Walkthrough 3: Tutori Isle Welcome to Genesis! If you are new to muds and want to get a quick start, just follow this walkthrough and you'll soon learn what mud is all about. In this walkthrough, any command you are supposed to write on the screen will be written on a separate line, starting with "> ", which is not to be written. If, eg, you should type "say hello", it will be written like this: > say hello Ok. Let's move on! Tutori Isle: You enter at the bottom of this map, marked "START" o \ g / | g t - c / / / | Hole t c p - r / / / / / g t c p r / / / / / g t c p r | / / / / t - c p r | / / Annie p - r o / | | Benjamin + o-Matilda o o-o-o | | | | o | H - H o-o-o o - o - o ___/| o *->EXIT / | X | \ /| | | * / | | o H - H - H - H o o o-o-o o o | | / / | X | X | X | \ / | \ | o-L-o o - o - R + R - H - H - H - H - H - H o o o \ * | \ | X | X | X | / o o H - H - H - H | \ | X | / Dwa o Hum H - H \ | / Gno - o - Elf / | \ Gobl | Hobb | CB | * Fg Qm - o - BB | | Tg-o-Gg Bank-o - Post /| / o Inn MM Mg / | | | / Lib - o -- o --- Maps | | \ Ws+ o - Pub Hetzel \| | As-Gs+ o + | START Wait a second and Lars will arrive and give you a few items. To see your inventory, try: > i The newbie pin gives you access to the newbie channel, where you can ask for help if you get stuck. It also gives you the command "home", to teleport you to this room, if you get lost. > exa pin > wear pin The tutorial journal is part of a quest. Every help-sign you read will be automatically written into this book. > exa journal > list chapters So whenever you see a tutorial sign (unread), it's a good idea to "read sign". Even if you don't pay attention to the signs, they'll be copied into your journal, so you have them available for later. If you have read all signs sofar, you should now have chapter 1-8 available in the book. If not, don't worry. You can fix them later, in the library nearby. > n > n Here is your first npc (non-playing character), a friendly old male elf. > present me The friendly old male elf will present himself to you, as Hetzel. Many npc:s exist just to be killed by players like you, but some have other purposes (selling food, buying/selling equipment, etc). Hetzel has a mini-quest for you. Listen to him and try to ask him things, eg: > ask hetzel help If you get him to talk, you should be able to get a small reward from him, a gemstone. If you get stuck, try use the newbie channel. > nlist This lists the newbie helpers available, and the newbies. > ntell Can someone please tell me how to get the reward from Hetzel? Then wait, and hopefully someone will answer. If not, just try again a bit later. The helpers might not be looking at the screen at this moment, or might be busy with something. With some luck you should manage to figure out how to get the reward > ask hetzel reward Also note that quest information is not supposed to be shared. But this mini-quest does not count as a real quest. Moving on... > n > e Here is a bin with maps. > get map from box > exa map This map shows you the nearest area. It has a star (*) where you are, and it updates as you move, so look at it now and then to get an idea of the area around you. > se Here is a shop, selling general items. There is also a weapon shop and an armour shop nearby. > list This will show you what the general shop is selling. > unkeep gemstone > sell gemstone Congratulations! You've made your first money! While you can buy weapons and armours nearby, it's not important yet. What you need first is to improve your skills, starting with Unarmed Combat. > nw > w > n > u > n Here is one of the trainers. He can train you in some fighting skills. > present me > learn > learn unarmed combat > improve unarmed combat Keep improving unarmed combat until you can't improve more. Then spend any remaining money on Defence. > learn defence > improve defence Now let's move on: > s > d > s > e > ne > n > w Here is Berthold. He has a big quest for you. > present me > ask berthold quest Now there will be some more running. So the movement will be written in a more compact form: > [e6ne] This means you go one step east, 6 steps north and then one step east. Now you are at Matilda, who needs some help: > present me > ask matilda help You now have a letter, to bring to the magic trainer in the town back south. > [w7s] > sw > [wnus] > present me > give letter to bibbiss You get a potion to bring back to Matilda > [ndse] > ne > [7ne] > give potion to matilda Yay! Your first quest! And you got some experience as reward. Experience is automatically