Btw, cats can't fly, but if you want to fly, you might want to check
out this.
There are more pictures of me available in my photo-album. Depending on for example the speed of your network connection you might want to choose an appropriate size of the images. Click on the alternative that you want: small (average 6kbyte, roughly 200x200 pixels), medium (average 18kbyte, roughly 400x400 pixels) or large (average 62kbyte, roughly 800x800 pixels), this will give you a page with text description of the pictures and when you click on the text you will get the picture. You can also get all pictures in medium or small size on one page (this will probably take some time to load).
There are other cats on the web, You can for instance look at these links
Last modified: Tue Mar 18 14:21:45 MET 1997