The Tribes of the Red Fang: =========================== Type: ===== Racial Location: ========= Kalad Waste, Kalad Requirements: ============= You must be goblin. Rules: ====== ? Joining: ======== ? Leaving: ======== ? Guild sign: =========== ? Skills: ======= ? Specials: ========= ? Titles: ======= ? Book: ===== The Red Fang is a raiding army of terrorists. They come at night, riding wolves, into Kabal, destroying the humans, and freeing their goblin brothers from slavery. Lead by the feared and notorious General, Brutakis, they have no mercy. They have sworn, upon their common goblin blood, to never give up until the humans have paid for their crimes. Be warned, we do not like those who join us, then betray us by disregarding our cause, like joining groups or guilds with our enemies. However, we know all humans are not like those who destroyed our race, so you can use your own judgement. Yet, do not forget our cause! Long live the Red Fang and the Goblin race!!! The History of the Red Fang --------------------------- When the goblins were driven from their homes by the slaughtering humans, lead by their God Thanar, they sought refuge in the high mountains. The Thanar, intent of destroying all demi-humans, almost brought the extinction of the goblin race in Kalad. The few who survived were either taken in as slaves, or forced into isolation. It is just recently that the more radical Thanar force has been pushed down, as Kabal has recently open its ports to other worlds, tolerating other races more than it did once. However, the goblins have not forgotten the atrocities done by the foul humans and their God Thanar. The strongest group of goblins known reside in the mountain pass just north of the Caravan Route, and they are known as the Red Hand. They raid occasional merchants that travel along the route. Although the Kabalian humans find this quite annoying, they have not been able to exterminate them completely, and are seeking perhaps to come to a peace with them. However, a dangerous and elite tribe of the Red Hand exists known as the Red Fang. They are the strongest, smartest and deadliest of all the Kaladian goblins. They are not the stupid stereo-type of goblins you normaly would hear. Driven by hate and anger for the destruction of their race by the humans, they have trained and educated themselves. They come from all across the land, brining their trades and professions to help the cause of the Red Fang. They want only one thing, revenge. They utterly hate the Thanar, and despise most humans. Demi-humans, they trust somewhat, mainly because they too have suffered the wrath of the Thanar humans.