Scandinavian Indie Digest Vol.2 Issue #06
Scandinavian Indie Digest Sat May 06, 1995 Volume 2 : Issue 06
There are 30 messages totalling 1032 lines in this issue.
Topics of the day:
1. NON-SCAN: Salad (2)
2. Trastocksfestivalen.
3. Cloudberry Jam
4. a tape chain (2)
5. salad live
6. newie
7. Tr{stocksfestivalen 95
8. NON-SCAN: Salad Live (3)
9. Festival Time!
10. Hi, what's up, and so on...A (3)
11. Tape Chain
12. Forwarded Message: Scan vs Amerindie
13. Various Swedish Bands (2)
14. this perfect day (2)
15. Festival 95: Top 10 Sweden
16. Snap label? (2)
17. New Whale Video
18. Festivals 1995: Sweden 03-May-95
19. Quart Festival, Kristiansand???
20. Swedish Bands
21. Rock D'Amour 15 Years
Date: Wed, 26 Apr 1995 03:01:36 +0200
From: Erik S|derstr|m
Subject: NON-SCAN: Salad
Salad is playing here tonight (with Electric Eskimoes), and I'm going.
Now, I just wanted to ask you people on the list what I can expect
from these two bands (I've hear Salad of course, but how are they live?)
and if I get a chance, I'll do an interview with both bands, so if
there's anything you'd want me to ask, please let me know. Thanks!
(at least _some_ scan-indie references in this message anyway)
Date: Wed, 26 Apr 95 10:25:22 +0200
From: (Marten Sahlen)
Subject: Re: NON-SCAN: Salad
> Salad is playing here tonight (with Electric Eskimoes), and I'm going.
> Now, I just wanted to ask you people on the list what I can expect
> from these two bands (I've hear Salad of course, but how are they live?)
Saw them last time they were around... in October last year at Studion
in Sthlm... thought they put on a good show... though the crowd wasn't
too big... and that girl, now what's her name again?... my, is she energetic
or what?
> and if I get a chance, I'll do an interview with both bands, so if
> there's anything you'd want me to ask, please let me know. Thanks!
Ummm, why don't you ask them what brand of dressing they prefer.
Date: Wed, 26 Apr 1995 19:00:40 +0200 (MET DST)
From: Petter Tiilikainen
Subject: Trastocksfestivalen.
Anyone heard anything about this years Trastocksfestival in Skelleftea?, it
was great last year, an excellent chance for everyone to check out Swedish
non-mainstream bands. And the best thing was that it was free!
Date: Wed, 26 Apr 1995 20:00:40 +0200
From: Erik S|derstr|m
Subject: Re: Cloudberry Jam wrote:
> some time ago you wrote about Cloudberry Jam:
> >Interesting enough, they don't sound like they used to these days.
> >Forget about the 'la la la' EP. Forget about those early demo tapes
> >they made. Really. Listen somewhat to their album 'the art of being
> >cool', but not too much.
> I got the "the art of being cool" CD on my recent trip to Helsingborg and
> really like it. So what's the "la la la" EP like. Is there a chance to get
> it or even get the old demos?
The 'la la la' EP sounds like a naive version of their newer songs sort
of. You hear it's an early Cloudberry Jam playing anyway. Their new
album (released last week) (I forget the name) is pretty much like
'the art of being cool' only a bit better produced. I'm sure they
have copies of 'la la la' left if you want one? I can ask them tomorrow
(they play here at the university for the 3rd time now). I don't think
they have kept their old demos though, so if you're interested in those, I
could always make copies of my tapes for you in exchange for something
from you?
> I just compiled a tape of great Swedish Pop for the indiepop-mailing list
> meeting in May in New York City. I hope I can turn some of the US-kids
> into it.
Sounds great! You're going over on vacation or just for that meeting?
What tracks/groups have you included on the tape?
Date: Wed, 26 Apr 1995 19:52:08 +0300 (EET DST)
From: (Kimmo Saaskilahti)
Subject: a tape chain
Previously on Scan-Indie...
Erik S|derstr|m pondered:
* Maybe we should start a tape chain, like on the
* 4AD list? Anyone interested?
Well, sounds like a fun idea to me! I could volunteer for compiling a
tape (or perhaps two) of some Finnish bands, if there is enough interest=
for such?
I would be very excited about getting an opportunity to hear some
eg. Danish, Norwegian or Icelandic indie music (I'm quite familiar
with some Swedish bands already........:-)
Date: Wed, 26 Apr 1995 10:46:31 +0200
From: Mark Tazewell
Subject: salad live
Sorry if this has already been answered (my mail is messed up big time)
I saw salad in gino on sunday, and last year when they were here, and they
are better live than on record. The sound was very good, and the playing
and singing were extremely good. The songs which sound energetic on disc
really jump out and grab you from the stage. I was really impressed
(again) but the sunday night crowd of punters at ginos didn't seem to
get into it too much.
If you do talk to them, pass on my congratulations for the sunday show.
Anyone else listening, don't miss the chance to see them if you like their
Date: Thu, 27 Apr 1995 15:29:35 +0100
From: (Toby Thorsen)
Subject: newie
Hi all,
since Erik thought it would be a good idea to introduce oneself on the
scanindie list I might as well do so...
