Welcome to "100% Zap", Håkan "Master Zap" Anderssons website - hosted by LYSATOR ACS
Please use "my" URL http://Master-Zap.com when linking!
bgcolor=tabcolor valign=top align=left> bgcolor=tabcolor valign=middle align=center> Front bgcolor=tabcolor valign=top align=right> Front bgcolor=tabcolor valign=top align=left> bgcolor=tabcolor valign=middle align=center> Music bgcolor=tabcolor valign=top align=right> Music bgcolor=tabcolor valign=top align=left> bgcolor=tabcolor valign=middle align=center> Software/Plugins bgcolor=tabcolor valign=top align=right> Software bgcolor=tabcolor valign=top align=left> bgcolor=tabcolor valign=middle align=center> Tech Info bgcolor=tabcolor valign=top align=right> Tech Info bgcolor=tabcolor valign=top align=left> bgcolor=tabcolor valign=middle align=center> Fiction&Fun bgcolor=tabcolor valign=top align=right> Fiction&Fun bgcolor=tabcolor valign=top align=left> bgcolor=tabcolor valign=middle align=center> About Zap bgcolor=tabcolor valign=top align=right> About Zap
bgcolor=tabcolor> bgcolor=tabcolor> bgcolor=tabcolor> bgcolor=tabcolor> bgcolor=tabcolor> bgcolor=tabcolor> bgcolor=tabcolor> bgcolor=tabcolor> bgcolor=tabcolor> bgcolor=tabcolor> bgcolor=tabcolor> bgcolor=tabcolor> bgcolor=tabcolor> bgcolor=tabcolor> bgcolor=tabcolor> bgcolor=tabcolor> bgcolor=tabcolor> bgcolor=tabcolor>

If this is your first time uploading, read the instructions and rules below.

Upload file to the Library
The file you want to upload:
Description of the sound: (keep it brief)
Your name:
Your email:
Your websitehttp://
Section to put the file in:

[Back to the Library] [Back to the main page]

Rules and Instructions:

Upload formats

You must upload the proper file types to each library section. That means:

Legal bits

Dont upload:

I will check the library from time to time and remove unsuitable items.


Loops and sounds uploaded to the library will be considered being in the Public Domain, i.e. free for all to use.