Walkthrough 4: The real world! So, you have managed to get to the real world! Congratulations! Now to get started here. OPTIONS: ======== Let's first set your options to make playing smoother. Feel free to set the options as you wish - these are merely suggestions: > options wimpy terribly hurt Will make you run away from any fight if your health ever goes down this far. > options inventory on Will make your inventory a bit easier to overview. > options gagmisses on Remove all misses (you and your opponent will still miss now and then, but no message of these misses will be shown). > options brief on When entering a room, only a brief description of the room will be shown. This means a lot less text when moving around. You can still see the whole room description by doing "l", and you are adviced to do so whenever you go into a room you haven't been in before. > options screenwidth off Linebreaks are no longer added to cut the lines to fit the screen. Normally your client can handle to break the lines where fitting. This is very useful when making more advanced triggers. > options fights off Don't show fights between others. Removes a lot of spam when you're in a team. > options silentship on Removes a lot of spam by the harbour - ships coming and going. Might be good to keep it off until you've been there. Then you can decide if you want it on or off. GET TO SPARKLE TOWN: ==================== Best place to start! If you don't already have Sparkle church as your starting location, check the room you are in. It should have a portal. Enter it and you'll be teleported to Sparkle, just south of church. Go north into the church and "start here" to set it as your starting location. There are many bonuses to having this as your starting location: It's central (close to shops, ships and other players), safe (nobody can initiate a fight in there), has several beginner quests nearby, but the main bonus, as long as you have your newbie pin, is that it can restore your fatigue. So whenever you run out of moves or want to get back to Sparkle, just use that "home" ability in your newbie pin and you're teleported back to this church. Drained of all moves, but a simple "rest" will restore you fully, and you're´ready to go again. Very useful if you go around killing and get too burdened for a walk back home. Now, check your magic map. It will show you the general outline of the town. The most important places to know of are: Shop (s,2e,s): Here is where you sell all loot! Different shops can have different prices, but this one pays pretty well. Only drawback is that you never get more than about 2 gold 100 silver, so anything valued above 1500cc or so, would be better to sell in eg the shop in Green Oaks (Faerie - south). Bank (s,e,n): Deposit all money you don't need here. Whenever you get enough to train your skills, do so. The bank can exchange money, but charge 20% fee for it. If you want to change currencies, it's better to do it in Dwarfheim (16.7% fee), but remember to kill Rattus there before changing, or he might cause major trouble (stealing your money). But until you have maxed your skills, don't bother changing. Trainers take coppers just as happily as any other metal. When you can't carry enough copper to train even a single step, just take 500 silver and then the rest in copper, and you can keep using up coppers. Post (s,w,3n,e,s): Always good to be able to contact friends and others. You probably have learned by now that there is no real chat line. Some magical means to send messages exist, but otherwise it's post if you want to reach someone. Many post offices offer special delivery for a small fee, by carrier pigeons, chipmunks and other kinds of messengers. This can be used to send a letter directly to the receiver, so he won't need to find a post office to read your mail. Sparkle Post doesn't offer this service. Library (3s): Here you can find a lot of books about Genesis - areas, guilds and other useful information. Have a look when you feel like relaxing a bit. Tower of Realms (s,e,s): The bottom floor has some boards where you can read about discussions and news. The most important board is the one in the "common" room. But this tower is mainly for quest information - each domain is represented in a room here. And each of these rooms has a quest orb, which can be used to list all quests for that domain, to see which ones you have left to do. For each quest you can also get a little hint about where to start on it. Adventurers' guild (s,w,s): Here you can meditate to see how your progress is coming along. There is also a newbie box here, which can have quite useful stuff. And you can also learn/improve some skills here. Inn (s,w,3n,e,n): If you get hungry (to regain movement points faster). Pub (s,3e,2n,w): If you want to get drunk (to improve your healing rate). Harbour (s,3e): The harbour consists of lots of piers, each with a boat you can