En helt vanlig dag på #amiga...

En vacker sommardag i modern tid bestämde jag mig för att höra om någon på IRC hade något skojigt tips till min fiskpinnekokbok, och resultatet blev ett något, hmmm, ostrukturerat "recept". Ta en titt nedan och försök gärna göra något av det... Underrätta mig sedan om resultatet!
(Loggen är lätt redigerad för att slippa allt onödigt irrelevant junk)
Mosh_ re
dreblin hi Mosh
Mosh_ hi dreblin
Mosh_ All: Does anyone have any original, exotic cooking recipes involving fish sticks?
Mosh_ And no toaster jokes, please :)
dreblin Mosh: what, scraping the bottom of the fridge? :)
Mosh_ dreblin: nope, making a fish-sticks-cookbook! ;D
DR_pHuQt most: shitloads of brown rice, mad spices and dope? :)
Mosh_ dr_p: Ahh good one! May I quote you on that? :)
DR_pHuQt mosh: indeed :)
DR_pHuQt mosh: oh, and some baby sweetcorn, peppers, water chessnuts, that sort of thing... so it doesn't look TOO suspicious :)
Mosh_ Dr_p: hehe, perhaps something like chinesesque woked fishsticks?
DR_pHuQt most: yeah, stirfry the vegatables, with sesame oil, and add somegarlic, pimentoes, coriander, fenner, that sort of thing
DR_pHuQt mosh: maybe a bit of ginger too
Mosh_ Dr_P: sounds fine but I have to find a dictionary and look up some of the words you said? my cuisine-english ain't that great :(
Mosh_ dr_p: what's a pimento, for instance?
DR_pHuQt mosh: spices, mainly
dreblin fenner?
DR_pHuQt mosh: a wierd little think I usually buy dried in glass jars thattastes cool in stir fries :)
DR_pHuQt fennel
DR_pHuQt baaah
Mosh_ dr_p: ahh, I'll look'em up, and if I don't find out, I'll just throw in some ketchup instead
dreblin pimento, sounds like some kind of pepper
DR_pHuQt jah
DR_pHuQt i think it is a sort of peppery thing
Psych0Ed Any chance of an Op level upgrade or am I still to st00pied :?/ :)
dreblin PsychoEd: you don't want to be an op
Psych0Ed dreblin: I do :)
Mosh_ dreblin: I don't wanna become an op...just look at those guys in here..sheez!!! ;D
dreblin Mosh: yeah, they all smell funny, and they speak weird
dreblin ;)
Mosh_ dreblin: hehe! be careful with your words! :)
dreblin Mosh: I speak the truth of glod, they cannot harm me!
dreblin but then again...
Mosh_ dreblin: the truth of WHO?
«Handling»DR_pHuQt casts "Produce Glod".
DR_pHuQt Glod GLoddsøn, a small bad tempered dwarf.
Mosh_ dreblin: and you call people satanists!
dreblin Mosh: it makes me feel righteous!
dreblin :D
Mosh_ dreblin: mwoahahaha

Tillbaka till min hemsida.
Mejla mig på adress mosh@lysator.liu.se.
Denna sida har beskådats 392 gånger sedan november 2019, och uppdaterades senast oktober 1996.