Lysator's conferencing system.
Lysator's conferencing system.
LysKOM is a conferencing system, or a kind of electronic bulletin board system. It is one of the most important means of communcation within Lysator.
The LysKOM system is made up of a server and several clients. The most mature client is currently elispklienten.
LysKOM concepts (in Swedish). If you can't read Swedish you might find the first few chapters of the Protocol A specification useful instead, since they cover the same material.
Datorhandbokens guide till LysKOM (in Swedish).
LysKOM - history and technology (in Swedish).
Bettans nybörjarintroduktion till LysKOM (emacslispklienten) (in Swedish).
Att starta LysKOM - a guide to how to access the LysKOM system from different places (in Swedish).
Att starta LysKOM. How to use the Emacs lisp client (in Swedish).
Protocol A - a specification of the protocol used between the clients and the server (finally, a document in English!).
There are several clients. Here is a short description of most of them.
Emacslispklienten (in Swedish). The client itself can be configured to use English. This client runs inside Emacs.
#KOM, a client for .NET.
jskom, a WWW-based client.
Androkom, a client for Android.
WinKOM, a client for Windows.
The TTY client (in Swedish). This is a command-line oriented client. It attempts to closely mimic KOM v6, which was our inspiration when LysKOM was developed.
Tkom, Nilkom och Kom++
JySKom, a WWW-based client.
KLC, Kimmo's Lyskom Client, a client for Windows (in English, Finnish and Swedish).
gtKOM, a client for Gnome.
WebKOM, a WWW-based client.
The source code for the LysKOM-server is available under GNU GPL.
Server source code via FTP.
Version 2.1.2 via HTTP (PGP-signature)
The server home page.