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Authors D

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* See also Multiple-author Resource Guides and the Bibliographies and lists section, if your favorite author doesn't have a home page listed here.
Ron Dakron (mav.net) [Updated 27-Sep-2001]
"Ron Dakron is a novelist and poet published by Black Heron Press." (Ron Dakron)
Tony Daniel (rcn.com) [Updated 05-Oct-2001]
"I thought it might be interesting to both readers and new writers to get a glimpse of the making of a book or story, to see the behind-the-scenes process by which a piece of my writing coalesces. This is not a how-to page, precisely, and it absolutely contains no manifesto. It's more like an existential artifact that may or may not be useful to you, but that I hope will interest you and have its own kind of beauty." (Tony Daniel) [Updated Oct 2001]
The Jack Dann Website (eidolon.net) [Updated 05-Oct-2001]
"Jack Dann is the author or editor of over thirty-five books, including the novels Junction, Starhiker, High Steel (with Jack C. Haldeman), and The Man Who Melted. Dann's work has been compared to Jorge Luis Borges, Roald Dahl, Lewis Carroll, Castaneda, J. G. Ballard, and Philip K. Dick. He writes science fiction, historical fiction, contemporary fiction, fantasy, poetry, and has been said to write horror. He's also been called a magical realist. But Jack has a lot of trouble with categories and just thinks of himself as a...writer." [Updated Oct 2001]
The Avram Davidson Website (kosmic.org) [Updated 01-Oct-2001]
"an evolving electronic compendium of biographical, bibliographical and ephemeral material... Avram Davidson (1923-1993) wrote 17 novels and more than two hundred short stories and essays, collected in more than a dozen books... His writings are funny, filled with the bizarre and the wonderful. He has been compared to short story writers such as Saki or John Collier (and many others), but he was truly a unique writer." (H. Wessells) [Updated Oct 2001]
Pamela Dean's homepage (dd-b.net)
(Pamela Dean Dyer-Bennet)
L. Sprague de Camp: Official Website (lspraguedecamp.com)
"He is one of those science fiction writers who can manage fiction and non-fiction with equal ease. He has written many books on fringe aspects of science and has always maintained the strictest rationality in doing so..." "L. Sprague de Camp and his wife Catherine commissioned the construction of their official website in the summer of 1998. This site is authorized by The de Camp Family Limited Partnership, and construction is ongoing..." "Catherine and I would like to thank you for visiting our web site. We are thrilled to be a part of the technological age made possible by the Internet. We hope that you will enjoy our site as much as we have enjoyed bringing it to you. Sincerely, L. Sprague de Camp"
Stephen Dedman Homepage (eidolon.net) [Updated 05-Oct-2001]
(Stephen Dedman, [Updated Oct 2001]
Samuel R. Delany Information (pcc.com)
(Jay Schuster)
Charles de Lint (cyberus.ca)
"If you weren't looking for this page, but have arrived here anyway, let me introduce myself. I've been a full-time writer for thirteen years with thirty-eight books published and more on the way. Additionally, for almost twenty years now, I've been playing Celtic music in one band or another, and more recently have begun to study fine art..." (Charles de Lint)
Michel Demuth: Home Page (emse.fr)
(Jean-Jacques Girardot)
Elisabeth DeVos (sff.net)
"I'm a new SF author; my first novel, The Seraphim Rising, is out [October 1997] from Roc." (Elisabeth DeVos)
Philip K Dick: FAQ (fictava.com) [Updated 01-Oct-2001]
(Joel Margot and Walter Flaschka) [Updated Oct 2001]
Paul Di Filippo: Bibliography (euro.net)
"with the cooperation of and input from Paul Di Filippo." (H.W. Targowski)
L. Warren Douglas's Home Page (iserv.net)
"L. Warren Douglas (Doug) is a science fiction and fantasy writer living in Damned Rapids, Michigan, not far from the dam that destroyed the rapids on the Grand River, circa 1900. Some people still call the town Grand Rapids. He has been writing fiction intended for publication since 1983, other things since November 3, 1947, when his mother first spanked him for what he wrote on the living room wall. Between those dates, he did a few other arguably interesting things..." (L. Warren Douglas)
The Reader's Corner: Sara Douglass (autopen.com)
Terry Dowling (eidolon.net) [Updated 05-Oct-2001]
"Terry Dowling is one of Australia's most acclaimed writers of science fiction, fantasy and horror. He is author of Rynosseros, Blue Tyson and Twilight Beach (the Tom Rynosseros saga), Wormwood, The Man Who Lost Red and An Intimate Knowledge of the Night, and editor (with Dr Van Ikin) of Mortal Fire: Best Australian SF and senior editor of The Essential Ellison..." [Updated Oct 2001]
Debra Doyle: Madhouse Manor (sff.net)
(Debra Doyle)
Diane Duane and Peter Morwood: The Owl Springs Partnership (owlsprings.com) [Updated 27-Sep-2001]
(Their home page.)
Dave Duncan (daveduncan.com) [Updated 26-Sep-2001]
(Dave Duncan)

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Chaz Boston Baden (boston-baden.com) - E-mail SFRG.

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