board, for a small fee, to reach other domains. Enchanter (s,w,4n): Here you can learn more about imbuements. Any imbued item you find can be disenchanted here, giving you 5 pc. So NEVER sell imbued items in a normal shop. Disenchanting them here to get 5 pc is normally also a waste of money, since you can normally get at least 25 pc for an imbued item if you put it out on auction - normally more. Still an interesting place with many useful things. Auction tent (s,2e,enter tent): Here is where you put good things up for auction. Just give Rommik whatever you want to auction, and then "say" what you want to have as minbid, maxbid etc. In general, any imbued item should be put up on auction - minbid 20 or lower (to not cost anything), maxbid at least 25, and the rest is up to you to find out. Keep the paddle you get from him - it can be used to list and bid on items no matter where you are, and it will tell you when a new item has been put up for auction. Market square (s,2e): Has a well with water you can drink from. A very big, recurring event here is "the wednesday quest": Every wednesday some merchants come here to set up their wares. What they have is uninteresting, but what they don't have is most interesting - if you examine the kiosk you will be told about an item they are missing. If you bring them the items they ask for, you will be rewarded (in quest-xp). This is a special quest that can be slved once a week, every week. And you don't compete with others - everyone gets their own task to handle. Carlsan (s): Your first questmaster in the big world. He has a number of small quests to get you started, getting to know the town and learning some useful things. And helping him also gives both quest-xp and money. Ok. So what would you like to do next? Quest? Kill things? Explore? Relax? Meet people? Join guilds? * Questing is a good way to start. Talk to Carlsan to get set up with a number of easy, educational quests. After him, have a talk with the enchanter. Nikolon in the library is also in need of some help, as are Rommik in the auction tent. Use the quest orbs in the Tower of Realms to see what you have left and to get hints on where the quests are. * If you would prefer to slaughter some baddies, the Newbie Dungeon is probably a good place to start - lots of creatures there, with lots of loot that can be sold to give money for training. If you can hold yourself a little, talk to the enchanter first, to get a quest that can be solved at the same time. His quest is split up in several parts, all taking place in that dungeon. The dungeon is located s,w,2n,13w,n,w,5n from the church. Bring a weapon! ...or take whatever you find from your prey. * If you enjoy exploring, I'd suggest having a look in Sparkle first, and then either move outwards, or go explore the Newbie Dungeon. If you go for the Dungeon, don't forget to talk to the enchanter first. * For relaxing, have a look in the library and browse the books there. * If you want to meet people, Sparkle is the place! If it's Wednesday, your best chance is probably at the Market Square. Bank, shop and church are also places people normally go to. If you'd like to join a team, it's probably ok to use the newbie line to see if anyone's interested in bringing you around a bit. * Joining guilds is the way to the real powers! The main bonus is higher skills and normally a special attack. The drawback is guild tax, which means that some of the xp you earn is "lost" to the guild. You can learn and train skills in the adventurers' guild in Sparkle, but also in Dwarfheim, the goblin caves and Green Oaks. Once you feel you've maxed all important skills and have money to spare, it might be time to think about guilds. For guilds you have one Occupational slot, one Layman slot, one Craft, one Race and any number of clubs. Occupational is the one you will gain most from, but which will also cost the most xp-tax. Layman is a secondary guild, still very useful. Craft can help a bit, race a little, and clubs are mostly just for fun. Merc is easiest to join - close (s,3e,s,e,2s,2sw,2n), no requirements or tasks to join, just go there and "register", and no penalty if/when you decide to leave. Otherwise the most common/adviced guilds to join when starting is the cadets/academics of Gelan. Layman guilds only, and with special requirement that you may not join any occupational guild while joined to them. But they are tailored for beginners and are good guilds to statt with (this is what I have heard - I don't have any knowledge of these Gelan guilds... yet). You can learn more about the available guilds in the Sparkle library, or on the forum (http://www.genesismud.org/forums) or Genesis homepage (http://www.genesismud.org/world/guilds) or my homepage (http://www.lysator.liu.se/~tomca/genesis/guilds/) This is just general information... I guess I should write some more specific things too... Some other time. Good luck!