I'm Torbjorn Thorsen, 26yrs, male, blond, not so tall (well actually i'm
not short either), so on and so forth, you get the idea.
I'm in the band Stevepops, I do a fanzine called Stokage (soon to be
on-line) I like The Odd Numbers, I write for the fanzine Sound Affects, I'm
attending the University of Skovde and I (for some stupid reason) find
myself spending way too much time in front of the stereo spinning 7"
And I skate...pre-old old-skool longboard.
Currently doing lots of time on the turntable:
Shreds vol. 2 (shredder) - the fabulous track by Bostons Coloring Book
("time to grow") rules my world
The Parasites (shredder) - any and all of their stuff
The Odd Numbers (819 productions) - "retrofitted for today" topped 1994
Built to Spill - almost anything touched by Doug Marsch turns to gold
Cub (mint) - "come out come out" - three girls from vancouver doing pure
poppunk the way it should be done
The Vertex - "tonight the sky will be ours" - possibly the best youth
anthem ever written, and the boy responsible was 15 and he came from
Ockelbo in G{strikland
Smash Hit Wonders - future stars on the swedish indie-scene
Naked (trampolene) - in the studio right now laying down the tracks for
their debut... lo-fi for the masses
Ashram (wounded) - "turnstile" - the only swedish hardcore band to ever be
truly original
The Varlets - sadly missed, great last demo
Seventh Wave - "summer in the bay" - Brian Wilsons spirit lives in V{stervik
The Field Mice (sarah) - "when morning comes to town" / "the last letter" /
"fabulous friend" - long lost love...
Another Sunny Day (sarah) - "you should all be murdered" - never has
anything so beautiful been so mean...
The Heartworms (darla) - "space escapades" - featuring Archie from velocity girl
Tuscadero (teen beat) - "nancy drew" - near purrrfect
Small (alias) - "chin music" - getting better all the time
The Summer Suns (waterfront) - "the girl in the mexican restaurant" - pure
pop bliss
The Sea Urchins (sarah) - "pristine christine" - simlpy beautiful
Fugazi (dischord) - no-one will ever top them...
All (cruz) - the Dave Smalley years...
Black Train Jack (roadrunner) - "your not alone" and "no reward" -
melodicore with a thoughtful mind
...the list could go on forever, and it will, 'til the end I suppose.
Stay happy out there, do all the stuff I wouldn't do,
Torbjorn Thorsen
Date: Thu, 27 Apr 1995 17:00:17 +0300 (EET DST)
From: Albert Sigurdsson
Subject: Re: a tape chain
I'm all for the tape chain, I have all the Icelandic stuff you
might need and I have the Finnsh hardcore scene in my pocket.
Albert Sigurdsson
Date: Sat, 29 Apr 1995 02:07:24 +0200
From: Erik S|derstr|m
Subject: Tr{stocksfestivalen 95
Petter Tiilikainen wrote:
> Anyone heard anything about this years Trastocksfestival in Skelleftea?, it
> was great last year, an excellent chance for everyone to check out Swedish
> non-mainstream bands. And the best thing was that it was free!
You bet! Here's the line-up (so far) and info:
Festival: Tr{stocksfestivalen
Date : 14 -> 15 July, 1995
Where : Skellefte}, Sweden
Info : Probably directly from A West Side Fabrication.
Tickets : None. It's Free.
Travel : Well, it's about 1000 kilometers from Link|ping. Train is
Line-Up (as of 950428)
A Shrine, Abhinande, Backfish, Bear Quartet (The), Big Fish, Blissful,
Blithe, Blue, Bob Hund, Boolteens, Breach, Carpe Wade, Charta 77,
De Lyckliga Kompisarna, Garp, H|glund Kjell, Mufflon 5, Optical Blue,
Peniless People Of Bulgaria, Popsicle, Popundret, Puffin, Salt, Shredhead,
Sindy Kills Me, Spacious Mind, Stardog, Teddybears, Waterbug
If you can, GO! It's probably the best festival in Sweden, and it's free
too. I'll be there anyway. :)
Date: Sat, 29 Apr 1995 02:06:48 +0200
From: Erik S|derstr|m
Subject: Re: NON-SCAN: Salad Live (Marten Sahlen) wrote:
> Saw them last time they were around... in October last year at Studion
> in Sthlm... thought they put on a good show... though the crowd wasn't
> too big... and that girl, now what's her name again?... my, is she energetic
> or what?
I have to agree with you. Energetic as hell actually! But if Marijne had
been in a swedish band, she'd be called a diva [is it called that in
english as well?] for sure. She was probably pretty much wasted on
something. Or was that an adrenaline kick? I was never sure. She sang
exactly like on their records, and I figured I would never be able to
figure out if they were playing live or if it was a recording. Cursing
a lot too, and screamed to one of the guys in the audience (he _was_ a pain
in the ass, okay, but anyway) "what the fuck are you doing, you look like
a fucking frog!". She apologized later though. One extra number with three
songs made the whole thing blow over in about 1 hour and 15 minutes.
