The history of cryptography has been an arms race between code makers and code breakers. Today the code makers are far ahead of the code breakers. Anyone with a computer and some knowledge can send and receive encrypted and signed messages, and nobody can decrypt them or produce false signatures within a reasonable time frame. At least not someone limited to using the computers and the publicly known algorithms of today, and limited to attacking the messages themselves rather than exploiting human errors and software bugs, compromising physical security or something similar.
We trust cryptography so much that it now is hard to imagine what a modern society without working cryptography would look like. Code breakers getting ahead in the race tomorrow would not mean the end of civilization, but we would have to rethink much of what we have come to depend on and there would be a lot of changes around us. Not entirely different from the computer problems that were feared to appear on the arrival of the new millennium, but this time making some small bug fixes in old computer code would not be enough, many systems would need to be redesigned completely, and some would simply not be possible anymore.
Nobody knows if the code breakers will be better than the code makers ever again, but some fear that it might happen within years or at least within decades. One threat is the advancement of quantum computers. A quantum computer can solve certain types of problems much faster than a conventional computer. Breaking cryptography is one of those problems, but making more secure codes is not. Quantum computers have been built, but fortunately for the code makers no quantum computer nearly large enough to be usable is expected to be possible to build in the immediate future. The fear that they will exist in the near future is however, even though it may not be well-founded, real. As is the fear that new mathematical tools will make code breaking much easier.
The primary cryptography tools used today are symmetrical encryption, symmetrical authentication, asymmetrical encryption, and digital signatures. In the first two, both the sender and the receiver have a copy of the same secret key. The other two are similar but the sender and the receiver have different related keys, of which only one needs to be secret. The difference between encryption and digital signatures/authentication is explained in Chapter 5. Methods of using one secret and one public key was a major breakthrough of cryptography, but all those risk being insecure if the code breakers gain enough computational or algorithmic power. Even worse, the future code breakers would also be able to decrypt old stored encrypted messages. Luckily, the first two cryptography tools have been mathematically proven to be unbreakable if they are done right, so no matter what breakthroughs the future brings us they will still be available. Unfortunately, to do them right requires the secret key to be very large and to be discarded after use. This is quite impractical and seldom done today, and it will be even harder if asymmetrical cryptography is no longer available.
Handling those large keys, especially without asymmetrical cryptography, is today considered too impractical for most people to even consider doing it. This is not very strange considering we have much simpler tools to accomplish the same thing. If those tools disappeared handling those large keys might still be more practical than living without cryptography. All that is needed is a good and fast random number generator, good storage media and trusted couriers. Since the keys are discarded after use, the couriers will need to bring new keys each time nothing is left of the old ones.
Quantum Key Growing is both a fascinating application of quantum mechanics and another way to solve the key distribution problem. By using some quantum mechanical properties of single photons two persons in two different places sharing a small secret key can make that key grow to a larger key, and anyone trying to intercept the key will be detected. Unlike most classical cryptography, QKG makes no assumptions about the computational capacity of the enemy. Instead, the security is based on the enemy being limited by the laws of quantum mechanics.
QKG is also often called Quantum Cryptography or Quantum Key Distribution. These expressions have given rise to the idea that the message to be encrypted or a chosen secret key is sent as quantum information, when in fact the secret key generated is pretty random. The expression Quantum Key Growing is less frequently used but also emphasizes that an initial shared secret key is needed for the process to work, something which is often forgotten in popular scientific explanations of QKG.
The typical key generation rate of QKG systems available today is, according to [1], very low, 1000 bits/s at best and often much lower. This bit rate is far too low to be usable in an unbreakable one-time pad system for most applications. Instead, QKG is often promoted as a way of enhancing the security of classical cryptography like AES through constantly replacing the encryption key with fresh ones from the QKG system. This will of course invalidate any claims of unconditional security, since the encryption will be breakable to an eavesdropper with large enough computing power or good enough algorithms, but it is often argued that this is good enough security.
However, providing good enough security is necessary but not sufficient. It must also be as cheap and good as other ways to achieve the same or better level of security. Chapter 2 compares QKG with the less interesting but old and well-tried method of simply sending the key with a courier.
