Weights: 1 copper coin weighs 18 gram 1 silver coin weighs 21 gram 1 gold coin weighs 19 gram 1 platinum coin weighs 21 gram From this you can find out the exact weight of any item in the world Time: 1 game hour = 1 min 5.5 sec (why not 1 min 15 s) 1 game day = 26 min 12 sec = 1570 seconds Race: Normally you can find out the race by just looking at the creature, but if not, you can find it out by killing it, cutting out body parts from the corpse and checking what they are called. Alignment: damned, demonic, beastly, malevolent, evil, foul, nasty, wicked, sinister, unsympathetic, untrustworthy, disagreeable, NEUTRAL, agreeable, trustworthy, sympathetic, nice, sweet, good, devout, blessed, saintly, holy Killing good creatures will make your alignment drop. Killing evil creatures will bring your alignment up. Neutral creatures won't affect alignment. How much your alignment changes depends on the level of the creature you kill (compared to your own level) and how good/evil the creature is. This is, at least, how I think it works. Stuffed is a measure of how much you have eaten. You can't eat something that will raise your stuffed level more than 1/5 of max, so when your con allows you to eat something, you can always eat 5 of it, Being stuffed will make you regain fatigue faster. if you start with an empty belly. Stuffed levels: quite a lot more, a lot more, some more, a little more, barely eat more Food items are listed with the time it takes to process the food. Standard time is 20 seconds per gram. If another ratio, it should be mentioned. Herbs also raise your stuffedness. A 2 g red berry lasted 20 seconds, which is probably standard for herbs. Soaked is a measure of how much you have drunk, without regards to alcohol. Being soaked does not seem to affect anything. Soaked levels: drink quite a lot more, drink a lot more, drink some more drink a little more, barely drink more Intox is updated every 20 seconds. Intox is a measure of how much alcohol you have in your body. You can't drink something that will raise your intox level more than 1/3 of max, so when your con allows you to drink something, you can always drink 3 of it, if you start when sober. Being drunk will make you regain health (hitpoints) faster. Intox levels: tipsy, intoxicated, drunk, tanked, blitzed, wasted, toasted, pissed, stoned, obliviated Intox steps: slightly, somewhat, -, very, extremely Mana is regained by time. Regeneration is affected negatively if you are heavily intoxicated: * No difference: sober/tipsy/intoxicated/drunk/tanked/blitzed * Increased time: wasted/toasted * Double time: pissed/stoned/obliviated Soak does NOT affect regeneration rate, and nor does stuffedness. Int 64-65, wis 72-73, sober: Regenerates a step each 9.5 minutes Int 82-83, wis 70-71, sober: Regenerates a step each 12m40s. Mental levels: in full vigour, slightly degraded, somewhat degraded, degraded, rather degraded, very degraded, in a bad shape, indisposed, worn down, exhausted, in a vegetable state Health is updated every 20 seconds. If drunk, you regain health faster, up to almost double speed. Health is linearly related to con. If your con doubles, so does your hp. Con 17-18, sober: Regenerates a step each 40s/60s, average 57s/step. Con 81, sober: Regenerates a step each 100s/120s, average 111s/step. Health levels: very well, slightly hurt, somewhat hurt, hurt, rather hurt, very hurt, bad shape, very bad shape, terribly hurt, barely alive, death's door, DEAD! Fatigue is always regained in one-minute intervals, starting from when you enter the game (so a client timer can easily keep track of the updates). Fatigue is regained approximately one description-level per minute, which means about 20 minutes from extremely exhausted to extremely alert. By eating, you can regain more each minute, up to 10 description-levels per minute, which means fully restored in two minutes. With low con the regen is slightly faster and with higher con slightly slower. Drinking doesn't improve the regain at all. Fatigue levels: extremely, very, -, somewhat, slightly alert slightly, somewhat, -, very, extremely weary slightly, somewhat, -, very, extremely tired slightly, somewhat, -, very, extremely exhausted Progress: Your progress level is defined by your xp gained since you logged on (or reset your progress) divided by your total xp. The progress levels are linear. If you need to kill X creatures to get from insignificant to minimal progress, killing them a second time will take you to slight progress and so on. The xp needed for each step will increase slightly, though, due to you becoming more experienced. One exception from this is the step from no measurable to insignificant progress, which needs just a tiny amount of xp. Progress levels: no measurable, insignificant, minimal, slight, low, a little, some, modest, average, nice, good, very good, great, extremely good, immense, fantastic Brute: Your brute level is defined by your