# --------------------------------------- # Language: English (en) (default) # --------------------------------------- # --------------------------------------- # Menu # | File | Edit | Sketch | Debug | Tools | Help | # | File | menu.file = File menu.file.new = New menu.file.open = Open... menu.file.recent = Open Recent menu.file.sketchbook = Sketchbook... menu.file.sketchbook.empty = Empty Sketchbook menu.file.examples = Examples... menu.file.close = Close menu.file.save = Save menu.file.save_as = Save As... menu.file.export_application = Export Application... menu.file.page_setup = Page Setup menu.file.print = Print... menu.file.preferences = Preferences... menu.file.quit = Quit # | File | Edit | Sketch | Debug | Tools | Help | # | Edit | menu.edit = Edit menu.edit.undo = Undo menu.edit.redo = Redo menu.edit.action.addition = addition menu.edit.action.deletion = deletion menu.edit.cut = Cut menu.edit.copy = Copy menu.edit.copy_as_html = Copy as HTML menu.edit.paste = Paste menu.edit.select_all = Select All menu.edit.auto_format = Auto Format menu.edit.comment_uncomment = Comment/Uncomment menu.edit.increase_indent = Increase Indent menu.edit.decrease_indent = Decrease Indent menu.edit.find = Find... menu.edit.find_next = Find Next menu.edit.find_previous = Find Previous menu.edit.use_selection_for_find = Use Selection for Find # | File | Edit | Sketch | Debug | Tools | Help | # | Sketch | menu.sketch.run = Run menu.sketch.present = Present menu.sketch.tweak = Tweak menu.sketch.stop = Stop # --- menu.library = Import Library... menu.library.add_library = Add Library... menu.library.contributed = Contributed menu.library.no_core_libraries = mode has no core libraries # --- menu.sketch = Sketch menu.sketch.show_sketch_folder = Show Sketch Folder menu.sketch.add_file = Add File... # | File | Edit | Sketch | Debug | Tools | Help | # | Debug | menu.debug = Debug menu.debug.enable = Enable Debugger menu.debug.disable = Disable Debugger #menu.debug.show_debug_toolbar = Show Debug Toolbar #menu.debug.debug = Debug #menu.debug.stop = Stop # --- menu.debug.toggle_breakpoint = Toggle Breakpoint #menu.debug.list_breakpoints = List breakpoints # --- # used for both menus and toolbars menu.debug.step = Step menu.debug.step_into = Step Into menu.debug.step_out = Step Out menu.debug.continue = Continue # --- #menu.debug.print_stack_trace = Print Stack Trace #menu.debug.print_locals = Print Locals #menu.debug.print_fields = Print Fields #menu.debug.print_source_location = Print Source Location #menu.debug.print_threads = Print Threads # --- #menu.debug.variable_inspector = Variable Inspector menu.debug.show_variables = Show Variables menu.debug.hide_variables = Hide Variables #menu.debug.show_sketch_outline = Show Sketch Outline #menu.debug.show_tabs_list = Show Tabs List # | File | Edit | Sketch | Debug | Tools | Help | # | Tools | menu.tools = Tools menu.tools.color_selector = Color Selector... menu.tools.create_font = Create Font... menu.tools.archive_sketch = Archive Sketch menu.tools.fix_the_serial_lbrary = Fix the Serial Library menu.tools.install_processing_java = Install "processing-java" menu.tools.add_tool = Add Tool... # | File | Edit | Sketch | Debug | Tools | Help | # | Help | menu.help = Help menu.help.welcome = Welcome to Processing 3 menu.help.about = About Processing menu.help.environment = Environment menu.help.reference = Reference menu.help.find_in_reference = Find in Reference menu.help.libraries_reference = Libraries Reference menu.help.tools_reference = Tools Reference menu.help.empty = (empty) menu.help.online = Online menu.help.getting_started = Getting Started menu.help.getting_started.url = http://processing.org/learning/gettingstarted/ menu.help.troubleshooting = Troubleshooting menu.help.troubleshooting.url = http://wiki.processing.org/w/Troubleshooting menu.help.faq = Frequently Asked Questions menu.help.faq.url = http://wiki.processing.org/w/FAQ menu.help.foundation = The Processing Foundation menu.help.foundation.url = http://processing.org/foundation/ menu.help.visit = Visit Processing.org menu.help.visit.url = http://processing.org/ # --------------------------------------- # Basics # Buttons prompt.yes = Yes prompt.no = No prompt.cancel = Cancel prompt.ok = OK prompt.browse = Browse prompt.export = Export # --------------------------------------- # Frames # Open (Frame) open = Open a Processing sketch... # Save (Frame) save = Save sketch folder as... save.title = Do you want to save changes to %s
before closing? save.hint = If you don't save, your changes will be lost. save.btn.save = Save save.btn.dont_save = Don't Save # Close (Frame) also used to prompt on non-OS X machines close.unsaved_changes = Save changes to %s? # Preferences (Frame) preferences = Preferences preferences.button.width = 80 preferences.requires_restart = requires restart of Processing preferences.sketchbook_location = Sketchbook location preferences.sketchbook_location.popup = Sketchbook location preferences.language = Language preferences.editor_and_console_font = Editor and Console font preferences.editor_and_console_font.tip = Select the font used in the Editor and the Console.
