Updates are handled by Chaz Boston Baden.
Please read the Frequently Asked Questions before you write.
Rev. 09-Oct-2001
Archives carrying sf and related material
These archives are the main sources of sf on the Internet. We've separately
indexed the most relevant and interesting texts from these archives.
See also: Fiction
For Your Information: sometime soon I intend to finish reorganizing
Archives containing science fiction and the
Fiction sections. So if one of your favorite
links moves, you'll know why. -Chaz
- Alex: a
catalogue of electronic texts on the Internet (berkeley.edu)
- A library catalogue of on-line books and shorter texts, and contains
about 1800 entries. It is possible to search the catalogue, or browse
by author, title, subject, language, host, or date.
"The Alex Catalogue of Electronic Texts is collection of digital documents.
The scope of documents in the collection include items from American
literature, English literature, and Western philosophy...
The Alex Catalogue of Electronic Texts is and will continue to be a labor of love.
As a librarian I have always wanted to have my own library. Alex is the
beginnings of mine."
(Eric Lease Morgan)
[Updated Oct 2001]
- The English Server (eserver.org)
(University of Washington)
- "In 1991 the CMU English Department sponsored a server of its own - to be
run by its graduate students - for public distribution of research, criticism,
novels, hypertexts, and other work." Includes sf-related texts on
cyberpunk (eserver.org),
film and tv (eserver.org).
- Etext archive (etext.org) (University of Michigan)
- "The Etext Archives (est. 1992) are home to electronic texts of all
kinds, from the sacred to the profane, from the political to the personal.
Our duty is to provide electronic versions of texts without judging their
Includes zines (etext.org).
[Updated Oct 2001]
- Fan
Fiction on the Net (aol.com)
- "A comprehensive index of fan fiction websites, FTP sites,
newsgroups and mailing lists and information about fanzines and fandom."
(Karen Nicholas)
- sf-fan.de (sf-fan.de)
- "Alles fuer den SF-Fan! ...
SF-Fan.de (mit seinen Kategorien SF-Buch.de, SF-Film.de
und SF-Infodienst.de) ist ein stetig aktualisiertes
Online-Magazin fr Science Fiction- und Phantastik.
SF-Fan.de ist ein inkommerzielles Angebot, das von der
freiwilligen Untersttzung zahlreicher freundlicher Fans und
Profis und dem Engagement seiner Macher lebt."
(Florian Breitsameter)
- Glasgow University: see UK Science Fiction
Fandom Archives
Internet Book Information Centre (internetbookinfo.com)
- A guide to information about books (not just sf and fantasy) on the
Internet. (Fred Zimmerman)
[Updated Oct 2001]
Internet Wiretap (spies.com)
- Collection of electronic texts, legal and historical documents. Includes
texts on
cyberspace (spies.com),
fiction (spies.com) and
Trek (spies.com), and a collection of
electronic zines (spies.com).
Linköping SF Club: Lysator sf archive (liu.se)
- Archive of sf material collected by Mats Öhrman at
Linköping University, Sweden. Includes bibliographies, lists, zines,
reviews, and pointers to sf-related information on the Internet.
(Mats Öhrman)
- Rutgers SF-Lovers archive (rutgers.edu)
- Archive of sf material; includes archives of the SF-Lovers mailing list,
bibliographies (rutgers.edu),
various reading lists and programme guides.
Also available via
ftp. (rutgers.edu) (Saul Jaffe)
- Science Fiction
Timeline Page (chronology.org)
- "Welcome to the (unofficial) Science Fiction Timeline Page. Here you
will find detailed chronologies for: the Babylon 5 universe; Larry
Niven's Known Space universe; Jerry Pournelle's Future History; plus the
FAQ for E. E. Smith's Lensman series And of course a long link-list to
science fiction, fandom, and pure science sites as well..."
Non-frames entry point available. (chronology.org)
(Larry King)
- Speculative Fiction Clearing House (steampunk.com)
- An index to sf, fantasy and horror resources on the Internet: an
excellent hierarchical index that covers the same material as this page.
