Minetap ======= Tips: * When using the Furnace, always speed it up, to get double ingots. * Watching a commercial to get a new block gives a random block from top 6 blocks, except the top one. Which one you get is randomized every time you enter the Blocks Shop. So by being selective, every 2 commercials can bring your top block up one step. Forging: 1 Log -> 4 Plank 2 Plank -> 4 Stick 1 Bookshelf -> Book 5 Iron Ingot -> Minecart 1 Blaze Rod -> Blaze Powder 9 Gunpowder -> TNT 8 Cobblestone -> Furnace 4 Obsidian + 2 Diamond + 1 Book -> Enchanting Table 3 Cobblestone + 1 Blaze Rod -> Brewing Stand 2 Plank + 1 Stick -> Wooden Sword 3 Plank + 2 Stick -> Wooden Pickaxe 3 String + 3 Stick -> Bow 3 String + 3 Bone -> Bone Bow 2 Cobblestone + 1 Stick -> Stone Sword 3 Cobblestone + 2 Stick -> Stone Pickaxe 2 Iron Ingot + 1 Stick -> Iron Sword 3 Iron Ingot + 2 Stick -> Iron Pickaxe 2 Gold Ingot + 1 Stick -> Gold Sword 3 Gold Ingot + 2 Stick -> Gold Pickaxe 2 Diamond Ingot + 1 Stick -> Diamond Sword 3 Diamond Ingot + 2 Stick -> Diamond Pickaxe 5 Iron Ingot -> Iron Helmet 8 Iron Ingot -> Iron Chestplate 7 Iron Ingot -> Iron Leggings 4 Iron Ingot -> Iron Boots 4 Gold Ingot + Iron Helmet -> Gold Helmet 4 Gold Ingot + Iron Chestplate -> Gold Chestplate 4 Gold Ingot + Iron Leggings -> Gold Leggings 4 Gold Ingot + Iron Boots -> Gold Boots 4 Diamond + Gold Helmet -> Diamond Helmet 4 Diamond + Gold Chestplate -> Diamond Chestplate 4 Diamond + Gold Leggings -> Diamond Leggings 4 Diamond + Gold Boots -> Diamond Boots 1 Dirt 2 Log 2. Make 8 Plank -> 15 Stick (after Wooden Sword created and Pickaxe received) 3 Cobblestone 16. Create Stone Sword & Pickaxe. Then Furnace 4 Coal 40. Needed to fuel the Furnace. (always boost Furnace to get double ingots) 5 Red Sandstone 6 Iron Ore 17. Create Iron Armor. Then Iron Sword & Pickaxe. Then Minecart 7 Block of Iron 8 Slime Block 9 Redstone Ore 10 Block of Redstone 11 Bookshelf 1. Create a book. 12 Obsidian 4. For Enchanting table, once you reach Diamond 13 Netherrack 14 Nether Brick 15 Magma Block 16 Nylium 17 Nether Quartz Ore 18 Block of Quartz 19 Gold Ore 11. Create Gold Armor. Then Gold Sword & Pickaxe. 20 Gold Block 21 Glowstone 22 Warped Stem 23 Shroomlight 24 Gilded Blackstone 25 Crying Obsidian 26 Crimson Stem 27 Monster Spawner 28 Sponge 29 Prismarine 30 Sea Lantern 31 Lapis Lazuli Ore 32 lapis Lazuli Block 33 Diamond Ore 12. Create Diamond Armor. Then Diamond Sword & Pickaxe. Then Enchanting Table 34 Block of Diamond 35 Pink Coral 36 Hive 37 Honeycomb Block This is the highest minimum block you can get, with maxed out diamond equipment (not counting the +2 boost). 38 Honey Block 39 Melon 40 Pumpkin 41 Jack'o'Lantern 42 Hay Bale 43 Barrel 44 Cactus 45 Red Mushroom 46 Emerald Ore 47 Block of Emerald 48 Redstone Lamp 49 Glowing Lamp 50 Observer 51 Sticky piston 52 Stonebrick 53 Infested Block 54 End Portal Frame 55 End Portal 56 End Stone 57 Purpur Pillar 58 Dragon Crystal 59 Dragon Egg 60 Cake Brewing Stand: Miner's Potion: Blaze Powder + Slimeball + Magma Cream + Wither Rose Random armor gets +1 to block level (max 5) Potion