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Trade studies

To visualize to the customer how much the whole aircraft weight (or cost, payload) will change if specifications are altered, trade studies are used. For this particular aircraft a range to total weight and a study on payload to total weight is especially intresting. We recalculate the fuel fraction with some different ranges on the normal cruise mission leg, say 690 and 740 nm and plot the resulting tex2html_wrap103 in a chart:


file=tradestud1.eps, width=8cm

Chart 4.1. Total weight vs. range.

1100 lb is very much electronic equipment. When the aircraft is ready to be equipped with avionics that will perform as required, the weight of them will propably be halved some times. If we can ease the payload by some hundred lbs we get this chart:


file=tradestud2.eps, width=8cm

Chart 4.2. Total weight vs. weight of avionics.

Tue Apr 29 14:28:41 GMT+1 1997