Electric Eskimoes played something that could be described as Hardcore-ish,
with pixie caps on their heads, they fooled around a lot. Are they from
Gothenburg? Their set was about 40 minutes or something like that.
>> and if I get a chance, I'll do an interview with both bands, so if
>> there's anything you'd want me to ask, please let me know. Thanks!
> Ummm, why don't you ask them what brand of dressing they prefer.
Well, they didn't do interviews apparently, but Marijne had a white
"Kingdom Of Sweden" t-shirt (size: Small) that revealed her belly-button
whatever she did, Levis jeans and what looked like some sort of loafers
on her feet.
Date: Sat, 29 Apr 1995 02:07:46 +0200
From: Erik S|derstr|m
Subject: Festival Time!
Just to let you know, I have _loads_ of festival info coming up. Expressen
(evening newspaper) had their middle section devoted in the "Fredag"
section to the summer festivals, so there's a lot to be typed in. :)
Interesting note though: the Lollipop (around Sweden) festival. Sort
of a small Lollapalooza in Sweden. Visiting Stockholm, Gotheburg,
Visby and V{stervik (so far) with Kent, D.A.D and Brainpool, plus
with special bands at each location and finishing off in Stockholm
on the 28 -> 29 July. They're saying they are talking to bands like
Oasis and Paul Weller too, but nothing is ready yet.
Date: Sat, 29 Apr 1995 21:05:10 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: Re: NON-SCAN: Salad Live
On Sat, 29 Apr 1995, Erik S|derstr|m wrote:
> I have to agree with you. Energetic as hell actually! But if Marijne had
> been in a swedish band, she'd be called a diva [is it called that in
> english as well?] for sure. She was probably pretty much wasted on
> something. Or was that an adrenaline kick? I was never sure. She sang
> exactly like on their records, and I figured I would never be able to
> figure out if they were playing live or if it was a recording. Cursing
> a lot too, and screamed to one of the guys in the audience (he _was_ a pain
> in the ass, okay, but anyway) "what the fuck are you doing, you look like
> a fucking frog!". She apologized later though. One extra number with three
> songs made the whole thing blow over in about 1 hour and 15 minutes.
If Salad is not from Scandinavia, what country are they from? And what
style of music are they (hardcore, pop-punk, etc. could someone please
compare them (even tho I hate this) some other bands?
-Chris Forsberg
Date: Sat, 29 Apr 1995 15:53:48 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: Hi, what's up, and so on...A
I'm Chris Forsberg, and I am new to this list. I am from the USA (Baltimore,
Maryland to be exact, the Land of Pleasant Living, city of John Waters
and many fine unknown bands, such as W.O.D. - Womyn of Destruction, All
Mighty Senators, Bitch Magnet, Lake Trout, Liquor Bike, etc). I am also
Swedish-American (my grandfather emigrated here back in the beginning of
this century from Karlskoga), I love Sweden (sounds pretty trite, doesn't
it?) and I am very much into a lot of Icelandic bands. I'm pretty clueless
about the music scene in the rest of Scandinavaia, tho (I've been to
Stockholm twice to visit relatives, and never got to see a band). I've often
hoped for the occasion to discover what's going on there. Then I found
out about this list and the rest as they say is history....
Here's some of the Icelandic artists I dig: Bjork (my favorite singer in the
universe), all her old bands, incl. Tappi Tikarrass, Kukl, the
Sugarcubes. I also like Theyr, Ham, Reptile (all now defunct), and Unun
and Kolrassa Krokridandi. Other (non-Icelandic) favs include Veruca Salt,
Frente!, Siddal, Strange Boutique, and many more.As you can probably
tell, I tend to like bands with female singerss, esp. if they are really
melodic and *sing*, rather than scream the lyrics. If there are any
Swedish, Danish, etc, bands that sound anything like those I've
mentioned, let me know about 'em! I also worship old-skool funk like
Parliament/Funkadelic, and *some* punk if it's inventive enough (Scratch
Acid, Fidelity Jones, Fugazi, Monkeyspank, Descendants, old Bad Brains, old
Corrosion of Conformity).
So....can anyone out there in scan-indie-land clue me in to some kool bands?
snailmail: 2906 Summit Ave., Baltimore, MD 21234 USA
Date: Sun, 30 Apr 1995 23:06:39 +0100
From: (Toby Thorsen)
Subject: Re: Hi, what's up, and so on...A
>So....can anyone out there in scan-indie-land clue me in to some kool bands?
>snailmail: 2906 Summit Ave., Baltimore, MD 21234 USA
Lets see what we've got that might tickle your fancy.
As for Veruca Salt type stuff, nothing that I know of realy, you
might enjoy Salt (on MVG) they've got their debut album out and it's
gotten good reviews and stuff, though they're not too V S-ish.
The Cardigans (two albums out on Trampolene) are more twee,
sixties-cocktail-jazzy popsongs with gorgious hooks aplenty.
Cloudberry Jam (north of no south) share The Cardigans visions of
popculture. Loads of rhodes-pianos and strings and sweet vocals.
