Sparkle - Monastery =================== o--------TOP | *| \ | * \ | * H70 * o | o * o | o /-|-* --/ * | \ |/ * | o o | o o-o H68-H69 o * * | \ / | | / | o o | o o o H67 | * * | | / | | o o o o -o-o-o-o o H66 \ * o * / | | | | \ / o o H63 H65 \ / | |/ | / \ / o o H64 o \ o Med - o ----- o | \ | / o o SP / * * | | / H3-H2-H1-o+ o Arm / | | / Post-o --- o -TOP | / o *| \ /-------|---/ o * | / | | o - o - o o - o ----- Mb + Eld | | * ***** Temple - o - o - DHall o Common o o | * * * * Guano | Samir * ? * \ | / o* *o H71 * * * // \ **o** Fylia/ Esaria | / | /--------------/ |/ Landing [rand1] [randcolour] goat D32. [S,-,70,N], -. They rewpawn after 45m..3h0m. 4-7 each respawn (max 7 total). [mount|lead|leave] [rand1]: lean/swift/hairy/old [randcolour]: brown/white/grey/black/spotted ancient blind male dwarf (Regliak) D>sound-c. [S,?,?,?], thick black belt, pair of leather thong sandals, simple gray shirt, pair of gray draw-string trousers, robe stern graceful female elf (Aliya) D70. [S,?,?,?], thick green belt, pair of leather thong sandals, simple gray shirt, pair of gray draw-string trousers, robe [size] fire lizard (Mzenska) D[special]. [S,?,?,?], ?, Prevents non-members from going up. Grows tougher the more stuffed he is. You can "feed lizard with ", and he will also eat food on the floor. For more info, see "Mzenska" further down. [size]: lean/strong/fierce/terrifying/majestic/invincible elderly wrinkled male human (Maiko) D70. [S,?,?,?], thick green belt, pair of leather thong sandals, simple gray shirt, pair of gray draw-string trousers, robe surly ancient male goblin (Guano) D70. [S,?,?,?], thick green belt, pair of leather thong sandals, simple gray shirt, pair of gray draw-string trousers, robe dark-skinned bald male human (Samir) D70. [S,?,?,?], thick green belt, pair of leather thong sandals, simple gray shirt, pair of gray draw-string trousers, robe short childlike female gnome (Esaria) D70. [S,?,?,?], thick green belt, pair of leather thong sandals, simple gray shirt, pair of gray draw-string trousers, robe lithe red-haried female elf (Fylia) D70. [S,?,?,?], thick green belt, pair of leather thong sandals, simple gray shirt, pair of gray draw-string trousers, robe tiny concerned male gnome (Shisa) D>64. [S,?,?,?], thick green belt, pair of leather thong sandals, simple gray shirt, pair of gray draw-string trousers, robe. Keeps track of who takes what from the armoury, information available for council members? Checks the floor every 1-2 minutes, putting things on shelves. H69: Spire that can be climbed Temple: This is where you "apply" for membership in the Dragon Order, "dedicate" yourself to the Order and "forsake" the Order. DHall: Dining Hall. A glass of water 10 cc A glass of red wine 170-216 cc A mug of thick mead 500-546 cc A loaf of bread 21- 39 cc A bowl of hot vegetable broth 67- 85 cc Prices (except for water) vary a bit, but not according to skill, level or alignment. Probably random. All prices are affected equally much. Laymen monks pay the same as everyone else. Guano: Training (only for Layman/Occupational Monk) Samir: Training (only for Layman/Occupational Monk) Esaria: Training (only for Layman/Occupational Monk) Fylia: Dark room. Needs +21 light. Training (only for Layman/Occupational Monk) Med: Meditation room Mb: Message board Eld: Only for elders SP: Starting Point for monk members. Can "get " here. Can only take one of each kind, unless you return it again (or wait a certain time?). thick [wear] [colour] belt: [wear]: Changes through time? Affected by battle too? ---: Fresh from the rack. (lasts at least 10 hours) slightly worn: ? frayed: ? [colour]: Depends on stats or skills? (green, yellow, brown, black ?) 1: white: (Utter Novise, lvl 40 .. Adept Novice, lvl 45) 2: yellow:(Hopeful Seeker, lvl 48..Fresh Disciple, lvl 55) 3: green: (Joining, as Utter Novise. Still, as Fresh Seeker) -> brown & black brown: black: grey: Armoury: topmost, middle, bottom and eastern shelf H1-H3 herbs: (16/16 available, spawns at reboot) Blackroot, Calendula, Dill, Evendim grass, Fennel, Hensbane, Honeysuckle, Laranthas, Marjoram, Maroea, Marshmallow, Nettle, Oreste, Rosemary, Shamrock, Thyme H63-70 herbs: (4/4 available, spawns at reboot) Frostheal, Madwort, Nasturtium, Pindan H71 herbs: (15/15 available, spawns at reboot) Blackberry, Blue gentian flower, Culkas, Curugwath, Ginseng, Glimmer root, Lamia, Lianor berry, Moly, Monkshood, Red raspberry, Spinach, Tomato, Yam, Yarrow Mzenska: ======== Known sizes: thin, lean, strong, fierce, terrifying, majestic, invincible Grows tougher the more stuffed he is, and weaker the longer he stays without food. You can "feed lizard with ", and every 90 minutes he will check the floor for food, eating as much as he can, and then update his size. After armageddon, Mzenska keeps the size he had just before. Description: Long and sinuous, this fire lizard has ruby-red eyes and