(Great Britain, 1925-- )
- Den inre dörren
Original title: How An Inner Door Opened to My Heart
Published in: Jules Verne-Magasinet (Veckans äventyr), 433/februari 1989
- Den nye jultomten
Original title: The New Father Christmas
Published in: Jules Verne-Magasinet (Veckans äventyr), 2/maj 1973
- Dilemmat
Original title: The Soft Predicament
Published in: Jules Verne-Magasinet (Veckans äventyr), 382/augusti 1980
- Du frågade aldrig efter mitt namn
Original title: You Never Asked My Name
Published in: Jules Verne-Magasinet (Veckans äventyr), 426/december 1987
- Dörrar slås igen
Original title: Door Slams in Fourth World
Published in: Jules Verne-Magasinet (Veckans äventyr), 412/augusti 1985
- Helliconia
Original title: Helliconia: How and Why
Published in: Jules Verne-Magasinet (Veckans äventyr), 412/augusti 1985
- Randys syndrom
Original title: Randy's Syndrome
Published in: Jules Verne-Magasinet (Veckans äventyr), 404/april 1984
- Sanningens ögonblick
Published in: Jules Verne-Magasinet (Veckans äventyr), 1/januari 1972
- Tre sätt
Original title: Three Ways
Published in: Jules Verne-Magasinet (Veckans äventyr), 372/december 1978
This file contains a list of all short fiction that Brian W Aldiss has published in Sweden, to the best of my knowledge. If you find anything in this list that is wrong or you have data that is missing, please send me a note.
This list is part of my project to create an index to all science fiction and fantasy short stories published in Sweden. Click here to go to the main index.
The information in this file may be freely copied. If you use it somewhere, please let me know (I'd love to have a copy).