Red Sleeping Beauty from Stockholm also fall into the twee category,
they've released stuff on the german Marsh Merigold label and they're on
some american labels too doing split singles and stuff.
Inventive hardcore never got a footbold here, most of the time we have to
deal with generic Bad Religion / NoFX clones but, as always there are some
real gems out there.
Ashram from Gavle (just north of Stockholm) are very DC influenced, tight,
dynamic, progressive and a great live band. they've released one 7" (on
their own label) and one CD single, Turnstile (wounded).
Norrland is filled with loads of up and coming NYHC-style bands, Refused
(start rec) leading the way, Abinandha and Doughnuts (both on desperate
fight) following the straight-edge path. Also look for bands on the Dolores
Label (out of Gothenborg), cool stuff by Shreadhead (primus-ish), Randy
(very NoFX) and newies Chester Copperpot (Superchunk in a carcrash with
Dolores are also on the verge of signing Flakes, a Linkoping three piece
featuring ex-Raped Teenager drum-wiz Sveden, great
All/Descendents/Dickies/Devo style popcore.
Also doing the All type of pop/jazzcore are veterans Stukas (Birdnest),
great stuff, girl/boy trade off vocals and faster than the Indy 500.
And then there the usual indie fare...
Wannadies, Bob Hund, Charlottes, Green, Naked, Happy Dead Men, Puffin, Bear
Quartet, Hardy Nilsson, Crush, Wagon, Smash Hit Wonders, Mufflon 5,
Eggstone, Ray Wonder....
...I could go on forever.
Get back to me if you want adresses and stuff.
Toby Thorsen (
Date: Tue, 2 May 1995 01:56:11 +0200
From: Erik S|derstr|m
Subject: Re: Tape Chain (Kimmo Saaskilahti) wrote:
>> Maybe we should start a tape chain, like on the
>> 4AD list? Anyone interested?
> Well, sounds like a fun idea to me! I could volunteer for compiling a tape
> (or perhaps two) of some Finnish bands, if there is enough interest for such?
> I would be very excited about getting an opportunity to hear some eg.
> Danish, Norwegian or Icelandic indie music (I'm quite familiar with some
> Swedish bands already........:-)
and Albert Sigurdsson wrote:
> I'm all for the tape chain, I have all the Icelandic stuff you might need
> and I have the Finnsh hardcore scene in my pocket.
Well, we have to figure out how to do this then. Maybe we should make lists
of people interested first, and decide on what to include on the tape(s)?
Perhaps we could do one swedish, one finnish, one norwegian, one icelandic,
one danish, one baltic (or perhaps one for each baltic country?) tape
and send out in turns - like the first one could be a swedish one -
"Scan-Indie #1 - Swedish indie", the second a danish - "Scan-Indie #2 - Danish
indie", and so on? Any ideas?
Date: Tue, 2 May 1995 01:56:46 +0200
From: Erik S|derstr|m
Subject: Forwarded Message: Scan vs Amerindie
[Please remember to post to the list, at, thanks!]
Forwarded message:
> Date: Fri, 28 Apr 95 9:15 BST
> From:
> Subject: RE: Forwarded Message: Cloudberry Jam
> Sorry this is nothing to do with Cloudberry Jam.
> Its to do with the Scan vs Amerindie.
> The last two times I've been to Stockholm I've seen posters for various
> bands such as Oasis and Weezer advertising gigs. These aren't particularly
> big bands and so probably weren't expecting to get massive crowds.
> Now if these sort of bands can make the effort why can't the slightly larger
> bands and so what if it is financially a bit expensive. These groups should
> acknowledge the fact that there are fans from Scandinavia aswell as the Uk
> and France , Germany, etc.
> I did have a similar problem when I lived in Italy. So many bands would
> bypass the north and play only in Florence and Rome.
Date: Tue, 2 May 1995 01:57:37 +0200
From: Erik S|derstr|m
Subject: Various Swedish Bands (Toby Thorsen) wrote:
> As for Veruca Salt type stuff, nothing that I know of realy, you
> might enjoy Salt (on MVG) they've got their debut album out and it's
> gotten good reviews and stuff, though they're not too V S-ish.
Salt is definitely a band I'd like to recommend. Both live and on
record they're excellent. Distorted bass and guitar creates their
walls of noise, and Nina's (lead vocals) sometimes hard, sometimes
soft voice fits the music perfectly. They have one EP and one
full-length CD out and they're playing various festivals in Sweden
this summer - an excellent oportunity to catch them live.
> The Cardigans (two albums out on Trampolene) are more twee,
> sixties-cocktail-jazzy popsongs with gorgious hooks aplenty.
> Cloudberry Jam (north of no south) share The Cardigans visions of
> popculture. Loads of rhodes-pianos and strings and sweet vocals.
IMHO the lead singers in both bands must be the best looking indie
pop singers in Sweden. Not that it has to do with the music in any
way though. Cloudberry Jam is probably a bit tougher than the Cardigans.
the Cardigans have two full-length CDs out, and I think three or four
CD singles. Cloudberry Jam have one CD single, one CD EP and one full-
length CD out. Both bands play a bunch of festivals this summer. the
Cardigans especially at Roskilde in Denmark.
