Pubs & Inns: ============ Skipping these for now - too many, and no differences worth checking out. Banks: ====== Tax: The REAL fee for exchanging currencies. Tested by exchanging 100 silver into copper and seeing how much of the expected 1200 copper has been lost. Area Tax Special TutoriIsle 1.0% Sparkle Town 20.0% Sparkle Dwarfheim 16.7% Rattus will steal money dropped. Kill him! Sparkle GreenOaks 17.4% Sparkle GreenOaks 20.7% Shop, west of the real bank Shire Hobbiton 24.0% ? Not for gnomes or Goblins Shire Bree 23.7%... 9.9%... 6.6% ?? Bree bank tests: ================ Local time : Thu Sep 22 08:52:55 2011 Start time : Mon Sep 19 17:40:17 2011 For each transaction we ask only a 11% fee. You pay 100 silver coins. You get 1121 copper coins back. (6.6%) Shops: ====== Only bothering about shops that also buys items. Valuing lethal steel bardiche to see how much the different shops will offer for it. They might, of course handle different types of items in different ways. Need to find a few "good" items to compare with (one with average value and one with high value) Shop Area Bardiche Item2 Special General TutoriIsle ??? Weapon TutoriIsle ??? Armour TutoriIsle ??? General Sparkle Town 86s 33c = 1065 Pays max 2g ??s General Sparkle Dwarfheim 78s 35c = 971 General Sparkle GreenOaks 6g 8s 11c = 971 General Shire Greenholm 2g 42s 95c = 887 General Shire Rockfriends 78s 35c = 971 Drugstore Shire Hobbiton 31s 86c = 458 General Shire Greenfields 2g 47s 88c = 940 General Shire Frogmorton 76s 35c = 947 Herbalists: =========== Name Area Skill Toluca Sparkle GreenOaks 0 Daisy Shire Greenholm >=69 Messengers: =========== Place Area Messenger Cost Special Post Sparkle GreenOaks chipmunk 30 ? Post Shire Hobbiton pigeon 10 Can't handle indoor places? Falco Shire Frogmorton messenger 41 ? Delivery service: ================= To get a delivery task. To deliver an assigned task. To return a failed delivery. One fail: "Be warned. If you fail to deliver too many packets, you cannot be trusted and won't be able to do any further deliveries." 2 fails: "Be warned..." again 3 fails: "I don't trust your delivering abilities anymore. With a fee of 18 silver coins maybe you can convince me to 'clear your name from the list'." One 'failed to deliver' cleared. -216 cc (18s) You also get cleared after a certain time. Destinations: Sloppy Joe's Bar in Cadu Port Macdunn Delivery Office SaMorgan Delivery Office Newports Personnel Office in the palace in Palanthas shop of Baile Ashlagh Bendar's General Store in Edoras Traders' Hall of Tyr Bank of Ribos in Terel Isle of the Wise, Thwil General Store of Telberin Delivery Office of Thornlin Shop in Solace village shop of Tabor Sogh Falco @ Shire Frogmorton: 3 deliveries, new ones every ?h?m Barliman @ Shire Bree: 3 deliveries, new ones every ?h?m Boards: ======= Sparkle: ToR - Common: Common board (not writeable) Tor - Abyss: Suggestions for AoE (not readable) ToR - Lobby: Notes of general interest Tor - L-west: Suggestions for immortals Tor - L-east: Wizhood application (not readable) Tor - L-south: Advanced board PlayerArch Office: Game problems (not readable) Merc guild: Guild board Dwarfheim: Dwarf board Goblin home: Goblin board (invisible ?) Smart Goblins: Club board Monastery: Guild boards Green Oaks Academy: Green Oaks board Shire: Rockfriends? Bree smithy Guild board Bree smithy Guild member board Hobbiton ... Bree Adv.Guild Bree board Training halls: =============== 0 Unskilled 1 novice student 10 superior student 2 junior student 20 superior amateur 3 apprentice student 30 superior layman 4 student 40 superior acolyte 5 confident student 50 superior journeyman 6 seasoned student 60 superior craftsman 7 expert student 70 superior professional 8 eminent student 80 superior veteran 9 brilliant student 90 superior master 10 superior student 100 superior guru Area Guild Lvl Skill TutoriIsle Fighter 20 sword 20 defence 20 club 20 unarmed combat 20 axe 20 knife TutoriIsle Thief 10 sneak TutoriIsle General 17 climb 3 appraise enemy 3 appraise object 3 appraise value 10 awareness 10 swim 10 trading TutoriIsle Magic 10 herbalism 3 spellcraft Sparkle Town Adventurer 30 riding 20 defence 30 sword 30 climb 30 block 30 knife 30 club 30 hunting 30 unarmed combat 30 appraise object 30 awareness 20 spellcraft 30 appraise value 30 trading 30 swim Sparkle Domain Goblin 30 riding 20 defence 30 climb 30 polearm 30 animal handling 30 location sense 30 tracking 30 knife 30 hunting 30 appraise enemy 30 appraise object 30 unarmed combat 30 appraise value 30 awareness Sparkle Dwarfheim Dwarven 20 defence 30 climb 20 open lock 30 axe 30 location sense 30 appraise enemy 30 appraise object 30 unarmed combat 30 language 30 appraise value 20 sneak 20 blindfighting 30 awareness 20 hide 30 trading Sparkle GreenOaks Defense 30 sword 20 defence 20 find and remove traps 30 polearm 30 unarmed combat 30 location sense 30 awareness 20 blindfighting 30 knife Sparkle GreenOaks General 20 life spells 20 animal handling 15 earth spells 30 tracking 20 herbalism 10 alchemy 30 language 20 spellcraft 20 sneak 30 swim 20 hide Shire Rockfriends General 30 club 30 climb 30 appraise enemy 30 animal handling 30 appraise object 30 appraise value 20 blindfighting 30 axe 30 location sense 30 trading Shire Whitefurrows School 30 club 20 appraise enemy 30 missiles 20 sneak 30 awareness 30 knife 20 hide Shire Bree Adventurer 15 defence 30 riding 20 herbalism 20 find and remove traps 25 appraise object 30 animal handling 25 location sense 30 awareness 30 trading 20 hide 0 Unskilled 1 novice student 10 superior student 2 junior student 20 superior amateur 3 apprentice student 30 superior layman 4 student 40 superior acolyte 5 confident student 50 superior journeyman 6 seasoned student 60 superior craftsman 7 expert student 70 superior professional 8 eminent student 80 superior veteran 9 brilliant student 90 superior master 10 superior student 100 superior guru