There are many different ways to implement a QKG system. See [2] for a very good review. This chapter will give a brief description of the basics. A good and detailed description of an example QKG system can be found in [3]. Chapter 3 introduces discrete random variables, Chapter 4 discusses different definitions of the entropy contained in a discrete random variable and generalizes the chain rule of entropy. Unconditionally secure authentication with a completely secret authentication key is explained in Chapter 5, and in Chapter 6 the key is allowed to be only partly secret. A vulnerability is identified and solutions are presented. Finally, Chapter 7 describes how the results apply to QKG. Much of what is explained in these chapters is also given as Python source code in appendix A.
Whenever cryptography is involved, it is common practice to refer to the sender, receiver and eavesdropper as Alice, Bob and Eve, respectively. If the eavesdropper is allowed to modify messages as well she is sometimes called Mallory, but most of the time, and here, she will be called Eve.
To set up a QKG system Alice and Bob need one quantum channel between them where they can send and receive quantum bits, qubits, from Alice to Bob. The channel is typically an optical fibre carrying single photons with the qubit coded in the photon's polarization, but many other possibilities exist. In a perfect channel every qubit sent by Alice is received and correctly measured by Bob, to the extent permitted by quantum mechanics, and Bob receives no qubits which Alice has not sent. In practice, such channels don't exist, and they are not needed. The actual channel used can lose almost all qubits in transit, make Bob think he received qubits never sent by Alice and modify some of the qubits that do go from Alice to Bob. As long as the errors are within some limits QKG will still produce a key that is both shared and secret.
They will also need one classical information channel. The alternatives include but are not limited to the Internet, the same optical fibre used above, and a network cable parallel to the optical fibre. Note that many descriptions describe a system where messages on the classical channel can be eavesdropped but can never be modified by Eve. Such a system merely turns a quantum channel and an unmodifiable channel into a channel safe from eavesdropping. Such unmodifiable channels don't exist in the real world, and they are not needed. In reality, Eve must be assumed to have complete control over the classical channel as well as the quantum channel. Using message authentication Alice and Bob can detect Eve's modification attempts with a high probability. Message authentication is the topic of this thesis.
Alice and Bob will also need a shared secret key to begin with. It does not need to be very large at first, the sole purpose of the QKG system is to make this shared key grow by using and discarding small parts of it to produce larger keys. The initial key only needs to be large enough to enable the message authentication needed to create a larger key, which typically would mean being able to authenticate two messages, one from Alice to Bob and one in the other direction. Alice and Bob will also need random number generators, and of course computers.
QKG was first proposed by Charles H. Bennett and Gilles Brassard in the paper [4] in 1984. The protocol they described is now known as BB84. They assumed that the quantum channel was perfect but they did describe how to do message authentication to prevent Eve from modifying messages on the classical channel.
Figure 1.1 is a schematic view of a QKG system using a modern version of the BB84 protocol, including the error correction and privacy amplification that makes it work over imperfect quantum channels. Many other protocols are possible where the quantum channel is used in different ways, which also affects how the sifting is done, but that doesn't affect the rest of the system. One notable alternative is the Ekert or Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen protocol where Eve has full control over the photon transmitter and Alice and Bob has one photon receiver each. It allows key growing as long as the photon transmitter sends photons from entangled pairs to Alice and Bob. Whenever Eve tries to cheat by e.g. sending non-entangled photons, she is detected and the generated key is discarded.
The QKG process is assumed to work in rounds, where each round consists of first using the quantum channel to transmit some photons and then using the classical channel to perform sifting, error correction, privacy amplification and authentication. During the authentication a piece of the shared key is used and destroyed, but if everything succeeds a larger piece can be added to the shared key.
