Skills range in value from 0 to 100: 0 Unskilled 1 novice student 2 junior student 3 apprentice student 4 student 5 confident student 6 seasoned student 7 expert student 8 eminent student 9 brilliant student 10 superior student 20 superior amateur 30 superior layman 40 superior acolyte 50 superior journeyman 60 superior craftsman 70 superior professional 80 superior veteran 90 superior master 100 superior guru All skills drop 1 step every three hours until they reach their bottom limits, which is the highest you can train them in any free training halls, plus the guilds you are currently part of. Bottom limits for free-halls-only: air spells: >= confident student alchemy: >= superior student animal handling: >= superior layman appraise enemy: >= superior layman <= seasoned acolyte appraise object: superior layman appraise value: >= superior layman awareness: >= superior layman <= seasoned acolyte axe: superior layman blindfighting: superior amateur block: >= superior layman climb: >= superior layman club: superior layman defence: superior layman divination spells: --- earth spells: >= confident amateur find and remove traps: >= superior amateur herbalism: >= superior amateur <= novice craftsman hide: >= superior amateur hunting: >= superior layman knife: superior layman language: >= superior layman life spells: >= superior amateur location sense: >= superior layman open lock: >= superior amateur parry: --- polearm: superior layman riding: >= superior layman sneak: >= superior student sneak: >= superior amateur spellcraft: >= superior amateur swim: >= superior layman sword: superior layman tracking: >= superior layman trading: >= superior layman two handed combat: --- unarmed combat: superior layman If you die and switch race, ALL your skills are halved, rounded down. Alchemy: ======== Animal handling: ================ Appraise enemy: =============== More accurate comparison between your stats and someone else's. Appraise object: ================ Estimate weight and size of an object. Estimate weight and size of a living being? Estimate the number of items (if several) The weight and size are always off the scale by the same percentage, so by knowing one number, you can deduct the other number when doing an appraise, even with poor skill. If this skill is the same as Appraise value, the weight and value will always be off the scale by the same percentage. See end of file for a list of how skill effects the deviation. Appraise value: =============== Estimate value of an object. Does not affect sell prices. If this skill is the same as Appraise object, the weight and value will always be off the scale by the same percentage. See end of file for a list of how skill effects the deviation. Awareness: ========== Your skill in finding hidden objects, both when searching for them and when just moving around. Axe: ==== Your skill in fighting with axe weapons. Blindfighting: ============== The ability to fight in the dark or when blinded. You normal combat effectiveness is reduced when you are in the dark or blinded, increasing levels of this skill reduces the negative effect. Block: ====== Your skill in preventing (blocking) anyone from leaving the room in a specified direction. Climb: ====== Your skill in climbing steep surfaces or ropes. Club: ===== Your skill in fighting with club weapons. Defence: ======== Your general skill in dodging and evading hits. Earth spells: ============= Find and remove traps: ====================== Herbalism: ========== Your skill in finding herbs, using "search here for ", and to recognize a herb (seeing a thorough description when examining it, and being able to use the herb name instead of its description). Also determines how many herbs you can find per room. With skill 20, you can never find more than 2 herbs per room. With skill 50, you can find 3 herbs per room. Hide: ===== Your skill in hiding items or yourself in the room. Hunting: ======== Knife: ====== Your skill in fighting with knife weapons. Language: ========= Life spells: ============ Location sense: =============== Open lock: ========== Parry: ====== Your skill in parrying hits, using a weapon. Polearm: ======== Your skill in fighting with polearm weapons. Riding: ======= Sneak: ====== Your skill in moving silently out of and in to a room. Spellcraft: =========== Swim: ===== Your skill in crossing waters by swimming. Sword: ====== Your skill in fighting with sword weapons. Tracking: ========= Trading: ======== Affexts your sell prices and your purchase prices? Some data to use for when I can improve trading... Check max-sell, purchase, sell and other price thingies for shops trading: superior layman (30), the gold crown: Sparkle & Dwarfheim: 3 gc,108 sc = 1728 cc (=1 pc) Faerie: NrOfTimes: 12 pc, 1 gc, 10 sc, 8 cc = 21008 cc xxxxx 12 pc, 3 gc, 1 sc, 6 cc = 21186 cc +178 xxxxxxxxxxxx 12 pc, 4 gc, 4 sc, 7 cc = 21367 cc +181 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 12 pc, 5 gc, 7 sc, 11 cc = 21551 cc +184 xxxxxxx 12 pc, 6 gc, 11 sc, 7 cc = 21739 cc +188 xxxxxxxxxxxx 12 pc, 8 gc, 3 sc, 5 cc = 21929 cc +190 xxxxxxxxx 12 pc, 9 gc, 7 sc, 7 cc = 22123 cc +194 xxxxx >>12 pc, 11 gc, 0 sc, 1 cc = 22321 cc +198 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 13 pc, 0 gc, 4 sc, 10 cc = 22522 cc +201 xxxxxxxxxxxx 13 pc, 1 gc, 9 sc, 11 cc = 22727 cc +205 xxxxxxx 13 pc, 3 gc, 3 sc, 3 cc = 22935 cc +208 xxxxxxxxxxxx 13 pc, 4 gc, 9 sc, 0 cc = 23148 cc +213 xxxxxxxxxxxxx 13 pc, 6 gc, 3 sc, 0 cc = 23364 cc +216 xxxxxxxxxxxxx 13 pc, 7 gc, 9 sc, 4 cc = 23584 cc +220 xxxxxxxxxx 13 pc, 9 gc, 4 sc, 1 cc = 23809 cc +225 xxxxxxxxxx Two handed combat: ================== Your skill in fighting with a weapon in each hand. Unarmed combat: =============== Your skill in fighting without a weapon. Appraise skills - LIST: ======================= This list is used for appraise value and appraise object. Other skill-dependent estimations (appraise enemy, eg) might use the same list, but this has not been verified. Approximated values are first calculated exactly, then rounded off to two significant digits before shown. Sometimes (uncertain when), but not always, the significant digits are slightly less than two (69, 71, 73,...) Skill name Value Estimation --- 0 -69% to +900% novice student 01 -69% to +480% junior student 02 -69% to +330% apprentice student 03 -69% to +240% ... superior layman 30 -30% to +30% novice acolyte 31 junior acolyte 32 -28% to +28% apprentice acolyte 33 -26% to +28% acolyte 34 -26% to +26% confident acolyte 35 -24% to +26% seasoned acolyte 36 -24% to +26% expert acolyte 37 -24% to +24% eminent acolyte 38 -22% to +24% brilliant acolyte 39 -22% to +24% superior acolyte 40 -22% to +22% novice journeyman 41 -20% to +22% junior journeyman 42 -20% to +22% apprentice journeyman 43 -20% to +20% journeyman 44 -20% to +20% confident journeyman 45 -18% to +20% seasoned journeyman 46 -18% to +20% expert journeyman 47 -18% to +18% eminent journeyman 48 -18% to +18% brilliant journeyman 49 -18% to +18% superior journeyman 50 -16% to +18% novice craftsman 51 -16% to +18% junior craftsman 52 -16% to +16% apprentice craftsman 53 -16% to +16% craftsman 54 -16% to +16% confident craftsman 55 -14% to +16% seasoned craftsman 56 -14% to +16% expert craftsman 57 -14% to +16% eminent craftsman 58 -14% to +14% brilliant craftsman 59 -14% to +14% superior craftsman 60 -14% to +14% novice professional 61 -14% to +14% junior professional 62 -12% to +14% apprentice professional 63 -12% to +14% professional 64 -12% to +14% confident professional 65 -12% to +14% seasoned professional 66 -12% to +12% expert professional 67 -12% to +12% eminent professional 68 -12% to +12% brilliant professional 69 -12% to +12% superior professional 70 -12% to +12% novice veteran 71 -10% to +12% junior veteran 72 -10% to +12% apprentice veteran 73 -10% to +12% veteran 74 -10% to +12% confident veteran 75 -10% to +12% seasoned veteran 76 -10% to +10% expert veteran 77 -10% to +10% eminent veteran 78 -10% to +10% brilliant veteran 79 -10% to +10% superior veteran 80 -10% to +10% novice master 81 -10% to +10% junior master 82 -10% to +10% apprentice master 83 -8% to +10% master 84 -8% to +10%