of Experience: Blaze Powder + Spider Eye + Slimeball + Ghast Tear Gives 200 Xp Potion of Strength: Blaze Powder + Magma Cream + Rotten Flesh + Magma Cream +2 damage to sword. Max ? ( > 10) Hunter's Potion: Blaze Powder + Rotten Flesh + Spider Eye + Bone You hunt down 3 monsters Potion of Wealth: Blaze Powder + Magma Cream + Ghast Tear + Ender Pearl Fills field with chests of +1 level When able to brew, focus on Miner's Potion. First bring boots up to +5. Then Leggings, Chestplate, Helmet. Also brew Potion of Strength, boosting your sword damage Enchanting Table: Lower your level by 15 to put an enchantment on a piece of equipment. Wait until you get to level 19 before starting, to max out your possible block spots. Start with Pickaxe. Then Sword, Leggings, ... TNT rewards: 5 minute income 2 10 minute income 1 15 minute income 2 2-hour income 1 6-hour income 1 Maximum obtained block 4 Golden Helmet 1 3 Gold Ingot 1 4 Gold Ingot 1 5 Coal 2 1 TNT 1 Golden Chestplate 1 You have 6 block spots when you start. Every level gives you one extra spot. You get xp when merging, matching the number of the created block. Lvl Xp needed 0 40 1 46 2 74 3 110 4 155 5 209 6 273 7 350 8 437 9 534 10 635 11 737 12 847 13 974 14 1120 15 1288 (sum 7829) 16 1481 17 1704 18 1959 19 2253 5x5 sbock spots. Max. 20 2572 21 2916 22 3285 23 3679 24 4098 25 4542 26 5011 27 5505 28 6024 29 6568 30 7137 31 7731 32 8350 33 34 35 10357 36 11076 37 11820 38 12589 39 13383 40 14202 41 14046 42 15915 43 16809 44 17728 45 18672 46 19641 47 20635 48 21654 49 22698 ... Each creature gives gold. Amount depends on you. Each creature can give a block. Type depends on you. Each creature can give a certain material. Material depends on the creature. Not upgrading gives money + either block or material. Upgrading gives double money and both material and an upgraded block. Start Zombie: Big white eyes and three teeth 50 hp 0 Xp 3k gold + Wooden Pick Zombie: Big white eyes and three teeth 235 hp 30 Xp Rotten Flesh or 10 Food or 2 Iron Ingot Skeleton: White with big dark eyes 300 hp 35 Xp Bone or Arrow Slug: Green with square nose 1000 hp 40 Xp Slimeball Piglin Looks like a pig 1300 hp 30 Xp Rotten Flesh or Arrow or 2 Gold Ingot Spider: Red with two big pincer teeth 1300 hp 45 Xp String or Spider Eye Creeper: Green with big angry mouth 1400 hp 50 Xp Gunpowder Magma Cube Red wih yellow pentagon eyes 2000 hp 40 Xp Magma Cream Ghast White with half-circle eyes 2500 hp 50 Xp Gunpowder or Ghast Tear Blaze Yellow head with a bit of red 3000 hp 60 Xp Blaze Rod Enderman Dark with white round eyes 3300 hp 100 Xp Ender Pearl Wither Dark with white pentagon eyes 4000 hp 150 Xp Wither Rose Item Stats Enchant Wooden Sword: Damage 5 2.5% chance of x1.4 +10 damage Stone Sword: Damage 10 5% chance of x1.3 +10 damage Iron Sword: Damage 15 5% chance of x3 +10 damage Gold Sword: Damage 20 7% chance of x3.5 +10 damage Diamond Sword: Damage 25 7% chance of x4 +10 damage Enchanted Sword: Damage 30 ? Netherite Sword: Damage 50 10% chance of x7 ? Wooden Pickaxe: Block hit counter 9 Block level +2 Stone Pickaxe: Block