QuickBar Scandinavian Indie
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You have entered the independent corner of the net for independent music from the Scandinavian, Nordic and Baltic countries. That includes Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway, Sweden and Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania.

Even though these pages are mostly filled with information from Sweden, our aim is to cover all of these countries one day. If you want to or can help with that, or if you find that there's something missing, or have comments, please feel free to use the Email button above.
These pages are growing and changing daily, so if you want to keep up with what's happening, check out the What's New page! The Home button will always take you to this page, and the Back button will take you to the Index page, where you're able to enter the uXu home page. If you see a QuickBar on a page, it means that by clicking on it, you'll get to the Quick Bar, for those who are in a hurry. The Quick Bar page is also the only place where you can find a link to the What's New Today? page. The Info button above is a good place to start if this is your first time here. Have fun!

Band Zone Contests Discographies Festivals Friends Gig Related Swedish Indie Index Interviews Favourite Links Mailing List Miscellaneous Record Labels Reviews SID Archive SiNews Special Upcoming What's New?

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NOTE: The Indie Index will probably never be completed. Check the Links Links section instead.

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