total xp divided by your quest xp. The brute level decides your xp penalty for combat-xp. The more brutal you are, the more penalty you will get. The penalty change is smooth, so you don't get a major setback just for reaching the next brute level. Dying will bring your brute level down a lot, then gradually increase to what you had before, as your xp goes back to the xp you had before. General xp adds to the brute level, so you can become more brutal by eg herbing. General-xp gain is also penalized by your brute level. Brute levels: extremely, very, -, somewhat, slightly pacifistic extremely, very, -, somewhat, slightly meek slightly, somewhat, -, very, extremely touchy slightly, somewhat, -, very, extremely brutal slightly, somewhat, -, very, extremely violent Mortal levels: novice, greenhorne, beginner, apprentice, wanderer, adventurer, adept, great adventurer, veteran, expert, rising hero, hero, titan, champion, legend and myth. Mini-Steps: You are just beginning on the path to [advancing] to . You are very far from [advancing] to . You are a long distance from [advancing] to . You are a fair distance from [advancing] to . You are just under halfway to [advancing] to . You are just over halfway to [advancing] to . You are getting closer to [advancing] to . You are fairly close to [advancing] to . You are very close to [advancing] to . You are on the verge of [advancing] to . [advancing]=advancing/developing/progressing/being promoted My way of calculating: 00: novice, just beginning... 01: novice, very far... 02: novice, a long distance... 03: novice, a fair distance... 04: novice, just under halfway... 05: novice, just over halfway... 06: novice, getting closer... 07: novice, fairly close... 08: novice, very close... 09: novice, on the verge... 10: greenhorne, just beginning... 20: beginner, just beginning... 30: apprentice, just beginning... 40: wanderer, just beginning... 50: adventurer, just beginning... 60: adept, just beginning... 70: great adv., just beginning... 80: veteran, just beginning... 90: expert, just beginning... 100: rising hero, just beginning... 110: hero, just beginning... 120: titan, just beginning... 130: champion, just beginning... 140: legend, just beginning... 150: myth, just beginning... 0-15%: unencumbered 15-29%: lightly burdened 29-43%: burdened 43-58%: encumbered 58-72%: heavily loaded 72-86%: over taxed 86-00%: collapsing under your load If carrying less than 20% of max, you can walk without losing fatigue. If carrying more than 80% of max, you lose double fatigue when walking. The more encumbered you are, the worse you are in combat. Whether it's your offensive abilities or the defensive ones that are hampered, or both, I do not know. Saving points: Can be used to save equipment before quitting, to get them back when returning. Items that glow will be saved. Items that fail to glow won't. Items that glow will also last over a reboot, but will then become non-glowing. The chance for an item to glow is the same as the uptime percentage. Eg, if the game has been up for 10% of the total expected uptime, the chance is 10%. At these saving points you will automatically be saved every 300s. Quests: Sparkle: 23 Ansalon: 14 Gondor: 36 Krynn: 46 Terel: 34 Shire: 28 Avenir: 22 Earthsea: 20 Raumdor: 4 Kalad: 34 Emerald: 9 Cirath: 0 Khalakhor: 24 Calia: 31 Faerun: 3 Liwitch: 6 Sum: 334 is a , presenting him/herself as: the , , . If having deaths: He/she has scars on , ,... Merc member: He/She has the air of one who is experienced in many things. You are a member of the Free Mercenary Guild. ???: He/She is wearing his insignia of the crimson kestrel, the mark of a Swordsmaster of the Realms. Last emote: He/She is smiling happily. Some inventor guild?: He has the clever eyes of an Inventor. ?: He is wearing a banded quartz-laced copper torque. ?: He has mercurial bluish grey eyes. ?: He is wearing a angmar-soldier costume. ?: He is wielding a holy blade in his right hand. ?: His hair is short, purple and bald in the middle. ?: He is a member of the Society for the Preservation of Treehouses. Carrying a museum certificate: He/She looks cultivated. ?: He is of normal length and plump for a gnome. ?: He/she looks handsome. You look like the image of perfection. Health: He/She seems to be feeling very well. Worn items: He is wearing , ,... ?: He is an agile Mummer of Sybarus. ?: He proudly bears the title Grand Poulterer of Genesis. ?: A small tattoo of an arcane Gnomish gizmo adorns his left forearm. Xp for killing different Sparkle npc:s. Compared with xp from killing a goat: sparkle mice 0 1 forging 0.008 1 found herb 0.024 Orc thrall: 0.2 Zombie: 0.4 Goblins: 0.5 Orc scout: 0.5 Gayryn: 0.6 Orc soldier: 0.7 Young elf: 0.9 Bard: 1 Gnimpsh: 1 Goat: 1.00000... King: 1.2 Orc guard: 1.2 Old elf: 1.6 Spirit: 1.7 Wise elf: 1.8 Orc Officer 2.3 Guard elf: 2.5 Member of mercs/monks/smiths 750-765 forgings = 1 progress step: lvl 61, extr. brutal (brute 