ULTIMA 1 - Info
Map one dungeon, check the creatures
Solve the kings' kill quests and check rewards.
Max out strength.
Go into space.
All starting stats must be 10-25. Stat sum 90.
Strength Affects damage
Agility Affects chance to hit
Stamina Does not affect... anything!?
Charisma Affects selling price
Wisdom Affects buying price for spells
Intelligence Affects buying price for armours/weapons/transportation
Human +5 Int
Elf +5 Agi
Dwarf +5 Str
Bobbit -5 Str, +10 Wis
Male/Female Affects nothing
Fighter +10 Str, +10 Agi Any bonus?
Cleric +10 Wis Any bonus? Better prayer-spell?
Wizard +10 Int Can use extra spells
Thief +10 Agi Better at stealing
Starting Lvl: 1
Hits: 150
Food: 200
Exp: 0
Coin: 100
Spells: Prayer
Weapons: 2 Dagger
Armours: 1 Leather armor
When you die you get resurrected with: 99 Hits
99 Food
0 Coins
No weapons
Xp and all armours are kept
Horse is kept, unless you die when riding it
Spells are kept.
Level 1: 0- 646 Xp
Level 2: 1023-1810 Xp
Level 3: 2327-2517 Xp
Level 4: 3089-3969 Xp
Level 5: 4483-4852 Xp
Level 6: 5366- Xp
Level 7: 6004-6997 Xp
Level 8: 7004-7999 Xp
Level 9: 8002-
Agi HitChance
10 62%, 58%, 65%
20 73%, 66%
35 82.4%
99 100%
Stealing food gives 3-31 food, evenly distributed (avg 15.7)
Stealing armour gives: Chain mail / Plate mail / Vacuum suit / Reflect suit. Equal chance of finding.
Stealing weapon gives: Mace / Axe / Rope & Spikes / Sword / Great sword / Bow & Arrows / Amulet / Wand / Staff / Triangle /
Pistol / Light Sword / Phazor / Blaster (everything but Dagger). Equal chance of finding.
The risk of getting caught when stealing is about 30%, regardless of stats. A thief has only 10-15% risk.
Food: Lowered by 1 for every 2 actions outside city. With 0 food you die.
Walking inside a city does not cost food.
You can walk 3000 steps inside a city (or even just press space - Pass) to unlock the last merchant items.
Money: Base: Copper pence
1 Silver piece = 10 Copper pence
1 Gold crown = 100 Copper pence
a Attack
b Board
c Cast
d Drop
e Enter
f Fire (with Frigate/Aircar)
g Get
h Hyperjump
i Inform and Search
j -
k K-Limb
l -
m -
n Noise on/off
o Open
p -
q Quit (Save). Only outdoors. When you exit the game and return, you will start where you last saved.
r Ready
s Steal (works in the stores)
t Transact . Only next to a counter
u Unlock
v View
w -
x X-it
y -
z Ztats
Pass time
2,4,6,8 Attack numpad-dir
Affects chance to avoid getting hit.
Buying price is for Intelligence 10-40-99.
Selling price is for Charisma 10-25-99.
Name Buy Sell Effect
a) Skin - - Avoid hits 27%
b) Leather armor 47- 40- 25 2- 6- 24 Avoid hits 32%
c) Chain mail 94- 80- 50 4-12- 48 Avoid hits 30% (probably just too few data)
d) Plate mail 141-120- 75 6-18- 72 Avoid hits 37%
e) Vacuum suit 188-160-100 8-24- 96 Avoid hits 39%
f) Reflect suit 235-200-125 10-30-120 Avoid hits 46%
Vacuum suit or Reflect suit is needed for space flight.
Affects max damage.
Damage is always between 3 and MaxDam, evenly spread.
Buying price is for Intelligence 10-40-99.
Selling price is for Charisma 10-25-99.
Name Buy Sell MaxDam Special
a) Hands - -
b) Dagger 5- 5- 5 1- 1- 1 + 8
c) Mace 8- 8- 7 1- 2- 3 + 16
d) Axe 13- 12-10 2- 3- 5 + 24
e) Rope & Spikes 20- 18-14 4- 5- 9 Not a weapon
f) Sword 28- 25-20 5- 7- 14 + 40
g) Great Sword 39- 35-26 8-10- 20 + 48
h) Bow & Arrows 51- 46-34 10-13- 27 + 56 Range 3
i) Amulet 66- 58-44 13-17- 35 Not a weapon
j) Wand 82- 73-54 16-21- 44 Not a weapon
k) Staff 100- 88-65 20-26- 55 Not a weapon Supposedly boosts your Magic Missile spells...?
l) Triangle - 24-31- 66 + 88 Supposedly boosts your Magic Missile spells...?
m) Pistol - 29-37- 79 + 92 Range 3
n) Light Sword - 34-43- 92 +104
o) Phazor - 39-50-107 +112 Range 3
p) Blaster - 44-58-123 +120 Range 3
Frigate cannons - - ? Range 3
Aircar laser - - ? Range 3
Ranged weapons can't shoot past a mountain.
