Sonett's photo album


It seems like someone is very fond of taking pictures of me. Fortunately not all of them are out in public, but here are some of them.

It's always exciting to investigate a plastic or paper bag. Sometimes there are monsters on the outside that I can attack. But other times something strange happens. The bag starts to fly an all of a sudden it stands up. After collecting my courage for a while and concentrating I can do an escaping jump without making the bag fall down, and ... click. Fooled.

I like to hide behind the books. It feels safe. Look, there is Peter. Can you help me down now? What are you fetching now? Oh no, not that again. Well, maybe I can climb out on my own. Huh, did you say something?

Outside is a dangerous place to be. It's full of strange sounds and scents. In the bushes one can feel a little bit safer.

When I was a little kitten I was so poor that I had to live in a shoebox on the motorway... well at least in a shoebox.

Is this good enough? Are you going to take the picture now?

Do you want a picture of me lying down too? OK.

Well, how many pictures do you want of me? I'm getting tired of this. Go on, take your pictures, I don't care.

The higher the better. When I get really high up I can relax completely.

Aha, if I get into that picnic basket no one will see me. Huh, where did You come from?

I can walk on doors. It's high up and safe. Oops, almost fell down. Well, maybe not so safe. I want to go down. Now. NOW!!!

Here is the best place on earth. Great view out through the window, glaring at the stupid birds. But mostly one can take it easy and feel cool and lazy.

I like to sit on the balcony and observe all that moves and listen to all strange sounds. This time I'm sitting peacefully on the table and Peter gets an closeup shot at me.

I like to jump down into small (or large) paperboxes, but this time Peter put me down into this and fetched the camera. It's quite comfortable here.

This is how I look a few second after the previous picture. Isn't it cosy down here? But its only room for one so you can't join me. He, he.

If there isn't a full size box available one has to take what one can find. This is as close to a private bed that I get. But when I'm going to sleep there is nothing better than a couch.

Well, like I said. This is it. The real thing. Nothing beats it. Just love it. Can't get bored.

Good morning, who stole my brain while I was sleeping? What is happening? Let me sleep. But now its too late I'm already awake and its your fault.

I'm an outdoor cat sometimes. Well at least outside the balcony door. It happens that I get out to the real mean world too, but not for too long time.

I'm going too kill it. It still bounces back even though I have bitten it 4711 times. Strange things these rubberbands.

Hi, my name is Selma. I live downstairs and wonder what that thing that you are aiming at me is? I'm not sure if I dare going close to it. Well, maybe... Klick, flash, wrooom. Where did Selma go? Under the bushes, but fortunately not fast enough to blur the picture.

One has to wash oneself very carefully to be neat and tidy. Especially after visiting the toilet. What is that sound? Klick.

This is really cosy. Do you have any better suggestion for what to do on a Saturday afternoon? Thought so. Good night.

The sewing machine is often not used so this is a good and calm place to get some sleep. Now, go away and let me continue my sleep.

Oh, those boring humans. Watching TV. One can get really sleepy by only watching them. Look at me for instance.

Why are you hiding the camera behind that thin piece of cloth. I know that You haven't got black-white film in the camera so it is not going to be so exciting. But experiment if You have to.

Yaaaaaaawn. Why do you keep waking me up? As a punishment You are going to have to play with me as soon as I wake up enough. Just wait and see.

Peter Johansson (

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Last modified: Thu Nov 21 11:02:50 MET 1996