Office Space ============ Floors: ======= Time Income Ececutive Boardroom 614m 20B Corner Office 102m 1B Quality Assurance 25m36s 80M Human Resources 6m24s 7M Accounting 1m36s 600k Engineering 24s 50k Restroom 12s 4k Break Room 6.0s 500 Reception Area 3.0s 60 Storage Room B 0.6s 1 Double speed at lvl 25, 50, 100, 200, 300, 400, 500, 600, ... At floor cost > 1 Dc per step, no employer bonuses, equal production bonus: Room Lvl Income Time Lvl400time Income/s Ececutive Boardroom 355 100M Sp 19m11s 575.5s 174000 Sp/s Corner Office 375 5289k Sp 191s 95.5s 55000 Sp/s Quality Assurance 393 443k Sp 47s 23.5s 18000 Sp/s Human Resources 412 195k Sp 5.9s 5.9s 33000 Sp/s Accounting 431 17500 Sp 1.4s 1.4s 12500 Sp/s Engineering 450 1523 Sp 0.3s 0.3s 5076 Sp/s Restroom 469 677 Sp/s Break Room 489 176 Sp/s Reception Area 515 89 Sp/s Storage Room B 534 8 Sp/s higher floors are definitely better to put effort on. Human resources (and best placement): ===================================== Dom: With Bob/Bob/Lumbergh Floor Bonus (to floors below) Lumbergh: --- Floor Bonus (to the floor below) Peter: Below Lumbergh Steve: With Michael/Peter/Samir Bob S.: With Bob/Dom/Lumbergh Bob P.: With Bob/Dom/Lumbergh Samir: With Michael/Peter Michael: Below Bob & Bob Floor Bonus to self, Peter & Samir The Temp: Below Corner Office Floor Bonus Rob: With or Above Tom Tom: Below Bob & Bob Milton: Alone Lawrence: Below Engineering Dr. Swanson: Below Peter Stan: Above Joanna Floor Bonus (to floors above) Nina: Below Corner Office Floor Bonus (to floors above) Joanna: With Drew/Peter/Stan Drew: With Floor Bonus (to floors with females) This setting brings out everyone's bonuses. But it's really worth putting effort into boosting one floor, and since higher floors have a better income/s to start with, the higher floor the better. Since Lumbergh can't boost the top floor and he gives a really nice boost, go for the second top - the Corner Office. It's already close to perfect. The only thing to do is (when you can easily bring Corner Office past 100) to switch The Temp with Steve. This give an extra boost to the Corner Office from Drew. You lose the bonuses of Steve (ad bonus) and The Temp (floor production), but it will most likely be worth it. And when The Temp starts getting her skills up (+200% or so), bring the two Bobs to the top floor, and kick the people on top and 2:nd floor down one step. This moves the boost to the Quality Assurance, with The Temp's boost added to it, making the final setting: EB: Bob & Bob CO: Lumbergh & Dom QA: Peter & Temp HR: Samir & Michael Ac: Steve En: Rob & Tom Re: Milton BR: Lawrence & Swanson RA: Stan & Nina TR: Joanna & Drew Lvl 1: * Samir in car 10 M Million Lvl 2: 200 M Lvl 3: 4 B Billion Lvl 4: 80 B Lvl 5: * Tom with the Bobs 1.6 T Trillion Lvl 6: 32 T Lvl 7: 640 T Lvl 8: 12.8 Qa Quadrillion Lvl 9: 256 Qa Lvl 10: 5.12 Qi Quintillion Lvl 11: 102.4 Qi Lvl 12: 2.048 Sx Sextillion Lvl 13: 40.96 Sx Lvl 14: 819.25 Sx Lvl 15: * Xerox killing 16.38 Sp Septillion Lvl 16: 327.6 Sp Lvl 17: 6.553 Oc Octillion Lvl 18: 131 Oc Lvl 19: 2.621 No Nonillion Lvl 20: 52.42 No Lvl 21: 1.048 Dc Decillion Lvl 22: 20.97 Dc Lvl 23: 419.4 Dc Lvl 24: 8.388 Ud Undecillion Lvl 25: 167.7 Ud Lvl 26: ... Lvl 27: ... Lvl 29: Lvl 30: * Stan & Joanna ... Lvl 50: * Milton in the sun Duodecillion Tredecillion Quattuordecillion Quindecillion Sexdecillion Septendecillion Octodecillion Novemdecillion Vigintillion Secrets: ======== A Case of the Mondays: Play for 3 total days -> All floors +200% Anger Management: Get 500 Critical Taps -> +5 interns Water Cooler Moment: Tap 500 Emojis -> All floors +200% Coffee Run: Have 30 Interns -> +5 interns Climb the Corporate Ladder: ?