Ian McDonald: Conventions
Ian's Convention Appearances
- 2002 Novacon 32 (1st-3rd
November), Walsall, England.
Ian is the sole GoH.
- 2002 Octocon 2002 (19th-20th
October), Dublin.
Ian appears as a guest on the convention.
- 2002 Mecon V (8th-10th March),
Ian appears as GoH together with Michael Cobley, Ken Macleod and
David Wingrove.
- 2001 Octocon 2001
(13th-14th October), Dublin.
Ian appeared as a guest.
- 2001 Mecon Delta (9th-11th March), Belfast.
Ian appeared on the convention, but not as GoH.
- 2000 Octocon 2000
(21th-22th October) in Dublin, Ireland.
Ian appeared on the convention as a guest.
- 2000 Semana Negra/Hispacon (summer 2000) in Gijon, Asturias,
Northern Spain. Ian comments:
This summer I was a guest at the massive and magnificent Semana
Negra/Hispacon in Gijon in Asturias in Northern Spain, with Robert
Sheckley, Dave and Annie Pringle and Lois McMaster Bujold, and it was
tremendous, more like the Glastonbury festival than a SF con -- which
is what it was: a sf con attached to a week long outdoor celebration
of crime writing and American noir. About 250,000 souls passed up and
down in that week. Bloody magnificent!
- 2000 Mecon
2000 (March 11-12) in Belfast, Northern Ireland. Info through mecon2000@net.ntl.com.
- 1999 Octocon X
(October 9-10) in Dublin, Ireland.
Ian will appear at the convention, but not as Guest of Honor.
- 1999 SF-Tage 11 /
Trinity (May 21-24) in Dortmund, Germany.
Ian will appear at the convention, but not as Guest of Honor.
- 1999 Mecon 2 (March
13-14) in Belfast, Northern Ireland.
Ian is one of the guests at this convention.
- 1998 Mecon
(April 18-19) in Northern Ireland.
Unfortunately, their web pages have almost no information
- 1998 Intuition:
Eastercon 1998 (April 10-13) in Manchester, England.
- 1997 Finncon 97
(August 16-17) in Helsinki, Finland.
- 1997? SF Tage, Germany.
- 1992 ConFuse
92 (June 12-14) in Linköping, Sweden.
The program book from ConFuse 92 contains the short story Big Chair, written for the
A few of the panels that Ian participated in have been
- 1989 Unicon X in Belfast, Northern Ireland.
If you know of other conventions that have had Ian McDonald as a
guest of honor, please let me know about it. I'm also interested in
conventions that haven't taken place yet, of course.
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Ian McDonald information page.
page is maintained by Hans Persson. Mail me
if you have comments or additions.