> Norrland is filled with loads of up and coming NYHC-style bands,
Don't forget to mention Carpe Wade! Better described as a mix between
Red Hot Chili Peppers, Pearl Jam and Rage Against The Machine. They
have three CD singles and two full-length CDs out (if I remember
correctly). You can catch them at the Tr{stocksfestivalen in Sweden
this summer.
> And then there the usual indie fare...
> Wannadies, Bob Hund, Charlottes, Green, Naked, Happy Dead Men, Puffin, Bear
> Quartet, Hardy Nilsson, Crush, Wagon, Smash Hit Wonders, Mufflon 5,
> Eggstone, Ray Wonder....
> ...I could go on forever.
So true. The best thing would be to create a description-page for each
and every band, but it would take just too much time (probably). :)
Date: Tue, 2 May 1995 01:57:12 +0200
From: Erik S|derstr|m
Subject: Re: NON-SCAN: Salad Live
> If Salad is not from Scandinavia, what country are they from? And what
> style of music are they (hardcore, pop-punk, etc. could someone please
> compare them (even tho I hate this) some other bands?
They're from the UK and I guess I'd call their sound british power-pop
sort of? It's ex-MTV-Europe-VJ Marijne (from Holland) who is the front-
person and represents the band's style one could say. Her voice is something
special anyway. I'm not sure I could compare them with other bands though.
Anyone else like to try?
Date: Tue, 2 May 1995 11:41:18 +0200
From: Mark Tazewell
Subject: this perfect day
G'day all-
does anyone here know if this perfect day are worth seeing tonight? I like
the venue (studion in stockholm) and I seem to remember hearing a song of
theirs which was OK, but I can't remember how impressed I was...
Date: Tue, 2 May 95 12:20:52 +0200
From: (Marten Sahlen)
Subject: Re: this perfect day
> From: Mark Tazewell
> Date: Tue, 2 May 1995 11:41:18 +0200
> does anyone here know if this perfect day are worth seeing tonight? I like
> the venue (studion in stockholm) and I seem to remember hearing a song of
> theirs which was OK, but I can't remember how impressed I was...
Don't know about This Perfect Day, but since Cinnamon is opening up it
should prove to be worth the admission (60 SEK).
Cinnamon is melancholic pop that echoes the sound of the bands on the
Postcard and Cherry Red labels back in the eighties (like Everything But
the Girl and Eyeless In Gaza). Their debut CD, on the Snap label, should
be out in the stores any day now.
I'll probably be there tonight anyway.
Date: Tue, 2 May 1995 23:33:45 +0300 (EET DST)
From: Albert Sigurdsson
Subject: Re: Hi, what's up, and so on...A
On Sat, 29 Apr 1995 FORSB_CB@JHUVMS.HCF.JHU.EDU wrote:
> Here's some of the Icelandic artists I dig: Bjork (my favorite singer in the
> universe), all her old bands, incl. Tappi Tikarrass, Kukl, the
> Sugarcubes. I also like Theyr, Ham, Reptile (all now defunct), and Unun
> and Kolrassa Krokridandi.
You actually have the cream of the Icelandic scene in your hands there.
Only a few good ones are missing Texas Jesus, Reptile, Purrkur Pillnikk.
But Kolrassa/Bellatrix is my fave these days, since I saw them play
here a week ago.
Date: Wed, 03 May 1995 01:52:45 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: Re: Various Swedish Bands
On Tue, 2 May 1995, Erik S|derstr|m wrote:
> Salt is definitely a band I'd like to recommend. Both live and on
> record they're excellent. Distorted bass and guitar creates their
> walls of noise, and Nina's (lead vocals) sometimes hard, sometimes
> soft voice fits the music perfectly. They have one EP and one
> IMHO the lead singers in both bands must be the best looking indie
> pop singers in Sweden. Not that it has to do with the music in any
> way though. Cloudberry Jam is probably a bit tougher than the Cardigans.
Thanx, Erik, for the scoop on these bands...I think I'd like all three.
And thanx also Toby for yr comments.
> Don't forget to mention Carpe Wade! Better described as a mix between
> Red Hot Chili Peppers, Pearl Jam and Rage Against The Machine. They
> have three CD singles and two full-length CDs out (if I remember
> correctly). You can catch them at the Tr{stocksfestivalen in Sweden
> this summer.
Wow! This sounds exactly like MY old band! We (Fluid Union) were
described by several different people as sounding like a cross between
Pearl Jam (our singer, and sometimes the music), and the Chili Peppers
(for the funk groove). Actually,I think he sounds more like Mike Patton
.....but enough about that! I'll def. have to check those guys out.
Date: Wed, 3 May 1995 18:36:22 +0200
From: Erik S|derstr|m
Subject: Festival 95: Top 10 Sweden
Swedish Festival Top 10
Band Festivals This Year
---------------------- -------------------
Millencollin 9
Kent 6
Lisa Nilsson 6
Sator 6
Ardis 5
Black Ingvars 5
Brainpool 5
Nordman 5
Bo Kaspers Orkester 4
Breach 4
Date: Wed, 3 May 1995 18:35:29 +0200
From: Erik S|derstr|m
Subject: Snap label?