put to use, increasing your stats (strength, dex etc). Matilda also asked for a carrot. So let's go get one. > w > n There are probably demonic baby bunnies here (if there aren't, go northeast until you find one). Let's kill one! > kill bunny You will automatically try to kill the rabbit and it will defend itself. Now you just wait and watch the fight. You shouldn't have any problem killing it. To see how close to death the rabbit is, try: > health all This will show you health status of everyone in the room, including you. One of the rabbits should, once you get a hit in, be feeling less than "very well". And soon enough it should be dead, giving you some xp. Let's have a look at the corpse: > exa corpse It probably has a baby bunny foot, and maybe has a lucky rabbit foot. But it might also be empty. > get all from corpse If there was anything in the corpse, it is now yours! In every fight, it is good to check the health of both you and your opponent now and then. But typong "health all" gets boring after a while, so we make an alias for it: > alias ha health all Now you only need to type "ha" to see the health. Let's make one more: > alias gc get all from corpse After each kill, type "gc" to get all from the corpse. Most things you find can be sold for money, and money is useful for many things. When fighting and walking, you get tired. Food is good for making you less tired (read about it in the tutorial journal, chapter 16: "Food and Fatigue"). In this field you can find food. > pick radish > eat radish It would be good to eat until you are full, so another alias: > alias a pick radish > alias z eat radish Now you can pick and eat radishes faster: > a > e If you want to see how hungry you are, type "v" > v This will show, on the third line, how much more you can eat. Keep picking and eating radishes until you are full. > a > e ... Now to get that carrot for Matilda. Go back southwest to the entrance of the field. It is west from there, then north. The bunnies might stop you from going there. If so, just kill them until you can go there. And remember to loot each corpse. > w > n > pick carrot > [sese] > give carrot to matilda Another quest solved! More experience to boost your stats, and you get an enchanted carrot to feed to the mother bunny. You should also have some items from the bunny corpses. If not, go back to the field, kill some more bunnies and loot their corpses. Time to sell some stuff: > [w7s] > sw > se > sell all You sell everything in your inventory, except the enchanted carrot. > nw > [wnun] Use the money to boost your fighting skill. Unarmed Combat first, as much as you can. > improve unarmed combat ... Spend remaining money on Defence. > improve defence Then it's back to the field again, to kill more. > [sdse] > ne > 8n > exa map Hopefully the map will give you some idea of how the field looks. The easiest bunnies are found in the first (southeast) lane. The toughest ones (jackrabbits), are in the last (northwest) lane. Tougher rabbits means more xp and more money, but it's normally better to kill many small ones than a few tougher ones. Kill and loot the rabbits, go and sell the stuff, train combat and then repeat. Check your health now and then ("ha" or "v"), to make sure you don't get too hurt. If you do, just move out of the fight and wait a while until you have healed up (sell your stuff and improve your fighting skill while waiting). Once you manage to kill your way to the center of the line with jackrabbits, have a look there: > l You will get the feeling you are missing something, and a suggestion to train your awareness skill in order to find what you can't see. So, kill bunnies, sell items and then go train awareness. From the shop: > nw > [wnue] > present me > learn awareness > improve awareness Back to the field, kill, loot, sell, improve awareness, etc, until you get to Superior Student. Then back to the hole: > [wdse] > ne > [8nwnwn] > ne > ne > l You will now see a hole > exa hole This is the hole of the mother bunny! Now you just need to figure out how to feed the carrot to her. > throw carrot into hole Quest solved! More xp to you, and all rabbits on the field are suddenly transformed. > sw > sw > [sesese] > ask matilda quest Farmer Brown needs help! > [ww] > present me > ask benjamin help > ask benjamin garlic So, we need a clove from the forest. And apparently a backpack as well. Kill some more bunnies, sell the stuff in the store as usual, then buy a backpack from the store: > buy backpack Now let's go to the forest: > nw > ne > [5n2e] Must swim to get east > swim east You fail to get across the water - too poor at swimming. So, gather some more money and train your Swim skill to Superior Student, and then get back here and try again: > swim east > e > exa map The whole forest can be searched for herbs. Normally two herbs in each room. Don't mind the wolves. They won't attack you. > search here for herbs Once you find something, or fail, search again: > search here for herbs ...and then move to next room and repeat, until you find a small aromatic clove. To make it easier, create another alias: > alias h search here for herbs > h ...and just keep searching. Some of the herbs you find here in the forest are quite useful. Others are less so. If you improve your herbalism skill a bit you can find out what they are and what they do by looking at them. Since they weigh next to nothing, you can keep them until you have the time and skill to see how good they are. There are herbalists out in the world who will pay money for herbs, but none in this area, unfortunately. Go back to the water, but don't forget to put the clove in the backpack before swimming back, or you will lose it in the water. > put clove in backpack Backpacks also have a more general bonus - items in your backpack are easier to carry, so by putting things in your backpack you will be able to carry more. > swim west > [w2nw] > get clove from backpack > show clove to benjamin One more task solved, and more xp to you, plus 5 gold coins! And now you can get garlic from the lane where the jackrabbits are. Go there and pick one. > [enwnwn] > pick garlic > [sesesw] > show garlic to benjamin So, garlic is neeeded to defeat the Baron. Good to know. > ask benjamin grappling hook Ok. First we need a knife: > [e7s] > sw > se > n > list Buy the cheapest knife - it's only for cutting intestines and not for fighting. > buy simple knife > s We don't need the backpack any more. > sell backpack Spend the rest of the money on improving your fighting skill. > nw > [wnun] > improve unarmed combat ... > improve defence ... And now let's go wolf hunting! > [sdse] > ne > [5ne] > swim east > e If no wolf is here, just move around until you find one. Then kill it. > kill wolf When it's dead, loot the corpse, as usual > gc But also search the corpse for leftovers > search corpse Hopefully you will find an intestine in the corpse. If not, kill another wolf and search the corpse again, until you find one. Now we need to cut the intestine from the corpse. > wield knife > cut intestine from corpse > unwield knife Since you are good at unarmed combat and probably not good at fighting with knife, it's best to not wield the knife except when cutting stuff from corpses. Back to Benjamin, to show your intestine: > w > swim west > [w2nw] > show intestine to benjamin Ok. We have a small rope now. But apparently we need a longer one. Back to kill more wolves. > [e2se] > swim east > e To make the intestine cutting easier, a new alias: > alias c cut intestine from corpse > alias m make intestine into rope Kill wolves and cut intestines from their corpses by using "c", then add them to your rope by using "m". Just remember to also loot each corpse. When you've gotten a nice load of stuff to sell, go and sell them, improve your unarmed combat skill and your defence, and then go back. If you get hungry, go to the field, "pick radish" and eat them until full, and then go back and kill more wolves, until you have made the rope 100 metres long ("exa rope" to see how far you have come). Once done, go back to Benjamin and show him the rope. > show rope to benjamin So... lion hunting next. A nice step up from wolves. > [essw] Here is a dead end... except if you look closer you can see there's a tree stump here, where you could tie a rope to get down. > tie rope to stump > climb down Failed? You need to learn how to Climb. Go back and kill some more wolves, loot and sell, and then go train your climb skill (same as where you trained Swim). You need to get your skill to at least Superior Student. Then back here again. Make sure to get one more intestine from the wolves before getting back here, and attach it to the rope, to get it back to its full length. > make intestine into rope > climb down Here should be a mountain lion. If not, just follow the path until you find one, and kill it. Note: Do NOT attack the _gigantic_ mountain lion. Only the normal mountain lions. First let's change a couple of aliases: > alias c cut claw from corpse > alias m attach claw to rope