(John R. R. Leavitt)
UK Science Fiction Fandom Archives (gla.ac.uk)
at Glasgow University
- An archive of fan material.
The Enchanted Duplicator (gla.ac.uk),
back issues of Dave Langford's newsletter
Ansible (gla.ac.uk),
and much more.
Also available
via ftp (gla.ac.uk).
(Naveed Khan)
WELL (Whole Earth 'Lectronic
Link) archive (well.sf.ca.us)
- Includes some texts on
cyberpunk and post-modern
culture (well.sf.ca.us) (including texts donated by
Sterling (well.sf.ca.us)) and some
zines (well.sf.ca.us).
See also: Reviews and
criticism and
- Alternate
History Page (marmotgraphics.com)
- Lots of resources on the subject.
(Jim Rittenhouse)
- Archimedes Institute, The (permanent.com)
- "The Archimedes Institute conducts sophisticated analysis of aerospace policy
issues and implements related private policy initiatives such as claim
registration, lien filings, and international treaty revision. The
Institute provides through its web site an extensive library of space law
and policy documents, including international agreements, domestic
legislation, reports, academic monographs, and a substantial bibliography of
aerospace resources. The Institute also maintains a forum for space policy
issues and over 200 links to other space policy, media and business
entities. If you have any questions concerning the Institute, its mission or
any aspect of space law or policy, please contact us."
When I first looked at this website in 1998, they had an all-graphics
interface. They still don't have all their "ALT" tags, but it's navigable w/o
(Lawrence Roberts)
[Added Oct 2001]
- Australian Science
Fiction Information (vicnet.net.au)
- "This area is designed to contain information about Science Fiction in
Australia. It always welcomes
further information..." includes information on and pointers to
Australian S.F. Awards, Australian S.F. Fans, Australian S.F. Clubs, The
Society for Creative Anachronism, Australian S.F. Conventions, Australian
S.F. Fan Funds, Australian S.F. Fanzines and Web Pages, Australian S.F.
Foundation, and Australian Science Fiction Listing.
(Marc Ortlieb)
Canadian Science Fiction and Fantasy Resource Guide (mindrobber.com)
- (Gary Hilson)
[Updated Oct 2001]
- Darkness on the
Edge of Town (sympatico.ca)
- "the Vampyre is considered the Prince and Princess of darkness...
Vampyres are the most seductive, powerful beings who rule the night."
Lots of vampire links. [But it's a bandwidth hog, with some huge 100K
animations and a superfluous little scrolling message. Watch out!]
- Eidolon: SF
On-line - Australian SF and Fantasy (eidolon.net)
- "Authors, Publishers, Awards and The Bibliography of Australian SF."
- Fantasy Finder (hoh.se)
- "Reviews - Fantasy Finder tells you what's good and what's bad, what
you definitely should go get and what you should avoid. FantasyLinks -
links to fantasy resources on the web. Top 5 - ranks the very best fantasy
books and series of all time, and also including Fantasy Finder's
Democratic Top List where you can vote for your favourite books."
(Henriksson and Henriksson)
- Fiona's Fear and Loathing (oceanstar.com)
- "A Space Devoted to Horror Literature." Fiona loves the stuff (and
True Crime too). She has reviews and bibliographies and writes a new
column every other week. Worth a quick peek even if you're not
a horror buff yourself.
(Fiona Webster)
- Guía de
Recursos de la Ciencia Ficción en español (geocities.com)
- SF resource guide in Spanish
(Jorge Forte)
- Northwest Science
Fiction Resources (sfnorthwest.org)
- "This site is for fans of science fiction in the Pacific Northwest.
There is information about conventions, resources for writers, links
to clubs, bookstores and many other areas."
(John J. Beslanwitch)
[Updated Oct 2001]
- Ohmori's Lo-Fi Sci-Fi Page (ltokyo.com)
- Home page of Mr. Nozomi Ohmori, SF Translator.
"What's you can see on my page is photographs of Japanese sf
writers/editors/translators/fans, and some of Japanese sf arts.
I'll make a directory for people over the sea, maybe next week.