> Date: Tue, 2 May 95 12:20:52 +0200
> From: (Marten Sahlen)
> Their debut CD, on the Snap label, should be out in the stores any day now.
Sorry to be a pain, but isn't that the Soap label they're on?
Date: Wed, 3 May 1995 18:36:39 +0200
From: Erik S|derstr|m
Subject: New Whale Video
I just saw the new video from _Whale_ - "Pay For Me". Pretty good really.
They sound like a mix between Curve, Salad and something else that I can't
quite figure out right now. Well, they're touring now and will play in
Link|ping in about 10 days, so there will probably be more to talk about
then. Have anyone on the list seen them live?
(They use Pearl Jam's "Vitalogy" to scratch with in the video by the way.:))
Date: Wed, 3 May 1995 18:35:54 +0200
From: Erik S|derstr|m
Subject: Festivals 1995: Sweden 03-May-95
Here's the latest information about festivals in Sweden
* = line up not included in this file
When Festival Where, price (SKr) in advance/there
---------------- ----------------------- -------------------------------------
May 6 Chalmersrock Gothenburg, 250. Non-student age: 20.
May 20 Rockaway Beach Norberg, Free.
May 23 - 28 Mejeriets Festivalvecka Lund, 285.
May 26 - 27 *Bluesfestival M|nster}s, 250.
May 27 Bergslagsrocken Fagersta, 240/260.
Jun 3 - 4 Mera Hitl}tar Stockholm, 100.
Jun 16 - 17 Rock Festival Karlshamn, 280/320 / day. 420/480.
Jun 16 - 17 Absurt Trevlig Emmaboda, 320/380.
Jun 16 - 17 Raj Raj K|ping, 280/330.
Jun 23 - Jul 1 Festivalen I Skellefte} Skellefte}, 200 / day. 370. 100(x).
Jun 29 - Jul 1 St}ng}festivalen Link|ping, 70 / day. 140.
Jun 29 - Jul 1 Sj|slaget Lule}, 200 / day. 350.
Jun 29 - Jul 2 *Kalott Jazz & Blues Haparanda/Torne}, 50-140 / gig. 380.
Jun 29 - Jul 2 Bolln{sfestivalen Bolln{s, 220 / day. 360/400.
Jun 30 - Jul 1 Salafestivalen Sala, 150/190.
Jul 6 - 8 Dalarock Hedemora, 280 / sat. 450/550.
Jul 6 - 8 Gatufesten Sundsvall, 220 / day. 450.
Jul 8 Tivolirock Kristianstad, 100.
Jul 11 - 15 *Visfestivalen V{stervik, 190 / day.
Jul 12 - 15 *Jazzfestivalen Kristianstad, Half 60-140, Half free.
Jul 12 - 15 Folkmusik Festival Falun, 90-180 depending on artist.
Jul 14 - 15 Tr{stocksfestivalen Skellefte}, Free.
Jul 21 - 22 Arvikafestivalen Arvika, 345/395.
Jul 22 - 23 Tullakrok [ngelholm, 80.
Jul 26 - 30 Pite} Dansar & Ler Pite}, 200 / day. 340.
Jul 27 - 29 Storsj|yran \stersund, 80 / thu, 230 / rest, 390.
Jul 28 - 29 Lollipop Stockholm, 180 / day.
Aug 10 - 12 Hultsfredsfestivalen Hultsfred, 580. Day tickets there.
Aug 11 - 18 Malm|festivalen Malm|, Free.
Aug 26 Rockslaget Kristianstad, 60/80.
* ABSURT TREVLIG (16-17 June, Emmaboda)
Absolution, Archers Of Loaf, Ark, Backyard Babies, Blender, Blondbelly,
Brainiac, Brainpool, Broder Daniel, Charlotts, Furbowl, Honey Is Cool,
Loosegoats, Naked, Odd Numbers, Salt, Smash Hit Wonders, Star Market,
Ray Wonder, Red Sleeping Beauty, Refused, Waterbug.
* ARVIKAFESTIVALEN (21-22 July, Arvika)
Di Leva, Majk Tajson, Millencollin, Sator, Shredhead, Sindy Kills Me,
Stonefunkers. + More to come.
* BERGSLAGSROCKEN (27 May, Fagersta)
59 Times The Pain, Abhinanda, Bracket, Breach, Candysuck, Chickenpox,
Dog Eat Dog, Downset, Earth Crisis, Fireside, Millencollin, Propagandhi,
Randy, Satanic Surfers, Snapcase.
* BOLLN[SFESTIVALEN (29 June - 2 July, Bolln{s)
Ardis, Be Bop, Black Ingvars, Bob Hund, Carola, David Farr, De Lyckliga
Kompisarna, E-Type, Highway Stars, Lisa Nilsson, Mora Tr{sk, Nordman,
Perssons Pack, Sator, Steamboat Connection, Traste Lindns Kvintett.
* CHALMERSROCK (6 May, Gothenburg)
Chester Copperpot, Clawfinger, E-Type, Honey Is Cool, J{vlar Anamma, Kent,
Mindjive, Sator, Sindy Kills Me, Wannadies. Kristian Luuk keeps you happy.