Only monospaced (fixed-width) fonts may be used,
though the list may be imperfect. preferences.editor_font_size = Editor font size preferences.console_font_size = Console font size preferences.zoom = Interface scale preferences.zoom.auto = Automatic preferences.background_color = Background color when Presenting preferences.background_color.tip = Select the background color used when using Present.
Present is used to present a sketch in full-screen,
accessible from the Sketch menu. preferences.use_smooth_text = Use smooth text in editor window preferences.enable_complex_text_input = Enable complex text input preferences.enable_complex_text_input_example = i.e. Japanese preferences.continuously_check = Continuously check for errors preferences.show_warnings = Show warnings preferences.code_completion = Code completion with preferences.trigger_with = Trigger with preferences.cmd_space = space preferences.suggest_imports = Suggest import statements preferences.increase_max_memory = Increase maximum available memory to preferences.delete_previous_folder_on_export = Delete previous folder on export preferences.check_for_updates_on_startup = Allow update checking (see FAQ for information shared) preferences.run_sketches_on_display = Run sketches on display preferences.run_sketches_on_display.tip = Sets the display where sketches are initially placed.
As usual, if the sketch window is moved, it will re-open
at the same location, however when running in present
(full screen) mode, this display will always be used. preferences.automatically_associate_pde_files = Automatically associate .pde files with Processing preferences.launch_programs_in = Launch programs in preferences.launch_programs_in.mode = mode preferences.file = More preferences can be edited directly in the file preferences.file.hint = edit only when Processing is not running # Sketchbook Location (Frame) sketchbook_location = Select new sketchbook location # Sketchbook (Frame) sketchbook = Sketchbook sketchbook.tree = Sketchbook # Examples (Frame) examples.title = %s Examples examples.add_examples = Add Examples... examples.libraries = Contributed Libraries examples.core_libraries = Libraries examples.contributed = Contributed Examples # Export (Frame) export = Export Options export.platforms = Platforms export.options = Options export.options.present = Presentation Mode export.options.show_stop_button = Show a Stop button export.description.line1 = Export to Application creates double-clickable, export.description.line2 = standalone applications for the selected platforms. export.unsaved_changes = Save changes before export? export.notice.cancel.unsaved_changes = Export canceled, changes must first be saved. export.notice.exporting = Exporting application... export.notice.exporting.done = Done exporting. export.notice.exporting.error = Error during export. export.notice.exporting.cancel = Export to Application canceled. export.tooltip.macosx = Mac OS X export is only available on Mac OS X export.full_screen = Full Screen export.embed_java = Embed Java export.embed_java.for = Embed Java for export.code_signing = Code Signing export.messages.is_read_only = Sketch is Read-Only export.messages.is_read_only.description = Some files are marked "read-only", so you will\nneed to re-save the sketch in another location,\nand try again. export.messages.cannot_export = Cannot Export export.messages.cannot_export.description = You cannot export a sketch that has not been saved. # Find (Frame) find = Find find.find = Find: find.replace_with = Replace with: find.ignore_case = Ignore Case find.all_tabs = All Tabs find.wrap_around = Wrap Around find.btn.replace_all = Replace All find.btn.replace = Replace find.btn.replace_and_find = Replace & Find find.btn.previous = Previous find.btn.find = Find # Find in reference (Frame) find_in_reference = Find in Reference # File (Frame) file = Select an image or other data file to copy to your sketch # Create Font (Frame) create_font = Create Font create_font.label = Use this tool to create bitmap fonts for your program.\nSelect a font and size, and click 'OK' to generate the font.\nIt will be added to the data folder of the current sketch. create_font.size = Size create_font.smooth = Smooth create_font.characters = Characters... create_font.character_selector = Character Selector create_font.character_selector.label = Default characters will include most bitmaps for Mac OS\nand Windows Latin scripts. Including all characters may\nrequire large amounts of memory for all of the bitmaps.