"Fans have been holding their own conventions, on an amateur basis,
since at least the 1940s. These events have grown in size, complexity, and
diversity, especially since the early 1970s, and some fans have seen the
need to set on paper some notes about the convention-runners' art,
particularly as science fiction conventions are rather different than
mundane conventions...
Please bear in mind that this offering is a sort of smorgasbord; the
only assumption is that you will pick and choose what you need, and adapt
any recommended guidelines or procedures to your convention's
circumstances. Also this is by no means complete, and is being modified
and extended all the time..."
(Garth Spencer)
Various convention-related articles, some from a UK point of view.
Includes Another Fine Nessie (smof.com), a
wrap-up report based on the experiences of running
Intersection - the 1995 Worldcon (worldcon.org).
(Chris O'Shea)