System demos
These are demos of two systems
I have developed for IDA, the department
of Computer and Information Science at University
of Liköping.
Routines Management System(sv)
This is a simple system that
helps design and publish descriptions of routines. Normally, the admin
features are closed to normal users, but here they are public to show
how they work. The site is written as a set of PHP pages that talk to
a MySQL database.
Course Content Database
This is an attempt to standardise
the contents of courses at IDA. The basic idea is that you have a database
of all topics that can be associated with IS and CS (in this demo acquired
from CC2001). Each course
can then be described as a set of these topics. When several courses
have been entered int the system, questions such these can be answered:
Which topics do we not cover? Do we have unnecessary overlaps? Which
topics are covered by a particular set of courses (such as those that
make up any specific programme)? This system is a set of PHP pages
that interact with a MySQL database backend. System is designed by me
and Kristina Knaving.