If you have good equipment (weapon or armour), your opponent will get a small damage boost.
Higher level/stats increases opponents' damage to more than double.
Buying price is for Intelligence 10-40-99.
Speed is how many steps you can move between food drops.
Name Buy Speed Effect
Walking - 2
Horse 38- 32- 10 3
Cart 152- 128- 80 3
Raft 342- 288-180 4 Travel on water
Frigate 608- 512-320 5 Travel on water. Can fire cannons.
Aircar 950- 800-500 6 Travel on water and grass. Can fire lasers.
Shuttle 1368-1152-720
Buying price is for Wisdom 10-35-99.
Name Buy Effect
a) Prayer - Endless uses
If below 15 hits: 15 Hits
Else if below 15 food: 15 Food
Else chance to remove one nearby monster (range 3 if monster has range attack, otherwise range 1) (chance?)
Does not work in towns
b) Open 5- 5- 3
c) Unlock 10-10- 6
d) Magic Missile 15-15- 9
e) ---
f) Ladder Down 25-25-15
g) Ladder Up 30-30-18
h) Blink 35-35-21 Wizard only
i) Create 40-40-24 Wizard only
j) Destroy 45-45-27 Wizard only
k) Kill 50-50-30 Wizard only
Buying price is for Intelligence 10-40-99.
10 food 5-3-1
Ale Always costs 1.
If you buy it when standing next to the wench (even diagonally), you will "get seduced", losing half your coins.
Chance for rumor: "Thou had best know", followed by:
about space travel! Thou must destroy at least 20 enemy vessels to become an ace!
that over 1000 years ago, Mondain the Wizard created an evil gem. With this gem, he is immortal and cannot be defeated.
The quest of --Ultima-- is to traverse the lands in search for a time machine. Upon finding such device,
thou should go back in time to the days before Mondain created the evil gem and destroy him!
that many lakes and ponds have strong magical powers!
that the princess will give great reward to the one who rescues her, and an extra gift to an 8th level ace!
this is a great game!
thou must go back in time.
thou should destroy the evil gem!
to watch the wench.
Name Place Xp Money HpMin HpMax Dam Specials
Dragon turtle Water 13 15 ca 55 Range 3 attack
Evil ranger Outdoors 4-17 13-29
Giant squid Water 19-24 20-22
Guard Town/Castle 15-15 0- 0 491 507 3-15 Upholds law and order. Sees you from 11-12 steps away. Stats may vary
Gwino the jester Castle 15-15 0- 0 1 Has a key with 50% chance to work on Princess door.
Hood Outdoors 4- 7 15-16
Iolo the Bard Town 1-1 0- 0 1 5 Also in city of Paws
King Castle > 10000 0- 0 Gives quest. Sells Hp
Knight Outdoors 4
Merchant Town 1 0 1 5 Sells things
Necromancer Outdoors 9-21 15-23
Ness creature Water
Orc Outdoors 5-10 13-14
Pirate ship Water 9 15 Water
Princess Castle Rescue her for a reward.
Thief Outdoors 13-50 12-45
Wandering warlock Outdoors 28 28 Range 3 attack
Wench Town pub 1-1 0- 0 1 5
When exiting you get Hp for the creatures you have killed:
Bat: 12, 12, 18, 6, 6, 18, 18, 16, 18, 16
Skeleton: 18, 16, 18, 6, 16, 10, 14, 8, 22
Giant Rat: 14, 20, 12, 6
Thief: 20, 18, 8, 14, 16, 22
Ranger: 20, 8, 16, 10, 8
Bat, Giant Rat: 34, 34
Bat, Bat, Ranger: 34
Ranger, Thief: 28
Ranger, Thief: Ranger: 46
Skeleton, Skeleton, Thief: 54
Thief, Ranger: 26
Bat, Thief: 18
Ranger, Skeleton, Giant Rat: 42
Bat, Skeleton, Giant Rat, Giant Rat, Ranger, Skeleton: 104
Giant Rat, Thief, Skeleton, Bat: 54
Giant Rat, Thief: 40
Giant Rat, Giant Rat, Giant Rat, Thief: 86