[SFRG] Science Fiction Resource Guide [Update Log] [What's New]

Updates are handled by Chaz Boston Baden. Please read the Frequently Asked Questions before you write.

Rev. 10-Oct-2001

Send E-mail to Science Fiction Resource Guide [E-mail]

Form back in service as of 10-Oct-2001. You can also send me e-mail using the address shown above on the icon.

....... Check all that apply: Your site Somebody else's site
New site that you want to have added to the SFRG
Site listed in the SFRG that has moved to a new URL
Dead link - the site listed in the SFRG is gone, and you don't know where it's moved to.

............... Name of site:
..... URL you want to submit:

.. For Corrections - Old URL:
(Did we already have it listed, but with the wrong URL?)

.................. Your Name:
........ Your E-mail address:

.. Webmaster or Contact Name:
............. E-mail Address:
(This is the address we'll write to, if the site moves or disappears, before deleting the entry from the SFRG.)

There are more than two dozen different sections in the Science Fiction Resource Guide. It would help us if you could try to figure out which section would be appropriate for the site you want to recommend.
..Which section of the SFRG?:

Brief Description or comments:

If everything works properly, your suggestion will be logged where I can find it. Please keep in mind that I'm usually a few months behind in my SFRG e-mail, but I will eventually send you some kind of reply.

[E-mail] If your browser doesn't understand forms, send me e-mail when you get back to your mailreader.

[View with ANY browser] [Chaz Boston Baden]