General Menu
Convention 95! The official info-pack on the Amiga Convention '95 in
Akira Review An excellent review of a sub-par game. You MUST read
this review!!
C= Story Some Bits of Treasure, part 4/4. It's sad to see the
story end, but it's one hell of an ending!
C Clinic The Coder's Clinic returns, better (and more colorful)
than ever! An excellent way to get into programming!
VBS 3 Review A review of Video Backup System 3.0, the cheap backup
system for anyone with an Amiga and a hard drive.
GFX Boards How to make your game compatible with graphics boards.
Guardian Review A review of the game Guardian, the so-called Defender
for the 90s.
CLChat Review Find out all there is to know about this program to
allow you to access IRC's younger brother.
Cybergames Cybergames promises to be a gorey game; this promises
to be a gorey review as well.
ADS Announce An announcement of an incredible new program: Adventure
Design System.
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