Now let's kill it. > kill lion When it dies, loot as usual, and then cut the claw from its corpse, if it has one, and attach it to the rope. > c > m Repeat until you have 3 claws. When attaching the last claw, you will have a grappling hook, and receive some bonus experience. Bring it back to Benjamin and show it to him. > show hook to benjamin So you'll need it to climb up to the castle. Ok. Let's try. Follow the path until the end: > [e2sw] > climb down > nw > n > sw > s > nw > u > climb up As Benjamin said, you will need the hook to be able to get up. > wield hook > climb up Still failing? You need higher skill in climbing. > unwield hook Kill lions, wolves and rabbits, loot and sell, use the money to improve your climbing skill to expert amateur. Then get back. > wield hook > climb up Great! You have made it to the baron's castle! Note: If you need to quit and come back later, the game will remember that you have managed to fix a rope and tied it to the stump, and that you have climed this side with the grappling hook and secured it here. So you will not need to do all the work again. Let's go further inside. > w A guard! Not aggressive, though. Try move further inside. > w The guard stops you. So he must die! He is tougher than the lions, and have equipment, so be careful and check your health regularly. > kill guard Once dead, loot him! He has a weapon and armours. > gc And put on all armours > wear all Don't wield the weapon, though, unless you are skilled with that particular kind of weapon. Once you have maxed your skill in unarmed combat and defence, you can start working on another weapon skill. The money you get from selling the equipment here should allow you to max all your skills pretty fast, and once you have maxed another weapon skill, you can try using such a weapon to fight with, and see if it feels better than using no weapons. To learn more about the weapon, try appraising it. > appraise weapon This will show some information about it. The last row will tell you what type of weapon it is, and if it's to be wielded in one or both hands. Let's move on! > [ws] More guards! More equipment. Kill and loot. Make sure to check your health. The guards won't help each other, so attack one at a time, and take your time. Probably a good idea to go and sell this stuff and improve your combat. Remember to "remove all" before you sell, to sell everything. Armour isn't that important yet - better to be unburdened and able to carry more loot. Check the map and keep killing the guards here. you will need both the xp and the money from their loot. Work your way to the west side (2wn2w). Go and fill your belly from the field now and then, to regain fatigue fast. Now might also be a good time to learn about booze: If you check your map when in town, you should be able to find the pub. "list" will show you what they have for sale. Buy some alcohol and drink it. The more intoxicated you are, the faster you will heal, so the less time you will need to spend waiting to heal. ... Ok. Assuming you are on the west side now, you have four possible directions: north, south, down and back east. North first: > n The guard here is a bit tougher than the other guards, but hopefully you are ready to take him on now. Check your health and be ready to move south if he turns out to be too tough for you. If so, go back to kill the other guards, lions, wolves and even rabbits. Anything that gives xp and money! Also, instead of selling everything, drop a piece of armor of each type in that 4-exit room. That way you will not be encumbered by them, but before giving the guard another try, you can rest up, put on the armours here, and then go in and give him a real match. Once the big guard is dead, loot him and move on. > gc > n This is a bedchamber. There is a nightstand here. > exa nightstand It has a drawer. > exa drawer Closed. > open drawer > exa drawer A key! > get all from drawer So, we have a key. Let's check the south room. > [3s] Another guard. Same kind as the north one. > kill guard > gc > s A study room. With a safe. > exa safe > open safe Locked! So, we have use for the key. > unlock safe > open safe > exa safe More loot! > get all from safe A white stone fragment. Will probably be useful somewhere. Only one more place to check. > [2nd] Totally dark. A bit annoying. We need a light. > u Drop one set of armours here. It will probably be needed later. Then go back to the stores, sell everything, buy a torch, spend the rest of the money on improving skills, and return