Projects page

RAGG Adventure Game Gatherer

Active: NO
Start: 2003-07-09
Platform: Mac OS X (Cocoa)
Language: Objective-C
License: Closed
Last release: yet to be released


RAGG is a point n' click adventure game enginee. It was inspired by AGS.

Here are two screenshots (2003-08-04), playing an adventure and creating one.

Most recent changes is available in the changelog.

Some information about how you script in RAGG is available here.

Current state

Loading of adventures, displaying and walking around in rooms. Objects and characters are not sorted by distance when drawn. Items can't be combined.

Walking doesn't handle unwalkable areas.

Items: Add Edit Remove
Characters: Add Edit Remove
Rooms: Add Edit Remove
Hotspots: Add Edit Remove
Objects: Add Edit Remove
Scripts: Add Edit Remove

Feature set (implemented)

Support for a wide variaty of graphics formats such as JPEG,JPEG2000,GIF,PNG,PICT,BMP,TIFF and PDF.

Loading and saving of adventures with rooms, objects, hotspots, characters, items and scripts.

Characters scale by distance, of course they also walk slower when in a far distance.

When speaking different characters use different fonts and colours.

Scripting is done through DorisLisp, a naive Scheme implementation.

QuickTime music playback, no looping yet.

Wanted features (NOT implemented)

Sound effects, transitions between songs, volume controll and looping music.

Scrolling rooms.

Saving and restoring.