Changelog, or something
- [17 Confusion, 3167] It's been four sodding years
since I last touched this page. Fantastic, or something.
Anyway, I just want to say that I finally bought myself a
vanity domain,, and put
some stuff on it.
- [13 Aftermath, 3163] It's been a really long time since this
page was even remotely up to date. This might mean that it's
time for me to redo the entire site from scratch, but I'm too
damn lazy to do that. So this will likely stay a randomly
updated mess for the foreseeable future. Hail Eris!
- [52 Discord, 3162] I'm not sure what this is.
- [20 Discord, 3162] For purposes of speed comparison, a search engine using a
pre-built index instead of walking through every file.
- [15 Discord, 3162] A converter from sensible
discordian-style dates to archaic jesus-style dates.
- [15 Discord, 3162] A fairytale of the kind I tell
on our
show on the student radio station. It's in swedish, and
actually rather gross.
- [13 Discord, 3162] A control
center for the Blake's 7 mailing list, and a search engine for my pages.
- [26 Chaos, 3162] Two
poems, in english.
- [54 Bureacracy, 3161] Finished another short story, Mellanafton.
It's in swedish, just like the previous ones.
- [2 Bureacracy, 3161] Figured out how to write CGI scripts and
wrote one just for fun. It crawls through all my web pages
gathering URLs, then chooses one at random and send you to it.
- [49 Confusion, 3161] HTMLed and added my essay on James
Tiptree, jr's novel Brightness Falls From the Air
- [72 Discord, 3161] Added the story of how I came to be a
- [72 Discord, 3161] In a fit of cruelty, I Netscapified a whole
bunch of pages. You have permission to flame.
- [48 Discord, 3161] Roleplaying
stuff, all written by me (in english). Nowhere near
finished, but still almost 20k of text.
- [48 Discord, 3161] A new short story, Regn. Will be published in
the next issue of MĂ„nbladet, but you can read it here
first! Wheee!
- [38 Discord, 3161] A page with random musings on a variety
of subjects.
- [31
Discord, 3161] I was really bored and made lists of things I like and dislike. I also
Netscape-"enhanced" the page. You have been warned.
- [29 Discord, 3161] A few pointers to strange people.
- [21 Discord, 3161] Something about confusing friends.
- [15 Discord, 3161] A description of Peter Nordgren's General Goodness Points
roleplaying system.
- [56 Chaos, 3161] This section.
- [56 Chaos, 3161] A new short story, Rymdkaptenen.
Last updated: Pungenday, the 17:th day of Confusion in the YOLD 3167.