here. > light torch > d Now you can see. There's a statue in the room. > exa statue Must be of some interest. Let's have a closer look at it. > search statue Ok. So some small piece is missing from somewhere (hand, foot or similar). And you have a stone fragment. Have a look at it. > exa fragment So "you could probably probably it". Try and see if it fits. > connect fragment to Yes! A new exit! > climb steps A vampire! > present me We have found the baron! The mayor, Berthold, asked that we kill him. But he is tough! You can compare your stats with his: > compare stats with baron It will probably say that he is tougher than you. But how accurately you compare stats depends on your skill in Appraise Enemy, so don't trust it too much. Anyway, you were told about using garlic... If you don't have any garlic, go back to the farm and fetch one. They grow in the northwest part of the field, the line with the jackrabbits. Then get back. Now you should get a message about how the vampire becomes weaker due to the garlic. > compare stats with baron He is now easier to kill, but still very tough. Make sure you are geared up with weapon and armours, that you are at full health, fully rested and as drunk as possible. AND be prepared to leave the fight (go up) if you take too much damage. > kill baron He is probably still too tough for you. Don't worry. You just need to grind a bit. Kill some more guards and other things, to get higher stats and more money, so you can improve your skills. Also, it's time for the next trick to boost your fighting ability: Herbs! In the south room of the training guild you can learn Herbalism. If you haven't already, train this skill to max. Then go back to the area with wolves and search for herbs ("h"). Collect a number of herbs, and then have a look at your inventory ("i"). You should now have some heaps of different herbs. Have a look at them: > exa root brown twisted root: As you will see, it is bad for you. Just drop them. > drop roots > exa clove Wild garlic. They reduce fatigue when eaten. But very little. Drop them. > drop cloves > exa leaf Sterling leaf. Great at reducing fatigue. Keep! > exa berry Here is a tricky part! There are two kinds of berries. Both are called "gleaming silver berry", but one of them is the very useful herb "Silverberry", which has healing powers, while the other one, Stiltberry, will make you very fatigued when eaten. In order to get rid of the bad ones, you will need to have high enough skill in Herbalism to be able to differ between them. > exa berry If it's a bad one, drop it and check the next. > drop berry > exa berry When you find a Silverberry, keep it and examine the second berry. > exa second berry If bad drop it. If a Silverberry, keep it and examine the third berry. > drop second berry OR exa third berry Now you have only Sterling leaves (- fatigue), and Silverberries (+ health). Whenever you get tired, just eat a leaf. > eat leaf Same with the berries. Just remember that you can only eat one herb per minute, so they will not make you invincible, even if you have tons of them. Other things that might be good to know: * Do not use two weapons (later you can learn a skill "two handed combat"). * A weapon is normally better than using your fists, if you are skilled in it. * The more weight you carry, the worse you fight, so don't carry around things you aren't using. * Heavy armour might actually be bad for you. You are better protected but will be less good at damaging your opponent. Try different setups and see what fits you best. Good luck killing the baron! Before taking him on, though, you might want to make sure to complete the other quest here - reading all tutorial signs. Have a look at your book, check which ones you are missing and try to find them. They are placed pretty logically, higher numbers in the areas you found later in your adventures. If you are missing the first ones, you can find them in the library. The rest shouldn't be too hard to find. All but the last one (nr 44), which isn't available yet. If you fail to find any, ask on the newbie channel for a hint. > ntell I can't find tutorial sign in Tutori Isle. Can someone please give me a hint? When you have read all but the last sign, concentrate on the Baron. If he is too tough, just kill other things, to improve your stats, earn money and improve your skills. If possible, get all skills maxed. Once you get all skills maxed, you will notice that your burden gets heavier and heavier even though you have no equipment. It's because