In the BB84 protocol, the quantum transmission consists of
Alice trying to send lots of photons to Bob, where each photon is
transmitted in one of two bases, selected by the arrow that goes
into the top of the photon transmitter box in
figure 1.1. The photon also has
one of two values, selected by the arrow that enters the box from
the left, giving a total of four possible photon states. For
example, the two values in the first base can be represented by
horizontal and vertical polarization, while the two values in the
second base are represented by +45 and -45
polarization. She stores the values of all
photons sent in this round in 1A and
remembers the bases until the sifting
Bob measures each received photon in a base randomly chosen from the same two bases, selected by the arrow at the top of the photon receiver box in the figure. If he used the same base as Alice and there were no transmission errors, the same value Alice used will come out on the right side of the box in the figure and be a part of 1B. It is important that those random choices are unpredictable. Quantum mechanics says that if Eve doesn't know the base of the photon she cannot copy a photon and resend it undisturbed. She can try to guess the base, but she has only a 50% chance to be correct, and if she is wrong she will only receive a random value and can not retransmit the photon to Bob undisturbed. If she introduces enough errors Alice and Bob will get suspicious, but there are always some errors on the channel anyway, so if Eve only makes some measurements the errors she introduces won't be seen behind the normal noise of the quantum channel. At least in theory she might even replace the optical fibre with a perfect photon channel, which gives her the possibility to introduce as many errors through measurements as the old fibre did by just being imperfect. Exactly what measurements she can make is the subject of much research, but for the current purposes it is sufficient to know that some information must be assumed to have leaked to her.
After the quantum transmission Alice and Bob will discuss over the classical channel what photons were received by Bob and which bases they both used. The values in 1A that Bob never received are discarded, as are the values in both 1A and 1B where Alice and Bob used different bases. This process is called sifting. When the sifting is done Alice and Bob will have the bit strings 2A and 2B, on average half the size of 1B and much smaller than 1A. Encrypting the sifting messages of one round would need much a much larger key than can be generated in one round, so they must be unencrypted and Eve will learn what bases Alice and Bob used. She will use that information to make better sense of whatever measurements she made on the quantum channel, but it is too late for her to base her measurements on that information. It is therefore important that Alice and Bob makes sure that the sifting is started after the quantum transmission is finished, e.g. by using synchronized clocks or by sending one random message from Alice to Bob, sending another from Bob to Alice and finally a third from Alice to Bob before starting the sifting, and authenticating those messages with the rest of the messages in the end of the round.
If the quantum channel was perfect and Eve didn't do anything the bit strings 2A and 2B would be identical. In practice the channel isn't perfect so the strings are not identical, but they are similar. By using the classical channel they can perform error correction and produce the shorter strings 3A and 3B which with very high probability are identical. If Eve has measured too much they will with very high probability notice that there are too many errors and abort.
Even though the errors were not alarmingly frequent Eve must be assumed to have made some measurements and will therefore know things about 3A and 3B. Alice and Bob therefore use the classical channel to perform privacy amplification. The result is the even shorter bit strings 4A and 4B which Eve with very high probability knows very little about. Unfortunately they can not remove her knowledge completely, but it can shrink quite fast for each bit they shorten their shared string with. As long as 4A and 4B are longer than the authentication keys needed the system will still create keys, but in a slower rate if the created strings are smaller.
After error correction and privacy amplification Alice and Bob have the bit strings 4A and 4B, and with very high probability those strings are both identical and unknown to Eve. At least if Eve has not interfered with their discussions over the classical channel. As an extreme example, Eve might have cut both cables and plugged in her own QKG system on the loose ends, playing the part of Bob when talking to Alice and the part of Alice when talking to Bob. This attack is generally known as a man-in-the-middle attack. But since Eve does not know the key generated previously or, if this is the first round, the key installed with the system, Alice and Bob can perform authentication of vital parts of their previous discussion using their shared key. If the authentication goes well, the generated key is considered secret and is added to the key storages 5A and 5B, ready to be used as authentication key later. The key streams 6A and 6B can be taken from 5A and 5B as long as there always is enough left to authenticate the next round. Those key streams are the whole point of the system.
If the authentication fails Eve is assumed to be trying to interfere and the process should be aborted. A complication is the fact that the error correction is not perfect. An error can, with a small probability, sneak through. If that error is in the key used for authentication in a later round, the authentication will fail even without an Eve being present.
If Eve somehow manages to break the security of one round she will know the authentication key for the next round and can break that too. No matter when she starts eavesdropping, if she breaks any round she therefore also breaks all future rounds. This problem might be partly possible to remedy, e.g. by making sure to always mix keys from several previous rounds to produce an authorization key, but research in that field is scarce.