QuickBar Herrgår'n

Gigs at Herrgår'n

Herrgår'n is a student pub/bar/disco/club/venue located in Linköping, Sweden on the University of Linköping's campus grounds (sort of). It is completely run by students, and it is open every afternoon - night all days of the week. Every Thursday (with modification) the upstairs disco transforms into a stage and a venue, where Live music usually can be heard around 22.00, with a following Pop-party with good clean independent & alternative music that ends when the place closes, at 03.00.

Several "known" Swedish independent / alternative bands have played at Herrgår'n, like Blithe, The Bear Quartet, Cloudberry Jam, Fireside, Yvonne, Starmarket, Leslies, Honey Is Cool, Salt, Green, Shredhead... and so on. And numerous American and English bands have played here too. The list can be made pretty long.

These thursday events used to be held by three "Nations" (clubs for students from the same areas of Sweden), Smålands Nation, Skånska Nationen and Norrsken. And when they got together, they were called Rock The Nation.

Starting 1998, this all changed. The Nations will no longer handle the live nights at Herrgår'n as they do this at their own place downtown Linköping called "Nationshuset" (opened in August 1998) - and Herrgår'n handle their own live arrangements. The new name of the thursday live events became John Doe.

Get a gig at Herrgår'n!
If you're interested in maybe coming here to play, please get in touch with Kristofer Spjuth who is in charge of booking bands and whatever work surrounds that job. You can reach him at:

Kristofer Spjuth
Björnkärrsgatan 4B:34
584 36 Linköping

Phone: +46-(0)13-176871

Herrgår'n Address & info:
If you want to contact Herrgår'n directly, write to the address below or call (during normal working hours) the office. When sending your music directly to Herrgår'n, please use this address:

Ryds Herrgård
Alsättersgatan 19
Box 10073
580 10 Linköping

Phone: +46-(0)13-260520 (office)
Fax : +46-(0)13-260304
Email (John Doe): jd.2000@usa.net
Email (Herrgår'n): info@hg.ks.liu.se
General info in Swedish

Program and guest phone: +46-13-26 03 04

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Last updated Aug 14, 1999 by Erik Söderström
You are Herrgår'n's visitor 857 since November 2019 .