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Detailed weight estimation

Using the `` tex2html_wrap125 '' method, a more detailed empty weight estimation can be performed. Statistically the weight of components sums a factor times the wetted area of the component. From the sketch, we estimate the exposed areas. The factors for a fighter type aircraft and the weight on our aircraft can be seen in table 3.1.


Table 3.1. Components weight estimation.

Since composite materials are used, the total figure should be multiplied with 0.95, but this still gives us a empty weight fraction of 0.778, contradicting the prevously calculated 0.57. The difference could indicate that this method does not scale very well. For example, we will propably not have any minimum gauge composite anywhere on this aircraft. I also have my doubts on using the fuelled-up wieght when calculating the ``misc'' weight, since obviously 43% of our total weight is fuel!

This section requires further investigation.

Tue Apr 29 14:28:41 GMT+1 1997