QuickBar Scandinavian Indie Information

Below, you will find information about where the buttons will take you and what you can expect to find on the different pages. General information about Scandinavian Indie can be found at the end of this page.


Band Zone
This button will take you to the band pages. New upcoming bands are always interesting, don't you think? Even more so if you're in some way connected to a record label. Then you might just find your "tomorrow's stars" in here! Great bands for the masses. Scandinavian Indie has worked together with all featured bands when it comes to the design and content of these pages, and they are all gems in our eyes (and ears).

If you're looking for an easy way to win fantastic prizes, this is the place for you! We have had a few Scandinavian Indie contests in the past - we're not concentrating on having too many, but only the best ones with the most wanted prizes! So check out this page immediately and win some goodies!

If you're wondering about what your favourite Scandinavian indie band have released, this is the place for you. This section contains discographies for Scandinavian indie bands, as well as a couple of non-Scandinavian ones (for now).

If you're interested in going to a festival in Scandinavia, or maybe you want to know what you missed last year, you ought to check these informational pages out right now! We've got information on where, when, prices, line-ups, you name it and it's here! Selected festivals get their own pages.

Here you will find the labels, bands, people, magazines, festivals, programs, and whatnot, that/who have in some way helped us out, been friendly, made our lives better. In short, we like 'em. So if you are wondering what really makes us tick, this page is definitely worth checking out. Our warmest recommendations!

Gig Guides
Here you'll find a selection of lists filled with gigs around Scandinavia as well as homepages for a club in Norrköping called Tango and three in Linköping, Happy Nation, Herrgår'n and Skylten (soon to come). Our own gig guides are updated as often as possible. I think you'll find these pages useful if you're a gig-goer/party animal. :)

Swedish Indie Index
Want more information on Swedish indie bands? This is the place for you! Split up into sections for each band, you will find general information about the bands and links to almost everything (we're only human) available on the net about them. Discographies, articles, interviews, pictures and more. Just the place to find out everything about your favourite band!

On these pages, you´re likely to find interviews with Swedish indie bands, made by people connected in some way to Scandinavian Indie. Usually, there's a new interview added every week, though sometimes it may be two or three weeks between new interviews. A couple of interviews are available in Word format as well, as it is right now. The plan is to have all interviews available in this format in the near future.

Favourite Links
Why not? Everybody else is doing it, so why can't we? :-) Mostly music links related to Scandinavia in some way of course, but also links to Record Labels like Beat Butchers, who mysteriously seem to have their pages here at Scandinavian Indie! :-).

Mailing List Info
If you're interested in joining the Scandinavian Indie Mailing List, here's all you need to know, what to do and where to find it. This page will be updated and completely rewritten in the near future though, but check it out anyway!

On these pages, we have everything that just wouldn´t fit anywhere else. What that might be? Links to the mailing list subscriber's pages. Other links that might be of some interest, or maybe just there because they're too good to be left out. This page also carries the links to the Slowdive & Mojave 3 and The Charlatans Digest/Mailing List pages also lurking on these pages.

Record Labels
If you're looking for Record Labels in a Scandinavian or Baltic country, this is the place for you. So far, the Swedish Record Labels list is pretty extensive, but hopefully, that will be the case with the lists for the other countries as well (with your help - thanks!).

On these pages you'll find Scandinavian Indie reviews of CDs, Demos and Tapes. If you are interested in having your CD/Demo/Tape reviewed on these pages, please send it to Scandinavian Indie, Erik Söderström, Björnkärrsgatan 13 C:22, 584 36 Linköping, Sweden, or if you would like to add a review of your own, please Email me.

SID Archive
Looking for issues of the Scandinavian Indie Digest? Here they are. Whenever a new issue is sent out, it is also added to this page. Today, newer issues are in HTML-format. The plan is to convert all issues into this format and make it possible to search them for selected words.

Here you'll find news about indie bands, labels or at least about things somehow in some way related to the Scandinavian indie corner of the world. Please note that this page is updated as regularly as possible, but whenever interesting news reach us - you'll find it in here.

When you're looking for something special, this is the place. Special reports, lists, photos, whatnot! All made specially by and for Scandinavian Indie and our special friends. Top-lists? Festival coverage? Event coverage? It's all here.

This is the place for the lists of upcoming interesting Record Releases and music on the Swedish Radio and TV. The music on the Radio and TV-lists are updated at least once a week and the old lists are saved for future use.

What's New?
If you want to know what has happened on the Scandinavian Indie pages, you'll find it here. Whenever a page is updated or something is added, you will find information about it on this page. Good for those who are looking for new or changed things since they were last here.

General Information

Scandinavian Indie is an Internet database full of information, sound, pictures, lists, facts, whatever you want, about Scandinavian and Baltic Independent music. Our reviews, interviews etc. (all pages) contain our own objective views, and our expenses are paid with our own money.

The pages, Scan-Indie mailing list and the FTP archive at Lysator are maintained by Erik Söderström, and the FTP archive at UWP is maintained by Dave Datta at UWP.

Erik Söderström email: chief@lysator.liu.se
Mailing list address: scan-indie-request@lysator.liu.se
WWW Home: http://www.lysator.liu.se/~chief/scan.html or
WWW Home: http://sf.www.lysator.liu.se/~chief/scan.html
FTP Archive at Lysator: ftp://ftp.lysator.liu.se/pub/texts/uxu/SID
Scandinavian Indie Snail-mail address:

Scandinavian Indie
Björnkärrsgatan. 13 C:22
584 36 Linköping

Reality This page was last updated Mar 9, 1998 by Erik Söderström
You are Sin's Info visitor 2524 since November 2019 .