Adventure Design System Announcement
I normally don't allow announcements in Amiga Link, but ADS really
impressed me, so I let Travis have one...
Author: Travis Riggs
Aminet Filename: AdventureDesig.lha under games/role
This program is by far the easiest game creator available for the
Amiga today! With Adventure Design System, you can create any type of
role playing game you can imagine. Anything from the typical D&D style
game, to a space adventure game, or even a spy game! Whatever you want!
ADS is so easy to use that you can put a decent game together in a
matter of minutes. You don't need to have any programming experience.
ADS also has an excellent on-line help feature that will answer any
questions you might have about designing your game. If that weren't
enough, ADS also checks your game for errors! Very nice!
The basic concept works very well. You create "Objects" and
"Creatures" and then place them into "Rooms" that you design in your game
layout. Then ADS takes care of the rest! You can use any standard IFF
picture or sound to include in your game. You can attach pictures and
sounds to creatures, rooms, objects, key events, etc. It even supports
Adventure Design System is Shareware. With the registered version you
will be able to save out your games as STAND ALONE, and freely
distributeable games! You can't find a more powerful games creator for
adventure/role playing !
To receive a registered copy of Adventure Design System send $ 20 U.S.
dollars, plus $ 5.00 shipping & handling to:
Spectrum Video 1039 Sterling Road 1-(703) 471-5001 in Virginia and
Suite # 104-B outside the U.S.
Herndon, VA 22070 Attn: Travis 1-(800) 471-5001 Toll Free inside
U.S. the U.S.
Some of Travis' other credits include: Composite Studio Profeesional
(Copyright 1995 Dimension Technologies), Bikini Karate Babes, and many
others including current FMV CDRom projects and other commercial software
for the Amiga!
The Ed speaks: I really enjoyed the demo version of ADS, and I will
be doing a complete review of it as soon as Travis gets me the registered
version. I think that everyone should download this file from Aminet and
try it out, because it's worth atleast trying out, and who knows, you may
like it so much that you'll write a whole game in it!
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