RAGG page

News / Changelog

Reimplemented the following functions:
(set-room ..)
(add-item .. ..)
(remove-item .. ..)
(set-character-property 'position .. ..)

The script-functions in adventures are loaded and events are working just like before.

The new scripting enginee is now in place! I've been working on it as a separate project for quite some time and it fitted like a glove in RAGG. All commands have to be reimplemented now but is way easier than before.
The editor got a little different interface for working with scripts, just one big textview :)

The transition to GCC3.3 complete, the new compiler was stricter.

Title of the main window in the player app is the same as the name of the adventure. The Editor can edit animations of characters.

Background colors for speachbubbles can be set for each character. The time a speachbubble is shown is now dependant upon the length of the text to speak. The Editor can now do some basic editing of characters.

Look, Walk to, Open, Close, Push, Pull, Talk to events implemented on items.

Open, Close, Push, Pull, Talk to events implemented on hotspots.

Added two script commands, (add-item ...) and (remove-item ...), there is a bug which makes it possible to add the same item many times but they are all removed at the same time.