hit counter 8 Block level +2 Iron Pickaxe: Block hit counter 7 Block level +2 Gold Pickaxe: Block hit counter 6 Block level +2 Diamond Pickaxe: Block hit counter 5 Block level +2 Enchanted Pickaxe: Block hit counter 2 ? Netherite Pickaxe: Block hit counter 1 ? Bow: Damage 450 2% chance of x1.25 +150 damage Bone Bow: Damage 600 4% chance of x2 +150 damage Iron Helmet: Block level +1 +2 Xp for each merge Iron Chestplate: Block level +1 Monster Health -10% Iron Leggings: Block level +1 Each merge has 3% chance of extra block Iron Boots: Block level +1 +10 Xp for defeating a monster Gold Helmet: Block level +2 +2 Xp for each merge Gold Chestplate: Block level +2 Monster Health -10% Gold Leggings: Block level +2 Each merge has 3% chance of extra block Gold Boots: Block level +2 +10 Xp for defeating a monster Diamond Helmet: Block level +3 +2 Xp for each merge Diamond Chestplate: Block level +3 Monster Health -10% Diamond Leggings: Block level +3 Each merge has 3% chance of extra block Diamond Boots: Block level +3 +10 Xp for defeating a monster Enchanted Helmet: Block level +3 +5 Xp for each merge +2 Xp for each merge Enchanted Chestplate: Block level +3 +15 Xp for defeating a monster ? Enchanted Leggings: Block level +3 15% chance to get random chest ? Enchanted Boots: Block level +3 Monster Health -20% ? Netherite Helmet: Block level +5 Each merge gives 1 Emerald ? Netherite Chestplate: Block level +5 Each merge gives an extra block ? Netherite Leggings: Block level +5 35% chance of Lucky Chest ? Netherite Boots: Block level +5 Monster Health -40% ? Village: Cost Bonus Farmland 30 5 Food in 8 min 200 Emeralds Double the speed or buy a second/third place Carpenter's House 150 5 Food -> 10 building blocks 300 5 Food -> 20 building blocks Farm 80 5 Food in 8 min 200 Emeralds Double the speed or buy a second/third place Plowman's Hut 50 7 goods from Garden Beds 100 10 goods from Garden Beds Farmer's House 50 7 goods from Farm 100 10 goods from Farm Builder's House 150 Building cost -10% (only applies to first level) 300 Building cost -15% (only applies to first level) Lighthouse 450 Small chance to get Emeralds when merging blocks 900 High chance to get Emeralds when merging blocks Cartographer's House 200 Blocks from chest drop 1 level higher 400 Blocks from chest drop 2 levels higher The Barn 100 80 goods maximum 200 130 goods maximum Swordsman's Manor 150 +5 sword damage 300 +10 sword damage Warrior Den 200 +1 critical damage (a x4 crit becomes x5) 400 +2 critical damage (a x4 crit becomes x6) Town Hall 500 +10% gold revenue from blocks 1000 +30% gold revenue from blocks Hunter's Shack 200 +10% gold from monsters 400 +20% gold from monsters Coal Burner's House 60 10 Food -> 3 Coal 120 10 Food -> 5 Coal Smith's House 150 10 Food -> 1 Iron Ingot. 30 Food -> 1 Gold Ingot, 60 Food -> 1 Diamond 300 5 Food -> 1 Iron Ingot. 25 Food -> 1 Gold Ingot, 50 Food -> 1 Diamond Port 200 100 Food -> 1 Emerald 400 100 Food -> 2 Emerald Library 250 5 Food -> 50 Xp 500 5 Food -> 75 Xp Miner's Shack 150 80 Food -> Maximum achieved block 300 60 Food -> Maximum achieved block