Liu logchecker
Liu logchecker is built to have the following structure, this may become more configurable in the future.
There should be a directory under base/path named logs below which the syslog daemon puts logs in directories named by the date given in the log message and then files named after the host the log message came from. For instance a log message received from zoot at 20:th January 2008 would be expected to end up in: base/path/logs/2008-01-20/
Configuration files
There should be a directory under base/path named conf where host specific configuration files named as the syslog daemon names the log files with ".conf" appended are stored. This may also be where you keep site wide include and template files used by your host configuration files.
Work files
There should be a directory under base/path named tmp where work files with patterns will be stored as check_host is run.
Another directory under base/path named var is required to store offset files that are used to keep track of much of each log file has been processed between runs of check_host.
Miscellaneous other files
catfrom (included in the distribution) is expected to be found in base/path/bin. Some site wide configuration is read from base/path/etc/
Eventually I might make a proper release of logchecker, but for now you'll have to get it with git. See instructions on the download page.