Kenders Of Krynn: ================= Type: ===== Racial Location: ========= ? Requirements: ============= You must be hobbit. Rules: ====== ? Joining: ======== ? Leaving: ======== ? Guild sign: =========== ? Skills: ======= ? Specials: ========= ? Titles: ======= ? Book: ===== Location: Sylvan Forest, Balifor, Krynn South of the port town of Flotsam is a sylvan forest. A river runs through this forest, marking the border of the happy lands of Kendermore. Just south of the river stands a great tree where it is rumoured a shard of the Greygem of Gargath resides. It is also rumoured that hobbits of a curious nature who are exposed to this shard find themselves transformed into the irrepressible kenderkin.