Sparkle - Dungeon ================= Need to wear amulet of diminution to enter this place, unless apprantice or lower. Wanderer or higher will be scared away unless using that amulet. Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 / o o o o - o - o | | | | X | X | o - o - o - o c + o - o - o + c o - ? - o | | | | | | X | X | o D o + A c + o U o + c o - o - o | | | | | | | W + o o o c + o D o + c U o + o | | | | | | o - o c + o - o - o + c Yog - o orcish runt: D<=17. [S,gob,70,?], 75% [weapon], 75% rough metal shield, 75% crude leather vest. Random assist orcs. tough runt: D<=17. [S,gob,70,?], 100% [weapon], 100% rough metal shield, 100% crude leather vest, 100% thin black key (if outside door). Random assist orcs. [weapon]: ugly stone mace/crude short-blade/crude stone hatchet/ dirty little knife/filthy spear orcish warrior D<=17. [S,gob,70,?], 100% [weapon], 30% [weapon], 100% thick iron breastplate, 50% strong iron helm, 50% rough metal shield. Random assist orcs [weapon]: heavy beating hammer/large deadly cleaver/long black glaive/ notched longsword/wicked-tipped carver gray hairy rat orcish jailer D<=17. [M,gob,70,?], 100% [weapon], 100% strong iron helm, 100% rough metal shield, 100% thick iron breastplate, 100% noisy ring of keys. Walks around, clockwise. 10m55s for a round, then 15m16s next round, then repeat. When he is in a cell, that cell door is unlocked. Orcs outside prevents you from entering the cell, but not from opening the door. [weapon]: heavy beating hammer/large deadly cleaver/notched longsword [pdesc] [prace] prisoner D<=17. [S,,70,?], -. Agg. [pdesc]: deranged/wild-eyed/haggard/mindless/starved [prace]: elven/human/dwarven/gnomish spirit of the dead D<=17. [S,x,?,?], 100% crystalline tear orcish priest D<=17. [S,gob,70,?], 100% twisted wooden staff, 100% dirty brownish-green robe. Random assist orcs, Heal spell stooping orcish priests D<=17. [S,gob,70,?], 100% twisted wooden staff, 100% dirty brownish-green robe. Random assist orcs tall malevolent half-orc (Kerchak) D<=17. [S,???,??,?], 100% set of ornately-crafted magenta robes, 100% bone flute. Random assist orcs. (weird weight and body parts) A: Armoury: Armour stand contains: rough metal shield x 2 W: Weaponry c: Cell. Can escape (to 4 south of dungeon entrance) Yog: Down to Yog-Sothoth. Can't go in there.