20) = 5.9 goats in combat-xp = 269 herbs found = 6 goats in combat-xp 155 herbs for 1 progress step at lvl 61, extr. touchy/sl.br (brute 15-16) 108 herbs for 1 progress step at lvl 61, sl. touchy/somewhat to. (brute 11-12) Stats ar divided into 15 descriptions (puny, feeble, flimsy, weak, well built, muscular, hefty, strong, powerful, musclebound, ironlike, forceful, crushing, mighty and titanic). Each description is split up in 5 (very far, far, halfway, close, very close). Strength: ========= puny, feeble, flimsy, weak, well built, muscular, hefty, strong, powerful, musclebound, ironlike, forceful, crushing, mighty and titanic. * Affects how much weight you can carry. * Affects how hard you hit in battle Puny: 16- 23 kg (lower limit might be below 16) Feeble: 24- 31 kg Flimsy: 32- 39 kg Weak: 40- 48 kg Well built: 49- 57 kg Muscular: 58- 67 kg Hefty: 68- 77 kg Strong: 78- 88 kg Powerful: 89- 99 kg Musclebound: 100-111 kg Ironlike: 112- Dexterity: ========== stiff, lumbering, clumsy, deft, flexible, nimble, lithe, supple, agile, swift, quick, graceful, athletic, gymnastic and acrobatic. * Affects how good you are at scoring and dodging hits in battle. * Affects how fast you hit in combat? Constitution: ============= sickly, fragile, frail, skinny, lean, healthy, firm, hearty, hardy, hale, robust, staunch, tough, sturdy and vigorous. * Affects how much damage you can take before you die (hitpoints) * Affects how many movement-points you have * Affects how much you can eat & drink Lower part of "sickly" is not tested Sickly: Can walk 59-63 steps (endless moves if "sickly, halfway to fragile") Soak drops with one level each 5m00s-7m40s Intox drops with one step per 6.5s-10.2s Stuffed: drops with one level each 22m40s-32m40s Healing time: 24-37s/step. Fragile: Can walk 64-71 steps Soak drops with one level each 8m00s-10m40s Intox drops with one step per 11.1s-16.7s Stuffed: drops with one level each 34m40s-48m40s Healing time: 40-58s/step. Frail: Can walk 72-79 steps Soak drops with one level each 11m20s-?m?s Intox drops with one step per 17.5s-?s Stuffed: drops with one level each 50m40s-?m?s Healing time: 63-?s/step. Skinny: Can walk 80-88 steps Soak drops with one level each ?-15m20s-? Intox drops with one step per ?-25.4s-? Stuffed: drops with one level each ?-1h10m40s-? Healing time: ?-77-?s/step. Lean: Can walk 89-97 steps Soak ? Intox ? Stuffed ? Healing time ? Healthy: Can walk 98-107 steps Soak drops with one level each 22m00s-25m00s Intox drops with one step per 38.3s-44s Stuffed: drops with one level each 1h42m40s-1h58m Healing time: 91-?s/step. Firm: Can walk 108-117 steps Soak drops with one level each 26m40s-28m48s Intox drops with one step per 46.2s-54s Stuffness drops with one level each 2h02m40s-2h20m43s Healing time: 103-?s/step. Hearty: Can walk 118-128 steps Soak: drops with one level each 29m12s-33m12s Intox: drops with one step per 54s-62s Stuffed: drops with one level each 2h22m42s-2h42m41s Hardy: Can walk 129-? steps Soak: drops with one level each 33m36s-? Intox: drops with one step per 63s-? Stuffed: drops with one level each 2h44m43s-? Intelligence: ============= moronic, dimwitted, simple, dense, slow, limited, keen, clever, quick minded, intelligent, sharp, bright, inventive, ingenious and brilliant. * Affects how much mana (spellpoints) you have * Affects how many items you can see before they turn into "many". * Affects count steps and delay between those steps * Affects how many names you can remember (wis affects this too) Moronic: Can see up to 12 coins Dimwitted: Can see up to 12 coins Simple: Can see up to 12-13 coins Dense: Can see up to 14-18 coins Slow: Can see up to 18-22 coins Limited: Can see up to 23-27 coins Keen: Can see up to 28-32? coins Sharp: Can see up to around 50 coins Moronic: Counting 5-10 at a time, 12-13 counts/min = 1- 2/s Dimwitted: Counting 10-15 at a time, 14-21 counts/min = 2- 5/s Simple: Counting 15-15 at a time, 22-29 counts/min = 6- 7/s Dense: Counting 20-20 at a time, 30-38 counts/min = 10-13/s Slow: Counting 20-25 at a time, 39-47 counts/min = 13-20/s Limited: Counting 25-30 at a time, 48-57 counts/min = 20-28/s Keen: Counting 30-35 at a time, 58-65 counts/min = 29-38/s Wisdom: ======= inane, stupid, idiotic, foolish, uneducated, literate, educated, learned, scholarly, cultivated, knowledgeable, erudite, wise, sage and enlightened. * Affects your ability with casting spells. * Affects how many names you can remember (int affects this too) Discipline: =========== gutless, frightened, spineless, fearful, cowardly, insecure, timid, sound, bold, brave, courageous, fearless, valiant, heroic and lionhearted. * Affects whether you dare to attack things tougher than yourself (probably depending on the opponent's discipline). The discipline you need for a certain opponent might fluctuate slightly, depending on his stat(s), so if you eg don't dare to attack one guard, you might still be able to attack his partner.