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11. Tips, Traps and Trix

11.1 On the #pragmas strict_types and save_types

Using #pragma strict_types make life more interesting, which is part of an ancient Chinese curse. It is for those who code the objects of the mudlib, and those that like to type a lot of extra code, like to control their types, and those who think it looks nice (beware that beauty lies in the eye of the beholder). For most people, it isn't needed. The #pragma save_types are only of use in objects that are inherited a lot, like the lib objects.

11.2 Optimisation

As usual in optimisation, there are two things you must know before you start:

What to optimise, and
how to optimise that.

In general, you should use as good data structures as possible to save memory, and as good algorithms as possible to save CPU. Remember that there is an upper limit to how many evaluated nodes (evals) that can be used for a piece of code. Apart from that, it is really impossible to give other than general advice, since details on costs will change between driver versions. Here are some tips that will probably be valid even in the future, though:

11.3 Three Keys to Successful Creating at NannyMUD

There are three things you need in order to have a successful career as a creating wizard at NannyMUD:

11.4 Some Common Mistakes

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Mats Henrik Carlberg