money weighs too. So when you have money to spare, put them in the bank. They will be safe there, and you can retreive them whenever you like. And the charge for their services are next to nothing. In the bank, you have three important commands: deposit, account & withdraw. > deposit coins Will deposit everything you have. > account Will show you how much you have. > withdraw [] Will withdraw amount of coins from the bank. Eg > withdraw 40 silver Will withdraw 40 silver coins > withdraw copper Will withdraw all copper coins, or as much as you can carry. There is also a possibility to exchange money. In most banks the fee for this is pretty high, but this bank charges only 1%. Easiest is to just withdraw all copper and silver coins, type "minimize coins" and then deposit the money in the bank again. For more information examine the plaque in the bank. Back to the Baron: Once you manage to kill him, another tutorial sign will pop up. > read sign. Now you should have all signs read. Have a look at the journal to see how to get rewarded for this. > reward More xp! If you are missing any sign(s), check the end of this file for hints on where to find them. Then get the baron's heart. > get heart Time to show your true colours! Are you a goody-two-shoes or an evil bastard? Either way is ok and will give you experience, and either way will also have consequences. * Kill Annie (up from Benjamin - need sneak skill to get there) and bring her heart to the baron, and you will get experience and two platinum coins. You will also turn more evil (check "v" to see), and the farm and the whole village will be laid in ruins. * Get the heart and bring it to the mayor, and you will get experience and one platinum coin. You will also turn more good (check "v" to see), and the castle will be laid in ruins. Congratulations! All completed! You are now ready to enter the real world. If you want, you can try kill the gigantic mountain lion. There is a small reward in the room behind him. Once you are ready to enter the real world, go to the shop and sell everything you have. All your items will be lost when you leave this area. (NOT TRUE! It is possible to bring items. Probably by putting them in a backpack, but I haven't tested this. Hmm... Seems most things will stay with you no matter what you do.) Then go to the portal ("EXIT") and... > enter portal You will get a warning message. > enter the rest of the game > enter portal You are transported to the real world. Good luck! Tutorial signs for the journal, and where to find them: 1: Moving Around Character creation & Library Annex 2: Looking At Things Character creation & Library Annex 3: Room Descriptions Character creation & Library Annex 4: Deeper Room Descriptions Character creation & Library Annex 5: Getting And Using Things Character creation & Library Annex 6: Finding Secrets - The Search Command Character creation & Library Annex 7: The Races Of Genesis Character creation & Library Annex 8: Statistics Character creation & Library Annex 9: The Expanded Tutorial and Lars' Gift START 10: NPCs and Conversation Hetzel 11: What To Do First North od Hetzel 12: Adventurer Guilds - Meditation Adventurers Guild 13: Adventurer Guilds - Skills Adventurers Guild - Second level 14: Skill Training Adventurers Guild - Trainers 15: Experience - Gaining Levels Greenhollow Square 16: Food and Fatigue Inn 17: Drinks and Intoxication Pub 18: Introductions and the Who List Pub 19: The Help Command and the Rules Library 20: Making Maps Maps room 21: Shops - Buying and Selling General shop 22: Using Weapons Weapons shop 23: Using Armours Armour shop 24: Logging Out and Linkdeath Outside bank 25: Money and Banks Bank 26: Mail Post office 27: Roleplay and Emotions Outside Mayor's House 28: Bulletin Boards Bulletin Board room 29: Quests and Brutality Mayor's House 30: Start Locations Grove of trees 31: Save, Armageddon, and Recovery Racial starting room (Dwa/Hum/Gno/...) 32: Death Before the north gate 33: Health and Wimpying Beyond the north gate 34: What to Do Next - Earning Money Crossroads 35: Dealing with Quest NPCs Matilda 36: Combat! Field - entrance 37: The Options Commands North of START 38: Herbs West side of the forest 39: Light and Darkness Castle - west side 40: Corpses and Leftovers Benjamin 41: Teaming Gigantic lion 42: Feedback for Wizards Lion path 43: Completing the Tutorial By the exit portal 44: Alignment: Good vs. Evil Defeating the Baron 45: Quicktyper Commands East side of the forest 46: Grinding - A Necessary Evil? Field - east side