long, sharp irridescent scales. He lies curled at the base of the stairs, peering around intently. [sizedesc] Invinc: He is looking as if nothing could stop him. He also seems very well fed. Majest: He is looking majestic and fierce. Terrif: He is looking fierce and terrible, like he could tear your limbs off just by looking at them. He seems as though he might want to eat a bit more ... Fierce: He is looking strong and fierce, although he looks as though he could eat a bit more. Strong: He is looking strong, although a bit hungry as usual. Lean: He is looking rather lean. Thin: He is looking a bit thin. v kg: 72/60/... Invinc(10): Dis > 98 Majest (9): Dis > 70 Terrif (8): Dis > 70 Fierce (7): Dis > 70 Strong (6): Dis > 60 Lean (5): 60 < Dis <= 67 Thin (4): Dis <= 61 Each size level holds 198000 seconds (55 hours) of food, but he processes food at a varied speed of between 4 and 11 times normal people (Average = 303h / 43.5h = 7). Since his size is updated only every 90 minutes, this means that if not fed, he will drop in size every 6, 7.5, 9 or 10.5 hours. Each level is divided into 100 smaller steps of 33 food-minutes each. Any batch of food given to Mzenska is rounded down to the nearest full 33-minute period, so giving Mzenska 1 jerky at a time will never make him grow, and giving 2 jerkies will have the same effect as giving 3 (+1 step). When transformed: Mzenska gets new stats and a new description. He keeps his memory, so if he was angry at you, he will stay angry. He keeps his weight, which is strange. It ought to change with 10 kg / transf. He keeps his skills, making him a deadly opponent even when small. Whether damage will be healed or not by a transformation is unknown. TITLES: ======= Layman "Skilled Initiate" = Occupational "Insightful Novice" Layman "Initiate of Mysteries" = Occupational "Learned of Segoy" Sneak & hide skill affects nothing, nor herbalism or appraise enemy Ancient: Utter, Fresh, Young, Hopeful, Promising, Aspiring, Attentive, Studious, Adept, Skilled, Seasoned, Insightful, -> Fresh,... When returning to Fresh, "Monk" level increases. Affected by: Xp gained after joining Unarmed combat skill. (Gained after joining?) Amulet (ua 70->30) doesn't remove level +10 item (ua 70->80) raises level Strike skill 0-30 (approx 1 level per 10 steps) NOT Awareness 30->60, nor Appraise enemy or object 30->50 more??? Monk: Novice of the Dragon Order, Seeker, Initiate, Disciple, Monk of the Dragon Order, ??? Increases when Ancient goes from Insightful to Fresh Hallowed: Unremarked, Unvarnished (Attentive Novice to Attentive Novice), Unremarked (Skilled Novice to Skilled Novice, align increased to -4), Unvarnished (Seasoned Novice to Seasoned Novice, align -4 going towards -3), Simmering (Young Seeker to Hopeful Seeker, align -2), Watchful (Aspiring Seeker to Aspiring Seeker, align -4),???, Urbane (Around when becoming Hopeful Seeker), Watchful (Studious to Skilled Seeker), Preoccupied (Insightful Seeker), Dreaming (both: Promising Initiate / Attentive Initiate), Resting (Attentive Initiate), Lackadaisical (Studious Initiate), Sluggish (Fresh..Young Disciple), Indolent (Young Disciple), Faineant (Hopeful Disciple), Sluggish (Hopeful...Promising Disciple), Indolent (Promising Disciple), Sluggish (Promising Disciple), Faineant (Attentive Disciple), Lackadaisical (Young Monk, slightly violent), ???, Bustling (Monk of the Dragon Order) Seems to be affected by same things as ancient/monk, but not only. Can also decrease, so something else must be counted too. Decreased once after dying but also without dying. Brute level? Resplendent: Stygian (align -12..-11), Obsidian (align -11..-7), Ebon (align -7..-5), Onyx (align -5..-2), Shadowwalking (align -2..1), Lustrous (align 2), ???, Radiant Dancer: Fledgling of Segoy (Utter..Aspiring Novice), Seeker of Segoy (Attentive..Seasoned Novice), Learned of Segoy (Seasoned..Insightful Novice), Loremaster of Segoy (Promising..Aspiring Seeker), Initiate of Dragons (Skilled..Seasoned Seeker), Disciple of Dragons (Hopeful..Promising Initiate), Initiate of Mysteries (Adept..Skilled Initiate), Adept of Mysteries (Young Disciple..Hopeful Disciple), Master of Mysteries (Studious Disciple..Adept Disciple), Dragon Adept of the Chimerical Vision (Fresh Monk..Young Monk), ???, Dragonmaster of the Elyzerin Sun Affected by: Xp gained after joining Strike skill 0-30 Heart: Mellow Shade of Dragon, Silent Dreamer of Dragon Dream (around -9 alignment and Studious..Attentive Initiate), Lazy Watcher of Dragon Lair (-7 align & Fresh..Young Disciple), Sleepy Dweller of Dragon Racks (-8 align & Hopeful Disciple), Lazy Watcher of Dragon Lair (-6 align & Promising Disciple), Silent Dreamer of Dragon Dream (-1 align & Promising Disciple), Sleepy Dweller of Dragon Racks (0 align, Attentive Disciple, extremely brutal) Silent Dreamer of Dragon Dream (-2 align, Young Monk, slightly violent), ??? Brute level?