* DALAROCK (6-8 July, Hedemora)
Ardis, Bob Hund, Docenterna, Hedningarna, Ingo & Floyd, Kent, Lars Demian,
Millencollin, Perssons Pack, Porklift, Sator, Skintrade, Souls, Torsson,
Ulf Lundell, Urge Overkill, Wannadies, Weezer.
* FESTIVALEN I SKELLEFTE] (23 June - 1 July, Skellefte})
Midsommarhelgen: Chicago Express, Clawfinger, Crossings Ocean, Di Leva,
Hardy Nilsson, Herbie, Kent, Lisa Nilsson, Millencollin, Pandora,
Planet Waves, Ramones, Roffe Wikstr|m, Sator, Sky High, This Perfect Day,
Uno Svenningsson, Wannadies. Nostalgihelgen(x): Brainpool, M}ns Mossa,
Nationalteatern, Staffan Hellstrand, Yngve Forsells.
Avad} Band, Baba Blues, Blind Boys Of Alabama, Bluegrass Swedes,
Boys Of The Lough, Deanta, Den Fule, Garmarna, Gary Thomas, H||k,
Lena Willenmark, Nordan, Orientexpressen, Oyster Band, Simmings Kultura,
Sky High, Taj Mahal, V{sen. + More.
* GATUFESTEN (6-8 July, Sundsvall)
Black Ingvars, Bo Kaspers Orkester, De Sotos, Dr Alban, Eric Gadd,
Highway Stars, Lisa Nilsson, Melodie MC, Millencollin, Nick Bogren,
Nordman, Ulf Lundell.
* HULTSFREDSFESTIVALEN (10-12 August, Hultsfred)
Anitas Livs, Archers Of Loaf, Argus Jass Group, Beastie Boys, Breach,
Cardigans, Corrosion Of Conformity, Di Leva, Docenterna, El{kel{iset,
Gene, Hardy Nilsson, Hedningarna, Honey Is Cool, Kent, Kosmos Club,
Latin Kings, Lisa Nilsson, Massive Attack Sound System, Millencollin,
Monster Magnet, Psyched Up Janis, Satanic Surfers, Supergrass, Teddybears,
This Perfect Day, Urban Turban. + More.
* LOLLIPOP (28-29 July, Stockholm)
Brainpool, DAD, Kent. + Guests.
* MALM\FESTIVALEN (11-18 August, Malm|)
TBA within a week.
Black Uhuru, Boo Radleys, Brainpool, Freak Power, Hot Guitars, Mowax Night,
Pinhead, Sleeper, WET. + Loads of local bands.
* MERA HITL]TAR (3-4 June, Stockholm)
59 Times The Pain, Candysuck, Carpe Wade, Charta 77, Coca Carola,
De Lyckliga Kompisarna, Hellacopters, Johan Johansson, K|ttgrottorna,
Lysistrate, Molly, Mufflon 5, Peter Wahlbeck, Queers, Satanic Surfers,
Simon & Problemchilds, Sindy Kills Me, Stefan Sundstr|m & Apache, Stukas,
Troublemakers, Vererea. + More.
* PITE] DANSAR OCH LER (26-30 July)
Ardis, Black Ingvars, Bo Kaspers Orkester, Carola, E-Type, G|sta Linderholm,
Hulphers Orkester, Janne Schaffer, Lina Nyberg, Lisa Nilsson, Millencollin,
Nationalteatern, Nordman, Robert Nordmarks Kvintett.
* RAJ RAJ (16-17 June, K|ping)
Abhinanda, And One, Broder Daniel, Buckshot OD, Cardigans, Cat Rapes Dog,
Charta 77, Dance Or Die, De Lyckliga Kompisarna, Entombed, Garmarna,
Johan Johansson & Hans Ov{nner, Kjell H|glund, Millencollin, Odd Numbers,
R{serbajs, Staffan Hellstrand, Teddybears Sthlm, Vampire State Building,
Wish, Yvonne.
* ROCK FESTIVAL, KARLSHAMNS (16-17 June, Karlshamn)
Bad Religion, Black Sabbath, Bob Hund, Dave Edmunds, Fairport Convention,
Fleetwood Mac, Freak Kitchen, Jukka Tolonen Band, Kashmir, Kent, Lars Demian,
Led Zeppelin Jam, Mary Beats Jane, Pat Travers Band, Planet Waves, Pogues,
Sator, Sky High, Spiritual Beggars, Trouble, WET.
* ROCKAWAY BEACH (20 May, Norberg)
All Fools Day, Bates Motel, Bitch Boys, Bull Pays, Candysuck, Chicka Dee,
Chickenpox, Ear Wig, FG, Five O'Clock Train, Gents, Hans & Greta, Hydrogenium,
Irlandaise, Komplett Arnold, No Control, No Fun At All, Sober.
* ROCKSLAGET (26 August, Kristianstad)
Backyard Babies, Dia Psalma, Morgana Lesay. + Loads of local bands.