\nFor greater control, you can select specific Unicode blocks. create_font.default_characters = Default Characters create_font.all_characters = All Characters create_font.specific_unicode = Specific Unicode Blocks create_font.filename = Filename # Color Selector (Frame) color_selector = Color Selector # Archive Sketch (Frame) archive_sketch = Archive sketch as... # Tweak Mode tweak_mode = Tweak Mode tweak_mode.save_before_tweak = Please save the sketch before running in Tweak Mode. tweak_mode.keep_changes.line1 = Keep the changes? tweak_mode.keep_changes.line2 = You changed some values in your sketch. Would you like to keep the changes? # DebugTray debugger.name = Name debugger.value = Value debugger.type = Type # --------------------------------------- # Toolbars # [Run/Present] [Stop] [New] [Open] [Save] toolbar.run = Run toolbar.present = Present toolbar.stop = Stop toolbar.debug = Debug # --- toolbar.new = New toolbar.open = Open toolbar.save = Save # toolbar.export_application = Export Application toolbar.add_mode = Add Mode... # [Debug] [Continue] [Step] [Stop] [Toggle Breakpoints] [Variable Inspector] #toolbar.debug.continue = Continue #toolbar.debug.step = Step #toolbar.debug.step_into = Step Into #toolbar.debug.stop = Stop #toolbar.debug.toggle_breakpoints = Toggle Breakpoint #toolbar.debug.variable_inspector = Variable Inspector # --------------------------------------- # Editor # [Tab1] [Tab2] [v] editor.header.new_tab = New Tab editor.header.rename = Rename editor.header.delete = Delete editor.header.previous_tab = Previous Tab editor.header.next_tab = Next Tab editor.header.delete.warning.title = Yeah, no. editor.header.delete.warning.text = You cannot delete the main tab of the only open sketch. # PopUp menu editor.popup.jump_to_declaration = Jump to Declaration editor.popup.show_usage = Show Usage... editor.popup.rename = Rename... # Tabs editor.tab.new = New Name editor.tab.new.description = Name for new file editor.tab.rename = New Name editor.tab.rename.description = New name for file # Sketch editor.sketch.rename.description = New name for sketch editor.status.autoformat.no_changes = No changes necessary for Auto Format. editor.status.autoformat.finished = Auto Format finished. editor.status.find_reference.select_word_first = First select a word to find in the reference. editor.status.find_reference.not_available = No reference available for "%s". editor.status.drag_and_drop.files_added.0 = No files were added to the sketch. editor.status.drag_and_drop.files_added.1 = One file added to the sketch. editor.status.drag_and_drop.files_added.n = %d files added to the sketch. editor.status.saving = Saving... editor.status.saving.done = Done saving. editor.status.saving.canceled = Save canceled. editor.status.printing = Printing... editor.status.printing.done = Done printing. editor.status.printing.error = Error while printing. editor.status.printing.canceled = Printing canceled. editor.status.copy_as_html = Code formatted as HTML has been copied to the clipboard. editor.status.debug.busy = Debugger busy... editor.status.debug.halt = Debugger halted. editor.status.archiver.create = Created archive "%s". editor.status.archiver.cancel = Archive sketch canceled. # Errors editor.status.warning = Warning editor.status.error = Error editor.status.error_on = Error on "%s" editor.status.missing.default = Missing "%c" editor.status.missing.semicolon = Missing a semicolon ";" editor.status.missing.left_sq_bracket = Missing left square bracket "[" editor.status.missing.right_sq_bracket = Missing right square bracket "]" editor.status.missing.left_paren = Missing left parenthesis "(" editor.status.missing.right_paren = Missing right parenthesis ")" editor.status.missing.left_curly_bracket = Missing left curly bracket "{" editor.status.missing.right_curly_bracket = Missing right curly bracket "}" editor.status.missing.add = Consider adding "%s" editor.status.reserved_words = "color" and "int" are reserved words & cannot be used as variable names editor.status.undefined_method = The function "%s(%s)" does not exist editor.status.undefined_constructor = The constructor "%s(%s)" does not exist editor.status.empty_param = The function "%s()" does not expect any parameters editor.status.wrong_param = The function "%s()" expects parameters like: "%s(%s)" editor.status.undef_global_var = The global variable "%s" does not exist editor.status.undef_class = The class "%s" does not exist editor.status.undef_var = The variable "%s" does not exist editor.status.undef_name = The name "%s" cannot be recognized editor.status.type_mismatch = Type mismatch, "%s" does not match with "%s" editor.status.unused_variable = The value of the local variable "%s" is not used editor.status.uninitialized_variable = The local variable "%s" may not have been initialized editor.status.no_effect_assignment = The assignment to variable "%s" has no effect editor.status.hiding_enclosing_type = The class "%s" cannot have the same name as your sketch or its enclosing class # Footer buttons editor.footer.errors = Errors editor.footer.errors.problem = Problem editor.footer.errors.tab = Tab editor.footer.errors.line = Line editor.footer.console = Console # New handler new.messages.is_read_only = Sketch is Read-Only new.messages.is_read_only.description = Some files are marked "read-only", so you will\nneed to re-save the sketch in another location,\nand try again. # Rename handler rename.messages.is_untitled = Sketch is Untitled rename.messages.is_untitled.description = How about saving the sketch first\nbefore trying to rename it? rename.messages.is_modified = Please save the sketch before renaming. rename.messages.is_read_only = Sketch is Read-Only rename.messages.is_read_only.description = Some files are marked "read-only", so you will\nneed to re-save the sketch in another location,\nand try again. # Naming handler name.messages.problem_renaming = Problem with rename name.messages.starts_with_dot.description = The name cannot start with a period. name.messages.invalid_extension.description = ".%s" is not a valid extension. name.messages.main_java_extension.description = The first tab cannot be a .%s file.\n(It may be time for you to graduate to a\n"real" programming environment, hotshot.) name.messages.new_sketch_exists = Nope name.messages.new_sketch_exists.description = A file named "%s" already exists at\n"%s" name.messages.new_folder_exists = Cannot Rename name.messages.new_folder_exists.description = Sorry, a sketch (or folder) named "%s" already exists. name.messages.error = Error name.messages.no_rename_folder.description = Could not rename the sketch folder. name.messages.no_rename_file.description = Could not rename "%s" to "%s" name.messages.no_create_file.description = Could not create the file "%s"\nin "%s" # Delete handler delete.messages.cannot_delete = Cannot Delete delete.messages.cannot_delete.description = You cannot delete a sketch that has not been saved. delete.messages.cannot_delete.file = Could not do it delete.messages.cannot_delete.file.description = Could not delete delete.messages.is_read_only = Sketch is Read-Only delete.messages.is_read_only.description = Some files are marked "read-only", so you will\nneed to re-save the sketch in another location,\nand try again. # Save handler save_file.messages.is_read_only = Sketch is read-only save_file.messages.is_read_only.description = Some files are marked "read-only", so you will\nneed to re-save this sketch to another location. save_file.messages.sketch_exists = Cannot Save save_file.messages.sketch_exists.description = A sketch with the cleaned name\n“%s” already exists. save_file.messages.tab_exists = Nope save_file.messages.tab_exists.description = You cannot save the sketch as "%s"\nbecause the sketch already has a tab with that name. save_file.messages.recursive_save = How very Borges of you save_file.messages.recursive_save.description = You cannot save the sketch into a folder\ninside itself. This would go on forever. # Add handler add_file.messages.is_read_only = Sketch is Read-Only add_file.messages.is_read_only.description = Some files are marked "read-only", so you will\nneed to re-save the sketch in another location,\nand try again. add_file.messages.confirm_replace = Replace the existing version of %s? add_file.messages.error_adding = Error adding file add_file.messages.cannot_delete.description = Could not delete the existing '%s' file. add_file.messages.cannot_add.description = Could not add '%s' to the sketch. add_file.messages.same_file = You can't fool me add_file.messages.same_file.description = This file has already been copied to the\nlocation from which where you're trying to add it.\nI ain't not doin nuthin'. # Temp folder creator temp_dir.messages.bad_build_folder = Build folder bad temp_dir.messages.bad_build_folder.description = Could not find a place to build the sketch. # Ensure Existance ensure_exist.messages.missing_sketch = Sketch Disappeared ensure_exist.messages.missing_sketch.description = The sketch folder has disappeared.