For those who can read Japanese will find book reviews for over 500
science fiction books, movie reviews, sf-related essays, and hot links for
other Japanese sf oriented www pages. All of the articles are originally
appeared in professional printed magazines and newspapers."
(Nozomi Ohmori)
- Jean-Jacques Girardot's
Pages Françaises de
Science-Fiction (emse.fr) (French Science Fiction Pages)
- "Ce serveur a essentiellement pour vocation de présenter les
francophones, la SF française, et de maintenir quelques pointeurs sur
d'autres serveurs consacrés à la science-fiction et au
fantastique." (Jean-Jacques Girardot)
- Página
Portuguesa de Ficção Científica e Fantasia (geocities.com)
(Portuguese Science Fiction Web Page)
- "The First Portuguese Science Fiction and Fantasy Page."
(Álvaro de Sousa Holstein)
- The Paperback
and Pulp Waystation (geocities.com)
- "This website concentrates specifically on vintage paperbacks and
pulps, with special emphasis on early science fiction in all countries."
(Sean Wallace)
- Prvni Brnenska oficialni
SF&F homepage (czis.cz) (Brno's First Official SF&F Homepage)
- (Antonin "Toni" Zrustek)
Pavel "CGC" Nygryn)
[Updated Oct 2001]
- Quadrant (fantascienza.com): Science
Fiction Search Engine
- A "yahoo-style" search engine dedicated to science fiction.
User can add new urls.
(Silvio Sosio)
- Mann's Choice -
Useful Science Fiction and Fact Pages (dpsinfo.com)
- (Laurie D. T. Mann)
- Science Fiction and Fantasy
Writers of America, Inc. (sfwa.org) (SFWA)
- (Melisa C. Michaels)
- Science Fiction Writers
of Japan (sfwj.or.jp)
- There is a Japanese (sfwj.or.jp)
language version available, of course.
Science Fiction Foundation Collection Home Page (liv.ac.uk)
- at the University of Liverpool Library.
(Andy Sawyer)
- SFF Net (sff.net)
- "SFF Net is designed to support fast-moving, intelligent conversation
about genre literature of all kinds. It's the place for authors, editors,
readers, and publishers to get together to discuss books, stories, the art
and craft of popular fiction, and all aspects of the literary life... SFF
Net is proud to sponsor:
Basement Full of Books (sff.net);
Locus Magazine's Index of Books
Received (locusmag.com)."
(Jim Macdonald)
- SF Site (sfsite.com)
- Lots of off-site links, and their own content too. I like their
combination of a comprehensive list of links, plus a handful of reviews
of selected sites. The gratuitous huge animated GIFs
make me cranky but other than that
it's a well-designed page.
(John O'Neill)
- Space Drives World
Archives (spacedrives.org)
- "Archives of all presently known Space Drives info
(i.e. non-rocket space propulsion, such as the
Dean Drive and Laithwaite Gyro-Thrust Drive, etc).
Includes fact articles, fiction, and patents data
on a world-wide basis.
(Roger D. Cook)
[Updated Oct 2001]
- Suite 101:
Fantasy and Science Fiction (suite101.com)
- "Suite 101 is an Internet community-based Web guide that uses scores
of passionate Web Surfers called Contributing Editors to index the best of
the Web..." and they also have editors that manage particular sections,
such as the Fantasy and Science Fiction section, and write articles for
the site. An interesting site.
(Karen James)
Ultimate Science Fiction Web Guide (magicdragon.com)
- A large, ambitious site, with lots of content and lots of links.
Be prepared for subpages of 100-200K or so. (For comparison, the SFRG
sub-pages average 21K, and top out at 50K.) Has an old misnamed link
to the SFRG, and spotty coverage elsewhere; for example, they only have
7 Star Trek links in their Television section. Nonetheless,
it's worth a visit.
(Jonathan Vos Post)
- University of
Michigan Fantasy and Science Fiction Home Pages (umich.edu)
- "Our pages started as a class resource, but we have
become geared more towards the scholarly study of fantasy and science
(Ryan Garcia)
Chaz Boston Baden (boston-baden.com) - E-mail SFRG.