* SALAFESTIVALEN (30 June - 1 July, Sala)
Black Ingvars, Boppers, Carola, E-Type, Herbie, Nordman, Perssons Pack,
Svenne Rubin.
* SJ|SLAGET (29 June - 1 July, Lule})
20 Stations, ALT, B-Thong, Big Country, Breach, Desire, Jesse Dickson and
the Chicago community choir, Jinder Flynner Alfvengren, Mazola Party,
Melody MC, Meshuggah, Mike And The Mechanics, Millencollin, Miscellaneous
Eskapism, No Fun At All, Stefan Sundstr|m, Soul Asylum, Wilmer X, Yvonne.
+ More.
* STORSJ|YRAN (27-29 July, \stersund)
Anneli Ryd, Ardis, Bo Kaspers Orkester, Docenterna, Lisa Nilsson, Nordman,
Sabbath Hela Veckan, Torsson, Viktoria Tolstoy.
* ST]NG]FESTIVALEN (29 June - 1 July, Link|ping)
Black Ingvars, Perssons Pack. + Lots more to come.
* TIVOLIROCK (8 July, Kristianstad)
Ardis, Bo Kaspers Orkester, Brainpool. + More to come.
* TR[STOCKSFESTIVALEN (14-15 July, Skellefte})
A Shrine, Abhinanda, Backfish, Bear Quartet, Big Fish, Blissful, Blithe,
Blue, Bob Hund, Boolteens, Breach, Carpe Wade, Charta 77, De Lyckliga
Kompisarna, Garp, Kjell H|glund, Mufflon 5, Optical Blue, Peniless People
of Bulgaria, Popsicle, Popundret, Puffin, Salt, Shredhead, Sindy Kills Me,
Spacious Mind, Stardog, Teddybears, Waterbug. + More.
* TULLAKROK, MUSIKFESTEN (22-23 July, [ngelholm)
Cloudberry Jam, Klas Kapell, Leslies, Mats. + More to come.
Date: Thu, 4 May 1995 12:23:12 +0200 (MET DST)
From: Martin Eksten
Subject: Re: Snap label?
> > Date: Tue, 2 May 95 12:20:52 +0200
> > From: (Marten Sahlen)
> > Their debut CD, on the Snap label, should be out in the stores any day now.
On Wed, 3 May 1995, Erik S|derstr|m replied:
> Sorry to be a pain, but isn't that the Soap label they're on?
Isn't this the same label? Originally they were called SNAP, but later had
to (actually were forced to I think!) change it to SOAP.
Martin Eksten.
Date: Fri, 5 May 1995 13:47:40 +0300 (EET DST)
From: Reetu Kurkij{rvi
Subject: Quart Festival, Kristiansand???
Rumour is The Quart Festival in Kristiansand, Norway, is a good festival.
Would someone in the know kindly inform me, what does 'good' mean in relation
to this festival..?
Pretty please, w/ sugar on top, from
..there she goes again..
Date: Fri, 5 May 1995 20:13:31 +0200
From: Erik S|derstr|m
Subject: re: Swedish Bands
Thanx, Erik, for the scoop on these bands...I think I'd like all three.
And thanx also Toby for yr comments.
Well, you need some additional information then:
CARPE WADE are signed to A West Side Fabrication and have four
CD singles out, "Porch Light", "Snow", "Spots" and "I Can See a Colored
Phase". The first one was released 1993, the second 1994 and the last
two 1995. They have 2 full-length CDs out - "Full Circle" released 1994
and "Evidence" released 1995.
CLOUDBERRY JAM are signed to North Of No South and have one CD single
"La La La" (out of print, never to be re-released), one CD EP "The Art
Of Being Cool" and one full-length CD "Blank Paycheck". The single
was relesed 1992, the EP 1994 and the full-length 1995. You can buy
the EP and the full-length direct from their label at: NONS,
Sofiehemsvagen 45, 907 38 Umea, Sweden. Phone: +46-90130899. The band
have a few copies of the single themselves that they told me they
could sell if someone wanted a copy.
SALT are signed to MVG Records and have a CD EP "Salt" and a full-length
CD "Ausculate" out. Both released 1995.
THE CARDIGANS are signed to (??? what label are they signed to?),
and have at least three CD singles out, one of them is "Rise & Shine",
the others - I have no idea, and two full-length CDs, "Emmerdale" and
> Wow! This sounds exactly like MY old band! We (Fluid Union) were
Any chance of hearing something somewhere?
Date: Fri, 5 May 1995 20:13:50 +0200
From: Erik S|derstr|m
Subject: Rock D'Amour 15 Years
Rock D'Amour here in Link|ping celebrates 15 years this coming week
with great gigs at Skylten. Here's the schedule:
Mon 8/5 - Bilaff{ren & Hur Skrattar Myran?
Tue 9/5 - TBA
Wed 10/5 - 59 Times The Pain & No Fun At All
Thu 11/5 - Film festival
Fri 12/5 - Whale & Teddybears Sthlm
Sat 13/5 - Sonic Surf City, Rock "n" Boll vs Kommun (Member party)
Sun 14/5 - Rockkarrusell final
Well, _be there_!
End of SI Digest #2.06
Last updated May 08, 1995 by The Chief