(United States, 1918-- )
- ... och nu kommer nyheterna
Original title: And Now the News
Published in: Jules Verne-Magasinet (Veckans äventyr), 380/april 1980
- Budskap från stjärnorna
Original title: Saucer of Loneliness
Published in: Galaxy, 15/november 1959
- Den andra Celia
Original title: The Other Celia
Published in: Galaxy, 3/november 1958
- Det finns inget försvar
Published in: Häpna!, 6-7/1960
- Ett skri ur mörkret
Published in: {\it Ett skri ur mörkret} (?)
- Flygande tefat har landat
Published in: Häpna!, 1/1962
- Gråsalva
Original title: Blue Butter
Published in: Jules Verne-Magasinet (Veckans äventyr), 418/augusti 1986
- Hit och till staffliet
Original title: To Here and the Easel
Published in: Nova science fiction, 1/1987
- Labyrinten
Published in: Häpna!, 3/1960
- Mannen som förlorade havet
Published in: Jules Verne-Magasinet (Veckans äventyr), 464/april 1994
- Mannen som lärde sig att älska
Original title: The Man Who Learned Loving
Published in: Jules Verne-Magasinet (Veckans äventyr), 352/september 1974
- Vem är han?
Published in: Galaxy, 13/september 1959
- Xanadus hemlighet
Original title: The Skills of Xanadu
Published in: {\it 13 science fiction} (Groff Conklin)
This file contains a list of all short fiction that Theodore Sturgeon has published in Sweden, to the best of my knowledge. If you find anything in this list that is wrong or you have data that is missing, please send me a note.
This list is part of my project to create an index to all science fiction and fantasy short stories published in Sweden. Click here to go to the main index.
The information in this file may be freely copied. If you use it somewhere, please let me know (I'd love to have a copy).