Well, I feel much better about this issue of Amiga Link than I did
with the last one. Lightning didn't strike my Amiga, my modem didn't
mysteriously blow up, and God didn't come down from the heavens and take
away my hard drive. All in all, things are going smoothly, for once.
Before anything, I have to announce the most exciting event that I
have heard since Escom bought the Amiga. The Amiga Convention '95,
sponsered by Amiga Link, will take place in Montreal during August. This
event is a rallying cry to Amiga users and businesses that make money off
it to get together and support it! It also promises to be a great party,
and be a fun time for all Amiga users who show up! Read more about AC'95
in the info-pack about it in this issue, and upcoming ones as more
information becomes available.
You may have noticed that there is a file named survey.lha that came
with Amiga Link #4. This is a survey being put together to be sent to
Escom after the results are tallied, to tell Escom what Amiga owners want.
Please fill this out, as it will help out the Amiga community.
Things have calmed down a bit since Escom has bought the Amiga. While
at first, we had panic stricken Amiga fans jumping off buildings, people
have seemed to accpet the situation very quickly. Part of this, ofcourse,
is because there is really nothing that we can do about the situation.
However, people also have begun to realize that Escom is serious about the
Amiga. People realize that Escom IS hiring technicians to work on the
Amiga, and that they ARE setting up Amiga subsidiaries in two countries.
And, if that wasn't enough, people are enamored with Escom's size. Escom
recently bought Rumbelows, an English computer chain, and they've already
taken out full page ads in the four major British newspapers, as well as
Radio Times, a very popular periodical in England. People just can't
comprehend, after Commodore's marketing silence, that the Amiga might be
advertised in MAJOR newspapers. This alone has won over many people to
Escom's corner.
The Amiga Technologies (the company owned by Escom that will be
handling the Amiga) announced just before we went to "print" that they had
hired Gilles Bourdin as their new Press/Marketing Director. Although I
can't comment on Mr. Bourdin's marketing skills, I can say that he IS an
Amiga owner, not some PC user who has no idea what an Amiga is or how to
market it, and he does come onto Usenet and IRC, so he does talk to and
know the Amiga community.
Also, on May 30, Escom will be holding what appears will be a big
press conference regarding the Amiga's future. It will be "hosted" by
Manfred Schmitt, the head of Escom's Board of Directors. There will also
be several guest speakers from the Amiga developer community. We have no
way of knowing exactly what will go on, but I am guessing that they are
doing this to show their support for the Amiga, and to get the Amiga some
free advertising in the newspapers that will cover this conference. Amiga
Link is trying to send someone to the conference, so that we can inform
you of any interesting news that comes out of the conference.
I don't believe in an afterlife...
But I do believe in resurrection...
Joshua Galun
Editor of Amiga Link
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