Most images from Boston are really blurry. Some look pinched (melting phone pole effect). For $6 you don't get high quality optics ;)

Located a tiny leap to northwest from Boston is a place called Somerville. This was where Ana lived, so this was 'home base' most of the time.

Melting phone poles. The optics of the $6 camera is a joke. The houses in US are not crooked. At least not this one on the right edge.

The red thingies in the the air on top of the T station (left side of the street a bit down) at Porter square is another piece of art. I was afraid they'd fall down everytime they started rotating a little different. I should stop studying engineering mechanics...

I can't remember taking this picture. Judging from the slope i'd say it's Craige street.


Who is that guy? Yep. It's me. Standing in the doorway of 50 Craige St. #14, i finally was caught on film. Photographer was Ana. She was caught on this film too, but she did not want to appear on the web. Whatta pity.


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