 Plasma Rifle The most devastating hand held weapon available. Adds 30 to your ground attacks. 43 x 73960 Proton Torpedoes High yield energy torpedoes that deliver 75 points of damage but may only be fired every other turn. Each torpedo is equipped with a +6 level targeting computer. 44 y 77440 Scatter Pack X Missiles Mirv versions of Stinger Missiles, splitting into ten separate warheads that each explode for 15 points of damage, move at speed 3.5, and are guided by a +3 level targeting computer. 45 x 81000 Tri-Focus Plasma Cannon Fires a triad of high intensity plasma beams capable of inflicting 20-50 points of damage. 46 84640 Stellar Converter Surrounds the target with an extremely powerful matter-energy conversion field, inflicting four 10-35 point attacks. It has a range of 3 spaces. 47 y 88360 Neutron Stream Projector Fires a blast of concentrated neutrino rays reducing an oppnents armor by 40% plus 1% per firing ship. The projector has a range of 2 spaces. 48 xy 92160 Mauler Device Unleashes enormous ammounts of focused energy at enemy target, inflicting 20-100 points of damage. 50 y 100000 Plasma Torpedoes Pure energy torpedoes that deliver 150 points of damage, but lose 15 strength per space traveled. The launcher fires every other turn and has a +7 level guidance computer. 55 xy 121000 Advanced Weapon Tech I General improvements of existing Weapon technology. Good to know: ============= Your home planet starts with 30 factories and 40 population. New planets start with 0 factories and 2 population. You cannot use more than 2 factories per 1 population. 1.00 prod/factory 0.5 prod/population, which increases with each planetology tech, to a max of 2.0 per population at tech lvl 50 Production points can be converted into Tech points at a 1-1 ratio. Mineral rich planets get extra resource points, when used for building ships/defense/factories. Ecology & technology resources are unchanged. A factory initially costs 10 BC to build. Construction technology reduces the cost down to 2 BC at tech level 50. For improved robotics control to take effect, all current factories must be refitted. You can "house clean" by maxing your security periodically, eliminating a large number of spies in your empire. Population growth is largest when population is close to half your max. Each race has a default relation with each other race. Humans have the best default and Darloks have the worst. Sakkra and Mrrshan hates each other. Diplomacy slowly goes towards default, unless actions are taken: Negative: Espionage, sabotage, attacks, voting against or abstaining, excessive military buildup along borders, previously broken treaties. Positive: Non-agression pact, alliance, trading, attacking a mutual enemy, voting for, tribute Negative towards ALL others: Eliminating a race, possessing too many planets, using biological weapons