

Below are some invocation examples. They are meant to wet your appetite and show you how to inspect and take action on the entries in your mail queue.


The top subcommand lets you see common characteristics of messages using large amounts of resources.

To see the top subjects of queued messages you would call:

% postqm top
    2 Newsletter 419
    2 Your notifications from some site
    8 Delivery Status Notification (Failure)
   20 You Have 1 Unread Message
  153 Undelivered Mail Returned to Sender
----- -------

To see the top recipients of queued messages you would call:

% postqm top recipient
    2 anotherrecipient@oursite.tld
    2 anotheruser@oursite.tld
    4 someuser@oursite.tld
   19 mailinglistlover@oursite.tld
   22 newsletter@emailads.tld
   47 noreply@bulkmailsite.tld
----- ---------

If you are more concerned with the amount of space consumed by queued messages per sender you would call:

% postqm top sender size
     1924 test@test.tld
     3071 someuser@business.tld
     3668 service@noreply.emailservice.tld
     5263 bounce_20546@clickspam.tld
     7732 newsletter@emailads.tld
     8331 someuser@oursite.tld
     9501 ndn@spampromotion.tld
    15493 ''@mta.oursite.tld
    28549 mailer-daemon
    68798 bounce@bulkmailsite.tld
   162617 heavyuser@oursite.tld
--------- ------

And if instead you'd like to see whose messages your servers aren't able to deliver you'd call:

% postqm top recipient qage average
            0 stillmoreusers@oursite.tld
            0 yetanotheruser@oursite.tld
            0 msgid@workstation.oursite.tld
            0 anotheruser@oursite.tld
            0 someuser@oursite.tld
            0 someuser@customer.tld
            3 promotion@emailservice.tld
            3 anotherbrokenuser@oursite.tld
            3 noreply@communitysite.tld
            4 brokenmailbox@oursite.tld
------------- ---------


The ls subcommand provides a listing similar to postqueue -p with header fields listed if requested.

To see messages from mailer-daemon aged one day or more including the date field you would call:

%postqm -i sender eq mailer-daemon -i qage gt 0 ls date
58CD5281979   18919    1  2009-05-01  mailer-daemon
    date: ['Fri,  1 May 2009 23:26:13 +0200 (CEST)']
64B972818A1   17289    1  2009-05-01  mailer-daemon
    date: ['Fri,  1 May 2009 21:16:45 +0200 (CEST)']
BF10228193B   18886    1  2009-05-01  mailer-daemon
    date: ['Fri,  1 May 2009 23:24:14 +0200 (CEST)']
82044281853    4829    1  2009-05-01  mailer-daemon
    date: ['Fri,  1 May 2009 21:54:28 +0200 (CEST)']
207B4281BAA   24547    1  2009-05-01  mailer-daemon
    date: ['Fri,  1 May 2009 20:34:30 +0200 (CEST)']
22DBF281BDE   24524    1  2009-05-01  mailer-daemon
--------QID  --SIZE  NUM  YYYY-MM-DD  SENDER (envelope)
    RECIPIENTS (envelope)
    date: DATE (HEADER)
Listed 6 messages.

Hold, release, requeue and rm

These subcommands allow you to take action on a set of queued messages.

Suppose one of your server admins has set up freeradius half way and makes the mistake of running radwatch(8) and that server doesn't have an accessible mta and directs root mail to an invalid address. The next morning you might have thousands of undeliverable bounces on your mail servers. To get rid of them you might call:

% postqm -i recipient eq root@radius.oursite.tld \
                        -i sender eq mailer-daemon hold
2B1A1281A3A held
3128728196A held
495902819AE held
B04BE281A30 held
Requested 4834 messages to be held.
% postqm -i recipient eq root@radius.oursite.tld \
                        -i sender eq mailer-daemon rm
3128728196A DELETED!!
495902819AE DELETED!!
Requested deletion of 4834 messages.

Next time your mail queues overflow the reason might be less benign. For instance a legitimate news letter for thousands of your users might have managed to get past your throttling but you can't very well delete these messages. To temporarily put them on hold you would call:

% postqm -i sender eq bounce@mlsite.tld hold
6104B281A78 held
45E18281B8C held
E86B228194E held
921BB281A53 held
Requested 5492 messages to be held.

And later when your mail servers have some more cycles to spare you can release them with:

% postqm -i sender eq bounce@mlsite.tld \
                        -i held eq True release
6104B281A78 released
45E18281B8C released
E86B228194E released
921BB281A53 released
Requested the release of 5492 messages.


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