\nWill attempt to re-save in the same location,\nbut anything besides the code will be lost. ensure_exist.messages.unrecoverable = Could not re-save sketch ensure_exist.messages.unrecoverable.description = Could not properly re-save the sketch. You may be in trouble at this point,\nand it might be time to copy and paste your code to another text editor. # Check name check_name.messages.is_name_modified = The sketch name had to be modified. Sketch names can only consist\nof ASCII characters and numbers (but cannot start with a number).\nThey should also be less than 64 characters long. # External changes detector change_detect.reload.title=Tab modified externally change_detect.reload.question="%s" was modified by another program. change_detect.reload.comment=Would you like to keep this version or load the new changes?\nEither way, the version you discard will be saved to your sketch folder. change_detect.button.keep=Keep change_detect.button.load_new=Load changes change_detect.delete.title=Tab deleted externally change_detect.delete.question="%s" has disappeared from the sketch folder. change_detect.delete.comment=Would you like to re-save it or remove it from your sketch? change_detect.button.discard=Remove permanently change_detect.button.resave=Re-save # --------------------------------------- # Contributions # Contribution Panel contrib = Contribution Manager contrib.manager_title.update = Update Manager contrib.manager_title.mode = Mode Manager contrib.manager_title.tool = Tool Manager contrib.manager_title.library = Library Manager contrib.manager_title.examples = Examples Manager contrib.category = Category: contrib.filter_your_search = Filter your search... contrib.show_only_compatible.mode = Show Only Compatible Modes contrib.show_only_compatible.tool = Show Only Compatible Tools contrib.show_only_compatible.library = Show Only Compatible Libraries contrib.show_only_compatible.examples = Show Only Compatible Examples contrib.show_only_compatible.update = Show Only Compatible Updates contrib.restart = Restart Processing contrib.unsaved_changes = Unsaved changes have been found contrib.unsaved_changes.prompt = Are you sure you want to restart Processing without saving first? contrib.messages.remove_restart = Please restart Processing to finish removing this item. contrib.messages.install_restart = Please restart Processing to finish installing this item. contrib.messages.update_restart = Please restart Processing to finish updating this item. contrib.errors.list_download = Could not download the list of available contributions. contrib.errors.list_download.timeout = Connection timed out while downloading the contribution list. contrib.errors.download_and_install = Error during download and install of %s. contrib.errors.description_unavailable = Description unavailable. contrib.errors.malformed_url = The link fetched from Processing.org is not valid.\nYou can still install this library manually by visiting\nthe library\'s website. contrib.errors.needs_repackage = %s needs to be repackaged according to the %s guidelines. contrib.errors.no_contribution_found = Could not find a %s in the downloaded file. contrib.errors.overwriting_properties = Error overwriting .properties file. contrib.errors.install_failed = Install failed. contrib.errors.update_on_restart_failed = Update on restart of %s failed. contrib.errors.temporary_directory = Could not write to temporary directory. contrib.errors.contrib_download.timeout = Connection timed out while downloading %s. contrib.errors.no_internet_connection = You do not seem to be connected to the Internet. contrib.status.downloading_list = Downloading contribution list... contrib.status.connecting = Connecting... contrib.status.done = Done. contrib.all = All contrib.undo = Undo contrib.remove = Remove contrib.install = Install contrib.progress.installing = Installing contrib.progress.starting = Starting contrib.progress.downloading = Downloading contrib.download_error = An error occured while downloading the contribution. contrib.unsupported_operating_system = Your operating system does not appear to be supported. You should visit the %s\'s library for more info. contrib.category.3d = 3D contrib.category.animation = Animation contrib.category.data = Data contrib.category.geometry = Geometry contrib.category.gui = GUI contrib.category.hardware = Hardware contrib.category.i_o = I/O contrib.category.math = Math contrib.category.simulation = Simulation contrib.category.sound = Sound contrib.category.typography = Typography contrib.category.utilities = Utilities contrib.category.video_vision = Video & Vision contrib.category.other = Other # Install on Startup contrib.startup.errors.download_install = Error during download and install of %s contrib.startup.errors.temp_dir = Could not write to temporary directory during download and install of %s contrib.startup.errors.new_marker = The unupdated contribution marker seems to not like %s. You may have to install it manually to update... # Install on Import contrib.import.dialog.title = Missing Libraries Available contrib.import.dialog.primary_text = The following imported libraries are available for download, but have not been installed. contrib.import.dialog.secondary_text = Would you like to install them now? contrib.import.progress.download = Downloading %s... contrib.import.progress.install = Installing %s... contrib.import.progress.done = %s has been installed. contrib.import.progress.final_list = The following libraries have been installed: contrib.import.errors.link = Error: The library %s has a strange looking download link. # --------------------------------------- # Warnings warn.delete = Delete warn.delete.sketch = Are you sure you want to delete this sketch? warn.delete.file = Are you sure you want to delete "%s"? warn.cannot_change_mode.title = Cannot change mode warn.cannot_change_mode.body = Cannot change mode,\nbecause "%s" mode is not compatible with current mode. # --------------------------------------- # Update Check update_check = Update update_check.updates_available.core = A new version of Processing is available,\nwould you like to visit the Processing download page? update_check.updates_available.contributions = There are updates available for some of the installed contributions,\nwould you like to open the the Contribution Manager now? # --------------------------------------- # Color Chooser color_chooser = Color Selector color_chooser.select = Select # --------------------------------------- # Movie Maker movie_maker = Movie Maker movie_maker.title = QuickTime Movie Maker movie_maker.blurb = This tool creates a QuickTime movie from a sequence of images.

To avoid artifacts caused by re-compressing images as video,
use TIFF, TGA (from Processing), or PNG images as the source.

TIFF and TGA images will write more quickly, but require more disk:

PNG images are smaller, but your sketch will run more slowly:

This code is based on QuickTime Movie Maker 1.5.1 2011-01-17.
Copyright © 2010-2011 Werner Randelshofer. All rights reserved.
movie_maker.image_folder_help_label = Drag a folder with image files into the field below: movie_maker.choose_button = Choose... movie_maker.select_image_folder = Select image folder... movie_maker.sound_file_help_label = Drag a sound file into the field below (.au, .aiff, .wav, .mp3): movie_maker.select_sound_file = Select sound file... movie_maker.create_movie_button = Create movie... movie_maker.save_dialog_prompt = Save movie as... movie_maker.width = Width: movie_maker.height = Height: movie_maker.compression = Compression: movie_maker.compression.animation = Animation movie_maker.compression.jpeg = JPEG movie_maker.compression.png = PNG movie_maker.framerate = Framerate: movie_maker.orig_size_button = Same size as originals movie_maker.orig_size_tooltip = Check this box if the folder contains already encoded video frames in the desired size. movie_maker.error.avoid_tiff = Try TGA or PNG images instead of TIFF. movie_maker.error.badnumbers = Width and height must be whole numbers greater than zero; framerate must be a number greater than zero. movie_maker.error.cannot_read = Could not read %s. movie_maker.error.cannot_read_maybe_bad = Could not read %s; it may be bad. movie_maker.error.movie_failed = Creating the QuickTime movie failed. movie_maker.error.need_input = You need to specify the folder with image files, the sound file, or both. movie_maker.error.no_images_found = No image files found. movie_maker.error.sorry = Sorry movie_maker.error.unknown_tga_format = Unknown .tga file format for %s. movie_maker.progress.creating_file_name = Creating %s. movie_maker.progress.creating_output_file = Creating output file movie_maker.progress.initializing = Initializing... movie_maker.progress.processing = Processing %s.