Mosh_ | re
dreblin | hi Mosh
Mosh_ | hi dreblin
Mosh_ | All: Does anyone have any original, exotic cooking recipes involving fish sticks?
Mosh_ | And no toaster jokes, please :)
dreblin | Mosh: what, scraping the bottom of the fridge? :)
Mosh_ | dreblin: nope, making a fish-sticks-cookbook! ;D
DR_pHuQt | most: shitloads of brown rice, mad spices and dope? :)
Mosh_ | dr_p: Ahh good one! May I quote you on that? :)
DR_pHuQt | mosh: indeed :)
DR_pHuQt | mosh: oh, and some baby sweetcorn, peppers, water chessnuts, that sort of thing... so it doesn't look TOO suspicious :)
Mosh_ | Dr_p: hehe, perhaps something like chinesesque woked fishsticks?
DR_pHuQt | most: yeah, stirfry the vegatables, with sesame oil, and add somegarlic, pimentoes, coriander, fenner, that sort of thing
DR_pHuQt | mosh: maybe a bit of ginger too
Mosh_ | Dr_P: sounds fine but I have to find a dictionary and look up some of the words you said? my cuisine-english ain't that great :(
Mosh_ | dr_p: what's a pimento, for instance?
DR_pHuQt | mosh: spices, mainly
dreblin | fenner?
DR_pHuQt | mosh: a wierd little think I usually buy dried in glass jars thattastes cool in stir fries :)
DR_pHuQt | fennel
DR_pHuQt | baaah
Mosh_ | dr_p: ahh, I'll look'em up, and if I don't find out, I'll just throw in some ketchup instead
dreblin | pimento, sounds like some kind of pepper
DR_pHuQt | jah
DR_pHuQt | i think it is a sort of peppery thing
Psych0Ed | Any chance of an Op level upgrade or am I still to st00pied :?/ :)
dreblin | PsychoEd: you don't want to be an op
Psych0Ed | dreblin: I do :)
Mosh_ | dreblin: I don't wanna become an op...just look at those guys in here..sheez!!! ;D
dreblin | Mosh: yeah, they all smell funny, and they speak weird
dreblin | ;)
Mosh_ | dreblin: hehe! be careful with your words! :)
dreblin | Mosh: I speak the truth of glod, they cannot harm me!
dreblin | but then again...
Mosh_ | dreblin: the truth of WHO?
«Handling» | DR_pHuQt casts "Produce Glod".
DR_pHuQt | Glod GLoddsøn, a small bad tempered dwarf.
Mosh_ | dreblin: and you call people satanists!
dreblin | Mosh: it makes me feel righteous!
dreblin | :D
Mosh_ | dreblin: mwoahahaha